/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WORLD_ENTITY #include "cruizer.h" #include "weapons/weapon_manager.h" #include "weapons/test_gun.h" #include "weapons/turret.h" #include "weapons/cannon.h" #include "util/loading/factory.h" #include "key_mapper.h" #include "state.h" #include "graphics_engine.h" #include "dot_emitter.h" #include "sprite_particles.h" #include "debug.h" CREATE_FACTORY(Cruizer, CL_CRUIZER); /** * destructs the cruizer, deletes alocated memory */ Cruizer::~Cruizer () { this->setPlayer(NULL); } /** * @brief loads a Cruizer information from a specified file. * @param fileName the name of the File to load the cruizer from (absolute path) */ Cruizer::Cruizer(const std::string& fileName) { this->init(); TiXmlDocument doc(fileName); if(!doc.LoadFile()) { PRINTF(2)("Loading file %s failed for Cruizer.\n", fileName.c_str()); return; } this->loadParams(doc.RootElement()); } /** * @brief creates a new Spaceship from Xml Data * @param root the xml element containing spaceship data @todo add more parameters to load */ Cruizer::Cruizer(const TiXmlElement* root) { this->init(); if (root != NULL) this->loadParams(root); this->getWeaponManager().changeWeaponConfig(1); dynamic_cast(this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget())->setVisibility( false); // this->loadModel("models/ships/human_cruizer.obj", 0.05); } /** * @brief initializes a Cruizer */ void Cruizer::init() { // this->setRelDir(Quaternion(M_PI, Vector(1,0,0))); this->setClassID(CL_CRUIZER, "Cruizer"); this->setSupportedPlaymodes(Playable::Full3D); bForward = bBackward = bLeft = bRight = bAscend = bDescend = false; mouseSensitivity = 0.005; this->rotorSpeed = 1000.0f; this->rotorCycle = 0.0f; this->cameraLook = 0.0f; this->rotation = 0.0f; this->acceleration = 10.0f; this->airFriction = 2.0f; this->setHealthMax(100); this->setHealth(100); // camera - issue this->cameraNode.addNodeFlags(PNODE_PROHIBIT_DELETE_WITH_PARENT); this->cameraNode.addNodeFlags(PNODE_PROHIBIT_CHILD_DELETE); //this->cameraNode.setParentMode(PNODE_ROTATE_MOVEMENT); //this->cameraNode.setParent(this); // PARTICLES this->burstEmitter = new DotEmitter(200, 5.0, .01); this->burstEmitter->setParent(this); this->burstEmitter->setRelCoor(0, -0.7, 0); this->burstEmitter->setRelDir(Quaternion(-M_PI_2, Vector(0,0,1))); this->burstEmitter->setName("Cruizer_Burst_emitter_Left"); this->burstSystem = new SpriteParticles(1000); this->burstSystem->addEmitter(this->burstEmitter); this->burstSystem->setName("SpaceShip_Burst_System"); ((SpriteParticles*)this->burstSystem)->setMaterialTexture("maps/radial-trans-noise.png"); this->burstSystem->setLifeSpan(1.0, .3); this->burstSystem->setRadius(0.0, 1.5); this->burstSystem->setRadius(0.05, 1.8); this->burstSystem->setRadius(.5, .8); this->burstSystem->setRadius(1.0, 0); this->burstSystem->setColor(0.0, .7,.7,1,.5); this->burstSystem->setColor(0.2, 0,0,0.8,.5); this->burstSystem->setColor(0.5, .5,.5,.8,.3); this->burstSystem->setColor(1.0, .8,.8,.8,.0); //add events to the eventlist of the Playable this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_FORWARD); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_BACKWARD); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_LEFT); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_RIGHT); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_UP); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_DOWN); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_FIRE1); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_NEXT_WEAPON); this->registerEvent(KeyMapper::PEV_PREVIOUS_WEAPON); this->registerEvent(EV_MOUSE_MOTION); dynamic_cast(this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget())->setVisibility( false); // WEAPON_MANAGER configuration this->getWeaponManager().setSlotCount(5); this->getWeaponManager().setSlotPosition(2, Vector(-1.63, .809, -.003)); this->getWeaponManager().setSlotCapability(2, WTYPE_HEAVY); /// TODO: THESE ARE TOO MUCH this->getWeaponManager().setSlotPosition(3, Vector(-1.63, .678, -.652)); this->getWeaponManager().setSlotDirection(3, Quaternion(-24/180 * M_PI, Vector(1,0,0))); this->getWeaponManager().setSlotPosition(4, Vector(-1.63, .678, .652)); this->getWeaponManager().setSlotDirection(4, Quaternion(24/180 * M_PI, Vector(1,0,0))); this->cameraNode.setRelCoor(1,5,0); this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget()->setParent(&this->cameraNode); this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget()->setRelCoor(1000,0,0); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bForward, &bForward, "bForward", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bBackward, &bBackward, "bBackward", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bLeft, &bLeft, "bLeft", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bRight, &bRight, "bRight", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bAscend, &bAscend, "bAscend", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableBool( &bDescend, &bDescend, "bDescend", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); //registerVar( new SynchronizeableQuaternion( &direction, &direction, "direction", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableFloat( &cameraLook, &cameraLook, "cameraLook", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); registerVar( new SynchronizeableFloat( &rotation, &rotation, "rotation", PERMISSION_OWNER ) ); } /** * @brief loads the Settings of a Cruizer from an XML-element. * @param root the XML-element to load the Spaceship's properties from */ void Cruizer::loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root) { Playable::loadParams(root); } void Cruizer::setPlayDirection(const Quaternion& rot, float speed) { this->direction = Quaternion (rot.getHeading(), Vector(0,1,0)); } void Cruizer::enter() { dynamic_cast(this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget())->setVisibility( true); if (State::getCameraNode != NULL) { State::getCameraNode()->setParentSoft(&this->cameraNode); State::getCameraNode()->setRelCoorSoft(-10, 0,0); State::getCameraTargetNode()->setParentSoft(&this->cameraNode); } } void Cruizer::leave() { dynamic_cast(this->getWeaponManager().getFixedTarget())->setVisibility( false); this->detachCamera(); } /** * @brief effect that occurs after the Cruizer is spawned */ void Cruizer::postSpawn () { //setCollision(new CollisionCluster(1.0, Vector(0,0,0))); } /** * @brief the action occuring if the cruizer left the game */ void Cruizer::leftWorld () {} /** * @brief this function is called, when two entities collide * @param entity: the world entity with whom it collides * * Implement behaviour like damage application or other miscellaneous collision stuff in this function */ void Cruizer::collidesWith(WorldEntity* entity, const Vector& location) { Playable::collidesWith(entity, location); } /** * @brief the function called for each passing timeSnap * @param time The timespan passed since last update */ void Cruizer::tick (float dt) { // this->debugNode(1); Playable::tick(dt); // spaceship controlled movement this->movement(dt); this->rotorCycle += this->rotorSpeed * dt; // TRYING TO FIX PNode. this->cameraNode.setAbsCoorSoft(this->getAbsCoor() + Vector(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f), 30.0f); this->cameraNode.setRelDirSoft(this->getAbsDir(), 30.0f); } /** * @brief calculate the velocity * @param time the timeslice since the last frame */ void Cruizer::movement (float dt) { Vector accel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if( this->bForward ) { accel += Vector(this->acceleration, 0, 0); } if( this->bBackward ) { accel -= Vector(this->acceleration, 0, 0); } if( this->bLeft) { accel -= Vector(0, 0, this->acceleration); } if( this->bRight) { accel += Vector(0, 0, this->acceleration); } if (this->bAscend ) { accel += Vector(0, this->acceleration, 0); } if (this->bDescend ) { accel -= Vector(0, this->acceleration, 0); } switch(this->getPlaymode()) { case Playable::Full3D: { Vector accelerationDir = this->getAbsDir().apply(accel * this->acceleration); // this is the air friction (necessary for a smooth control) Vector damping = (this->velocity * this->airFriction); this->velocity += (accelerationDir - damping)* dt; this->shiftCoor (this->velocity * dt); // limit the maximum rotation speed. if (this->rotation != 0.0f) { float maxRot = 10.0 * dt; if (unlikely(this->rotation > maxRot)) this->rotation = maxRot; if (unlikely(this->rotation < -maxRot)) this->rotation = -maxRot; this->direction *= Quaternion(-M_PI/4.0*this->rotation, Vector(0,1,0)); this->rotation = 0.0f; } this->setRelDirSoft(this->direction * Quaternion(-cameraLook, Vector(0,0,1)), 5); } break; default: PRINTF(2)("Playmode %s Not Implemented\n", Playable::playmodeToString(this->getPlaymode()).c_str()); } } void Cruizer::draw() const { Vector tmpRot; WorldEntity::draw(); } /** * @todo switch statement ?? */ void Cruizer::process(const Event &event) { Playable::process(event); if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_LEFT) this->bLeft = event.bPressed; else if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_RIGHT) this->bRight = event.bPressed; else if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_UP) this->bAscend = event.bPressed; //this->shiftCoor(0,.1,0); else if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_DOWN) this->bDescend = event.bPressed; //this->shiftCoor(0,-.1,0); else if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_FORWARD) this->bForward = event.bPressed; //this->shiftCoor(0,.1,0); else if( event.type == KeyMapper::PEV_BACKWARD) this->bBackward = event.bPressed; //this->shiftCoor(0,-.1,0); else if( event.type == EV_MOUSE_MOTION) { float xMouse, yMouse; xMouse = event.xRel*mouseSensitivity; yMouse = event.yRel*mouseSensitivity; // rotate the Player around the y-axis this->rotation += xMouse; this->cameraLook += yMouse; // rotate the Camera around the z-axis if (cameraLook > M_PI_4) cameraLook = M_PI_4; else if (cameraLook < -M_PI_4) cameraLook = -M_PI_4; //this->cameraNode.setRelDirSoft(this->direction,10); } }