/*! * @file object_list.h * @brief Definition of a dynamically allocating ClassID * */ #ifndef _OBJECT_LIST_H #define _OBJECT_LIST_H #include "class_id.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** * @brief Use this macro to easily declare a Class to store its own ObjectListDeclaration * @param ClassName the Name of the Class. * @note: Using this inside of a Class means, that you loose the member: _objectList, while defining * two new functions objectList() and classID(). */ #define ObjectListDeclaration(ClassName) \ public: \ static inline const ObjectList& objectList() { return ClassName::_objectList; }; \ static inline const ClassID& staticClassID() { return ClassName::_objectList.identity(); }; \ private: \ static ObjectList _objectList /** * @brief Use this macro to easily define a Class to store its own ObjectListDefinition * @param ClassName: the Name of the Class. */ #define ObjectListDefinition(ClassName) \ ObjectList ClassName::_objectList(#ClassName) class BaseObject; //! The superclass that all ObjectLists follow. /** * @see template ObjectList */ class ObjectListBase { public: /** @brief A Typedefinition for the Base-List that can be retrieved with getBaseObjectList(base_list*) */ typedef std::list base_list; /** @brief An iterator for the base_list */ typedef base_list::iterator base_iterator; //! A fast iterator Base-Class, for iterator-casting and storing. /** @note This Iterator is explicitely used only for storage purposes in the BaseObject */ class IteratorBase { }; public: /** @returns The Identity of the Class stored within. */ inline const ClassID& identity() const { return _identity; } /** @returns the ID of the Identity of the ObjectList */ inline int id() const { return _id; }; /** @returns The Name of the Class stored in this ObjectList */ inline const std::string& name() const { return _name; }; /** @param id The id to compare @returns true on match, false otherwise */ inline bool operator==(int id) const { return _id == id; }; /** @param id The id to compare @returns true on match, false otherwise */ inline bool operator==(const ClassID& id) const { return id == _id; }; /** @param name The name to compare @returns true on match, false otherwise */ inline bool operator==(const std::string& name) const { return _name == name; }; /** @param id The id to acquire @param name the Name to acquire @brief stores a Name and an ID in a pointer. */ inline void acquireID(const int*& id, const std::string*& name) const { id = &_id; name = &_name; }; /** @brief fills a list of Objects into a BaseObject*-List. @param list the list to fill */ virtual void getBaseObjectList(base_list* list) const = 0; static const ClassID& retrieveIdentity(int id); static const ClassID& retrieveIdentity(const std::string& name); static const ObjectListBase* const getObjectList(int classID); static const ObjectListBase* const getObjectList(const std::string& className); static const ObjectListBase* const getObjectList(const ClassID& classID); static BaseObject* getBaseObject(int classID, const std::string& objectName); static BaseObject* getBaseObject(const std::string& className, const std::string& objectName); static BaseObject* getBaseObject(const ClassID& classID, const std::string& objectName); /** @returns an Object with Name name out of this List @param name the name of the Object. */ virtual BaseObject* getBaseObject(const std::string& name) const = 0; static const std::list& getClassNames(); static unsigned int classCount(); void debug(unsigned int level) const; static void debugAll(unsigned int level); static const std::string& IDToString(int classID); static int StringToID(const std::string& className); //! Only used to unsubscribe a BaseObject. (just try to make a valid iterator, stupid :)) virtual void unregisterObject(IteratorBase* _iterators) = 0; //! Only for debug purposes virtual bool checkIteratorInList(IteratorBase* _iterator) const = 0; virtual bool checkObjectInList(BaseObject* obj) const = 0; protected: ObjectListBase(const std::string& className); virtual ~ObjectListBase(); private: /** @brief hidden copy constructor. */ ObjectListBase(const ObjectListBase&) {}; static bool classIDExists(int id); static bool classNameExists(const std::string& className); protected: typedef std::map IDMap; //!< The Generic Map. typedef std::map NameMap; //!< The Generic Map. private: int _id; //!< The Unique ID of the Class. const std::string _name; //!< The Name of the Class. ClassID _identity; //!< The Identity of the Class. (equal to _id and _name) private: static IDMap* _classesByID; //!< A Map of all the classes in existance. static NameMap* _classesByName; //!< A Map of all the classes in existance. static std::list _classNames; //!< A list of all the registered ClassNames. public: static void replaceIDMap( const std::map& str2id ); static std::map* createStrToId(); }; ///////////////////////// //// TEMPLATISATION ///// ///////////////////////// //! Defines a ObjectList handler for objects of type T. /** * The ObjectList is a generic way to store every object created from a Class 'T' * in a List. The list can be retrieved, and used constantly over iterators, * as with normal std::list. * * Furthermore the linkage over the single Lists is given over the Superclass ObjectListBase. * * The approach of ObjectList is an intrusive one, meaning, that each Class that wants to * support it must implement a Declaration and a Definition for the ObjectList, as mentioned * in the next statement: * * To define a Class with a ObjectList, you have to: * 1. Include 'ObjectListDeclaration(T);' in its Declaration (at the beginning) * 2. Include 'ObjectListDefinition(T);' in some Definition file (cc-file) * 3. In the constructor add 'registerObject(this, objectList);' * * @note The Class must define the compare with const std::string& operator for this to work. * The operator==(const std::string& name) should compare the object's name with name. * * * * Limitations: * ObjectList cannot be used with other Factory style Classes, if the class is also a BaseObject, * and not loaded before the ObjectList. * * example: Iterating: Iteration is made easy, and fast as follows: * for (ObjectList::const_iterator it = PlayerStats::objectList().begin(); * it != PlayerStats::objectList().end(); * ++it) * { * (*it)->dosomething * } * * example: Find an Object: * Playable* playable = Playable::objectList("orxonox-super-rocket-fighter"); // searches an Object By its name. * */ template class ObjectList : public ObjectListBase { public: typedef std::list list; //!< The list of Type T* (used for Objects in this ObjectList) typedef typename list::iterator iterator; //!< The iterator for the List of type T (use with ObjectList::iterator) typedef typename list::const_iterator const_iterator; //!< A constant iterator for the List of type T (use with ObjectList::const_iterator) //! An iterator to store Objects in the BaseObject, and remove Objects fast. class Iterator : public ObjectListBase::IteratorBase { public: /** @brief creates an Iterator fast. @param it the Iterator. */ inline Iterator(iterator it) { _it = it; } /** @returns the Iterator */ inline iterator& it() { return _it; } private: typename ObjectList::iterator _it; //!< Stored Iterator }; public: ObjectList(const std::string& name); ~ObjectList(); virtual BaseObject* getBaseObject(const std::string& name) const; T* getObject(const std::string& name) const; /** @returns A constant list of Objects of this Class. */ inline const list& objects() const { return _objects; }; bool exists(const T* const object) const; /** @returns an Iterator to the beginning of the List. */ inline iterator begin() { return _objects.begin(); }; /** @returns a constant Iterator to the beginning of the List. */ inline const_iterator begin() const { return _objects.begin(); }; /** @returns an Iterator to the end of the List. */ inline iterator end() { return _objects.end(); }; /** @returns a constant Iterator to the beginning of the List. */ inline const_iterator end() const { return _objects.end(); }; /** @returns true if the List is empty. */ inline bool empty() const { return _objects.empty(); }; /** @returns the size of the List */ inline int size() const { return _objects.size(); }; /** @returns the frontmost Element of the list (normaly the last added Object). */ inline T* front() const { return _objects.front(); }; /** @returns the last added Object */ inline T* back() const { return _objects.back(); }; ObjectListBase::IteratorBase* registerObject(T* object); virtual void unregisterObject(IteratorBase* iterator); bool checkIteratorInList(IteratorBase* iterator) const; bool checkObjectInList(BaseObject* obj) const; protected: virtual void getBaseObjectList(ObjectListBase::base_list* list) const; private: //! the copy constructor will be hidden. ObjectList(const ObjectList& definer) {}; private: list _objects; //!< The List of stored Objects of Type T. }; ///////////////////////// //// IMPLEMENTATION ///// ///////////////////////// /** * @brief creates a new ObjectList * @param name The name of the Class. * @param id The ID of the class if desired, or -1 if an id should be assigned automatically. */ template ObjectList::ObjectList(const std::string& name) : ObjectListBase(name) {} /** * @brief deletes the ObjectList. */ template ObjectList::~ObjectList() { if (!_objects.empty()) { // std::cout << "There are " << this->size() << " objects from class " << this->name() << "(id:" << this->id() << ") in existance\n"; } } /** * @brief Retrieves a BaseObject matching the Name name in this List. * @param name the Name of the Object. * @returns a BaseObject pointing to the object if found, NULL otherwise. */ template BaseObject* ObjectList::getBaseObject(const std::string& name) const { return this->getObject(name); } /** * @brief Retrieves an Object of type T matching the Name name in this List. * @param name the Name of the Object. * @returns an Object of type T pointing to the object if found, NULL otherwise. */ template T* ObjectList::getObject(const std::string& name) const { const_iterator it; for (it = this->_objects.begin(); it != this->_objects.end(); ++it) if ((*it)->getName() == name) return (*it); return NULL; } /** * @brief checks if Object object exists in this ClassList. * @param object the Object to check for * @returns True if the object is found within the List, false otherwise */ template bool ObjectList::exists(const T* const object) const { return (std::find(_objects.begin(), _objects.end(), object) != _objects.end()); } /** * @brief retrieves a List of BaseObjects * @param list the list to push the ObjectList into. */ template void ObjectList::getBaseObjectList(ObjectListBase::base_list* list) const { assert (list != NULL); const_iterator it; for (it = this->_objects.begin(); it != this->_objects.end(); ++it) list->push_back(*it); } /** * @brief registers an Object to the ObjectList. * @param object The Object to register. * @returns a pointer to the iterator inside of the list. */ template ObjectListBase::IteratorBase* ObjectList::registerObject(T* object) { this->_objects.push_back(object); return new Iterator(--this->_objects.end()); } /** * @brief removes an Object from the ClassList. * @param iterator the Position at which to remove the Object. */ template void ObjectList::unregisterObject(IteratorBase* iterator) { this->_objects.erase(static_cast(iterator)->it()); //_objects.erase(std::find(_objects.begin(), _objects.end(), object)); } template bool ObjectList::checkIteratorInList(IteratorBase* iterator) const { const_iterator it; for (it = this->_objects.begin(); it != this->_objects.end(); ++it) if (static_cast(iterator)->it() == it) return true; printf("ObjectList:: checkIteratorInList:: ITERATOR NOT IN THE LIST '%s' (UN-SYNC SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!)\n", this->name().c_str()); return false; } template bool ObjectList::checkObjectInList(BaseObject* obj) const { T* object = dynamic_cast(obj); if (object != NULL) { printf("EXTREME BUG: Object does not exist anymore!! (or a bug in ObjectList)\n"); return false;; } const_iterator it; for (it = this->_objects.begin(); it != this->_objects.end(); ++it) { if (*it == object) return true; } printf("ObjectList:: checkObjectInList:: OBJECT NOT IN THE LIST '%s' (UN-SYNC SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!)\n", this->name().c_str()); return false; } #endif /* _OBJECT_LIST_H */