/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli, patrick@orxonox.net co-programmer: */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WORLD_ENTITY #include "executor/executor.h" #include "util/loading/factory.h" #include "util/loading/load_param.h" #include "util/loading/load_param_xml.h" #include "weapons/weapon_slot.h" #include "particles/particle_system.h" #include "mount_point.h" #include "debug.h" #include "state.h" ObjectListDefinition(MountPoint); /** * construct */ MountPoint::MountPoint (const Vector& up, const Vector& forward, const Vector& center, const std::string& name) { PRINTF(0)("Created mount point %s\n", name.c_str()); this->registerObject(this, MountPoint::_objectList); this->_name = name; this->setAbsCoor( center); this->setAbsDir( Quaternion(forward, up)); this->init(); } /** * deconstructor */ MountPoint::~MountPoint () {} /** * initializing function */ void MountPoint::init() { this->registerObject(this, MountPoint::_objectList); this->toList(OM_GROUP_00); this->_mount = NULL; } /** * loads the Settings of a MD2Creature from an XML-element. * @param root the XML-element to load the MD2Creature's properties from */ void MountPoint::initMountPoint(const TiXmlElement* root) { if( root == NULL) { PRINTF(1)("MountPoint - initialization failed, since I got no valid xml element\n"); return; } // now get the first element const TiXmlElement* element = root->FirstChildElement("MountPoints"); if( element == NULL) { PRINTF(1)("I am in section: %s, Object Information file is missing a proper 'MountPoints' section\n", root->Value()); // element = root->FirstChildElement( ); // PRINTF(0)("first child: %s\n", element->Value()); } else { element = element->FirstChildElement(); // parse the information for this mount point PRINTF(4)("Loading WorldEntities\n"); while( element != NULL) { std::string name = element->Value(); PRINTF(5)("checking %s against local %s\n", name.c_str(), this->_name.c_str()); // check if we got the right mount point if( this->_name.find(name, 0) != std::string::npos) { PRINTF(5)("found mount point %s\n", this->_name.c_str()); // load it this->loadParam(element); } element = element->NextSiblingElement(); } } } /** * load the parameters from the xml section * @param root the root element of this xml branche */ void MountPoint::loadParam(const TiXmlElement* root) { // first check for the description LoadParam(root, "Description", this, MountPoint, setDescription) .describe("Sets this mount point a description"); // now check for the orx class to create LoadParam(root, "OrxClass", this, MountPoint, setOrxClass) .describe("Sets the class this mount points should host"); LoadParamXML(root, "Details", this, MountPoint, loadDetails); } /** * load the parameters from the world entity * @param root the root element of this xml branche */ void MountPoint::loadDetails(const TiXmlElement* root) { if( this->_mount != NULL) { PRINTF(0)("Got detail informations\n"); this->_mount->loadParams( root); if( this->_mount->isA(ParticleSystem::staticClassID())) { PRINTF(0)("got particle system. attaching it to mp\n"); dynamic_cast(this->_mount)->attachEmmittersTo(this, Vector(0,0,0)); } } } /** * setst the description (optional) via xml tag * @param description string containing the description */ void MountPoint::setDescription(const std::string& description) { this->_description = description; } /** * sets the class of this mount point * @param orxClass class */ void MountPoint::setOrxClass(const std::string& orxClass) { // create the object for this mount point BaseObject* obj = Factory::fabricate(orxClass); // check if the object is created correctly if( obj != NULL) { if( obj->isA( WorldEntity::staticClassID())) { PRINTF(0)("Mount Point created a %s\n", obj->getCName()); // cast down the object to WE this->_mount = dynamic_cast(obj); // now set the position, direction and reparent it to this node this->_mount->setAbsCoor( this->getAbsCoor()); this->_mount->setAbsDir( this->getAbsDir()); this->_mount->setParent( this); this->_mount->toList((OM_LIST)(this->getOMListNumber())); } else if( obj->isA( WeaponSlot::staticClassID())) { PRINTF(0)("=========+>we got a weapon slot\n"); } } else PRINTF(1)("Couldn't create %s for this mount point (%s)\n", orxClass.c_str(), this->_name.c_str()); } /** * tick * @param time time passed since the last tick */ void MountPoint::tick (float time) { } /** * draw this entity */ void MountPoint::draw() const { } /** * function called to draw the mount point itself for debug purposes only */ void MountPoint::debugDraw() const { // invoke the underlying pnode debug draw this->debugDraw(); } /** * adds an entity to this mount point * @param entity entity to be added */ void MountPoint::mount(WorldEntity* entity) { this->_mount = entity; } /** * removes an entity from this mount point */ void MountPoint::unmount() { this->_mount = NULL; }