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May 8, 2015, 12:17:03 AM (10 years ago)

Removed unnecessary output to console in kump minigame. Added a small description to some classes often used by PPS students: Pawn, StaticEntity, MobileEntity, ControllableEntity.

5 edited


  • code/trunk/src/orxonox/worldentities/ControllableEntity.h

    r9667 r10437  
    3939namespace orxonox
     41    /**
     42    @brief
     43        The ControllableEntity is derived from the @ref orxonox::MobileEntity. ControllableEntities can be controlled by @ref orxonox::Controller Controllers.
     44        A Controller will call (based on user input, AI decision, ...) for example the function @see moveFrontBack or the function @see rotateYaw to
     45        move the ControllableEntity through space. A Controller could also call the @see boost function to tell the ControllableEntity that he wants it to boost.
     46    */
    4148    class _OrxonoxExport ControllableEntity : public MobileEntity
    4249    {
  • code/trunk/src/orxonox/worldentities/MobileEntity.h

    r9667 r10437  
    3838namespace orxonox
     40    /**
     41    @brief
     42        The MobileEntity is a derived class from @ref orxonox::WorldEntity and @ref orxonox::Tickable. It is supposed to be the base class of
     43        @ref orxonox::MovableEntity and @ref orxonox::ControllableEntity. You will never need to instanciate a MobileEntity directly.
     44        Use only its derivatives.
     45        In addition to the functionalities of the @ref orxonox::WorldEntity this class has a linear and angular velocity and a linear and angular acceleration.
     46        Every time the @see tick function is called the linear acceleration is multiplied by the time since the last call of tick and then added to the
     47        linear velocity. Then the linear velocity is multiplied by the time since the last call of tick and then added to the position. The same happens with
     48        the angular acceleration and velocity. With this procedure MobileEntities can change their position and orientation with time.
     49    */
    4051    class _OrxonoxExport MobileEntity : public WorldEntity, public Tickable
    4152    {
  • code/trunk/src/orxonox/worldentities/StaticEntity.h

    r9667 r10437  
    3636namespace orxonox
     38    /**
     39    @brief
     40        The StaticEntity is the simplest derivative of the @ref orxonox::WorldEntity class. This means all StaticEntity instances also have
     41        a position in space, a mass, a scale, a frication, ... because every StaticEntity is a WorldEntity. You can attach StaticEntities to eachother ike @ref orxonox::WorldEntity WorldEntities.
     43        In contrast to the MobileEntity the StaticEntity cannot move with respect to the parent to which it is attached. That's why
     44        it is called StaticEntity. It will keep the same position (always with respect to its parent) forever unless you call the
     45        function @see setPosition to changee it.
     46    */
    3848    class _OrxonoxExport StaticEntity : public WorldEntity
    3949    {
  • code/trunk/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h

    r10216 r10437  
    4040namespace orxonox // tolua_export
    41 { // tolua_export
     42    /**
     43    @brief
     44        Everything in Orxonoy that has a health attribute is a Pawn. After a Pawn is spawned its health is set to
     45        its initial health. In every call of the Pawns tick function the game checks whether the pawns health is at
     46        or below zero. If it is, the pawn gets killed.
     48        Pawns can carry pickups and fire weapons. The can also have shields.
     50        Notice that every Pawn is a ControllableEntity.
     51    */
     53    // tolua_export
    4254    class _OrxonoxExport Pawn // tolua_export
    4355        : public ControllableEntity, public RadarViewable, public PickupCarrier
  • code/trunk/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/SpaceShip.h

    r10216 r10437  
    4747    @brief
    4848        The SpaceShip is the principal entity through which the player interacts with the game. Its main function is to fly, however many things, such as @ref orxonox::Engine Engines or @ref orxonox::Weapon Weapons, can be attached to it.
     49        The feature that you can add @ref orxonox::Engine Engines is new in this class. However adding @ref orxonox::Weapon Weapons is possible because every Spaceship is a Pawn (due to inheritance) and every Pawn can carry @ref orxonox::Weapon Weapons.
    5051        There are several parameters that define the behavior of the SpaceShip>
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