#include "Script.h" Script::Script() { returnCount = argumentCount = 0; luaState = lua_open(); luaopen_base(luaState); luaopen_table(luaState); luaopen_io(luaState); luaopen_string(luaState); luaopen_math(luaState); luaopen_debug(luaState); } Script::~Script() { lua_setgcthreshold(luaState, 0); // collected garbage lua_close(luaState); } bool Script::loadFile(std::string& filename) { if(currentFile.length() != 0) printf("Could not load %s because an other file is already loaded: %s\n",filename.c_str(), currentFile.c_str()); int error = luaL_loadfile (luaState, filename.c_str()); if(error == 0) { error = lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0); if(error == 0) { currentFile = filename; return true; } else { reportError(error); } } else { reportError(error); } return false; } bool Script::executeFile() { if(currentFile.length() != 0) { int error = lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0); if( error == 0) return true; else { reportError(error); return false; } } return false; } bool Script::selectFunction(std::string& functionName, int retCount) { lua_pushlstring(luaState, functionName.c_str(), functionName.size() ); lua_gettable(luaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); if(lua_isfunction( luaState , -1)) { returnCount = retCount; argumentCount = 0; currentFunction = functionName; return true; } else return false; } //return number of returned values bool Script::executeFunction() { if(currentFunction.length() != 0 ) { int error = lua_pcall(luaState, argumentCount, returnCount,0); if(error != 0) { reportError(error); return false; } else { currentFunction.assign("");//a function gets unusable after beeing called for the first time returnCount = argumentCount = 0; return true; } } else printf("Error: no function selected.\n"); } //overload this function to add different types bool Script::pushParam(int param, std::string& toFunction) { if(currentFunction.compare(toFunction) == 0) { lua_pushnumber(luaState, (lua_Number) param); argumentCount++; return true; } else { printf("Couldn't add parameter because the wrong function is selected: %s instead of %s\n", currentFunction.c_str(), toFunction.c_str()); return false; } } bool Script::pushParam(float param, std::string& toFunction) { if(currentFunction.compare(toFunction) == 0) { lua_pushnumber(luaState,(lua_Number) param); argumentCount++; return true; } else { printf("Couldn't add parameter because the wrong function is selected: %s instead of %s\n", currentFunction.c_str(), toFunction.c_str()); return false; } } bool Script::pushParam(double param, std::string& toFunction) { if(currentFunction.compare(toFunction) == 0) { lua_pushnumber(luaState,(lua_Number) param); argumentCount++; return true; } else { printf("Couldn't add parameter because the wrong function is selected: %s instead of %s\n", currentFunction.c_str(), toFunction.c_str()); return false; } } int Script::getReturnedInt() { if(returnCount > 0) { printf("int found"); if(lua_isnumber(luaState, 1)) { printf("int found"); int returnValue = (int)lua_tonumber(luaState, 1); returnCount--; } } } int Script::reportError(int error) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(luaState, -1); if (msg == NULL) msg = "(error with no message)"; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", msg); lua_pop(luaState, 1); return error; }