Changeset 2910 for code/trunk/src/orxonox/overlays
- Timestamp:
- Apr 8, 2009, 1:36:05 AM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- code/trunk/src/orxonox/overlays
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2909 r2910 113 113 } 114 114 115 /**116 @brief117 Removes an element from the map.118 @param element119 The element that is to be removed.120 @return121 Returns true if there was such an element to remove, false if not.122 */123 bool OverlayGroup::removeElement(OrxonoxOverlay* element)124 {125 if(this->hudElements_.erase(element) == 0)126 return false;127 return true;128 }129 130 115 //! Returns a different element as long as index < hudElements_.size(). 131 116 OrxonoxOverlay* OverlayGroup::getElement(unsigned int index) -
r2909 r2910 38 38 39 39 #include <set> 40 #include <string>41 40 #include <OgrePrerequisites.h> 42 41 #include "core/BaseObject.h" … … 87 86 88 87 void addElement(OrxonoxOverlay* element); 89 bool removeElement(OrxonoxOverlay* element);90 88 OrxonoxOverlay* getElement(unsigned int index); 91 89 -
r2909 r2910 2 2 3 3 4 NotificationOverlay.cc5 4 6 5 ) -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file Notification.cc31 @brief Implementation of the Notification class.32 */33 34 29 #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" 35 30 #include "Notification.h" 36 31 37 32 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" 38 #include "util/Exception.h"39 33 40 34 #include "NotificationManager.h" … … 42 36 namespace orxonox 43 37 { 44 45 /**46 @brief47 Default constructor. Initializes the object.48 */49 38 Notification::Notification(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator) 50 39 { 51 this->initialize();40 RegisterObject(Notification); 52 41 } 53 42 54 /** 55 @brief 56 Constructor. Creates a Notification with the input message. 57 @param message 58 The message of the Notification. 59 */ 60 Notification::Notification(const std::string & message) : BaseObject(this) 43 Notification::Notification(BaseObject* creator, const std::string & message, const std::string & title, float time) : BaseObject(creator) 61 44 { 45 this->title_ = title; 62 46 this->message_ = message; 47 if(time > 0) 48 this->displayTime_ = time; 63 49 } 64 50 65 /**66 @brief67 Destructor.68 */69 51 Notification::~Notification() 70 52 { 71 53 } 72 54 73 /**74 @brief75 Registers the object and sets some default values.76 */77 55 void Notification::initialize(void) 78 56 { 79 57 RegisterObject(Notification); 80 58 59 this->title_ = ""; 81 60 this->message_ = ""; 82 this-> sender_ = NotificationManager::NONE;61 this->displayTime_ = NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_TIME; 83 62 this->sent_ = false; 84 63 } 85 64 86 /**87 @brief88 Sends the Notification to the Notificationmanager, with sender NetificationManager::NONE.89 @return90 Returns true if successful.91 */92 65 bool Notification::send(void) 93 66 { 94 return this->send(NotificationManager::NONE); 67 bool successful = NotificationManager::insertNotification(this); 68 if(successful) 69 this->sent_ = true; 70 return successful; 95 71 } 96 72 97 /** 98 @brief 99 Sends the Notification to the Notificationmanager, which then in turn distributes it to the different NotificationQueues. 100 @param sender 101 The sender the Notification was sent by. Used by the NotificationManager to distributes the notification to the correct NotificationQueues. 102 @return 103 Returns true if successful. 104 */ 105 bool Notification::send(const std::string & sender) 73 bool Notification::setTitle(const std::string & title) 106 74 { 107 this->sender_ = sender; 108 bool successful = NotificationManager::getInstance().registerNotification(this); 109 if(!successful) 75 if(this->isSent()) 110 76 return false; 111 this->sent_ = true; 112 113 COUT(3) << "Notification \"" << this->getMessage() << "\" sent." << std::endl; 114 77 this->title_ = title; 115 78 return true; 116 79 } 117 80 118 /**119 @brief120 Sets the message of the notification.121 @param message122 The message to be set.123 @return124 Returns true if successful.125 */126 81 bool Notification::setMessage(const std::string & message) 127 82 { 128 if(this->isSent()) //!< The message cannot be changed if the message has already been sent.83 if(this->isSent()) 129 84 return false; 130 85 this->message_ = message; 131 86 return true; 132 87 } 133 88 89 bool Notification::setDisplayTime(float time) 90 { 91 if(this->isSent()) 92 { 93 return false; 94 } 95 if(time > 0) 96 { 97 this->displayTime_ = time; 98 return true; 99 } 100 return false; 101 } 134 102 } -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file Notification.h31 @brief Definition of the Notification class.32 */33 34 29 #ifndef _Notification_H__ 35 30 #define _Notification_H__ … … 43 38 namespace orxonox 44 39 { 40 static const float NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_TIME = 4.0; 45 41 46 42 /** 47 43 @brief 48 A Notification is a short message used to inform the player about something that just happened. A Notification can be sent from any part of orxonox and is then displayed in the proper NotificationQueue (depending on which senders the specific NotificationQueue accepts).44 This is rather temporary, so don't start relying on it, some better version will come soon but the Interface will not likely be the same. 49 45 @author 50 46 Damian 'Mozork' Frick … … 52 48 class _OrxonoxExport Notification : public BaseObject 53 49 { 54 public: 55 Notification(BaseObject* creator); 56 Notification(const std::string & message); 57 virtual ~Notification(); 58 59 bool send(void); //!< Sends the Notification to the Notificationmanager, with sender NotificationManager::NONE; 60 bool send(const std::string & sender); //!< Sends the Notification to the Notificationmanager. 61 62 /** 63 @brief Checks whether the Notification was sent. 64 @return Returns true if the Notification was sent already. 65 */ 66 inline bool isSent(void) const 67 { return this->sent_; } 68 /** 69 @brief Returns the message of the Notification. 70 @return Returns the message of the Notification. 71 */ 72 inline const std::string & getMessage(void) const 73 { return this->message_; } 74 75 inline const std::string & getSender(void) const 76 { return this->sender_; } 77 78 bool setMessage(const std::string & message); //!< Sets the message of the notification. 79 80 private: 81 std::string message_; //!< The Notification message. 82 std::string sender_; //!< The sender of the notification. 83 bool sent_; //!< Whether Notification has been sent, if so it cannot be changed. 84 85 void initialize(void); 86 50 public: 51 Notification(BaseObject* creator); 52 Notification(BaseObject* creator, const std::string & message, const std::string & title = "", float time = NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_TIME); 53 virtual ~Notification(); 54 55 bool send(void); 56 57 inline bool isSent(void) const 58 { return this->sent_; } 59 inline const std::string & getTitle(void) const 60 { return this->title_; } 61 inline const std::string & getMessage(void) const 62 { return this->message_; } 63 inline const float getDisplayTime(void) const 64 { return displayTime_; } 65 66 bool setTitle(const std::string & title); 67 bool setMessage(const std::string & message); 68 bool setDisplayTime(float time); 69 70 private: 71 std::string title_; //!< The title of the Notification. 72 std::string message_; //!< The Notification message. 73 float displayTime_; //!< The time duration the Notification is displayed in seconds. 74 bool sent_; //!< Whether Notification has been sent, if so it cannot be changed. 75 76 void initialize(void); 87 77 }; 88 89 78 } 90 79 -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file NotificationManager.cc31 @brief Implementation of the NotificationManager class.32 */33 34 29 #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" 35 30 #include "NotificationManager.h" … … 37 32 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" 38 33 39 #include <set>34 #include "Notification.h" 40 35 41 #include "Notification.h"42 36 #include "NotificationQueue.h" 43 37 44 38 namespace orxonox 45 39 { 40 std::list<NotificationContainer*> NotificationManager::notifications_s; 46 41 47 const std::string NotificationManager::ALL = "all"; 48 const std::string NotificationManager::NONE = "none"; 49 50 NotificationManager* NotificationManager::singletonRef_s = NULL; 51 52 /** 53 @brief 54 Constructor. Registers the Object. 55 */ 56 NotificationManager::NotificationManager() 42 NotificationManager::NotificationManager(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator) 57 43 { 58 RegisterRootObject(NotificationManager); 59 60 assert(singletonRef_s == 0); 61 singletonRef_s = this; 62 63 this->highestIndex_ = 0; 44 RegisterObject(NotificationManager); 64 45 } 65 46 66 /**67 @brief68 Destructor.69 */70 47 NotificationManager::~NotificationManager() 71 48 { 49 //TDO: Destroy the containers 72 50 } 73 51 74 /** 75 @brief 76 Returns the current (and single) instance of the NotificationManager. Creates one, if there isn't one to begin with. 77 @return 78 Returns a reference to the single instance of the NotificationManager. 79 */ 80 /*static*/ NotificationManager & NotificationManager::getInstance() 52 void NotificationManager::tick(float dt) 81 53 { 82 assert(singletonRef_s); 83 return *singletonRef_s; 84 } 85 86 /** 87 @brief 88 Registers a Notification within the NotificationManager and makes sure that the Notification is displayed in all the NotificationQueues associated with its sender. 89 @param notification 90 The Notification to be registered. 91 @return 92 Returns true if successful. 93 */ 94 bool NotificationManager::registerNotification(Notification* notification) 95 { 96 97 if(notification == NULL) //!< A NULL-Notification cannot be registered. 98 return false; 99 100 std::time_t time = std::time(0); //TDO: Doesn't this expire? //!< Get current time. 101 102 this->allNotificationsList_.insert(std::pair<std::time_t,Notification*>(time,notification)); 103 104 if(notification->getSender() == NONE) //!< If the sender has no specific name, then the Notification is only added to the list of all Notifications. 105 return true; 106 107 bool all = false; 108 if(notification->getSender() == ALL) //!< If all are the sender, then the Notifications is added to every NotificationQueue. 109 all = true; 110 111 //!< Insert the notification in all queues that have its sender as target. 112 for(std::map<NotificationQueue*,int>::iterator it = this->queueList_.begin(); it != this->queueList_.end(); it++) //!< Iterate through all queues. 54 bool update = false; 55 56 for (std::list<NotificationContainer*>::iterator notification = notifications_s.begin(); notification != notifications_s.end(); ++notification) 113 57 { 114 std::set<std::string> set = it->first->getTargetsSet();115 if( all || set.find(notification->getSender()) != set.end() || set.find(ALL) != set.end()) //TDO: Make sure this works.58 NotificationContainer* container = *notification; 59 if(container->remainingTime == 0) 116 60 { 117 this->notificationLists_[it->second]->insert(std::pair<std::time_t,Notification*>(time,notification)); //!< Insert the Notification in the Notifications list of the current NotificationQueue. 118 it->first->update(notification, time); //!< Update the queue. 61 continue; 62 } 63 else if(container->remainingTime - dt <= 0) 64 { 65 container->remainingTime = 0; 66 update = true; 67 } 68 else 69 { 70 container->remainingTime = container->remainingTime -dt; 119 71 } 120 72 } 121 122 COUT(3) << "Notification registered with the NotificationManager." << std::endl; 123 124 return true; 73 74 if(update) 75 updateQueue(); 125 76 } 126 127 /** 128 @brief 129 Registers a NotificationQueue within the NotificationManager. 130 @param queue 131 The NotificationQueue to be registered. 132 @return 133 Returns true if successful. 134 */ 135 bool NotificationManager::registerQueue(NotificationQueue* queue) 77 78 bool NotificationManager::insertNotification(Notification* notification) 136 79 { 137 this->highestIndex_ += 1; 138 int index = this->highestIndex_; 139 140 this->queueList_[queue] = index; //!< Add the NotificationQueue to the list of queues. 141 142 std::set<std::string> set = queue->getTargetsSet(); //TDO: Works this? 143 144 //! If all senders are the target of the queue, then the list of notification for that specific queue is te same as the list of all Notifications. 145 if(set.find(ALL) != set.end()) 146 { 147 this->notificationLists_[index] = &this->allNotificationsList_; 148 COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue registered with the NotificationManager." << std::endl; 149 return true; 150 } 151 152 this->notificationLists_[index] = new std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>; 153 std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*> map = *this->notificationLists_[index]; 154 155 //! Iterate through all Notifications to determine whether any of them should belong to the newly registered NotificationQueue. 156 for(std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>::iterator it = this->allNotificationsList_.begin(); it != this->allNotificationsList_.end(); it++) 157 { 158 if(set.find(it->second->getSender()) != set.end()) //!< Checks whether the overlay has the sender of the current notification as target. 159 { 160 map.insert(std::pair<std::time_t,Notification*>(it->first, it->second)); 161 } 162 } 163 164 queue->update(); //!< Update the queue. 165 166 COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue registered with the NotificationManager." << std::endl; 167 168 return true; 169 } 170 171 /** 172 @brief 173 Fetches the Notifications for a specific NotificationQueue in a specified timeframe. 174 @param queue 175 The NotificationQueue the Notifications are fetched for. 176 @param map 177 A multimap, in which the notifications are stored. 178 @param timeFrameStart 179 The start time of the timeframe. 180 @param timeFrameEnd 181 The end time of the timeframe. 182 @return 183 Returns true if successful. 184 */ 185 bool NotificationManager::getNotifications(NotificationQueue* queue, std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* map, const std::time_t & timeFrameStart, const std::time_t & timeFrameEnd) 186 { 187 if(queue == NULL || map == NULL) 80 if(notification == NULL) 188 81 return false; 189 82 190 std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* notifications = this->notificationLists_[this->queueList_[queue]]; //!< The Notifications for the input NotificationQueue. 191 192 if(notifications == NULL) //!< Returns NULL, if there are no Notifications. 193 return true; 194 195 std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>::iterator it, itLowest, itHighest; 196 itLowest = notifications->lower_bound(timeFrameStart); 197 itHighest = notifications->upper_bound(timeFrameStart); 198 199 for(it = itLowest; it != itHighest; it++) //!< Iterate through the Notifications from the start of the time Frame to the end of it. 200 { 201 map->insert(std::pair<std::time_t,Notification*>(it->first,it->second)); //!< Add the found Notifications to the map. 202 } 203 83 NotificationContainer* container = new NotificationContainer; 84 container->notification = notification; 85 container->remainingTime = notification->getDisplayTime(); 86 notifications_s.push_front(container); 87 88 updateQueue(); 89 90 COUT(4) << "Notification inserted. Title: " << notification->getTitle() << std::endl; 91 204 92 return true; 205 93 } 206 94 95 void NotificationManager::updateQueue(void) 96 { 97 std::string text = ""; 98 99 if (!NotificationQueue::queue_s) 100 return; 101 102 int i = NotificationQueue::queue_s->getLength(); 103 for (std::list<NotificationContainer*>::iterator notification = notifications_s.begin(); notification != notifications_s.end() && i > 0; ++notification) 104 { 105 i--; 106 NotificationContainer* container = *notification; 107 if(container->remainingTime == 0.0) 108 continue; 109 110 text = text + "\n\n\n------------\n\n" + clipMessage(container->notification->getTitle()) + "\n\n" + clipMessage(container->notification->getMessage()); 111 } 112 113 NotificationQueue::queue_s->setQueueText(text); 114 } 115 116 const std::string NotificationManager::clipMessage(const std::string & str) 117 { 118 119 std::string message = str; 120 unsigned int i = 0; 121 122 unsigned int found = message.find("\\n", i); 123 while(found != std::string::npos) 124 { 125 message.replace(found, 2, "\n"); 126 i = found+2; 127 found = message.find("\\n", i); 128 } 129 130 std::string clippedMessage = ""; 131 int wordLength = 0; 132 i = 0; 133 int widthLeft = NotificationQueue::queue_s->getWidth(); 134 while(i < message.length()) 135 { 136 while(i < message.length() && message[i] != ' ' && message[i] != '\n') 137 { 138 i++; 139 wordLength++; 140 } 141 142 if(wordLength <= widthLeft) 143 { 144 clippedMessage = clippedMessage + message.substr(i-wordLength, wordLength); 145 if(i < message.length()) 146 { 147 clippedMessage = clippedMessage + message.substr(i,1); 148 } 149 widthLeft -= (wordLength+1); 150 if(message[i] == '\n') 151 { 152 widthLeft = NotificationQueue::queue_s->getWidth() - (wordLength+1); 153 } 154 wordLength = 0; 155 i++; 156 } 157 else 158 { 159 clippedMessage.push_back('\n'); 160 clippedMessage = clippedMessage + message.substr(i-wordLength, wordLength); 161 if(i < message.length()) 162 { 163 clippedMessage = clippedMessage + message.substr(i,1); 164 } 165 widthLeft = NotificationQueue::queue_s->getWidth() - (wordLength+1); 166 i++; 167 wordLength = 0; 168 } 169 } 170 171 return clippedMessage; 172 } 173 207 174 } -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file NotificationManager.h31 @brief Definition of the NotificationManager class.32 */33 34 29 #ifndef _NotificationManager_H__ 35 30 #define _NotificationManager_H__ … … 37 32 #include "OrxonoxPrereqs.h" 38 33 39 #include "core/ OrxonoxClass.h"34 #include "core/BaseObject.h" 40 35 41 #include < map>36 #include <list> 42 37 #include <string> 43 #include <ctime>44 45 #include "NotificationOverlay.h"46 38 47 39 namespace orxonox 48 40 { 41 struct NotificationContainer 42 { 43 Notification* notification; 44 float remainingTime; 45 }; 49 46 50 47 /** 51 48 @brief 52 The Singleton NotificationManager functions as a gateway between Notifications and NotificationQueues. 53 It receives, organizes Notifications and the redistributes them to the specific NotificationQueues. 49 54 50 @author 55 51 Damian 'Mozork' Frick 56 52 */ 57 class _OrxonoxExport NotificationManager : public OrxonoxClass53 class _OrxonoxExport NotificationManager : public BaseObject 58 54 { 59 public: 60 NotificationManager(); 61 virtual ~NotificationManager(); 62 63 static const std::string ALL; 64 static const std::string NONE; 65 66 static NotificationManager & getInstance(); //! Returns a reference to the single instance of the NotificationManager. 67 68 bool registerNotification(Notification* notification); //!< Registers a Notification within the NotificationManager. 69 bool registerQueue(NotificationQueue* queue); //!< Registers a NotificationQueue within the NotificationManager. 70 71 bool getNotifications(NotificationQueue* queue, std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* map, const std::time_t & timeFrameStart, const std::time_t & timeFrameEnd); //!< Returns the Notifications for a specific NotificationQueue in a specified timeframe. 72 73 /** 74 @brief Fetches the Notifications for a specific NotificationQueue starting at a specified time. 75 @param queue The NotificationQueue the Notifications are fetched for. 76 @param map A multimap, in which the notifications are stored. 77 @param timeFrameStart The start time the Notifications are fetched from. 78 @return Returns true if successful. 79 */ 80 bool getNotifications(NotificationQueue* queue, std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* map, const std::time_t & timeFrameStart) 81 { return this->getNotifications(queue, map, timeFrameStart, std::time(0)); } 82 /** 83 @brief Fetches the Notifications for a specific NotificationQueue starting at a specified timespan before now. 84 @param queue The NotificationQueue the Notifications are fetched for. 85 @param map A multimap, in which the notifications are stored. 86 @param timeDelay The timespan. 87 @return Returns true if successful. 88 */ 89 bool getNotifications(NotificationQueue* queue, std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* map, int timeDelay) 90 { return this->getNotifications(queue, map, std::time(0)-timeDelay, std::time(0)); } 91 92 private: 93 static NotificationManager* singletonRef_s; 94 95 int highestIndex_; //!< This variable holds the highest index (resp. key) in notificationLists_s, to secure that no key appears twice. 55 56 public: 57 NotificationManager(BaseObject* creator); 58 virtual ~NotificationManager(); 96 59 97 std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*> allNotificationsList_; //!< Container where all notifications are stored (together with their respecive timestamps). 98 std::map<NotificationQueue*,int> queueList_; //!< Container where all NotificationQueues are stored with a number as identifier. 99 std::map<int,std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>*> notificationLists_; //!< Container where all Notifications, for each identifier (associated with a NotificationQueue), are stored. 100 60 static bool insertNotification(Notification* notification); 61 62 static void tick(float dt); 63 64 private: 65 static std::list<NotificationContainer*> notifications_s; 66 67 static void updateQueue(void); 68 static const std::string clipMessage(const std::string & message); 101 69 102 70 }; -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file NotificationQueue.cc31 @brief Implementation of the NotificationQueue class.32 */33 34 29 #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" 35 30 #include "NotificationQueue.h" 36 37 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>38 #include <OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h>39 #include <list>40 #include <iostream>41 #include <sstream>42 31 43 32 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" 44 33 #include "core/XMLPort.h" 45 34 46 #include "Notification.h" 47 #include "NotificationOverlay.h" 35 #include "NotificationManager.h" 48 36 49 37 namespace orxonox 50 38 { 51 39 NotificationQueue* NotificationQueue::queue_s = 0; 40 52 41 CreateFactory(NotificationQueue); 53 54 const std::string NotificationQueue::DEFAULT_FONT = "VeraMono";55 const Vector2 NotificationQueue::DEFAULT_POSITION = Vector2(0.0,0.0);56 42 57 /** 58 @brief 59 Constructor. Creates and initializes the object. 60 */ 61 NotificationQueue::NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator) : OverlayGroup(creator) 43 NotificationQueue::NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator) : OverlayText(creator) 62 44 { 63 this->initialize(); 45 RegisterObject(NotificationQueue); 46 //TDO: Does this work? 47 if(queue_s != NULL) 48 { 49 COUT(2) << "There is now more than one NotificationQueue, this shouldn't happen, since only the first NotificationQueue will be targeted by the NotificationManager." << std::endl; 50 } 51 else 52 { 53 queue_s = this; 54 } 55 56 this->length_ = 3; 57 this->width_ = 50; 64 58 } 65 66 /** 67 @brief 68 Destructor. 69 */ 59 70 60 NotificationQueue::~NotificationQueue() 71 61 { 72 this->targets_.clear(); 73 this->clear(); 62 74 63 } 75 76 /** 77 @brief 78 Initializes the object. 79 Registers the object, initializes variables, sets default values and registers the queue with the NotificationManager. 80 */ 81 void NotificationQueue::initialize(void) 82 { 83 RegisterObject(NotificationQueue); 84 85 this->size_ = 0; 86 this->tickTime_ = 0.0; 87 88 NotificationManager::getInstance().registerQueue(this); 89 } 90 91 /** 92 @brief 93 Sets the defaults. 94 */ 95 void NotificationQueue::setDefaults(void) 96 { 97 this->setMaxSize(DEFAULT_SIZE); 98 this->setNotificationLength(DEFAULT_LENGTH); 99 this->setDisplayTime(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME); 100 this->setPosition(DEFAULT_POSITION); 101 102 this->setTargets(NotificationManager::ALL); 103 104 this->setFontSize(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); 105 this->setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); 106 } 107 108 /** 109 @brief 110 Method for creating a NotificationQueue object through XML. 111 */ 64 112 65 void NotificationQueue::XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode) 113 66 { 114 67 SUPER(NotificationQueue, XMLPort, xmlElement, mode); 115 116 this->setDefaults();117 68 118 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "maxSize", setMaxSize, getMaxSize, xmlElement, mode); 119 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "notificationLength", setNotificationLength, getNotificationLength, xmlElement, mode); 120 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "displayTime", setDisplayTime, getDisplayTime, xmlElement, mode); 121 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "targets", setTargets, getTargets, xmlElement, mode); 122 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "font", setFont, getFont, xmlElement, mode); 123 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "fontSize", setFontSize, getFontSize, xmlElement, mode); 124 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "position", setPosition, getPosition, xmlElement, mode); 125 126 COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue created." << std::endl; 69 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "length", setLength, getLength, xmlElement, mode); 70 XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "width", setWidth, getWidth, xmlElement, mode); 127 71 } 128 129 /** 130 @brief 131 Updates the queue from time to time. 132 @param dt 133 The time interval that has passed since the last tick. 134 */ 72 135 73 void NotificationQueue::tick(float dt) 136 74 { 137 this->tickTime_ += dt; //!< Add the time interval that has passed to the time counter. 138 if(this->tickTime_ >= 1.0) //!< If the time counter is greater than 1s all Notifications that have expired are removed, if it is smaller we wait to the next tick. 75 NotificationManager::tick(dt); 76 77 update(); 78 } 79 80 bool NotificationQueue::setLength(int length) 81 { 82 if(length > 0) 139 83 { 140 this->timeLimit_.time = std::time(0)-this->displayTime_; //!< Container containig the current time. 141 142 std::multiset<NotificationOverlayContainer*, NotificationOverlayContainerCompare>::iterator it; 143 it = this->containers_.begin(); 144 while(it != this->containers_.upper_bound(&this->timeLimit_)) //!< Iterate through all elements whose creation time is smaller than the current time minus the display time. 145 { 146 this->removeContainer(*it); 147 this->scroll(Vector2(0.0,-(1.1*this->getFontSize()))); 148 it = this->containers_.begin(); //TDO: Needed? 149 } 150 151 this->tickTime_ = 0.0; //!< Reset time counter. 84 this->length_ = length; 85 return true; 152 86 } 87 return false; 153 88 } 154 155 /** 156 @brief 157 Updates the NotificationQueue. 158 Updates by clearing the queue and requesting all relevant Notifications from the NotificationManager and inserting the in the queue. 159 */ 89 90 bool NotificationQueue::setWidth(int width) 91 { 92 if(width > 0) 93 { 94 this->width_ = width; 95 return true; 96 } 97 return false; 98 } 99 100 void NotificationQueue::setQueueText(const std::string & text) 101 { 102 this->queueText_ = text; 103 } 104 160 105 void NotificationQueue::update(void) 161 106 { 162 this->clear(); 163 164 std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>* notifications = new std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>; 165 if(!NotificationManager::getInstance().getNotifications(this, notifications, this->displayTime_)) //!< Get the Notifications sent in the interval form now to minus the display time. 166 { 167 COUT(1) << "NotificationQueue update failed due to undetermined cause." << std::endl; 168 return; 169 } 170 171 if(notifications->empty()) 172 return; 173 174 for(std::multimap<std::time_t,Notification*>::iterator it = notifications->begin(); it != notifications->end(); it++) //!> Add all Notifications. 175 { 176 this->addNotification(it->second, it->first); 177 } 178 179 delete notifications; 180 181 COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue updated." << std::endl; 107 this->text_->setCaption(queueText_); 182 108 } 183 184 /**185 @brief186 Updates the NotificationQueue by adding an new Notification.187 @param notification188 Pointer to the Notification.189 @param time190 The time the Notification was sent.191 */192 void NotificationQueue::update(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time)193 {194 this->addNotification(notification, time);195 196 std::multiset<NotificationOverlayContainer*, NotificationOverlayContainerCompare>::iterator it;197 while(this->getSize() > this->getMaxSize())198 {199 it = this->containers_.begin();200 this->removeContainer(*it);201 this->scroll(Vector2(0.0,-(1.1*this->getFontSize())));202 }203 204 COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue updated. A new Notifications has been added." << std::endl;205 }206 207 /**208 @brief209 Sets the maximum number of displayed Notifications.210 @param size211 The size to be set.212 @return213 Returns true if successful.214 */215 bool NotificationQueue::setMaxSize(int size)216 {217 if(size < 0)218 return false;219 this->maxSize_ = size;220 this->update();221 return true;222 }223 224 /**225 @brief226 Sets the maximum number of characters a Notification message displayed by this queue is allowed to have.227 @param length228 The length to be set.229 @return230 Returns true if successful.231 */232 bool NotificationQueue::setNotificationLength(int length)233 {234 if(length < 0)235 return false;236 this->notificationLength_ = length;237 this->update();238 return true;239 }240 241 /**242 @brief243 Sets the maximum number of seconds a Notification is displayed.244 @param time245 The number of seconds the Notifications is displayed.246 @return247 Returns true if successful.248 */249 bool NotificationQueue::setDisplayTime(int time)250 {251 if(time < 0)252 return false;253 this->displayTime_ = time;254 this->update();255 return true;256 }257 258 /**259 @brief260 Produces all targets concatinated as string, with kommas (',') as seperators.261 @param string262 Pointer to a string which will be used by the method to fill with the concatination of the targets.263 @return264 Returns true if successful.265 */266 bool NotificationQueue::getTargets(std::string* string) const267 {268 if(string == NULL)269 {270 COUT(4) << "Input string must have memory allocated." << std::endl;271 return false;272 }273 string->clear();274 bool first = true;275 for(std::set<std::string>::iterator it = this->targets_.begin(); it != this->targets_.end(); it++) //!< Iterate through the set of targets.276 {277 if(!first)278 {279 *string += ",";280 }281 else282 {283 first = false;284 }285 *string += *it;286 }287 288 return true;289 }290 291 /**292 @brief293 Sets the targets of the queue.294 The targets are the senders whose Notifications are displayed in this queue.295 @param targets296 Accepts a string of targets, each seperated by commas (','), spaces are ignored.297 @return298 Returns true if successful.299 */300 bool NotificationQueue::setTargets(const std::string & targets)301 {302 this->targets_.clear();303 304 std::string* pTemp;305 unsigned int index = 0;306 while( index < targets.size() ) //!< Go through the string, character by character until the end is reached.307 {308 pTemp = new std::string("");309 while(index < targets.size() && targets[index] != ',' && targets[index] != ' ')310 {311 *pTemp += targets[index];312 index++;313 }314 index++;315 this->targets_.insert(*pTemp);316 }317 318 return true;319 }320 321 /**322 @brief323 Sets the font size.324 @param size325 The font size.326 @return327 Returns true if successful.328 */329 bool NotificationQueue::setFontSize(float size)330 {331 if(size <= 0)332 return false;333 this->fontSize_ = size;334 for (std::map<Notification*, NotificationOverlayContainer*>::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); it++) //!< Set the font size for each overlay.335 {336 it->second->overlay->setFontSize(size);337 }338 return true;339 }340 341 /**342 @brief343 Sets the font.344 @param font345 The font.346 @return347 Returns true if successful.348 */349 bool NotificationQueue::setFont(const std::string & font)350 {351 this->font_ = font;352 for (std::map<Notification*, NotificationOverlayContainer*>::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); it++) //!< Set the font for each overlay.353 {354 it->second->overlay->setFont(font);355 }356 return true;357 }358 359 /**360 @brief361 Scrolls the NotificationQueue, meaning all NotificationOverlays are moved the input vector.362 @param pos363 The vector the NotificationQueue is scrolled.364 */365 void NotificationQueue::scroll(const Vector2 pos)366 {367 for (std::map<Notification*, NotificationOverlayContainer*>::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); ++it) //!< Scroll each overlay.368 {369 it->second->overlay->scroll(pos);370 }371 }372 373 /**374 @brief375 Aligns all the Notifications to the position of the NotificationQueue.376 */377 void NotificationQueue::positionChanged(void)378 {379 int counter = 0;380 for (std::multiset<NotificationOverlayContainer*, NotificationOverlayContainerCompare>::iterator it = this->containers_.begin(); it != this->containers_.end(); it++) //!< Set the position for each overlay.381 {382 (*it)->overlay->setPosition(this->getPosition());383 (*it)->overlay->scroll(Vector2(0.0,(1.1*this->getFontSize())*counter));384 counter++;385 }386 }387 388 /**389 @brief390 Adds a Notification, to the queue.391 It inserts it into the storage containers, creates an corresponding overlay and a container.392 @param notification393 The Notification.394 @param time395 The time.396 */397 void NotificationQueue::addNotification(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time)398 {399 NotificationOverlayContainer* container = new NotificationOverlayContainer;400 container->overlay = new NotificationOverlay(this, notification);401 container->notification = notification;402 container->time = time;403 std::string timeString = std::ctime(&time);404 timeString.erase(timeString.length()-1);405 std::ostringstream stream;406 stream << (unsigned long)notification;407 std::string addressString = stream.str() ;408 container->name = "NotificationOverlay(" + timeString + ")&" + addressString;409 410 this->containers_.insert(container);411 this->overlays_[notification] = container;412 this->addElement(container->overlay);413 this->size_= this->size_+1;414 415 container->overlay->scroll(Vector2(0.0,(1.1*this->getFontSize())*(this->getSize()-1)));416 }417 418 /**419 @brief420 Removes a container from the queue.421 @param container422 A pointer to the container.423 @return424 Returns true if successful.425 */426 bool NotificationQueue::removeContainer(NotificationOverlayContainer* container)427 {428 if(this->size_ == 0) //!< You cannot remove anything if the queue is empty.429 return false;430 431 this->removeElement(container->overlay);432 this->containers_.erase(container);433 this->overlays_.erase(container->notification);434 delete container->overlay;435 delete container;436 this->size_= this->size_-1;437 438 return true;439 }440 441 /**442 @brief443 Clears the queue by removing all containers.444 */445 void NotificationQueue::clear(void)446 {447 std::multiset<NotificationOverlayContainer*, NotificationOverlayContainerCompare>::iterator it = this->containers_.begin();448 while(it != this->containers_.end())449 {450 this->removeContainer(*it);451 it = this->containers_.begin(); //TDO: Needed?452 }453 }454 455 109 } -
r2909 r2910 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /**30 @file NotificationQueue.h31 @brief Definition of the NotificationQueue class.32 */33 34 29 #ifndef _NotificationOueue_H__ 35 30 #define _NotificationOueue_H__ 36 31 37 32 #include "OrxonoxPrereqs.h" 33 #include <OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h> 34 35 #include "orxonox/overlays/OverlayText.h" 36 #include "orxonox/objects/Tickable.h" 38 37 39 38 #include <string> 40 #include <set>41 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>42 #include <OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h>43 #include <OgrePanelOverlayElement.h>44 #include <map>45 #include <ctime>46 47 #include "orxonox/overlays/OverlayGroup.h"48 #include "orxonox/objects/Tickable.h"49 50 #include "NotificationManager.h"51 39 52 40 namespace orxonox 53 41 { 54 55 //! Container to allow easy handling.56 struct NotificationOverlayContainer57 {58 NotificationOverlay* overlay; //!< Pointer to the NotificationOverlay, everything is about.59 Notification* notification; //!< The Notification displayed by the overlay.60 time_t time; //!< The time the Notification was sent and thus first displayed.61 std::string name; //!< The name of the overlay.62 };63 64 //! Struct to allow ordering of NotificationOverlayContainers.65 struct NotificationOverlayContainerCompare {66 bool operator() (const NotificationOverlayContainer* const & a, const NotificationOverlayContainer* const & b) const67 { return a->time < b->time; } //!< Ordered by time.68 };69 70 42 /** 71 43 @brief 72 Displays Notifications from specific senders.73 Beware! The NotificationQueue is an OverlayGruop and thus cannot be be a sub-element of an OverlayGroup (at least no for now.)74 44 75 Creating a NotificationQueue through XML goes as follows:76 <NotificationQueue77 name = "SuperQueue" //Name of your OverlayQueue.78 maxSize = "5" //The maximum size of Notifications displayed.79 notificationLength = "64" //The maximum number of characters of a Notification, that are displayed. (Default is 5)80 displayTime = "30" //The time a Notification is displayed in seconds. (Default is 30)81 targets = "target1, target2" //The senders this NotificationQueue displays Notifications from. (all, if all Notifications should be displayed.)82 font = "VeraMono" //The font (Default is VeraMono)83 fontSize = '0.4' //The font size. (Default is 0.025)84 position = "0.0, .0.0" //The position of the NotificationQueue. (Default is 0.0,0.0)85 />86 45 @author 87 46 Damian 'Mozork' Frick 88 47 */ 48 class _OrxonoxExport NotificationQueue : public OverlayText, public Tickable 49 { 50 public: 51 NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator); 52 virtual ~NotificationQueue(); 89 53 90 class _OrxonoxExport NotificationQueue : public OverlayGroup, public Tickable 91 { 92 93 public: 94 NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator); 95 virtual ~NotificationQueue(); 96 97 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode); //!< Method for creating a NotificationQueue object through XML. 98 99 virtual void tick(float dt); //!< To update from time to time. 100 101 void update(void); //!< Updates the queue. 102 void update(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time); //!< Adds a Notification to the queue. 103 104 /** 105 @brief Returns the maximum number of Notifications displayed. 106 @return Returns maximum size. 107 */ 108 inline int getMaxSize() const 109 { return this->maxSize_; } 110 /** 111 @brief Returns the current number of Notifications displayed. 112 @return Returns the size of the queue. 113 */ 114 inline int getSize() const 115 { return this->size_; } 116 /** 117 @brief Returns the maximum length in characters a Notification message is allowed to have. 118 @return Returns the maximum Notification length. 119 */ 120 inline int getNotificationLength() const 121 { return this->notificationLength_; } 122 /** 123 @brief Returns the time interval the Notification is displayed. 124 @return Returns the display time. 125 */ 126 inline int getDisplayTime() const 127 { return this->displayTime_; } 128 /** 129 @brief Returns the position of the NotificationQueue. 130 @return Returns the position. 131 */ 132 inline const Vector2 & getPosition() const 133 { return this->position_; } 134 /** 135 @brief Returns the font size used to display the Notifications. 136 @return Returns the font size. 137 */ 138 inline float getFontSize() const 139 { return this->fontSize_; } 140 /** 141 @brief Returns the font used to display the Notifications. 142 @return Returns the font. 143 */ 144 inline const std::string & getFont() const 145 { return this->font_; } 146 147 /** 148 @brief Returns the targets of this queue, reps. the senders which Notifications are displayed in this queue. 149 @return Retuns a set of string holding the different targets. 150 */ 151 inline const std::set<std::string> & getTargetsSet() 152 { return this->targets_; } 153 bool getTargets(std::string* string) const; //!< Returns a string consisting of the concatination of the targets. 154 155 /** 156 @brief Sets the position of the NotificationQueue. 157 @param pos The position. 158 */ 159 inline void setPosition(Vector2 pos) 160 { this->position_ = pos; this->positionChanged(); } 54 static NotificationQueue* queue_s; //TDO Singleton? oder im level. 161 55 162 void scroll(const Vector2 pos); //!< Scrolls the NotificationQueue, meaning all NotificationOverlays are moved the input vector. 163 164 private: 165 static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 5; //!< The default maximum number of Notifications displayed. 166 static const int DEFAULT_LENGTH = 64; //!< The default maximum number of Notifications displayed. 167 static const int DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME = 30; //!< The default display time. 168 static const float DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 0.025; //!< The default font size. 56 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode); 169 57 170 static const std::string DEFAULT_FONT; //!< The default font. 171 static const Vector2 DEFAULT_POSITION; //!< the default position. 172 173 int maxSize_; //!< The maximal number of Notifications displayed. 174 int size_; //!< The number of Notifications displayed. 175 int notificationLength_; //!< The maximal number of characters a Notification-message is allowed to have. 176 int displayTime_; //!< The time a Notification is displayed. 177 Vector2 position_; //!< The position of the NotificationQueue. 178 179 std::set<std::string> targets_; //!< The targets the Queue displays Notifications of. 180 181 float fontSize_; //!< The font size. 182 std::string font_; //!< The font. 183 184 std::multiset<NotificationOverlayContainer*, NotificationOverlayContainerCompare> containers_; //!< Multiset, because the ordering is based on, not necessarily unique, timestamps. 185 std::map<Notification*, NotificationOverlayContainer*> overlays_; //!< Mapping notifications to their corresponding overlay containers, for easier association and finding. 186 187 float tickTime_; //!< Helper variable, to not have to check for overlays that have been displayed too long, every tick. 188 NotificationOverlayContainer timeLimit_; //!< Helper object to check against to determine whether Notifications have expired. 189 190 void initialize(void); //!< Initializes the object. 191 void setDefaults(void); //!< Helper method to set the default values. 192 193 bool setMaxSize(int size); //!< Sets the maximum number of displayed Notifications. 194 bool setNotificationLength(int length); //!< Sets the maximum number of characters a Notification message displayed by this queue is allowed to have. 195 bool setDisplayTime(int time); //!< Sets the maximum number of seconds a Notification is displayed. 196 197 bool setTargets(const std::string & targets); //!< Set the targets of this queue. 198 199 bool setFontSize(float size); //!< Set the font size. 200 bool setFont(const std::string & font); //!< Set the font. 58 virtual void tick(float dt); 201 59 202 void positionChanged(void); //!< Aligns all the Notifications to the position of the NotificationQueue. 203 204 void addNotification(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time); //!< Add a notification to the queue. 205 bool removeContainer(NotificationOverlayContainer* container); //!< Remove a container from the queue. 206 207 void clear(void); //!< Clear the queue. 208 60 void update(void); 61 62 int getLength(void) const 63 { return this->length_; } 64 int getWidth(void) const 65 { return this->width_; } 66 67 void setQueueText(const std::string & text); 68 bool setLength(int length); 69 bool setWidth(int width); 70 71 private: 72 Ogre::UTFString queueText_; 73 int length_; 74 int width_; 75 209 76 }; 210 77
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