/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer */ #include "gui_control.h" #include #include #include #include #include "sdlincl.h" #include "lib/event/key_names.h" #include "globals.h" #include "debug.h" #include "qt_gui_elements.h" #include "lib/event/key_mapper.h" #include "lib/event/key_names.h" namespace OrxGui { /** * Creates the Control-Option-Frame */ GuiControl::GuiControl(OrxGui::Gui* gui) : Element(CONFIG_SECTION_CONTROL, gui), QGroupBox() { QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(this); { //QLabel* keyLabel = new QLabel; const KeyMapper::KeyMapping* map = KeyMapper::getKeyMapping(); unsigned int i = 0; while(!map->pName.empty()) { QLabel* label = new QLabel(QString().fromStdString(map->pName)); layout->addWidget(label, i, 0); GuiControlInput* input = new GuiControlInput(map->pName, this, EVToKeyName(map->defaultValue)); layout->addWidget(input, i, 1); ++map; ++i; } } } /** * Destructs the Control-stuff */ GuiControl::~GuiControl() { // nothing to do here. } GuiControlInput::GuiControlInput(const std::string& name, SaveableGroup* group, const std::string& defaultValue) : QPushButton(QString().fromStdString(name)), Saveable(name, group, defaultValue) { this->bListening = false; connect(this, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(listen())); } void GuiControlInput::load() { Saveable::load(); this->setText(QString().fromStdString(this->value().getString())); } void GuiControlInput::save() { this->value() = this->text().toStdString(); Saveable::save(); } bool GuiControlInput::event ( QEvent * e ) { if (this->bListening && (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)) { this->bListening = false; this->releaseKeyboard(); this->releaseMouse(); /// KEY IS PRESSED: if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent* event = dynamic_cast(e); int ev = QtKToSDLK(event->key()); if (ev != -1) { this->setText(QString().fromStdString(SDLKToKeyname(ev))); } return true; } /// MOUSE BUTTON PRESSED: if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { QMouseEvent* event = dynamic_cast(e); if (event->button() != Qt::NoButton) { this->setText(QString().fromStdString(QtKToString(event->button()))); } } } return QPushButton::event(e); } void GuiControlInput::listen() { this->bListening = true; this->grabKeyboard(); this->grabMouse(); } int GuiControlInput::QtKToSDLK(int key) { switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Backspace: return SDLK_BACKSPACE; case Qt::Key_Tab: return SDLK_TAB; case Qt::Key_Clear: return SDLK_CLEAR; case Qt::Key_Return: return SDLK_RETURN; case Qt::Key_Escape: return SDLK_ESCAPE; case Qt::Key_Space: return SDLK_SPACE; case Qt::Key_exclamdown: return SDLK_EXCLAIM; case Qt::Key_QuoteDbl: return SDLK_QUOTEDBL; //case Qt::Key_Hash: return SDLK_HASH; case Qt::Key_Pause: return SDLK_PAUSE; case Qt::Key_Dollar: return SDLK_DOLLAR; case Qt::Key_Ampersand: return SDLK_AMPERSAND; case Qt::Key_QuoteLeft: return SDLK_QUOTE; /// TODO check if correct case Qt::Key_ParenLeft: return SDLK_LEFTPAREN; case Qt::Key_ParenRight: return SDLK_RIGHTPAREN; case Qt::Key_Asterisk: return SDLK_ASTERISK; case Qt::Key_Plus: return SDLK_PLUS; case Qt::Key_Comma: return SDLK_COMMA; case Qt::Key_Minus: return SDLK_MINUS; case Qt::Key_Period: return SDLK_PERIOD; case Qt::Key_Slash: return SDLK_SLASH; case Qt::Key_0: return SDLK_0; case Qt::Key_1: return SDLK_1; case Qt::Key_2: return SDLK_2; case Qt::Key_3: return SDLK_3; case Qt::Key_4: return SDLK_4; case Qt::Key_5: return SDLK_5; case Qt::Key_6: return SDLK_6; case Qt::Key_7: return SDLK_7; case Qt::Key_8: return SDLK_8; case Qt::Key_9: return SDLK_9; case Qt::Key_Colon: return SDLK_COLON; case Qt::Key_Semicolon: return SDLK_SEMICOLON; case Qt::Key_Less: return SDLK_LESS; case Qt::Key_Equal: return SDLK_EQUALS; case Qt::Key_Greater: return SDLK_GREATER; case Qt::Key_Question: return SDLK_QUESTION; case Qt::Key_At: return SDLK_AT; case Qt::Key_BracketLeft: return SDLK_LEFTBRACKET; case Qt::Key_Backslash: return SDLK_BACKSLASH; case Qt::Key_BracketRight: return SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET; ///case Qt::Key_Caret: return SDLK_CARET; case Qt::Key_Underscore: return SDLK_UNDERSCORE; //case Qt::Key_Backquote: return SDLK_BACKQUOTE; case Qt::Key_A: return SDLK_a; case Qt::Key_B: return SDLK_b; case Qt::Key_C: return SDLK_c; case Qt::Key_D: return SDLK_d; case Qt::Key_E: return SDLK_e; case Qt::Key_F: return SDLK_f; case Qt::Key_G: return SDLK_g; case Qt::Key_H: return SDLK_h; case Qt::Key_I: return SDLK_i; case Qt::Key_J: return SDLK_j; case Qt::Key_K: return SDLK_k; case Qt::Key_L: return SDLK_l; case Qt::Key_M: return SDLK_m; case Qt::Key_N: return SDLK_n; case Qt::Key_O: return SDLK_o; case Qt::Key_P: return SDLK_p; case Qt::Key_Q: return SDLK_q; case Qt::Key_R: return SDLK_r; case Qt::Key_S: return SDLK_s; case Qt::Key_T: return SDLK_t; case Qt::Key_U: return SDLK_u; case Qt::Key_V: return SDLK_v; case Qt::Key_W: return SDLK_w; case Qt::Key_X: return SDLK_x; case Qt::Key_Y: return SDLK_y; case Qt::Key_Z: return SDLK_z; case Qt::Key_Delete: return SDLK_DELETE; /* case Qt::Key_KP0: return SDLK_KP0; case Qt::Key_KP1: return SDLK_KP1; case Qt::Key_KP2: return SDLK_KP2; case Qt::Key_KP3: return SDLK_KP3; case Qt::Key_KP4: return SDLK_KP4; case Qt::Key_KP5: return SDLK_KP5; case Qt::Key_KP6: return SDLK_KP6; case Qt::Key_KP7: return SDLK_KP7; case Qt::Key_KP8: return SDLK_KP8; case Qt::Key_KP9: return SDLK_KP9; */ /* case Qt::Key_KP_Period: return SDLK_KP_PERIOD; case Qt::Key_KP_Divide: return SDLK_KP_DIVIDE; case Qt::Key_KP_Multiply: return SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY; case Qt::Key_KP_Minus: return SDLK_KP_MINUS; case Qt::Key_KP_PLUS: return SDLK_KP_PLUS; case Qt::Key_KP_ENTER: return SDLK_KP_ENTER; case Qt::Key_KP_EQUALS: return SDLK_KP_EQUALS;*/ case Qt::Key_Up: return SDLK_UP; case Qt::Key_Down: return SDLK_DOWN; case Qt::Key_Right: return SDLK_RIGHT; case Qt::Key_Left: return SDLK_LEFT; case Qt::Key_Insert: return SDLK_INSERT; case Qt::Key_Home: return SDLK_HOME; case Qt::Key_End: return SDLK_END; case Qt::Key_PageUp: return SDLK_PAGEUP; case Qt::Key_PageDown: return SDLK_PAGEDOWN; case Qt::Key_F1: return SDLK_F1; case Qt::Key_F2: return SDLK_F2; case Qt::Key_F3: return SDLK_F3; case Qt::Key_F4: return SDLK_F4; case Qt::Key_F5: return SDLK_F5; case Qt::Key_F6: return SDLK_F6; case Qt::Key_F7: return SDLK_F7; case Qt::Key_F8: return SDLK_F8; case Qt::Key_F9: return SDLK_F9; case Qt::Key_F10: return SDLK_F10; case Qt::Key_F11: return SDLK_F11; case Qt::Key_F12: return SDLK_F12; case Qt::Key_F13: return SDLK_F13; case Qt::Key_F14: return SDLK_F14; case Qt::Key_F15: return SDLK_F15; case Qt::Key_NumLock: return SDLK_NUMLOCK; case Qt::Key_CapsLock: return SDLK_CAPSLOCK; case Qt::Key_ScrollLock: return SDLK_SCROLLOCK; ///case Qt::Key_RSHIFT: return SDLK_RSHIFT; case Qt::Key_Shift: return SDLK_LSHIFT; ///case Qt::Key_RCTRL: return SDLK_RCTRL; case Qt::Key_Control: return SDLK_LCTRL; ///case Qt::Key_RALT: return SDLK_RALT; case Qt::Key_Alt: return SDLK_LALT; //case Qt::Key_RMETA: return SDLK_RMETA; case Qt::Key_Meta: return SDLK_LMETA; case Qt::Key_Super_L: return SDLK_LSUPER; case Qt::Key_Super_R: return SDLK_RSUPER; case Qt::Key_Mode_switch: return SDLK_MODE; case Qt::Key_Help: return SDLK_HELP; case Qt::Key_Print: return SDLK_PRINT; case Qt::Key_SysReq: return SDLK_SYSREQ; ///case Qt::Key_Break: return SDLK_BREAK; ///case Qt::Key_Menu: return SDLK_MENU; ///case Qt::Key_Power: return SDLK_POWER; ///case Qt::Key_Euro: return SDLK_EURO; return -1; } } std::string GuiControlInput::QtKToString(int button) { if( button == Qt::LeftButton) return "BUTTON_LEFT"; if( button == Qt::MidButton) return "BUTTON_MIDDLE"; if( button == Qt::RightButton) return "BUTTON_RIGHT"; //if( button == Qt::) return "BUTTON_WHEELUP"; //if( button == EV_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) return "BUTTON_WHEELDOWN"; return "UNKNOWN"; } }