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- Jan 27, 2016, 6:50:51 PM (9 years ago)
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r10266 r11099 883 883 # of the generated HTML documentation. 884 884 885 GENERATE_HTMLHELP = YES885 GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO 886 886 887 887 # If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can -
r8351 r11099 151 151 152 152 @subsection CreatingTheInnerWorkings Creating the inner workings of your pickup 153 @todo This is completely outdated. Someone who knows how pickups work should update this. 154 153 155 Now that we have the skeleton of a pickup and we have defined which carriers are allowed to pick our pickup up we are going to take a look at all the methods we can (or sometimes have to) overload from @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable", for our pickup to work properly. But first I will introduce some more concepts to make the need for these methods more obvious. 154 156 - Since one pickup class can by itself be many pickup types, we need a way to find out whether a particular instance of a pickup is of the same type as another instance of a pickup. To that end the @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier" was created. The @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier" accounts for the type of class your pickup is of and also for the parameters (and their values) that distinguish different types of pickups of the same class. Much of the functionality of the pickup module relies on this identifier being correct, thus it is very important to initialize it correctly. (We will see, how that is done in a short while.) -
r9348 r11099 60 60 - design: the name of the @ref orxonox::Template "design template" 61 61 */ 62 63 /**64 @addtogroup Pickup Pickup65 @ingroup Modules66 67 The Pickup module adds a special type of object to Orxonox, the so-called @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables". @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" are objects that can be picked up (by virtually any entity, but commonly by the @ref orxonox::Pawn "Pawn") and have some kind of effect on the entity that picked the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" up.68 69 @section IncludingPickups Including pickups in a level70 @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" are designed so that they can be included in levels fairly easily, while also ensuring, that the pickup itself (its game-logic component) and how it is represented (e.g. in the PickupInventory (the GUI that displays @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables") or in the game) are neatly seperated.71 To be able to use @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" in a level one must understand some basic concepts.72 - @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" are entities which (by itself) have no physical (or graphical) dimension. The simply represent the effect they will have on a @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarrier" (the entity that can pick up @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables", @ref orxonox::Pawn "Pawn" for example inherits from @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" and thus is able to pick up and carry @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables"), when used and the mechanism that leads to that.73 - The physical (or graphical) dimension of a pickup is called a @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation".74 - The @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" of a @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" and the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" itself are linked to each other, in such a way that a @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" can only represent one type of @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable".75 - A type of @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" is a specific pickup class (inheriting from @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable") with specific values for all its relevant parameters. This means, that a pickup of the same class with the same values for all parameters except for one is a different type of pickup and will therefore have a different @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation". Which parameters are the ones relevant to destinguish between two types of pickups can be defined in the class description of the specific pickup.76 - The entity that actually gives a @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" to a @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarrier" is called a @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner". A @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" creates (based on some parameters) @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" which then is picked up by the @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarrier", that caused the @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" to spawn a new pickup. How the spawner looks in the game is defined by the @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" of the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" it spawns.77 78 @subsection UsingPredifinedPickups Using predefined pickups79 There is a file called <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> in <code>levels/templates</code>, which holds the templates for the @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentations" and also templates for @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables". The templates for the @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentations" define the @ref orxonox::StaticEntity "StaticEntities" that are attached to the @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawners" to make them look like the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" they are spawning. The templates for the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" can be added just for ease of use.80 If you want to use pickups you will have to include this file in your level file, somewhere above the Level-tag.81 @code82 <?lua83 include("templates/pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt")84 ?>85 ...86 <Level>87 ...88 @endcode89 There is another file called <code>pickups.oxi</code> in <code>level/includes</code> which creates all @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentations" needed for the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" supplied by the <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> file. This file will have to be included as well. It has to be somewhere after the opening Scene-tag and your first use of a pickup.90 @code91 <Scene>92 ...93 <?lua94 include("includes/pickups.oxi")95 ?>96 @endcode97 After that all the predefined pickups specified in those two files can be used just by creating a @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" for them in the respective level.98 For example:99 @code100 <PickupSpawner position="-100,0,-100" respawnTime="30" maxSpawnedItems="10">101 <pickup>102 <HealthPickup103 health = 10104 healthType = "limited"105 activationType = "immediate"106 durationType = "once"107 />108 </pickup>109 </PickupSpawner>110 @endcode111 Please be aware, that the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" specified for the @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner", has to be exactly the same (including all parameters) to the one specified in the <code>pickups.oxi</code> file.112 To make things simpler, one could just use the templates specified in the <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> file. Which, following the previous example, would look like this:113 @code114 <PickupSpawner position="-100,0,-100" respawnTime="30" maxSpawnedItems="10">115 <pickup>116 <HealthPickup template="smallhealthpickup" />117 </pickup>118 </PickupSpawner>119 @endcode120 121 @subsection UnsingNon-PredefinedPickups Using non-predefined pickups122 To include a type of pickup (which, as we remember, is the class of the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" with specific values for all the relevant parameters) in a level file, you can just create a new @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" and specify the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable".123 @code124 <PickupSpawner position="-100,0,-100" respawnTime="30" maxSpawnedItems="10">125 <pickup>126 <HealthPickup127 health = 33128 healthType = "limited"129 activationType = "immediate"130 durationType = "once"131 />132 </pickup>133 </PickupSpawner>134 @endcode135 As can be seen in the <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> file and the <code>pickups.oxi</code> file there is no @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" defined for this type of pickup. Thus the default representation will be used.136 137 To create an appropriate @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" for the inserted pickup above, you can just create a @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" within the scene (Within the Scene-tags).138 @code139 <PickupRepresentation140 name = "My new health pickup"141 description = "This is an awesome new health pickup."142 spawnerTemplate = "mediumhealthpickupRepresentation"143 inventoryRepresentation = "MediumHealth"144 >145 <pickup>146 <HealthPickup147 health = 33148 healthType = "limited"149 activationType = "immediate"150 durationType = "once"151 />152 </pickup>153 </PickupRepresentation>154 @endcode155 Notice, that the type of pickup specified for the @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation", naturally, needs to be the same (this is the way they can be connected). Also, we just used an existing <em>spawnerTemplate</em>, to make things simpler.156 157 The next step is to create a <em>spawnerRepresentation</em> uniquely for our new type of pickup. Lets call it <code>newhealthpickupRepresentation</code>. Thus the parameter <em>spawnerTemplate</em> of the @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" has to be changed to that value.158 @code159 spawnerTemplate = "newhealthpickupRepresentation"160 @endcode161 The <em>spawnerTemplate</em> defines how the @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner" is displayed in a level.162 In our example case it could look like this:163 @code164 <Template name=newhealthpickupRepresentation>165 <PickupRepresentation>166 <spawner-representation>167 <StaticEntity>168 <attached>169 -- Here you can put all the objects which define the look of the spawner. --170 </attached>171 </StaticEntity>172 </spawner-representation>173 </PickupRepresentation>174 </Template>175 @endcode176 Please refer to the <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> for more examples.177 178 The @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" also needs another parameter the <em>inventoryRepresentation</em>. This parameter defined how the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" is displayed in the PickupInventory (a menu to browse the currently equipped pickups).179 @code180 inventoryRepresentation = "MediumHealth"181 @endcode182 This is the name of an image defined in the PickupInventory imageset (<code>PickupInventory.imageset</code>), which can be found in <code>data_extern/gui/imagesets</code>.183 184 This is all that has to be done. Now you have a new pickup type with an appropriate @ref orxonox::PickupRepresentation "PickupRepresentation" for your use. If you feel that your pickup is useful in general, please don't hesitate to create a template for the pickup and add your pickup to the <code>pickupRepresentationTemplates.oxt</code> file and the <code>pickups.oxi</code> file, so that anyone who wants to use it can do so quite easily.185 186 There is also an additional way to create new types of pickups to be used in a level (without having to do any coding). There is a @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" called the @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection", which is just a collection (hence the name) of @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" (more precisely of @ref orxonox::CollectiblePickup "CollectiblePickups"), behaving as if it was just one @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable".187 A @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection" can be created as follows:188 @code189 <PickupCollection>190 <pickupables>191 -- some pickups you want to have in your collection, e.g. --192 <HealthPickup template=smallhealthpickup />193 <HealthPickup health=50 healthRate=5 durationType=continuous activationType=immediate healthType=limited />194 </pickupables>195 </PickupCollection>196 @endcode197 Of which types of pickups a collection is made up is entirely up to the one creating the @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection", they can be mixed freely.198 199 @section CreatingAPickup Creating a new pickup200 Things have been fairly straightforward so far. Creating a @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" form scratch isn't as easy. Therefore I'm just going to supply you with a recipe, or a set of steps you have to take, without which your pickup won't work and point out some common pitfalls.201 202 @subsection CreatingAPickupClass Creating the class203 For a new @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" you need to create a new class in <code>>modules/pickup/items</code>. Your class needs to be derived from another pickup class, normally this would either be @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable", @ref orxonox::CollectiblePickup "CollectiblePickup" or @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup". @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" is (as mentioned earlier) the base class of all things that can be picked up, thus of all pickups. @ref orxonox::CollectiblePickup "CollectiblePickup" is a (directly) derived class of @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" and provides the additional functionality of enabling your pickup to be used in a @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection". However you are probably going to want to derive your class form @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup", because it is a @ref orxonox::CollectiblePickup "CollectiblePickup" and provides some useful methods. So have a look at @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup".204 Once you have created your new pickup class you have to insert it in the <code>PickupPrereqs.h</code> file in the <code>modules/pickup</code> folder and in the <code>CMakeList.txt</code> file in the <code>modules/pickup/items</code> folder. Also have a look at other pickups to make sure you include all the necessary files in your class.205 206 @subsection ChoosingTheCarriers Coosing the carriers207 You also have to choose the entities that are allowed to pick your pickup up. After you have chosen the entity that carries your pickup, you need to do the following.208 - The enity that carries your pickup needs to be derived from the @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarrier" interface. And you need to implement the @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarriers'" virtual functions <code>getCarrierChildren()</code> and <code>getCarrierParent()</code>. These tow methods are needed, because all pickups are initially picked up by a @ref orxonox::Pawn "Pawn" and then handed down to the entity that effectively carries them. With the above mentioned two function just that is accomplished. A hierarchical structure is established with one parent and a set of children, where the @ref orxonox::Pawn "Pawn" is the root node of this hierarchical structure, the only entity with no parent.209 - Once you have done that you will also want to specify in your pickup which carriers can pick it up, this is done via the <code>addTarget()</code> function. So you have to make sure the target is added whenever one of your pickups is created (so, most conveniently somewhere in the constructor), with the following command.210 @code211 this->addTarget(ClassIdentifier<MyCarrierClass>::getIdentifier());212 @endcode213 214 @subsection CreatingTheInnerWorkings Creating the inner workings of your pickup215 Now that we have the skeleton of a pickup and we have defined which carriers are allowed to pick our pickup up we are going to take a look at all the methods we can (or sometimes have to) overload from @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable", for our pickup to work properly. But first I will introduce some more concepts to make the need for these methods more obvious.216 - Since one pickup class can by itself be many pickup types, we need a way to find out whether a particular instance of a pickup is of the same type as another instance of a pickup. To that end the @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier" was created. The @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier" accounts for the type of class your pickup is of and also for the parameters (and their values) that distinguish different types of pickups of the same class. Much of the functionality of the pickup module relies on this identifier being correct, thus it is very important to initialize it correctly. (We will see, how that is done in a short while.)217 - Every @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" has at least two states which are very important. The first is, whether the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" is currently in use or not and the second is whether the pickup is currently picked up or not.218 219 Let's have a look at the important methods.220 - <b>changedUsed()</b> The <code>changedUsed()</code> method is called whenever the state of the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" transits from being used to not being used or the other way around. Which means this method is probably the most important method you have at your fingertips, since it enables you to apply the effect of your pickup when it gets used and remove the effect as soon as it is no longer in use.221 - <b>changedPickedUp()</b> The <code>changedPickedUp()</code> method is called whenever the state of the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" changes from being picked up to not being picked up or the other way around. For example if you want your pickup to be used as soon as it is picked up, this is the method you have to overload to achieve that behavior (or just let your pickup be derived from @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup", which implements exactly that behavior, if the <em>activationType</em> is set to <em>immediate</em>). You don't have to concern yourself with destroying the pickup or creating a spawner when it changes to not picked up, since that is already implemented with the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" and @ref orxonox::PickupCarrier "PickupCarrier" classes. If you want a different behavior, however, once again, this is the method.222 - <b>changedCarrier()</b> The <code>changedCarrier()</code> method is called whenever the carrier of the @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" changes. And by that I don't mean the class that is allowed to carry the pickup, but the object that actually carries (or carried) the pickup. Please do not overload this class to implement behavior for picked up -> not picked up transitions, use <code>changedPickedUp()</code> for that. For most pickup classes this method doesn't need to be overloaded. Where it is used, however is in the @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection" class, where the new carrier needed to be communicated to all pickups the collection consists of, whenever the carrier was changed.223 224 Please be aware, that these three methods are methods registered with @ref Super.h "Super", meaning, that whenever overloading them, don't forget to call <code>SUPER(MyClass, myMethod);</code>.225 Also when implementing the above methods you should think of what should happen in unexpected situations, e.g. when your pickup is unused manually and set to used again.226 Additionally you should use the <code>destroy()</code> method of Pickupable instead of the method provided by @ref orxonox::OrxonoxClass "OrxonoxClass", meaning <code>Pickupable::destroy()</code> instead of plain <code>destroy()</code>.227 228 - <b>clone()</b> The <code>clone()</code> method creates a new pickup of the same type as the pickup it is cloned from. So the cloned pickup is not exactly the same, as it doesn't necessarily completely reflect the status of the pickup it is cloned from, but it reflects all the parameters and their values, that distinguish different types of this pickup class. It needs to be implemented by every pickup class. And it is best if this is done in a very specific way. Below is shown how:229 @code230 void MyPickup::clone(OrxonoxClass*& item)231 {232 if(item == NULL)233 item = new MyPickup(this);234 235 SUPER(MyPickup, clone, item);236 237 MyPickup* pickup = dynamic_cast<MyPickup*>(item);238 // Here you should set all the important parameters (that distinguish the different types of this pickup), e.g.239 pickup->setSomeParameter(this->getSomeParameter());240 // You must also initialize the identifier of the new pickup, this is normally done in a member function called in241 pickup->initializeIdentifier();242 }243 @endcode244 - <b>initializeIdentifier()</b> The <code>initializeIdentifier()</code> method initializes (or more simply put, creates) the @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier" of the instance of your pickup. Since the important values of the parameters are not yet available in the constructor of your pickup this <code>initializeIdentifier()</code> method must be called as soon as they are available, which normally is in the <code>XMLPort()</code> method, and the <code>clone()</code> method, as seen above. In the <code>initializeIdentifier()</code> method you need to register each parameter that is important for the type of your pickup to its identifier, this is normally done as follows:245 @code246 void Pickup::initializeIdentifier(void)247 {248 // If the get method returns a string.249 std::string val1 = this->getSomeParameter();250 std::string type1 = "someParameter";251 this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type1, val1);252 // If the get method doesn't return a string253 std::stringstream stream;254 stream << this->getSomeOtherParameter();255 std::string type2 = "someOtherParameter";256 std::string val2 = stream.str();257 this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type2, val2);258 }259 @endcode260 261 Be aware, this only works for parameters that are simple enough, meaning with pointers for example it will, naturally, not work, and other ways must be found (this is for example done in @ref orxonox::PickupCollection "PickupCollection" with a derived class of the @ref orxonox::PickupIdentifier "PickupIdentifier", the @ref orxonox::PickupCollectionIdentifier "PickupCollectionIdentifier") or in the @ref orxonox::DronePickup "DronePickup" class by using a @ref orxonox::Template "Template".262 - <b>createSpawner()</b> The <code>createSpawner()</code> method needs to be implemented by any pickup directly inheriting from @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupable" (or directly from @ref orxonox::CollectiblePickup "CollectiblePickup"), so if you inherit from @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup", you don't need to implement this. It is used to create a @ref orxonox::PickupSpawner "PickupSpawner", when the pickup is dropped. A standard implementation would look like this.263 @code264 bool MyPickup::createSpawner(void)265 {266 new DroppedPickup(this, this, this->getCarrier());267 return true;268 }269 @endcode270 271 @section PickupTechnicalDetails Technical details272 273 @image html pickupmodule.png274 */275 276 /**277 @defgroup PickupItems Items278 @ingroup Pickup279 280 The actual pickups can be found here.281 */ -
r11071 r11099 125 125 @brief Registers the class in the framework with a given Factory. 126 126 @param ClassName The name of the class 127 @param FactoryInstance An instance of a factory that can create the class 128 @param bLoadable Whether the class is allowed to be loaded through XML 127 129 */ 128 130 #define RegisterClassWithFactory(ClassName, FactoryInstance, bLoadable) \ … … 201 203 @note This of course only works with Identifiables. 202 204 The only use is in conjunction with macros that don't know the class type. 203 @param objectPointer to an Identifiable205 @param p Pointer to an Identifiable 204 206 */ 205 207 template <class T> 206 inline Identifier* ClassByObjectType(const T* )208 inline Identifier* ClassByObjectType(const T* p) 207 209 { 208 210 return ClassIdentifier<T>::getIdentifier(); -
r11083 r11099 793 793 } 794 794 795 /** Executes a CEGUI function normally, but catches CEGUI::ScriptException. 795 /** 796 @copydoc protectedCeguiSystemCall 797 @param function 798 Any callable object/function that takes one parameter. 799 @param object 800 Object to be used as an argument for the @p function 801 @return 802 True if input was handled, false otherwise. A caught exception yields true. 803 */ 804 template <typename FunctionType, typename ObjectType> 805 bool GUIManager::protectedCall(FunctionType function, ObjectType object) 806 { 807 try 808 { 809 return function(object); 810 } 811 catch (CEGUI::ScriptException& ex) 812 { 813 // Display the error and proceed. See @remarks why this can be dangerous. 814 orxout(internal_error) << ex.getMessage() << endl; 815 return true; 816 } 817 } 818 819 /** 820 Executes a CEGUI function normally, but catches CEGUI::ScriptException. 796 821 When a ScriptException occurs, the error message will be displayed and 797 822 the program carries on. … … 808 833 True if input was handled, false otherwise. A caught exception yields true. 809 834 */ 810 template <typename FunctionType, typename ObjectType>811 bool GUIManager::protectedCall(FunctionType function, ObjectType object)812 {813 try814 {815 return function(object);816 }817 catch (CEGUI::ScriptException& ex)818 {819 // Display the error and proceed. See @remarks why this can be dangerous.820 orxout(internal_error) << ex.getMessage() << endl;821 return true;822 }823 }824 825 835 template <typename FunctionType> 826 836 bool GUIManager::protectedCeguiSystemCall(FunctionType function) -
r11071 r11099 255 255 /** 256 256 @brief Returns the Identifier with a given typeid-name. 257 @param name The typeid-nameof the wanted Identifier257 @param typeInfo The type_info of the wanted Identifier 258 258 @return The Identifier 259 259 */ -
r11071 r11099 67 67 @param command A string containing the command 68 68 @param useTcl If true, the command is passed to tcl (see TclBind) 69 @param printErrors If true, print an error when command failed 69 70 @return Returns the error-code (see @ref CommandExecutorErrorCodes "error codes") 70 71 */ -
r10624 r11099 100 100 @brief Prints text to the console. 101 101 @param level_name The name of the output level 102 @param text The text to print 102 103 */ 103 104 void orxout_level(const std::string& level_name, const std::string& text) … … 119 120 @param level_name The name of the output level 120 121 @param context_name The name of the output context 122 @param text The text to print 121 123 */ 122 124 void orxout_level_context(const std::string& level_name, const std::string& context_name, const std::string& text) -
r11071 r11099 30 30 @defgroup CmdArgs Commandline arguments 31 31 @ingroup Config 32 @brief For a reference of all commandline arguments see @ref cmdargspage33 32 */ 34 33 -
r11071 r11099 218 218 @param value 219 219 String containing the value 220 @param bParsingFile221 Parsing a file or the command line itself222 220 */ 223 221 void CommandLineParser::checkFullArgument(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) … … 237 235 @param value 238 236 String containing the value 239 @param bParsingFile240 Parsing a file or the command line itself241 237 */ 242 238 void CommandLineParser::checkShortcut(const std::string& shortcut, const std::string& value) -
r11071 r11099 26 26 * 27 27 */ 28 29 /**30 @defgroup CmdArgs Commandline arguments31 @ingroup Config32 @brief For a reference of all commandline arguments see @ref cmdargspage33 */34 28 35 29 /** -
r11071 r11099 109 109 */ 110 110 template <class D, class V> 111 ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType::Value type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& sectionname, const std::string& varname, const D& defvalue, const V& )111 ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType::Value type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& sectionname, const std::string& varname, const D& defvalue, const V& value) 112 112 { 113 113 this->init(type, identifier, sectionname, varname); … … 125 125 */ 126 126 template <class D, class V> 127 ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType::Value type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& sectionname, const std::string& varname, const std::vector<D>& defvalue, const std::vector<V>& )127 ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType::Value type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& sectionname, const std::string& varname, const std::vector<D>& defvalue, const std::vector<V>& value) 128 128 { 129 129 this->init(type, identifier, sectionname, varname); -
r11071 r11099 173 173 /** 174 174 @brief Increments the Iterator if it points at the given element. 175 @param object The object to compare with175 @param element The element to compare with 176 176 */ 177 177 virtual void removedElement(ObjectListBaseElement* element) override -
r11071 r11099 55 55 /** 56 56 @brief Constructor: Creates the list-element with an object. 57 @param object BaseThe object to store57 @param object The object to store 58 58 */ 59 59 ObjectListBaseElement(Listable* object) : next_(nullptr), prev_(nullptr), objectBase_(object), list_(nullptr) {} -
r8858 r11099 88 88 int sendRequest( std::string data ); 89 89 90 /** \param callback The callback functionto call with data received.90 /** \param listener The listener to call with data received. 91 91 * \param delayms Delay in milliseconds. 92 92 * \return 0 for success, other for error -
r10622 r11099 74 74 /* BASIC MANIPULATION */ 75 75 /** \param toadd the server to add. 76 * \param peer the peer 76 77 * 77 78 * Add server to the game server list -
r10277 r11099 1 1 /** 2 * @file BulletDebugDrawer.cc 2 3 * Originally from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook 3 4 * This source code is released into the Public Domain. -
r11071 r11099 1 /**2 * Originally from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook3 * This source code is released into the Public Domain.4 *5 * Modified by Fabian 'x3n' Landau by using DebugDrawer and Orxonox specific utilities (e.g. output).6 */7 8 1 #ifndef _BulletDebugDrawer_H__ 9 2 #define _BulletDebugDrawer_H__ … … 18 11 namespace orxonox 19 12 { 13 /** 14 * Originally from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook 15 * This source code is released into the Public Domain. 16 * 17 * Modified by Fabian 'x3n' Landau by using DebugDrawer and Orxonox specific utilities (e.g. output). 18 */ 20 19 class _ToolsExport BulletDebugDrawer : public btIDebugDraw, public Ogre::FrameListener 21 20 { -
r11071 r11099 1 1 /** 2 * @file DebugDrawer.cc 2 3 * Copy-pasted from 3 4 * - https://bitbucket.org/hasyimi/ogre-debug-drawing-utility/src -
r10262 r11099 1 1 /** 2 * @file DebugDrawer.h 2 3 * Copy-pasted from 3 4 * - https://bitbucket.org/hasyimi/ogre-debug-drawing-utility/src … … 9 10 */ 10 11 11 /** 12 * @file 13 * @brief DebugDrawer is a utility to draw debug shapes (lines, triangles, spheres) with Ogre. 14 * This utility is e.g. used by @ref BulletDebugDrawer to visualize collision shapes and other physical entities. 15 */ 12 16 13 17 14 #ifndef _DebugDrawer_H__ … … 26 23 namespace orxonox 27 24 { 25 /** 26 * @brief DebugDrawer is a utility to draw debug shapes (lines, triangles, spheres) with Ogre. 27 * This utility is e.g. used by @ref orxonox::BulletDebugDrawer to visualize collision shapes and other physical entities. 28 */ 28 29 class _ToolsExport DebugDrawer 29 30 { -
r11071 r11099 1 1 /** 2 * @file IcoSphere.cc 2 3 * Copy-pasted from 3 4 * - https://bitbucket.org/hasyimi/ogre-debug-drawing-utility/src -
r10262 r11099 1 /**2 * Copy-pasted from3 * - https://bitbucket.org/hasyimi/ogre-debug-drawing-utility/src4 * - http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Debug+Drawing+Utility+Class5 *6 * This source code is released into the Public Domain.7 *8 * Modified by Fabian 'x3n' Landau9 */10 1 11 /**12 * @file13 * @brief DebugDrawer is a utility to draw debug shapes (lines, triangles, spheres) with Ogre.14 * This utility is e.g. used by @ref BulletDebugDrawer to visualize collision shapes and other physical entities.15 */16 2 17 3 #ifndef _IcoSphere_H__ … … 27 13 typedef std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::ColourValue> VertexPair; 28 14 15 /** 16 * Copy-pasted from 17 * - https://bitbucket.org/hasyimi/ogre-debug-drawing-utility/src 18 * - http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Debug+Drawing+Utility+Class 19 * 20 * This source code is released into the Public Domain. 21 * 22 * Modified by Fabian 'x3n' Landau 23 */ 29 24 class _ToolsExport IcoSphere 30 25 { -
r11071 r11099 1 1 /** 2 * @file OgreBulletUtils.h 2 3 * Copy-pasted from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook 3 4 * This source code is released into the Public Domain. -
r11071 r11099 54 54 caveat because it will only capture the time on the same CPU core. 55 55 Confining the main thread to one process could speed up the game. 56 See \ref cmdargspage "Ccommandline Argument" 'limitToCPU' (only on Windows)57 56 */ 58 57 class _UtilExport Clock -
r11071 r11099 291 291 /** 292 292 @brief Gets the new vector after a coordinate transformation 293 @param distanceVector which will be transformed294 @param mydirectionNew x basevector295 @param myorthonormalNew y basevector296 @param otherpositionNew z basevector297 @return directionin the new coordinates293 @param totransform Vector which will be transformed 294 @param newx New x basevector 295 @param newy New y basevector 296 @param newz New z basevector 297 @return Vector in the new coordinates 298 298 299 299 x is vector in old coordinates … … 307 307 y = T^(-1)*x 308 308 */ 309 orxonox::Vector3 getTransformedVector(const orxonox::Vector3& distance, const orxonox::Vector3& mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3& myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3& myside)309 orxonox::Vector3 getTransformedVector(const orxonox::Vector3& totransform, const orxonox::Vector3& newx, const orxonox::Vector3& newy, const orxonox::Vector3& newz) 310 310 { 311 311 // inverse of the transform matrix 312 float determinant = + mydirection.x * (myorthonormal.y*myside.z - myside.y*myorthonormal.z)313 - mydirection.y * (myorthonormal.x*myside.z - myorthonormal.z*myside.x)314 + mydirection.z * (myorthonormal.x*myside.y - myorthonormal.y*myside.x);312 float determinant = +newx.x * (newy.y*newz.z - newz.y*newy.z) 313 -newx.y * (newy.x*newz.z - newy.z*newz.x) 314 +newx.z * (newy.x*newz.y - newy.y*newz.x); 315 315 float invdet = 1/determinant; 316 316 … … 320 320 orxonox::Vector3 zinvtransform; 321 321 322 xinvtransform.x = ( myorthonormal.y * myside.z - myside.y * myorthonormal.z)*invdet;323 xinvtransform.y = ( mydirection.z * myside.y - mydirection.y * myside.z )*invdet;324 xinvtransform.z = ( mydirection.y * myorthonormal.z - mydirection.z * myorthonormal.y)*invdet;325 yinvtransform.x = ( myorthonormal.z * myside.x - myorthonormal.x * myside.z )*invdet;326 yinvtransform.y = ( mydirection.x * myside.z - mydirection.z * myside.x )*invdet;327 yinvtransform.z = ( myorthonormal.x * mydirection.z - mydirection.x * myorthonormal.z)*invdet;328 zinvtransform.x = ( myorthonormal.x * myside.y - myside.x * myorthonormal.y)*invdet;329 zinvtransform.y = ( myside.x * mydirection.y - mydirection.x * myside.y )*invdet;330 zinvtransform.z = ( mydirection.x * myorthonormal.y - myorthonormal.x * mydirection.y )*invdet;322 xinvtransform.x = (newy.y * newz.z - newz.y * newy.z)*invdet; 323 xinvtransform.y = (newx.z * newz.y - newx.y * newz.z )*invdet; 324 xinvtransform.z = (newx.y * newy.z - newx.z * newy.y)*invdet; 325 yinvtransform.x = (newy.z * newz.x - newy.x * newz.z )*invdet; 326 yinvtransform.y = (newx.x * newz.z - newx.z * newz.x )*invdet; 327 yinvtransform.z = (newy.x * newx.z - newx.x * newy.z)*invdet; 328 zinvtransform.x = (newy.x * newz.y - newz.x * newy.y)*invdet; 329 zinvtransform.y = (newz.x * newx.y - newx.x * newz.y )*invdet; 330 zinvtransform.z = (newx.x * newy.y - newy.x * newx.y )*invdet; 331 331 332 332 // coordinate transformation 333 333 orxonox::Vector3 distanceShip; 334 distanceShip.x = xinvtransform.x * distance.x + yinvtransform.x * distance.y + zinvtransform.x * distance.z;335 distanceShip.y = xinvtransform.y * distance.x + yinvtransform.y * distance.y + zinvtransform.y * distance.z;336 distanceShip.z = xinvtransform.z * distance.x + yinvtransform.z * distance.y + zinvtransform.z * distance.z;334 distanceShip.x = xinvtransform.x * totransform.x + yinvtransform.x * totransform.y + zinvtransform.x * totransform.z; 335 distanceShip.y = xinvtransform.y * totransform.x + yinvtransform.y * totransform.y + zinvtransform.y * totransform.z; 336 distanceShip.z = xinvtransform.z * totransform.x + yinvtransform.z * totransform.y + zinvtransform.z * totransform.z; 337 337 338 338 return distanceShip; -
r9667 r11099 53 53 /** 54 54 @brief 55 Base class for docking animations used by @ref orxonox::Dock ing"Docks".55 Base class for docking animations used by @ref orxonox::Dock "Docks". 56 56 57 57 @author -
r9667 r11099 51 51 /** 52 52 @brief 53 Handles DockingEffects for @ref orxonox::Dock ing"Docks".53 Handles DockingEffects for @ref orxonox::Dock "Docks". 54 54 55 55 @author -
r11071 r11099 45 45 /** 46 46 @brief 47 DockingTargets for @ref orxonox::Dock ing"Docks".47 DockingTargets for @ref orxonox::Dock "Docks". 48 48 49 49 @author -
r11071 r11099 46 46 /** 47 47 @brief 48 Base class for docking animations used by @ref orxonox::Dock ing"Docks".48 Base class for docking animations used by @ref orxonox::Dock "Docks". 49 49 50 50 @author -
r11083 r11099 24 24 */ 25 25 26 /**27 * Conventions:28 * -first Checkpoint has index 029 * -staticCheckPoint= static Point (see def over = constructor)30 */31 32 /*TODO:33 * tICK KORRIGIEREN34 *35 *36 */37 26 #include <gametypes/SpaceRaceController.h> 38 27 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" -
r11071 r11099 36 36 namespace orxonox 37 37 { 38 /** 39 * Conventions: 40 * -first Checkpoint has index 0 41 * -staticCheckPoint= static Point (see def over = constructor) 42 *@todo: 43 * tICK KORRIGIEREN 44 */ 38 45 class _GametypesExport SpaceRaceController: public ArtificialController, 39 46 public Tickable -
r11071 r11099 80 80 @param yCoordinate 81 81 Y-Coordinate of the flage, 0-9, origin is bottom left 82 @param cellSize 83 The size of the cells 82 84 */ 83 85 void HoverFlag::init(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate, int cellSize) -
r11071 r11099 41 41 The HoverOrigin implements the playing field @ref orxonox::Hover "Hover" takes place in and allows for many parameters of the minigame to be set. 42 42 The playing field resides in the x,z-plane, with the x-axis being the horizontal axis and the z-axis being the vertical axis. 43 44 Various parameters can be set: 45 - The <b>dimension</b> is a vector, that defines the width and height of the playing field. The default is <em>(200, 120)</em>. 46 - The <b>balltemplate</b> is a template that is applied to the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverPlatform", it can be used to attach different things to it, e.g. its @ref orxonox::Model "Model". See below for a usage example. 47 - The <b>battemplate</b> is a template that is applied to the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverFigure", it can be used to attach different things to it, e.g. its @ref orxonox::Model "Model". See below for a usage example. 48 - The <b>ballspeed</b> is the speed with which the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverPlatform" moves. The default is <em>100</em>. 49 - The <b>ballaccfactor</b> is the acceleration factor for the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverPlatform". The default is <em>1.0</em>. 50 - The <b>batspeed</b> is the speed with which the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigures" move. The default is <em>60</em>. 51 - The <b>batlength</b> is the length of the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigures" as the percentage of the height of the playing field. The default is <em>0.25</em>. 52 53 An example in XML of the HoverOrigin would be: 54 55 First the needed templates: 56 The template for the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverPlatform". 57 @code 58 <Template name="Hoverball"> 59 <HoverPlatform> 60 <attached> 61 <Model mesh="sphere.mesh" scale="2" /> 62 <ParticleSpawner name="hiteffect" position="0,0,0" source="Orxonox/sparks2" lifetime="0.01" autostart="0" mainstate="spawn" /> 63 </attached> 64 <eventlisteners> 65 <EventTarget target="hiteffect" /> 66 </eventlisteners> 67 </HoverPlatform> 68 </Template> 69 @endcode 70 As can be seen, a sphere is attached as the @ref orxonox::Model "Model" for the @ref orxonox::HoverPlatform "HoverPlatform", and also an @ref orxonox::EventListener "EventListener" that triggers a @ref orxonox::ParticleSpawner "ParticleSpawner", whenever the ball hits the boundaries is attached. 71 72 Additionally the template for the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigure". 73 @code 74 <Template name="Hoverbatcameras" defaults="0"> 75 <HoverFigure> 76 <camerapositions> 77 <CameraPosition position="0,200,0" pitch="-90" absolute="true" /> 78 </camerapositions> 79 </HoverFigure> 80 </Template> 81 82 <Template name="Hoverbat"> 83 <HoverFigure camerapositiontemplate=Hoverbatcameras> 84 <attached> 85 <Model position="0,0,3" mesh="cube.mesh" scale3D="14,2,2" /> 86 </attached> 87 </HoverFigure> 88 </Template> 89 @endcode 90 As can be seen, there are actually two templates. The first template is needed to set the camera for the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigure". The second template ist the actual template for the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigure", the template for the camera position is added and a @ref orxonox::Model "Model" for the @ref orxonox::HoverFigure "HoverFigure" is attached. 91 propellerTemplate_ 92 Finally the HoverOrigin is created. 93 @code 94 <HoverOrigin name="Hovercenter" dimension="200,120" balltemplate="Hoverball" battemplate="Hoverbat" ballspeed="200" ballaccfactor="1.0" batspeed="130" batlength="0.25"> 95 <attached> 96 <Model position="0,0,60" mesh="cube.mesh" scale3D="105,1,1" /> 97 <Model position="0,0,-60" mesh="cube.mesh" scale3D="105,1,1" /> 98 </attached> 99 </HoverOrigin> 100 @endcode 101 All parameters are specified. And also two @ref orxonox::Model "Models" (for the upper and lower boundary) are attached. 102 103 For a more elaborate example, have a look at the <code>Hover.oxw</code> level file. 43 For an example, have a look at the <code>Hover.oxw</code> level file. 104 44 105 45 */ -
r11071 r11099 76 76 @param y 77 77 y-Coordinate of the Square that the Wall is attached to, 0-9, Origin is Bottom left 78 @param cellSize 79 The size of a cell 80 @param cellHeight 81 The height of a cell 78 82 @param orientation 79 83 Wall on the right side (1) or on top (2) of this square, 0-1 -
r11071 r11099 139 139 } 140 140 141 /**142 @brief143 Set the bats for the ball.144 @param bats145 An array (of size 2) of weak pointers, to be set as the new bats.146 */147 141 void JumpEnemy::setFigure(JumpFigure* newFigure) 148 142 { -
r11071 r11099 72 72 73 73 /** 74 @brief checks if the move is valid75 @param the position where to put the stone plus the player who makes the move74 @brief Checks if the move is valid 75 @param move The position where to put the stone 76 76 */ 77 77 bool Mini4DgameBoard::isValidMove(const Mini4DgamePosition& move) … … 98 98 /** 99 99 @brief makes a move on the logic playboard 100 @param the position where to put the stone plus the player who makes the move100 @param move The position where to put the stone 101 101 */ 102 102 void Mini4DgameBoard::makeMove(const Mini4DgamePosition& move) -
r11071 r11099 103 103 /** 104 104 @brief Set the NotificationDispatcher to broadcast. 105 @param broadcastWhether the NotificationDispatcher is set to broadcast or singlecast.105 @param v Whether the NotificationDispatcher is set to broadcast or singlecast. 106 106 */ 107 107 void setBroadcasting(bool v) -
r11071 r11099 49 49 @brief 50 50 Default constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 51 @param creator52 The creator of the NotificationQueue.53 51 */ 54 52 NotificationQueue::NotificationQueue(Context* context) : BaseObject(context), Synchronisable(context), registered_(false) … … 65 63 this->registerVariables(); 66 64 } 67 68 // TODO move to docu.69 /**70 @brief71 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object.72 @param creator73 The creator of the NotificationQueue74 @param name75 The name of the new NotificationQueue. It needs to be unique76 @param senders77 The senders that are targets of this NotificationQueue, i.e. the names of senders whose Notifications this NotificationQueue displays.78 The senders need to be seperated by commas.79 @param size80 The size (the maximum number of displayed Notifications) of this NotificationQueue.81 @param displayTime82 The time during which a Notification is (at most) displayed.83 */84 65 85 66 /** -
r11071 r11099 58 58 @brief 59 59 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 60 @param creator61 The creator of this object.62 60 */ 63 61 Script::Script(Context* context) : BaseObject(context) -
r11071 r11099 28 28 29 29 /** 30 @file Turret.h 30 31 @brief Definition of the Turret class. 31 32 @ingroup Objects -
r10262 r11099 26 26 * 27 27 */ 28 29 /**30 @brief Definition for the controller for turrets.31 */32 28 33 29 #ifndef _TurretController_H__ -
r11071 r11099 54 54 @brief 55 55 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 56 @param creator57 The creator of this trigger.58 56 */ 59 57 DistanceTrigger::DistanceTrigger(Context* context) : Trigger(context) -
r9667 r11099 45 45 @brief 46 46 Constructor. Registers the object. 47 @param creator48 The creator of this object.49 47 */ 50 48 DistanceTriggerBeacon::DistanceTriggerBeacon(Context* context) : StaticEntity(context) -
r11071 r11099 45 45 @brief 46 46 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 47 @param creator48 The creator of the EventTrigger.49 47 */ 50 48 EventTrigger::EventTrigger(Context* context) : Trigger(context) -
r11071 r11099 48 48 @brief 49 49 Constructor. Registers the objects and initializes default values. 50 @param creator51 The creator.52 50 */ 53 51 MultiTrigger::MultiTrigger(Context* context) : TriggerBase(context) -
r11071 r11099 47 47 @brief 48 48 Default constructor. Registers the object and creates an empty container. 49 @param creator50 The creator.51 49 */ 52 50 MultiTriggerContainer::MultiTriggerContainer(Context* context) : BaseObject(context), originator_(nullptr), data_(nullptr) … … 58 56 @brief 59 57 Constructor. Registers the object and sets the input values. 60 @param c reator61 The c reator.58 @param context 59 The context. 62 60 @param originator 63 61 A pointer to the originator of the Event, i.e. the MultiTrigger that fired the Event. (or is about to fire) -
r11071 r11099 51 51 @brief 52 52 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 53 @param creator54 The creator of the Trigger.55 53 */ 56 54 Trigger::Trigger(Context* context) : TriggerBase(context) -
r11071 r11099 53 53 @brief 54 54 Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. 55 @param creator56 The objects creator.57 55 */ 58 56 Pickup::Pickup(Context* context) : BaseObject(context) -
r11071 r11099 50 50 @brief 51 51 Default Constructor. 52 @param creator53 The creator of the object.54 52 */ 55 53 PickupCollection::PickupCollection(Context* context) : BaseObject(context) -
r11071 r11099 335 335 @param representationObjectId 336 336 The objectId identifying (over the network) the PickupRepresentation that represents this Pickupable. 337 @param representationName 338 The name of the associated PickupRepresentation 337 339 @param pickedUp 338 340 The pickedUp status the Pickupable changed to. -
r11071 r11099 52 52 @brief 53 53 Constructor. Creates a blank PickupSpawner. 54 @param creator55 Pointer to the object which created this item.56 54 */ 57 55 PickupSpawner::PickupSpawner(Context* context) : StaticEntity(context), pickup_(nullptr), representation_(nullptr), pickupTemplate_(nullptr) … … 90 88 @brief 91 89 Factory method, Creates a fully functional PickupSpawner. 92 @param c reator93 The c reatorof this PickupSpawner.90 @param context 91 The context of this PickupSpawner. 94 92 @param pickup 95 93 The Pickupable to be spawned by this PickupSpawner. -
r9667 r11099 68 68 69 69 /** 70 @brief set Damage multiplier 71 @param multiplier The default damage multiplier to set 70 @brief Get Damage multiplier 72 71 */ 73 72 inline float getDamageMultiplier() -
r11071 r11099 105 105 /** 106 106 @brief Set the template for the stones. 107 @param template The template name to be applied to each stone.107 @param templateName The template name to be applied to each stone. 108 108 */ 109 109 void setStoneTemplate(const std::string& templateName) … … 118 118 /** 119 119 @brief Set the template for the bricks. 120 @param template The template name to be applied to each brick.120 @param templateName The template name to be applied to each brick. 121 121 */ 122 122 void setBrickTemplate(const std::string& templateName) -
r11071 r11099 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @brief31 GameType class for TowerDefense. See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.32 33 @ingroup TowerDefense34 */35 36 29 37 30 #ifndef _TowerDefense_H__ … … 47 40 namespace orxonox 48 41 { 42 /** 43 @brief 44 GameType class for TowerDefense. See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. 45 46 @ingroup TowerDefense 47 */ 49 48 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefense : public TeamDeathmatch 50 49 { -
r11071 r11099 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @brief31 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.32 @ingroup TowerDefense33 */34 35 29 36 30 #ifndef _TowerDefenseCenterpoint_H__ … … 46 40 namespace orxonox 47 41 { 42 /** 43 @brief 44 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. 45 @ingroup TowerDefense 46 */ 48 47 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefenseCenterpoint : public MobileEntity 49 48 { -
r11071 r11099 5 5 // Created by Jonas Erb on 22.10.14. 6 6 7 /**8 @brief9 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.10 11 @ingroup TowerDefense12 */13 7 #include "TowerDefenseEnemy.h" 14 8 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" -
r11071 r11099 5 5 // Created by Jonas Erb on 22.10.14. 6 6 7 /**8 @brief9 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.10 7 11 @ingroup TowerDefense12 */13 8 14 9 … … 26 21 namespace orxonox 27 22 { 28 /* Class to give the TowerDefenseEnemy spaceships waypoints and 29 * 30 */ 23 /** 24 @brief 25 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. 26 27 @ingroup TowerDefense 28 */ 31 29 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefenseEnemy : public SpaceShip 32 30 { -
r11071 r11099 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @brief31 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.32 @ingroup TowerDefense33 */34 29 35 30 … … 56 51 }; 57 52 58 53 /** 54 @brief 55 See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. 56 @ingroup TowerDefense 57 */ 59 58 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefenseField : public MovableEntity 60 59 { -
r11071 r11099 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @brief31 This subclass of OverlayText is used to display the stats of the player in the HUD32 33 @ingroup TowerDefense34 */35 36 29 37 30 #ifndef _TowerDefenseHUDController_H__ … … 46 39 namespace orxonox 47 40 { 41 /** 42 @brief 43 This subclass of OverlayText is used to display the stats of the player in the HUD 44 45 @ingroup TowerDefense 46 */ 48 47 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefenseHUDController : public OverlayText, public Tickable 49 48 { -
r10629 r11099 6 6 // Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. 7 7 // 8 9 /**10 @brief11 See TowerDefenseTowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information.12 13 @ingroup TowerDefenseTowerDefense14 */15 8 16 9 … … 24 17 namespace orxonox 25 18 { 19 /** 20 @brief 21 See TowerDefenseTowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. 22 23 @ingroup TowerDefenseTowerDefense 24 */ 26 25 class _TowerDefenseExport TowerDefenseTower : public Turret 27 26 { -
r11071 r11099 74 74 @param contactPoint 75 75 A btManifoldPoint indicating the point of contact/impact. 76 @param cs 77 The btCollisionShape of the other object 76 78 @return 77 79 Returns true if the collision resulted in a successful hit. -
r10293 r11099 97 97 /** 98 98 @brief Get the shield-damage done by this projectile. 99 Shield-damage only reduces shield health.100 @param shielddamage The amount of damage. Is non-negative.101 99 */ 102 100 inline float getShieldDamage() const -
r11071 r11099 50 50 * @date 23.05.2015 51 51 * 52 * @param [in,out] the Pawn that created the field.52 * @param [in,out] shooter the Pawn that created the field. 53 53 */ 54 54 void setShooter(Pawn* shooter) -
r11052 r11099 80 80 /** 81 81 @brief 82 This function starts a timer that will cause the projectile to split after a time defined by the argument @param splitTime. 82 This function starts a timer that will cause the projectile to split after a time defined by the argument @p splitTime. 83 @param splitTime The time 83 84 */ 84 85 void SplitGunProjectile::setSplitTime(float splitTime) -
r11071 r11099 76 76 /** 77 77 @brief Set the sound. 78 @param meshThe Sound name.78 @param sound The Sound name. 79 79 */ 80 80 void setSound(const std::string& sound) -
r11071 r11099 115 115 @brief 116 116 Set the starting ship models of the level 117 @param tags117 @param ships 118 118 A comma-seperated string of all the allowed ship models for the shipselection. 119 119 */ … … 244 244 RegisterClass(LevelInfo); 245 245 246 /**247 @brief248 249 @param creator250 The creator of this object.251 */252 246 LevelInfo::LevelInfo(Context* context) : BaseObject(context) 253 247 { -
r11071 r11099 197 197 @author 198 198 Damian 'Mozork' Frick 199 @edit200 199 Matthias Hutter 201 200 @ingroup Orxonox … … 247 246 /** 248 247 @brief Set the starting ship models of the level 249 @param A comma-seperated string of all the allowed ship models for the shipselection.248 @param ships A comma-seperated string of all the allowed ship models for the shipselection. 250 249 */ 251 250 inline void setStartingShips(const std::string& ships) -
r11071 r11099 80 80 * 81 81 * \param message The incoming message 82 * \param senderID Identification numberof the sender82 * \param name Name of the sender 83 83 */ 84 84 virtual void incomingChat(const std::string& message, const std::string& name) override; -
r11071 r11099 120 120 121 121 /** \param message the message text 122 * \param senderID IDof the player who sent the message122 * \param name Name of the player who sent the message 123 123 * 124 124 * Deal with incoming chat (which means in our case: Add it to the -
r11071 r11099 94 94 @brief 95 95 XML method, example XML usage: 96 97 @code 96 98 <SpaceShip position="-2000, 1500, -1000" lookat="0,0,0" team=0 name="ss2"> 97 99 <templates> … … 110 112 </controller> 111 113 </SpaceShip> 114 @endcode 112 115 113 116 Full description: … … 116 119 If any WorldEntity that is not Actionpoint or its child being sent to actionpoints through XML, 117 120 action would be assumed to be Action::FLY and target position to be position of the entity. Also, if not Actionpoint 118 is passed, it is assumed to be in a loop. How it works is: in <actionpoints> first all Actionpoints between121 is passed, it is assumed to be in a loop. How it works is: in \<actionpoints\> first all Actionpoints between 119 122 first Actionpoint with loopStart=true and first following Actionpoint with loopEnd=true are included in a single loop. 120 123 If they are adjacent (in the input array) with WorldEntity, then WorldEntity is also in a loop. … … 122 125 123 126 Loop example: 127 128 @code 124 129 <SpaceShip position="-1500, 1500, -1000" lookat="0,0,0" team=0 name="ss1"> 125 130 <templates> … … 137 142 </controller> 138 143 </SpaceShip> 144 @endcode 139 145 140 146 other loop example: 147 148 @code 141 149 <SpaceShip position="-1500, -1500, -1500" lookat="0,0,0" team=0 name="ss1"> 142 150 <templates> … … 153 161 </DivisionController> 154 162 </controller> 155 </SpaceShip> 163 </SpaceShip> 164 @endcode 156 165 157 166 @note 158 Don't use several loops, and don't use WorldEntities as input to <actionpoints> as I didn't test it well, but you167 Don't use several loops, and don't use WorldEntities as input to \<actionpoints\> as I didn't test it well, but you 159 168 can try if feeling lucky. 160 169 */ -
r11071 r11099 255 255 @brief Adds first waypoint of type name to the waypoint stack, which is within the searchDistance 256 256 @param name object-name of a point of interest (e.g. "PickupSpawner", "ForceField") 257 @param searchDistance The maximum distance to search 257 258 */ 258 259 void ArtificialController::updatePointsOfInterest(std::string name, float searchDistance) -
r11071 r11099 44 44 If no MasterController is initialized, none of ActionpointControllers will work. 45 45 Example: 46 47 @code 46 48 <Pawn position = "100000, 100000, 100000"> 47 49 <controller> … … 50 52 </controller> 51 53 </Pawn> 54 @endcode 52 55 */ 53 56 class _OrxonoxExport MasterController : public Controller, public Tickable -
r11071 r11099 26 26 * 27 27 */ 28 //TODO: 29 //pig punkte vergeben pro Zeit! 30 //killerfarbe schwarz; evtl. eigenes Raumfahrzeug; 31 //Low; Codeoptimierung und Dokumentation 32 33 /** 34 @brief 35 Short Gaming Manual: 36 There are three different parties a player can belong to: victim, chaser or killer 37 Every player starts as chaser. As long as there are not enough victims and killers, you can change your and other player's parties by shooting them. 38 In order to win you have to earn as much points as possible: 39 - as victim by escaping the chasers 40 - as chaser by shooting the victim 41 - as killer by killing the chasers 42 43 44 What you shouldn't do is shooting at players of your own party. By doing so your score will decrease. 45 P.S: If you don't want to be a victim: Get rid of your part by shooting a chaser. 46 */ 28 47 29 #include "Dynamicmatch.h" 48 30 -
r11071 r11099 42 42 namespace orxonox 43 43 { 44 /** 45 @brief 46 Short Gaming Manual: 47 There are three different parties a player can belong to: victim, chaser or killer 48 Every player starts as chaser. As long as there are not enough victims and killers, you can change your and other player's parties by shooting them. 49 In order to win you have to earn as much points as possible: 50 - as victim by escaping the chasers 51 - as chaser by shooting the victim 52 - as killer by killing the chasers 53 54 55 What you shouldn't do is shooting at players of your own party. By doing so your score will decrease. 56 P.S: If you don't want to be a victim: Get rid of your part by shooting a chaser. 57 58 @todo: 59 pig punkte vergeben pro Zeit! 60 killerfarbe schwarz; evtl. eigenes Raumfahrzeug; 61 Low; Codeoptimierung und Dokumentation 62 */ 44 63 class _OrxonoxExport Dynamicmatch : public Gametype 45 64 { -
r11071 r11099 378 378 @param player 379 379 The player that has changed its spawned status. 380 @param ready380 @param spawned 381 381 The new spawned status. 382 382 */ -
r11071 r11099 102 102 @param isCommand 103 103 Whether the message is a command or a notification. 104 @param messageType104 @param type 105 105 The type of the notification. 106 106 */ -
r10624 r11099 82 82 /** 83 83 @brief Set the player that triggered the PlayerTrigger. This is normally done by classes inheriting vom PlayerTrigger. 84 @param p layerA pointer to the Pawn that triggered the PlayerTrigger.84 @param pawn A pointer to the Pawn that triggered the PlayerTrigger. 85 85 */ 86 86 void setTriggeringPawn(Pawn* pawn); -
r11071 r11099 45 45 There are many parameters that can be specified: 46 46 - The <b>relativePosition</b>, specifies the position relative to the center of the SpaceShip the Engine is mounted on. 47 - The <b>maximal speed</b>, there are four maximal speeds that can be specified: The <b>speedfront</b>, the maximal forward speed. The <b>speedback >, the maximal backward speed. The <b>speedleftright</b>, the maximal speed in y-direction of the SpaceShip coordinate frame. The <b>speedupdown</b>, the maximal speed in z-direction of the SpaceShip coordinate frame. All maximal speeds (naturally) have to be non-negative.47 - The <b>maximal speed</b>, there are four maximal speeds that can be specified: The <b>speedfront</b>, the maximal forward speed. The <b>speedback</b>, the maximal backward speed. The <b>speedleftright</b>, the maximal speed in y-direction of the SpaceShip coordinate frame. The <b>speedupdown</b>, the maximal speed in z-direction of the SpaceShip coordinate frame. All maximal speeds (naturally) have to be non-negative. 48 48 - The <b>acceleration</b>, there are five types of acceleration that can be specified: The <b>accelerationfront</b>, the forward acceleration. The <b>accelerationbrake</b>, the braking acceleration. The <b>accelerationback</b>, the backward acceleration. The <b>accelerationleftright</b>, the acceleration in y-direction. The <b>accelerationupdown</b>, the acceleration in z-direction. All accelerations have to be non-negative. 49 49 - The <b>boostfactor</b>, specifies the factor by which boosting increases the speed. This has to be non-negative, as well. Beware that maximal speeds can be overcome through boosting. … … 213 213 /** 214 214 @brief Add to the additional forward speed factor. 215 @param factorThe speed that is added to the additional forward speed. Must be non-negative.215 @param speed The speed that is added to the additional forward speed. Must be non-negative. 216 216 */ 217 217 inline void addSpeedAdd(float speed) -
r11071 r11099 164 164 @brief 165 165 Set type of the target 166 @param param166 @param type 167 167 The desired target-type as string. Valid target-types: ship engine weapon 168 168 */ … … 197 197 Set the operation to be applied. 198 198 @param param 199 The desired parameter as string. Valid parameters: c.f. @ref orxnox::PartDestructionEvent::TargetParam199 The desired parameter as string. Valid parameters: c.f. @ref TargetParam 200 200 */ 201 201 void PartDestructionEvent::setTargetParam(std::string param) -
r11071 r11099 81 81 @brief 82 82 List of all allowed parameters. 83 83 */ 84 84 enum class TargetParam 85 85 { -
r11071 r11099 116 116 @brief 117 117 Add a StaticEntity to the ShipPart. 118 @param en gine118 @param entity 119 119 A pointer to the StaticEntity to be added. 120 120 */ … … 158 158 @brief 159 159 Add a PartDestructionEvent to the ShipPart. 160 @param e ngine160 @param event 161 161 A pointer to the PartDestructionEvent to be added. 162 162 */ -
r11071 r11099 126 126 This has to be called before usage, otherwise strange behaviour is 127 127 guaranteed! (there should be no segfaults however). 128 @copydoc 129 BaseObject::XMLPort() 128 @copydoc BaseObject::XMLPort() 130 129 */ 131 130 void OrxonoxOverlay::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) -
r11071 r11099 85 85 @brief 86 86 Loads the group and all its children OrxonoxOverlays. 87 @copydoc 88 BaseObject::XMLPort() 87 @copydoc BaseObject::XMLPort() 89 88 */ 90 89 void OverlayGroup::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) -
r11071 r11099 48 48 <WeaponSlot position=" 0, 0,0" /> 49 49 </weaponslots> 50 @endcode 50 51 51 52 A WeaponSlot can be attached to a @ref orxonox::Pawn because WeaponSlot inherits from @ref orxonox::StaticEntity. -
r11071 r11099 285 285 /** 286 286 @brief 287 Fires the @ref Orxonox::WeaponSet with the specified firemode.287 Fires the @ref orxonox::WeaponSet with the specified firemode. 288 288 */ 289 289 void WeaponSystem::fire(unsigned int firemode) -
r11071 r11099 49 49 Example XML code: 50 50 51 @code 51 52 <SpaceShip position="-2000, 1500, -1000" lookat="0,0,0" team=0 name="thisShipName"> 52 53 <templates> … … 65 66 </controller> 66 67 </SpaceShip> 67 68 @endcode 69 68 70 Example with loops: 69 71 72 @code 70 73 <SpaceShip position="-1500, 1500, -1000" lookat="0,0,0" team=0 name="thisShipName"> 71 74 <templates> … … 83 86 </controller> 84 87 </SpaceShip> 88 @endcode 85 89 86 90 One can also use other Worldentities instead of Actionpoints just like Waypoints, but those points -
r11071 r11099 400 400 @param otherObject 401 401 The object this one has collided into. 402 @param ownCollisionShape 403 The collision shape of the other object 402 404 @param contactPoint 403 405 Contact point provided by Bullet. Holds more information and can me modified. See return value. -
r11071 r11099 207 207 @brief 208 208 Add a ShipPart to the SpaceShip. 209 @param engine209 @param part 210 210 A pointer to the ShipPart to be added. 211 211 */ -
r11071 r11099 58 58 59 59 As mentioned @ref orxonox::Engine Engines can be mounted on the ModularSpaceShip. 60 In order to assign attached entities to a ShipPart, a ShipPart with the same name as the corresponding entity needs to be created in the <parts> tag.60 In order to assign attached entities to a ShipPart, a ShipPart with the same name as the corresponding entity needs to be created in the \<parts\> tag. 61 61 Here is a (primitive) example of a ModularSpaceShip defined in XML: 62 62 @code -
r11071 r11099 425 425 /** 426 426 @brief 427 Check whether the Pawn has a @ref Orxonox::WeaponSystem and fire it with the specified firemode if it has one.427 Check whether the Pawn has a @ref orxonox::WeaponSystem and fire it with the specified firemode if it has one. 428 428 */ 429 429
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