function printf(...) io.write(string.format(unpack(arg))) end function Account:show() printf("Account balance = $%0.02f\n", self:balance()) end parent = {} function parent:rob(amount) amount = amount or self:balance() self:withdraw(amount) return amount end getmetatable(Account).__index = parent function test() io.write("Hi i'm test\n") end function main(arg) -- use parameter io.write("main received ", arg) io.write(" as parameter\n") --call member of an inserted object Obj:printName() --create object of a registered type o = Object() o:printName() --take returnvalue from c callCount = Obj:getCallCount() io.write("callCount is now ",callCount) io.write("\n") --pass parameters to a c++ method Obj:takeParam(3) --print object information print('a =', a) print('b =', b) print('metatable =', getmetatable(a)) print('Account =', Account) table.foreach(Account, print) a:show() a:deposit(50.30) a:show() a:withdraw(25.10) a:show() Obj:printName() return 2,false,2.72 --debug.debug() end