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Aug 17, 2009, 4:37:10 PM (16 years ago)
  • Implemented file management via resource manager and loading of resource locations via XML. Changes made:
    • SoundManager loads via memory stream rather than via file
    • Loader uses LuaState::includeFile() to load an XML file and passes the lua tag remover function to its LuaState.
    • ConfigFileManager still loads with hard paths because the files are required before Ogre gets created
  • Renamed LuaBind to LuaState, deSingletonised it and added new features:
    • doFile(), doString(), includeFile(), includeString() where include will preparse the string with a function provided with LuaState::setIncludeParser
    • Moved lua tags replace function to Loader (since it's actually an XML related task)
    • Using data_path/lua/LuaInitScript.lua to provide the following functions
      • logMessage(level, message)
      • doFile, dofile, include (all working with relative paths but within the same resource group)
  • Modified Script class to work with LuaState and fixed its XML Loader
  • Adjusted all level and include files (both "include" and "dofile" lua commands)
2 added

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