- Timestamp:
- May 27, 2008, 1:17:33 AM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- code/branches/console/src
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1434 r1435 100 100 if (!this->bNewCommand_) 101 101 { 102 std::cout << "not new" << std::endl;103 102 switch (this->state_) 104 103 { … … 163 162 { 164 163 case CS_Uninitialized: 165 std::cout << "hint: CS_Uninitialized" << std::endl;166 164 break; 167 165 case CS_Empty: 168 std::cout << "hint: CS_Empty" << std::endl;169 166 case CS_ShortcutOrIdentifier: 170 std::cout << "hint: CS_ShortcutOrIdentifier" << std::endl;171 167 if (this->listOfPossibleFunctions_.size() == 0) 172 168 return CommandEvaluation::dump(this->listOfPossibleIdentifiers_); … … 177 173 break; 178 174 case CS_Function: 179 std::cout << "hint: CS_Function" << std::endl;180 175 return CommandEvaluation::dump(this->listOfPossibleFunctions_); 181 176 break; 182 177 case CS_ParamPreparation: 183 std::cout << "hint: CS_ParamPreparation" << std::endl;184 178 case CS_Params: 185 std::cout << "hint: CS_Params" << std::endl;186 179 if (this->listOfPossibleArguments_.size() > 0) 187 180 return CommandEvaluation::dump(this->listOfPossibleArguments_); … … 189 182 return CommandEvaluation::dump(this->function_); 190 183 case CS_Finished: 191 std::cout << "hint: CS_Finished" << std::endl;192 184 if (this->function_) 193 185 return CommandEvaluation::dump(this->function_); 194 186 break; 195 187 case CS_Error: 196 std::cout << "hint: CS_Error" << std::endl;197 188 return this->errorMessage_; 198 189 break; -
r1434 r1435 126 126 void CommandExecutor::parseIfNeeded(const std::string& command) 127 127 { 128 std::cout << "parse if needed: command: >" << command << "<" << std::endl;129 std::cout << " old original: >" << CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().originalCommand_ << "<" << std::endl;130 std::cout << " old modified: >" << CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().command_ << "<" << std::endl;131 128 if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().state_ == CS_Uninitialized) 132 129 { 133 std::cout << "parse if needed: parse!" << std::endl;134 130 CommandExecutor::parse(command); 135 131 } 136 else if ( /*removeTrailingWhitespaces*/(CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().originalCommand_) != /*removeTrailingWhitespaces*/(command))132 else if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().originalCommand_ != command) 137 133 { 138 134 if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().command_ == command) 139 135 { 140 std::cout << "parse if needed: parse and set bNewCommand_ to false" << std::endl;141 136 CommandExecutor::parse(command); 142 137 CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().bNewCommand_ = false; … … 144 139 else 145 140 { 146 std::cout << "parse if needed: parse!" << std::endl;147 141 CommandExecutor::parse(command); 148 142 } 149 143 } 150 std::cout << "parse if needed: don't parse" << std::endl;151 144 } 152 145 … … 163 156 { 164 157 case CS_Uninitialized: 165 std::cout << "0: Uninitialized\n";166 158 { 167 159 // Impossible … … 169 161 } 170 162 case CS_Empty: 171 std::cout << "0: Empty\n";172 163 { 173 164 if (CommandExecutor::argumentsGiven() == 0) … … 184 175 } 185 176 case CS_ShortcutOrIdentifier: 186 std::cout << "0: ShortcutOrIdentifier\n";187 177 { 188 178 if (CommandExecutor::argumentsGiven() > 1) … … 201 191 else if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().functionclass_) 202 192 { 203 std::cout << "MEP" << std::endl;204 193 // It's a functionname 205 194 CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().state_ = CS_Function; … … 283 272 } 284 273 case CS_Function: 285 std::cout << "0: Function\n";286 274 { 287 275 if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().functionclass_) … … 295 283 if (CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().function_) 296 284 { 297 std::cout << "MEP2" << std::endl;298 285 // It's a function 299 286 CommandExecutor::getEvaluation().state_ = CS_ParamPreparation; … … 551 538 std::string CommandExecutor::getPossibleArgument(const std::string& name, ConsoleCommand* command, unsigned int param) 552 539 { 553 std::cout << "4_1\n";554 540 CommandExecutor::createArgumentCompletionList(command, param); 555 541 556 std::cout << "4_2\n";557 542 std::string lowercase = getLowercase(name); 558 std::cout << "4_3\n";559 543 for (std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator it = command->getArgumentCompletionListBegin(); it != command->getArgumentCompletionListEnd(); ++it) 560 544 { 561 std::cout << "4_4\n";562 545 if ((*it).first == lowercase) 563 546 return (*it).second; 564 547 } 565 548 566 std::cout << "4_5\n";567 549 return ""; 568 550 } -
r1434 r1435 39 39 { 40 40 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(config).setArgumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).setArgumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).setArgumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue()); 41 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(tconfig) ;41 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(tconfig).setArgumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).setArgumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).setArgumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue()); 42 42 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(reloadConfig); 43 43 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(cleanConfig); … … 47 47 bool config(const std::string& classname, const std::string& varname, const std::string& value) 48 48 { 49 std::cout << "10a_1\n";50 49 std::map<std::string, Identifier*>::const_iterator identifier = Identifier::getLowercaseIdentifierMap().find(getLowercase(classname)); 51 50 if (identifier != Identifier::getLowercaseIdentifierMapEnd()) 52 51 { 53 std::cout << "10a_2\n";54 52 std::map<std::string, ConfigValueContainer*>::const_iterator variable = (*identifier).second->getLowercaseConfigValueMap().find(getLowercase(varname)); 55 53 if (variable != (*identifier).second->getLowercaseConfigValueMapEnd()) 56 { 57 std::cout << "10a_3\n"; 58 return (*variable).second->tset(value); 59 } 54 return (*variable).second->set(value); 60 55 } 61 56 return false; … … 64 59 bool tconfig(const std::string& classname, const std::string& varname, const std::string& value) 65 60 { 66 std::cout << "10b_1\n";67 61 std::map<std::string, Identifier*>::const_iterator identifier = Identifier::getLowercaseIdentifierMap().find(getLowercase(classname)); 68 62 if (identifier != Identifier::getLowercaseIdentifierMapEnd()) 69 63 { 70 std::cout << "10b_2\n";71 64 std::map<std::string, ConfigValueContainer*>::const_iterator variable = (*identifier).second->getLowercaseConfigValueMap().find(getLowercase(varname)); 72 65 if (variable != (*identifier).second->getLowercaseConfigValueMapEnd()) 73 {74 std::cout << "10b_3\n";75 66 return (*variable).second->tset(value); 76 }77 67 } 78 68 return false; -
r1320 r1435 72 72 } 73 73 74 bool MultiTypeMath::operator==(const MultiTypeString& mts) const 75 { 76 return MultiTypeString::operator==(mts); 77 } 78 79 bool MultiTypeMath::operator==(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const 80 { 81 return MultiTypePrimitive::operator==(mtp); 82 } 83 74 84 bool MultiTypeMath::operator!=(const MultiTypeMath& mtm) const 75 85 { … … 93 103 94 104 return true; 105 } 106 107 bool MultiTypeMath::operator!=(const MultiTypeString& mts) const 108 { 109 return MultiTypeString::operator!=(mts); 110 } 111 112 bool MultiTypeMath::operator!=(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const 113 { 114 return MultiTypePrimitive::operator!=(mtp); 95 115 } 96 116 … … 152 172 } 153 173 174 void MultiTypeMath::setValue(const MultiTypeString& mts) 175 { 176 MultiTypeString::setValue(mts); 177 } 178 179 void MultiTypeMath::setValue(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) 180 { 181 MultiTypePrimitive::setValue(mtp); 182 } 183 154 184 std::string MultiTypeMath::getTypename() const 155 185 { … … 218 248 bool MultiTypeMath::assimilate(const MultiTypeMath& mtm, const MultiTypeMath& defvalue) 219 249 { 220 if (this->type_ == MT_vector2) 250 if (this->type_ == MT_void) 251 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.void_, mtm, defvalue.value_.void_); 252 else if (this->type_ == MT_int) 253 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.int_, mtm, defvalue.value_.int_); 254 else if (this->type_ == MT_uint) 255 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.uint_, mtm, defvalue.value_.uint_); 256 else if (this->type_ == MT_char) 257 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.char_, mtm, defvalue.value_.char_); 258 else if (this->type_ == MT_uchar) 259 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.uchar_, mtm, defvalue.value_.uchar_); 260 else if (this->type_ == MT_short) 261 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.short_, mtm, defvalue.value_.short_); 262 else if (this->type_ == MT_ushort) 263 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.ushort_, mtm, defvalue.value_.ushort_); 264 else if (this->type_ == MT_long) 265 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.long_, mtm, defvalue.value_.long_); 266 else if (this->type_ == MT_ulong) 267 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.ulong_, mtm, defvalue.value_.ulong_); 268 else if (this->type_ == MT_float) 269 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.float_, mtm, defvalue.value_.float_); 270 else if (this->type_ == MT_double) 271 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.double_, mtm, defvalue.value_.double_); 272 else if (this->type_ == MT_longdouble) 273 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.longdouble_, mtm, defvalue.value_.longdouble_); 274 else if (this->type_ == MT_bool) 275 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.bool_, mtm, defvalue.value_.bool_); 276 else if (this->type_ == MT_constchar) 277 return ConvertValue(&this->string_, mtm, defvalue.string_); 278 else if (this->type_ == MT_string) 279 return ConvertValue(&this->string_, mtm, defvalue.string_); 280 else if (this->type_ == MT_vector2) 221 281 return ConvertValue(&this->vector2_, mtm, defvalue.vector2_); 222 282 else if (this->type_ == MT_vector3) … … 233 293 return ConvertValue(&this->degree_, mtm, defvalue.degree_); 234 294 else 235 return MultiTypeString::assimilate(mtm, defvalue);295 return false; 236 296 } 237 297 -
r1320 r1435 69 69 inline MultiTypeMath(const orxonox::Degree& value) { this->setValue(value); } 70 70 inline MultiTypeMath(const MultiTypeMath& mtm) { this->setValue(mtm); } 71 inline MultiTypeMath(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); } 72 inline MultiTypeMath(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) { this->setValue(mtp); } 71 73 virtual inline ~MultiTypeMath() {} 72 74 … … 80 82 inline MultiTypeMath& operator=(const orxonox::Degree& value) { this->setValue(value); return *this; } 81 83 inline MultiTypeMath& operator=(const MultiTypeMath& mtm) { this->setValue(mtm); return *this; } 84 inline MultiTypeMath& operator=(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); return *this; } 85 inline MultiTypeMath& operator=(const MultiTypePrimitive mtp) { this->setValue(mtp); return *this; } 82 86 83 87 using MultiTypeString::operator==; … … 90 94 inline bool operator==(const orxonox::Degree& value) const { return (this->degree_ == value); } 91 95 bool operator==(const MultiTypeMath& mtm) const; 96 bool operator==(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 97 bool operator==(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const; 92 98 93 99 using MultiTypeString::operator!=; … … 100 106 inline bool operator!=(const orxonox::Degree& value) const { return (this->degree_ != value); } 101 107 bool operator!=(const MultiTypeMath& mtm) const; 108 bool operator!=(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 109 bool operator!=(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const; 102 110 103 111 virtual operator void*() const; … … 133 141 inline void setValue(const orxonox::Degree& value) { this->type_ = MT_degree; this->degree_ = value; } 134 142 void setValue(const MultiTypeMath& mtm); 143 void setValue(const MultiTypeString& mts); 144 void setValue(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp); 135 145 136 146 inline orxonox::Vector2 getVector2() const { return this->vector2_; } -
r1320 r1435 33 33 MultiTypeString::MultiTypeString(MultiType type) : MultiTypePrimitive(type) 34 34 { 35 // Nothing to do for string and xml-element35 // Nothing to do for string 36 36 } 37 37 … … 49 49 } 50 50 51 bool MultiTypeString::operator==(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const 52 { 53 return MultiTypePrimitive::operator==(mtp); 54 } 55 51 56 bool MultiTypeString::operator!=(const MultiTypeString& mts) const 52 57 { … … 60 65 61 66 return true; 67 } 68 69 bool MultiTypeString::operator!=(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const 70 { 71 return MultiTypePrimitive::operator!=(mtp); 62 72 } 63 73 … … 97 107 MultiTypePrimitive::setValue(mts); 98 108 this->string_ = mts.string_; 109 } 110 111 void MultiTypeString::setValue(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) 112 { 113 MultiTypePrimitive::setValue(mtp); 99 114 } 100 115 … … 138 153 bool MultiTypeString::assimilate(const MultiTypeString& mts, const MultiTypeString& defvalue) 139 154 { 140 if (this->type_ == MT_constchar) 155 if (this->type_ == MT_void) 156 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.void_, mts, defvalue.value_.void_); 157 else if (this->type_ == MT_int) 158 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.int_, mts, defvalue.value_.int_); 159 else if (this->type_ == MT_uint) 160 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.uint_, mts, defvalue.value_.uint_); 161 else if (this->type_ == MT_char) 162 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.char_, mts, defvalue.value_.char_); 163 else if (this->type_ == MT_uchar) 164 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.uchar_, mts, defvalue.value_.uchar_); 165 else if (this->type_ == MT_short) 166 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.short_, mts, defvalue.value_.short_); 167 else if (this->type_ == MT_ushort) 168 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.ushort_, mts, defvalue.value_.ushort_); 169 else if (this->type_ == MT_long) 170 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.long_, mts, defvalue.value_.long_); 171 else if (this->type_ == MT_ulong) 172 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.ulong_, mts, defvalue.value_.ulong_); 173 else if (this->type_ == MT_float) 174 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.float_, mts, defvalue.value_.float_); 175 else if (this->type_ == MT_double) 176 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.double_, mts, defvalue.value_.double_); 177 else if (this->type_ == MT_longdouble) 178 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.longdouble_, mts, defvalue.value_.longdouble_); 179 else if (this->type_ == MT_bool) 180 return ConvertValue(&this->value_.bool_, mts, defvalue.value_.bool_); 181 else if (this->type_ == MT_constchar) 141 182 return ConvertValue(&this->string_, mts, defvalue.string_); 142 183 else if (this->type_ == MT_string) 143 184 return ConvertValue(&this->string_, mts, defvalue.string_); 144 185 else 145 return MultiTypePrimitive::assimilate(mts, defvalue);186 return false; 146 187 } 147 188 -
r1325 r1435 61 61 inline MultiTypeString(long double value) : MultiTypePrimitive(value) {} 62 62 inline MultiTypeString(bool value) : MultiTypePrimitive(value) {} 63 inline MultiTypeString(const char* value) { this->setValue(value); } 64 inline MultiTypeString(const std::string& value) { this->setValue(value); } 65 inline MultiTypeString(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); } 63 inline MultiTypeString(const char* value) { this->setValue(value); } 64 inline MultiTypeString(const std::string& value) { this->setValue(value); } 65 inline MultiTypeString(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); } 66 inline MultiTypeString(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) { this->setValue(mtp); } 66 67 virtual inline ~MultiTypeString() {} 67 68 68 69 using MultiTypePrimitive::operator=; 69 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const char* value) { this->setValue(value); return *this; } 70 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const std::string& value) { this->setValue(value); return *this; } 71 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); return *this; } 70 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const char* value) { this->setValue(value); return *this; } 71 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const std::string& value) { this->setValue(value); return *this; } 72 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const MultiTypeString& mts) { this->setValue(mts); return *this; } 73 inline MultiTypeString& operator=(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) { this->setValue(mtp); return *this; } 72 74 73 75 using MultiTypePrimitive::operator==; 74 76 inline bool operator==(const char* value) const { return (this->string_ == std::string(value)); } 75 77 inline bool operator==(const std::string& value) const { return (this->string_ == value); } 76 bool operator==(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 78 bool operator==(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 79 bool operator==(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const; 77 80 78 81 using MultiTypePrimitive::operator!=; 79 82 inline bool operator!=(const char* value) const { return (this->string_ != std::string(value)); } 80 83 inline bool operator!=(const std::string& value) const { return (this->string_ != value); } 81 bool operator!=(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 84 bool operator!=(const MultiTypeString& mts) const; 85 bool operator!=(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp) const; 82 86 83 87 virtual operator void*() const; … … 100 104 inline void setValue(const char* value) { this->type_ = MT_string; this->string_ = std::string(value); } 101 105 inline void setValue(const std::string& value) { this->type_ = MT_string; this->string_ = value; } 102 void setValue(const MultiTypeString& mts); 106 void setValue(const MultiTypeString& mts); 107 void setValue(const MultiTypePrimitive& mtp); 103 108 104 109 inline std::string getString() const { return this->string_; }
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