/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_GUI #include "glgui_image.h" #include "debug.h" namespace OrxGui { /** * standard constructor */ GLGuiImage::GLGuiImage () { this->init(); } /** * standard deconstructor */ GLGuiImage::~GLGuiImage() { } /** * initializes the GUI-element */ void GLGuiImage::init() { this->setClassID(CL_GLGUI_IMAGE, "GLGuiImage"); this->_imageMaterial.setBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); this->resize(); } void GLGuiImage::loadImageFromTexture(const Texture& texture) { this->_imageMaterial.setDiffuseMap(texture); } void GLGuiImage::loadImageFromFile(const std::string& fileName) { this->_imageMaterial.setDiffuseMap(fileName); } void GLGuiImage::loadImageFromSDLSurface(SDL_Surface* surface) { this->_imageMaterial.setDiffuseMap(Texture(surface)); } void GLGuiImage::loadImageFromDisplayList(GLuint texture) { PRINTF(2)("SORRY NOT IMPLEMENTED\n"); // this->_imageMaterial.setTexture(texture); } void GLGuiImage::updateFrontColor() { this->_imageMaterial.setDiffuseColor(this->frontColor()); } void GLGuiImage::resize() { this->_imagePlane.setTopLeft(this->borderLeft(), this->borderTop()); this->_imagePlane.setSize(this->getSizeX2D() - (borderLeft() + borderRight()), this->getSizeY2D() - (borderTop() + borderBottom()) ); GLGuiWidget::resize(); } /** * @brief draws the GLGuiImage */ void GLGuiImage::draw() const { this->beginDraw(); GLGuiWidget::draw(); this->_imageMaterial.select(); this->drawRect(this->_imagePlane); this->endDraw(); } }