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Dec 9, 2015, 2:45:58 PM (9 years ago)

Merged presentation and fabiens branch. Had to modify hoverHUD and invaderHUD, because the text of the healthbar wasn't correctly displayed and the weapon settings of the hovership.

5 edited


  • code/branches/presentationHS15

  • code/branches/presentationHS15/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/

    r10650 r10961  
    4646#include "weaponsystem/WeaponPack.h"
    4747#include "weaponsystem/WeaponSet.h"
     48#include "weaponsystem/Munition.h"
    4849#include "sound/WorldSound.h"
    6263        this->bAlive_ = true;
    63         this->bReload_ = false;
    6565        this->health_ = 0;
    7171        this->maxShieldHealth_ = 100; //otherwise shield might increase to float_max
    7272        this->shieldAbsorption_ = 0.5;
    74         this->reloadRate_ = 0;
    75         this->reloadWaitTime_ = 1.0f;
    76         this->reloadWaitCountdown_ = 0;
     73        this->shieldRechargeRate_ = 0;
     74        this->shieldRechargeWaitTime_ = 1.0f;
     75        this->shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_ = 0;
    7877        this->lastHitOriginator_ = 0;
    141140        XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponSlot, "weaponslots", addWeaponSlot, getWeaponSlot, xmlelement, mode);
    142141        XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponSet, "weaponsets", addWeaponSet, getWeaponSet, xmlelement, mode);
    143         XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponPack, "weapons", addWeaponPackXML, getWeaponPack, xmlelement, mode);
    145         XMLPortParam(Pawn, "reloadrate", setReloadRate, getReloadRate, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0);
    146         XMLPortParam(Pawn, "reloadwaittime", setReloadWaitTime, getReloadWaitTime, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(1.0f);
     142        XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponPack, "weaponpacks", addWeaponPackXML, getWeaponPack, xmlelement, mode);
     143        XMLPortObject(Pawn, Munition, "munition", addMunitionXML, getMunitionXML, xmlelement, mode);
     145        XMLPortParam(Pawn, "shieldrechargerate", setShieldRechargeRate, getShieldRechargeRate, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0);
     146        XMLPortParam(Pawn, "shieldrechargewaittime", setShieldRechargeWaitTime, getShieldRechargeWaitTime, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(1.0f);
    148148        XMLPortParam(Pawn, "explosionSound",  setExplosionSound,  getExplosionSound,  xmlelement, mode);
    153153    void Pawn::registerVariables()
    154154    {
    155         registerVariable(this->bAlive_,           VariableDirection::ToClient);
    156         registerVariable(this->health_,           VariableDirection::ToClient);
    157         registerVariable(this->maxHealth_,        VariableDirection::ToClient);
    158         registerVariable(this->shieldHealth_,     VariableDirection::ToClient);
    159         registerVariable(this->maxShieldHealth_,  VariableDirection::ToClient);
    160         registerVariable(this->shieldAbsorption_, VariableDirection::ToClient);
    161         registerVariable(this->bReload_,          VariableDirection::ToServer);
    162         registerVariable(this->aimPosition_,      VariableDirection::ToServer);  // For the moment this variable gets only transfered to the server
     155        registerVariable(this->bAlive_,            VariableDirection::ToClient);
     156        registerVariable(this->health_,            VariableDirection::ToClient);
     157        registerVariable(this->maxHealth_,         VariableDirection::ToClient);
     158        registerVariable(this->shieldHealth_,      VariableDirection::ToClient);
     159        registerVariable(this->maxShieldHealth_,   VariableDirection::ToClient);
     160        registerVariable(this->shieldAbsorption_,  VariableDirection::ToClient);
     161        registerVariable(this->aimPosition_,       VariableDirection::ToServer);  // For the moment this variable gets only transfered to the server
    163162    }
    167166        SUPER(Pawn, tick, dt);
    169         this->bReload_ = false;
     168        // Recharge the shield
    171169        // TODO: use the existing timer functions instead
    172         if(this->reloadWaitCountdown_ > 0)
    173         {
    174             this->decreaseReloadCountdownTime(dt);
    175         }
    176         else
    177         {
    178             this->addShieldHealth(this->getReloadRate() * dt);
    179             this->resetReloadCountdown();
     170        if(this->shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_ > 0)
     171        {
     172            this->decreaseShieldRechargeCountdownTime(dt);
     173        }
     174        else
     175        {
     176            this->addShieldHealth(this->getShieldRechargeRate() * dt);
     177            this->resetShieldRechargeCountdown();
    180178        }
    229227    }
    231     void Pawn::setReloadRate(float reloadrate)
    232     {
    233         this->reloadRate_ = reloadrate;
    234     }
    236     void Pawn::setReloadWaitTime(float reloadwaittime)
    237     {
    238         this->reloadWaitTime_ = reloadwaittime;
    239     }
    241     void Pawn::decreaseReloadCountdownTime(float dt)
    242     {
    243         this->reloadWaitCountdown_ -= dt;
     229    void Pawn::setShieldRechargeRate(float shieldRechargeRate)
     230    {
     231        this->shieldRechargeRate_ = shieldRechargeRate;
     232    }
     234    void Pawn::setShieldRechargeWaitTime(float shieldRechargeWaitTime)
     235    {
     236        this->shieldRechargeWaitTime_ = shieldRechargeWaitTime;
     237    }
     239    void Pawn::decreaseShieldRechargeCountdownTime(float dt)
     240    {
     241        this->shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_ -= dt;
    244242    }
    252250        if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnDamage(this, originator))
    253251        {
     252            // Health-damage cannot be absorbed by shields.
     253            // Shield-damage only reduces shield health.
     254            // Normal damage can be (partially) absorbed by shields.
    254256            if (shielddamage >= this->getShieldHealth())
    255257            {
    480482    }
    482     void Pawn::reload()
    483     {
    484         this->bReload_ = true;
    485     }
    487484    void Pawn::postSpawn()
    488485    {
    554551    }
     553    std::vector<WeaponPack *> * Pawn::getAllWeaponPacks()
     554    {
     555        if (this->weaponSystem_)
     556            return this->weaponSystem_->getAllWeaponPacks();
     557        else
     558            return 0;       
     559    }
     561    void Pawn::addMunitionXML(Munition* munition)
     562    {
     563        if (this->weaponSystem_ && munition)
     564        {
     565            this->weaponSystem_->addMunition(munition);
     566        }
     567    }
     569    Munition* Pawn::getMunitionXML() const
     570    {
     571        return NULL;
     572    }
     574    Munition* Pawn::getMunition(SubclassIdentifier<Munition> * identifier)
     575    {
     576        if (weaponSystem_)
     577        {
     578            return weaponSystem_->getMunition(identifier);
     579        }
     581        return NULL;
     582    }
    556584    //Tell the Map (RadarViewable), if this is a playership
    557585    void Pawn::startLocalHumanControl()
    558586    {
    559 //        SUPER(ControllableEntity, changedPlayer());
     587//        SUPER(ControllableEntity, startLocalHumanControl());
    560588        ControllableEntity::startLocalHumanControl();
    561589        this->isHumanShip_ = true;
  • code/branches/presentationHS15/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h

    r10437 r10961  
    4242    /**
    4343    @brief
    44         Everything in Orxonoy that has a health attribute is a Pawn. After a Pawn is spawned its health is set to
     44        Everything in Orxonox that has a health attribute is a Pawn. After a Pawn is spawned its health is set to
    4545        its initial health. In every call of the Pawns tick function the game checks whether the pawns health is at
    4646        or below zero. If it is, the pawn gets killed.
    48         Pawns can carry pickups and fire weapons. The can also have shields.
     48        Pawns can carry pickups and fire weapons. They can also have shields.
    5050        Notice that every Pawn is a ControllableEntity.
    116116                { return this->shieldAbsorption_; }
    118             // TODO: Rename to shieldRechargeRate
    119             virtual void setReloadRate(float reloadrate);
    120             inline float getReloadRate() const
    121                 { return this->reloadRate_; }
    123             virtual void setReloadWaitTime(float reloadwaittime);
    124             inline float getReloadWaitTime() const
    125                 { return this->reloadWaitTime_; }
    127             inline void resetReloadCountdown()
    128                 { this->reloadWaitCountdown_ = 0; }
    130             inline void startReloadCountdown()
    131                 { this->reloadWaitCountdown_ = this->getReloadWaitTime(); } // TODO: Implement in
    133             virtual void decreaseReloadCountdownTime(float dt);
     118            virtual void setShieldRechargeRate(float shieldRechargeRate);
     119            inline float getShieldRechargeRate() const
     120                { return this->shieldRechargeRate_; }
     122            virtual void setShieldRechargeWaitTime(float shieldRechargeWaitTime);
     123            inline float getShieldRechargeWaitTime() const
     124                { return this->shieldRechargeWaitTime_; }
     126            inline void resetShieldRechargeCountdown()
     127                { this->shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_ = 0; }
     129            inline void startShieldRechargeCountdown()
     130                { this->shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_ = this->getShieldRechargeWaitTime(); } // TODO: Implement in
     132            virtual void decreaseShieldRechargeCountdownTime(float dt);
    135134            inline ControllableEntity* getLastHitOriginator() const
    136135                { return this->lastHitOriginator_; }
    138             //virtual void hit(Pawn* originator, const Vector3& force, float damage);
    139             //virtual void hit(Pawn* originator, btManifoldPoint& contactpoint, float damage);
    140137            virtual void hit(Pawn* originator, const Vector3& force, const btCollisionShape* cs, float damage, float healthdamage = 0.0f, float shielddamage = 0.0f);
    141138            virtual void hit(Pawn* originator, btManifoldPoint& contactpoint, const btCollisionShape* cs, float damage, float healthdamage = 0.0f, float shielddamage = 0.0f);
    145142            virtual void fired(unsigned int firemode);
    146             virtual void reload();
    147143            virtual void postSpawn();
    154150            void addWeaponPackXML(WeaponPack * wPack);
    155151            WeaponPack * getWeaponPack(unsigned int index) const;
     152            std::vector<WeaponPack *> * getAllWeaponPacks();
     154            void addMunitionXML(Munition* munition);
     155            Munition* getMunitionXML() const;
     157            Munition* getMunition(SubclassIdentifier<Munition> * identifier);
    157159            virtual void addedWeaponPack(WeaponPack* wPack) {}
    207209            virtual void spawneffect();
    209             //virtual void damage(float damage, Pawn* originator = 0);
    210211            virtual void damage(float damage, float healthdamage = 0.0f, float shielddamage = 0.0f, Pawn* originator = NULL, const btCollisionShape* cs = NULL);
    226227            float initialShieldHealth_;
    227228            float shieldAbsorption_; ///< Has to be between 0 and 1
    228             float reloadRate_;
    229             float reloadWaitTime_;
    230             float reloadWaitCountdown_;
     229            float shieldRechargeRate_;
     230            float shieldRechargeWaitTime_;
     231            float shieldRechargeWaitCountdown_;
    232233            float damageMultiplier_; ///< Used by the Damage Boost Pickup.
    236237            WeaponSystem* weaponSystem_;
    237             bool bReload_;
    239239            std::string spawnparticlesource_;
  • code/branches/presentationHS15/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/

    r10216 r10961  
    297297        }
    298298    }
     300    void SpaceShip::gainBoostPower(float gainedBoostPower)
     301    {
     302        this->boostPower_ += gainedBoostPower;
     304        if (this->boostPower_ > this->initialBoostPower_)
     305        {
     306            this->boostPower_ = this->initialBoostPower_;
     307        }
     309        // If the booster is in cooldown mode and we gained boost power, the abort the cooldown.
     310        if (this->isBoostCoolingDown() && this->boostPower_ > 0.0f)
     311        {
     312            timer_.stopTimer();
     313            this->boostCooledDown();
     314        }
     315    }
    299317    /**
    300318    @brief
  • code/branches/presentationHS15/src/orxonox/worldentities/pawns/SpaceShip.h

    r10437 r10961  
    5353        - The <b>boost</b>, there are quite some parameters pertaining to boosting. The boost is a special move of the SpaceShip, where, for a limited amount of time, it can fly considerably faster than usual. The <b>boostPower</b> is the amount of power available for boosting. The <b>boostPowerRate</b> is the rate at which the boost power is replenished. The <b>boostRate</b> is the rate at which boosting uses power. And the <b>boostCooldownDuration</b> is the time the SpaceShip cannot boost, once all the boost power has been used up. Naturally all of these parameters must be non-negative.
    5454        - The <b>boost shaking</b>, when the SpaceShip boosts, the camera shakes to create a more immersive effect. Two parameters can be used to adjust the effect. The <b>shakeFrequency</b> is the frequency with which the camera shakes. And the <b>shakeAmplitude</b> is the amount with which the camera shakes. Again these parameters must bee non-negative.
    55         - The <b>lift</b> creates a more natural flight feeling through the addition of a lift force. There are again tow parameters that can be specified. The <b>lift</b> which is the lift force that is applied. And the <b>stallSpeed</b> which is the forward speed after which no more lift is generated.
     55        - The <b>lift</b> creates a more natural flight feeling through the addition of a lift force. There are again two parameters that can be specified. The <b>lift</b> which is the lift force that is applied. And the <b>stallSpeed</b> which is the forward speed after which no more lift is generated.
     57        A spaceship always needs to have the collision type "dynamic". Other collision types are illegal.
    5759        As mentioned @ref orxonox::Engine Engines can be mounted on the SpaceShip. Here is a (primitive) example of a SpaceShip defined in XML:
    250252            inline float getShakeAmplitude() const
    251253                { return this->shakeAmplitude_; }
     254            /**
     255            @brief Add boost power. Is non-negative.
     256            @return Returns the current boost power.
     257            */
     258            void gainBoostPower(float gainedBoostPower);
    253260        protected:
    262269            bool bBoostCooldown_;         //!< Whether the SpaceShip is currently in boost cooldown, during which boosting is impossible.
    263270            float initialBoostPower_;     //!< The initial (and maximal) boost power.
    264             float boostPower_;            //!< The current boost power.
     271            float boostPower_;            //!< The current boost power. If the boost power is reduced to zero the boost cooldown will start.
    265272            float boostPowerRate_;        //!< The rate at which the boost power is recharged.
    266273            float boostRate_;             //!< The rate at which boost power is used up.
    289296            std::vector<Engine*> engineList_; //!< The list of all Engines mounted on this SpaceShip.
    291             Timer timer_;                          //!< Timer for the cooldown duration.
     298            Timer timer_;                          //!< Timer for the cooldown of the boost.
    292299            float shakeDt_;                        //!< Temporary variable for the shaking of the camera.
    293300            Vector3 cameraOriginalPosition_;       //!< The original position of the camera before shaking it.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.