/*! * @file generic_npc.h * generic npc object */ #ifndef _GENERIC_ENTITY_H #define _GENERIC_ENTITY_H #include "npc.h" #include "sound_source.h" #include namespace OrxSound{ class SoundSource; } namespace OrxSound{ class SoundBuffer; } class TiXmlElement; class Animation3D; class GenericNPC : public NPC { public: GenericNPC(const TiXmlElement* root = NULL); virtual ~GenericNPC (); virtual void loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root); /** sets the sound volume to @param vol: volume of the sound */ inline void setVolume(float vol) { this->soundVolume = vol; } bool finalGoalReached() { return this->behaviourList->empty(); }; /* npc controlling functions to be Queued */ /* walking functions */ void walkTo(const Vector& coordinate); void walkTo(float x, float y, float z); /* running functions */ void runTo(const Vector& coordinate); void runTo(float x, float y, float z); /* couching functinos */ void crouchTo(const Vector& coordinate); void crouchTo(float x, float y, float z); /* stopping the movement */ void stop(); void resume(); void nextStep(); /* some oriantation functions */ void lookAt(WorldEntity* worldEntity); void turnTo(float qu, float qx, float qy, float qz); void turnTo(float degreeInY); /* talking funcitons*/ void talkTo(WorldEntity* worldEntity, int dialogNr); /* shooting functions */ void shootAt(WorldEntity* entity); /* some generic control funtions */ void playAnimation(int animationIndex, int animPlaybackMode); void playSound(const std::string& filename); virtual void tick (float time); virtual void destroy(WorldEntity* killer); private: void init(); void setAnimation(int animationIndex, int animPlaybackMode); int getAnimation(); bool isAnimationFinished(); void setAnimationSpeed(float speed); void initNPC(); private: typedef enum { Walk, Run, Crouch, Jump, TurnTo, LookAt, TalkTo, Shoot, } AnimType; typedef struct Anim { Vector v; Quaternion q; WorldEntity* entity; float speed; AnimType type; }; typedef std::list genNPCAnimList; OrxSound::SoundSource soundSource; OrxSound::SoundBuffer* soundBuffer; float soundVolume; std::list* behaviourList; std::stack*> animationStack; Vector destCoor; Quaternion destDir; Animation3D* currentAnim; float time; //!< Duration of the action float fallVelocity; }; #endif /* _GENERIC_ENTITY_H */