/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WORLD_ENTITY #include "param_power_up.h" #include "factory.h" #include "state.h" #include "list.h" #include "primitive_model.h" #include "factory.h" #include "load_param.h" #include "network_game_manager.h" using namespace std; CREATE_FACTORY(ParamPowerUp, CL_PARAM_POWER_UP); const char* ParamPowerUp::paramTypes[] = { "shield", "max-shield", "health", "max-health", }; ParamPowerUp::ParamPowerUp(const TiXmlElement* root) : PowerUp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) { this->init(); this->loadPickupSound("sound/powerups/power_up_6.wav"); if( root != NULL) this->loadParams(root); } ParamPowerUp::~ParamPowerUp () { } void ParamPowerUp::init() { this->setClassID(CL_PARAM_POWER_UP, "ParamPowerUp"); this->value = 0; this->max_value = 0; this->min_value = 0; } void ParamPowerUp::loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root) { PowerUp::loadParams(root); LoadParam(root, "type", this, ParamPowerUp, setType); if( root != NULL && root->FirstChildElement("value") != NULL) { LoadParam(root, "value", this, ParamPowerUp, setValue); } else { LoadParam(root, "max-value", this, ParamPowerUp, setMaxValue); LoadParam(root, "min-value", this, ParamPowerUp, setMinValue); respawn(); } } void ParamPowerUp::setValue(float value) { this->value = value; } void ParamPowerUp::setType(const char* type) { for(int i = 0; i < POWERUP_PARAM_size; ++i) { if(strcmp(type, paramTypes[i]) == 0) { this->type = (EnumParamPowerUpType)i; break; } } } void ParamPowerUp::setMaxValue(float value) { this->max_value = value; } void ParamPowerUp::setMinValue(float value) { this->min_value = value; } float ParamPowerUp::getValue() { return this->value; } EnumParamPowerUpType ParamPowerUp::getType() { return this->type; } void ParamPowerUp::respawn() { if(this->min_value != this->max_value) { this->value = this->min_value + rand() * (this->max_value - this->min_value); } } int ParamPowerUp::writeBytes( const byte * data, int length, int sender ) { setRequestedSync( false ); setIsOutOfSync( false ); SYNCHELP_READ_BEGIN(); SYNCHELP_READ_FKT( PowerUp::writeState, NWT_PPU_WE_STATE ); int i; SYNCHELP_READ_INT( i, NWT_PPU_TYPE ); this->type = (EnumParamPowerUpType)i; SYNCHELP_READ_FLOAT( this->value, NWT_PPU_VALUE ); if ( this->value != 0 ) { SYNCHELP_READ_FLOAT( this->min_value, NWT_PPU_MINVALUE ); SYNCHELP_READ_FLOAT( this->max_value, NWT_PPU_MAXVALUE ); respawn(); } return SYNCHELP_READ_N; } int ParamPowerUp::readBytes( byte * data, int maxLength, int * reciever ) { if ( isOutOfSync() && !requestedSync() && this->getHostID()!=this->getOwner() ) { (NetworkGameManager::getInstance())->sync( this->getUniqueID(), this->getOwner() ); setRequestedSync( true ); } int rec = this->getRequestSync(); if ( rec > 0 ) { *reciever = rec; SYNCHELP_WRITE_BEGIN(); SYNCHELP_WRITE_FKT( PowerUp::readState, NWT_PPU_WE_STATE ); int i = (int)this->type; SYNCHELP_WRITE_INT( i, NWT_PPU_TYPE ); SYNCHELP_WRITE_FLOAT( this->value, NWT_PPU_VALUE ); if ( this->value != 0 ) { SYNCHELP_WRITE_FLOAT( this->min_value, NWT_PPU_MINVALUE ); SYNCHELP_WRITE_FLOAT( this->max_value, NWT_PPU_MAXVALUE ); } return SYNCHELP_WRITE_N; } *reciever = 0; return 0; }