changed the static interface of the InputManager to a member one with getInstance()
converted InputManager and InGameConsole to Ogre Singletons (c'tor and d'tor public, but assert in c'tor to prevent multiple instances at runtime)
added toluabind_orxonox files to tolua folder that contains a pimped version of tolua
(I'll write a little cmake project soon to automate it; Currently that only works with msvc)
commented out Loader::unload() from Orxonox destructor because that deleted the ParticleSpawners, which were using a method of a sceneNode that belonged to a already destroyed SpaceShip.
—> Results in a memory leak.
Previously Loader::unload() was called for all BaseObjects (now calling unload(level_)). And since 'P' from ParticleSpawner comes before 'S' like SpaceShip, the order was correct.
Added factory feature for InputStates (can now be created by string if there is Factory entry for it)
Created factory entries for SimpleInputState and ExtendedInputState