Changeset 5695 for code/trunk/src
- Timestamp:
- Aug 30, 2009, 2:22:00 AM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- code/trunk
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 76 edited
- 12 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/code/branches/resource2 (added) merged: 3373-3374,5594,5597,5610-5611,5614,5624,5641,5644-5646,5650-5664,5667-5672,5682-5684,5688-5691,5694
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r3368 r5695 17 17 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. 18 18 # 19 # 20 # Author: 21 # Reto Grieder 22 # Description: 23 # Configures the compilers and sets build options. 24 # 19 25 20 ################ Various Options ################ 21 22 # various macro includes 26 # Required macros and functions 23 27 INCLUDE(FlagUtilities) 24 28 INCLUDE(TargetUtilities) 25 29 30 # Configure the two headers and set some options 31 INCLUDE(OrxonoxConfig.cmake) 32 33 ################ Library Defines ################ 34 35 # Disable Boost auto linking completely 36 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB") 37 38 # If no defines are specified, these libs get linked statically 39 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK" WIN32 LINK_BOOST_DYNAMIC) 40 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DENET_DLL" WIN32 LINK_ENET_DYNAMIC) 41 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL" WIN32 LINK_LUA_DYNAMIC) 42 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOIS_DYNAMIC_LIB") 43 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DZLIB_DLL" WIN32 LINK_ZLIB_DYNAMIC) 44 # If no defines are specified, these libs get linked dynamically 45 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCEGUI_STATIC" WIN32 NOT LINK_CEGUI_DYNAMIC) 46 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOGRE_STATIC_LIB" WIN32 NOT LINK_OGRE_DYNAMIC) 47 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DSTATIC_BUILD" WIN32 NOT LINK_TCL_DYNAMIC) 48 26 49 # Use TinyXML++ 27 50 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DTIXML_USE_TICPP") 28 # OIS dynamic linking requires macro definition, at least for Windows29 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOIS_DYNAMIC_LIB")30 31 ################ OrxonoxConfig.h ################32 33 # Check endianness34 INCLUDE(TestBigEndian)35 TEST_BIG_ENDIAN(ORXONOX_BIG_ENDIAN)36 IF(NOT ORXONOX_BIG_ENDIAN)37 SET(ORXONOX_LITTLE_ENDIAN TRUE)38 ENDIF()39 40 # 32/64 bit system check41 IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8)42 SET(ORXONOX_ARCH_64 TRUE)43 ELSE()44 SET(ORXONOX_ARCH_32 TRUE)45 ENDIF()46 47 # Platforms48 SET(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ${WIN32})49 SET(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_APPLE ${APPLE})50 SET(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_UNIX ${UNIX})51 IF(UNIX AND NOT APPLE)52 SET(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_LINUX TRUE)53 ENDIF()54 55 # Check __forceinline56 IF(MSVC)57 INCLUDE(CheckCXXSourceCompiles)58 SET(_source "int main() { return 0; } __forceinline void test() { return; }")59 CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES("${_source}" HAVE_FORCEINLINE)60 ENDIF(MSVC)61 62 # Check ciso646 include (literal operators)63 INCLUDE(CheckIncludeFileCXX)64 CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(iso646.h HAVE_ISO646_H)65 66 # XCode and Visual Studio support multiple configurations. In order to tell the67 # which one we have to define the macros separately for each configuration68 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" Debug)69 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" Release)70 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" RelWithDebInfo)71 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel" MinSizeRel)72 73 SET(GENERATED_FILE_COMMENT74 "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! <br>75 It has been automatically generated by CMake from")76 # Copy and configure OrxonoxConfig which gets included in every file77 CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/OrxonoxConfig.h)78 # This file only gets included by very few classes to avoid a large recompilation79 CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SpecialConfig.h)80 81 SET(ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES82 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/OrxonoxConfig.h83 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/OrxonoxConfig.h.in84 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SpecialConfig.h85 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SpecialConfig.h.in86 )87 51 88 52 ############## Include Directories ############## -
r3196 r5695 198 198 } 199 199 200 // Import general purpose smart pointers 201 namespace boost 202 { 203 template<class T> class scoped_ptr; 204 template<class T> class shared_ptr; 205 template<class T> class weak_ptr; 206 template<class T> class intrusive_ptr; 207 template<class T> class shared_array; 208 template<class T> class scoped_array; 209 } 210 namespace orxonox 211 { 212 using boost::scoped_ptr; 213 using boost::shared_ptr; 214 using boost::weak_ptr; 215 using boost::intrusive_ptr; 216 using boost::shared_array; 217 using boost::scoped_array; 218 } 219 200 220 #endif /* _OrxonoxConfig_H__ */ -
r5693 r5695 70 70 71 71 // Handle default ConfigValues 72 namespace orxonox 72 namespace orxonox { namespace specialConfig 73 73 { 74 // DEFAULT RELATIVE PATHS (might not be used at all) 75 const char defaultRuntimePath[] = "@DEFAULT_RUNTIME_PATH@"; 76 const char defaultLibraryPath[] = "@DEFAULT_LIBRARY_PATH@"; 77 const char defaultArchivePath[] = "@DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_PATH@"; 78 const char defaultModulePath[] = "@DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH@"; 79 const char defaultDocPath[] = "@DEFAULT_DOC_PATH@"; 80 const char defaultDataPath[] = "@DEFAULT_DATA_PATH@"; 81 const char defaultConfigPath[] = "@DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH@"; 82 const char defaultLogPath[] = "@DEFAULT_LOG_PATH@"; 83 84 #ifndef INSTALL_COPYABLE 74 85 // INSTALLATION PATHS 75 const char ORXONOX_RUNTIME_INSTALL_PATH[] = "@ORXONOX_RUNTIME_INSTALL_PATH@"; 76 const char ORXONOX_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH[] = "@ORXONOX_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH@"; 77 const char ORXONOX_MEDIA_INSTALL_PATH[] = "@ORXONOX_MEDIA_INSTALL_PATH@"; 78 /* Config and Log path might be relative because they could be user and therefore runtime dependent */ 79 const char ORXONOX_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH[] = "@ORXONOX_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH@"; 80 const char ORXONOX_LOG_INSTALL_PATH[] = "@ORXONOX_LOG_INSTALL_PATH@"; 86 const char dataInstallDirectory[] = "@DATA_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@"; 87 const char moduleInstallDirectory[] = "@MODULE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@"; 88 #endif 81 89 82 90 // DEVELOPMENT RUN PATHS 83 const char ORXONOX_MEDIA_DEV_PATH[] = "@CMAKE_MEDIA_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@"; 91 const char dataDevDirectory[] = "@DATA_DIRECTORY@"; 92 const char externalDataDevDirectory[] = "@EXTERNAL_DATA_DIRECTORY@"; 84 93 #ifdef CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES 85 const char ORXONOX_MODULE_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE);86 const char ORXONOX_CONFIG_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_CONFIG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE);87 const char ORXONOX_LOG_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_LOG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE);94 const char moduleDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE); 95 const char configDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_CONFIG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE); 96 const char logDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_LOG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@/" BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE); 88 97 #else 89 const char ORXONOX_MODULE_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@";90 const char ORXONOX_CONFIG_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_CONFIG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@";91 const char ORXONOX_LOG_DEV_PATH[]= "@CMAKE_LOG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@";98 const char moduleDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@"; 99 const char configDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_CONFIG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@"; 100 const char logDevDirectory[] = "@CMAKE_LOG_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@"; 92 101 #endif 102 93 103 #ifdef DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_ENABLE 94 const char ORXONOX_DEP_LIB_PATH[]= "@DEP_LIBRARY_DIR@";104 const char dependencyLibraryDirectory[] = "@DEP_LIBRARY_DIR@"; 95 105 #endif 96 106 97 107 // Module extension 98 const char ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION[]= "@ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION@";108 const char moduleExtension[] = "@ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION@"; 99 109 100 110 // OGRE PLUGINS 101 111 #ifdef NDEBUG 102 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_RELEASE@";112 const char ogrePlugins[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_RELEASE@"; 103 113 # ifdef DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_ENABLE 104 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER[] = ".";114 const char ogrePluginsDirectory[] = "."; 105 115 # else 106 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER_RELEASE@";116 const char ogrePluginsDirectory[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER_RELEASE@"; 107 117 # endif 108 118 #else 109 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_DEBUG@";119 const char ogrePlugins[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_DEBUG@"; 110 120 # ifdef DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_ENABLE 111 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER[] = ".";121 const char ogrePluginsDirectory[] = "."; 112 122 # else 113 const char ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER_DEBUG@";123 const char ogrePluginsDirectory[] = "@OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER_DEBUG@"; 114 124 # endif 115 125 #endif 116 } 126 } } 117 127 118 128 /** -
r5693 r5695 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 37 39 38 40 … … 77 79 TOLUA_FILES 78 80 CommandExecutor.h 79 LuaBind.h 81 Loader.h 82 LuaState.h 80 83 DEFINE_SYMBOL 81 84 "CORE_SHARED_BUILD" -
r3370 r5695 21 21 * 22 22 * Author: 23 * Fabian 'x3n' Landau23 * Reto Grieder 24 24 * Co-authors: 25 * Reto Grieder25 * ... 26 26 * 27 27 */ -
r3370 r5695 40 40 namespace orxonox 41 41 { 42 const char* const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "default.ini";43 44 ConfigFileManager* ConfigFileManager::singletonPtr_s = 0;45 46 42 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(config).argumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).argumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).argumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue()); 47 43 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(tconfig).argumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).argumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).argumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue()); … … 229 225 if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filepath)) 230 226 { 231 // Try to get default one from the media folder232 boost::filesystem::path defaultFilepath(Core::get MediaPath() / "defaultConfig" / this->filename_);227 // Try to get default one from the data folder 228 boost::filesystem::path defaultFilepath(Core::getDataPath() / "defaultConfig" / this->filename_); 233 229 if (boost::filesystem::exists(defaultFilepath)) 234 230 { … … 339 335 void ConfigFile::save() const 340 336 { 341 boost::filesystem::path filepath(Core::getConfigPath() / this->filename_);342 343 337 std::ofstream file; 344 filepath.string().c_str(), std::fstream::out);338 + filename_).c_str(), std::fstream::out); 345 339 file.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield); 346 340 file.precision(6); … … 479 473 /////////////////////// 480 474 475 ConfigFileManager* ConfigFileManager::singletonPtr_s = 0; 476 477 std::string ConfigFileManager::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "default.ini"; 478 481 479 ConfigFileManager::ConfigFileManager() 482 480 : mininmalFreeType_(ConfigFileType::numberOfReservedTypes) -
r3370 r5695 307 307 void updateConfigValues(ConfigFileType type); 308 308 309 static std::string DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; 310 309 311 private: 310 312 ConfigFileManager(const ConfigFileManager&); -
r3301 r5695 31 31 @brief Definition of the ConfigValueContainer class. 32 32 33 The ConfigValueContainer class contains all needed information sabout a configurable variable:33 The ConfigValueContainer class contains all needed information about a configurable variable: 34 34 - the name of the variable 35 35 - the name of the class the variable belongs to … … 79 79 80 80 81 //! The ConfigValuecontainer contains all needed information sabout a configurable variable.81 //! The ConfigValuecontainer contains all needed information about a configurable variable. 82 82 /** 83 The ConfigValueContainer class contains all needed information sabout a configurable variable:83 The ConfigValueContainer class contains all needed information about a configurable variable: 84 84 - the name of the variable 85 85 - the name of the class the variable belongs to -
r5693 r5695 42 42 #include <boost/version.hpp> 43 43 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 44 #include <OgreRenderWindow.h>45 44 46 45 #ifdef ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS … … 76 75 #include "Identifier.h" 77 76 #include "Language.h" 78 #include "Lua Bind.h"77 #include "LuaState.h" 79 78 #include "Shell.h" 80 79 #include "TclBind.h" … … 94 93 Core* Core::singletonPtr_s = 0; 95 94 96 SetCommandLineArgument( mediaPath, "").information("Path to the media/data files");95 SetCommandLineArgument(externalDataPath, "").information("Path to the external data files"); 97 96 SetCommandLineOnlyArgument(writingPathSuffix, "").information("Additional subfolder for config and log files"); 98 97 SetCommandLineArgument(settingsFile, "orxonox.ini").information("THE configuration file"); … … 119 118 this->setConfigValues(); 120 119 121 // Possible media path override by the command line 122 if (!CommandLine::getArgument("mediaPath")->hasDefaultValue()) 123 tsetMediaPath(CommandLine::getValue("mediaPath")); 120 // External data directory only exists for dev runs 121 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun()) 122 { 123 // Possible data path override by the command line 124 if (!CommandLine::getArgument("externalDataPath")->hasDefaultValue()) 125 tsetExternalDataPath(CommandLine::getValue("externalDataPath")); 126 } 124 127 } 125 128 … … 154 157 .description("If true, all random actions are different each time you start the game") 155 158 .callback(this, &CoreConfiguration::initializeRandomNumberGenerator); 156 157 // Only show this config value for development builds158 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun())159 {160 SetConfigValue(mediaPathString_, mediaPath_.string())161 .description("Relative path to the game data.")162 .callback(this, &CoreConfiguration::mediaPathChanged);163 }164 159 } 165 160 … … 192 187 193 188 /** 194 @brief195 Callback function if the media path has changed.196 */197 void mediaPathChanged()198 {199 mediaPath_ = boost::filesystem::path(this->mediaPathString_);200 }201 202 /**203 189 @brief Sets the language in the config-file back to the default. 204 190 */ … … 210 196 /** 211 197 @brief 212 Temporary sets the media path198 Temporary sets the data path 213 199 @param path 214 The new media path200 The new data path 215 201 */ 216 void tsetMediaPath(const std::string& path) 217 { 218 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun()) 219 { 220 ModifyConfigValue(mediaPathString_, tset, path); 221 } 222 else 223 { 224 // Manual 'config' value without the file entry 225 mediaPathString_ = path; 226 this->mediaPathChanged(); 227 } 202 void tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path) 203 { 204 dataPath_ = boost::filesystem::path(path); 228 205 } 229 206 … … 245 222 std::string language_; //!< The language 246 223 bool bInitializeRandomNumberGenerator_; //!< If true, srand(time(0)) is called 247 std::string mediaPathString_; //!< Path to the data/media file folder as string248 224 249 225 //! Path to the parent directory of the ones above if program was installed with relativ pahts … … 251 227 boost::filesystem::path executablePath_; //!< Path to the executable 252 228 boost::filesystem::path modulePath_; //!< Path to the modules 253 boost::filesystem::path mediaPath_; //!< Path to the media file folder 229 boost::filesystem::path dataPath_; //!< Path to the data file folder 230 boost::filesystem::path externalDataPath_; //!< Path to the external data file folder 254 231 boost::filesystem::path configPath_; //!< Path to the config file folder 255 232 boost::filesystem::path logPath_; //!< Path to the log file folder … … 276 253 { 277 254 // We search for helper files with the following extension 278 std::string moduleextension = ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION;255 std::string moduleextension = specialConfig::moduleExtension; 279 256 size_t moduleextensionlength = moduleextension.size(); 280 257 … … 364 341 this->languageInstance_.reset(new Language()); 365 342 343 // creates the class hierarchy for all classes with factories 344 Factory::createClassHierarchy(); 345 366 346 // Do this soon after the ConfigFileManager has been created to open up the 367 347 // possibility to configure everything below here 368 348 this->configuration_->initialise(); 369 349 370 // Create the lua interface371 this-> luaBind_.reset(new LuaBind());350 // Load OGRE excluding the renderer and the render window 351 this->graphicsManager_.reset(new GraphicsManager(false)); 372 352 373 353 // initialise Tcl 374 this->tclBind_.reset(new TclBind(Core::get MediaPathString()));354 this->tclBind_.reset(new TclBind(Core::getDataPathString())); 375 355 this->tclThreadManager_.reset(new TclThreadManager(tclBind_->getTclInterpreter())); 376 356 377 357 // create a shell 378 358 this->shell_.reset(new Shell()); 379 380 // creates the class hierarchy for all classes with factories381 Factory::createClassHierarchy();382 359 } 383 360 384 361 /** 385 362 @brief 386 All destruction code is handled by scoped_ptrs and S impleScopeGuards.363 All destruction code is handled by scoped_ptrs and ScopeGuards. 387 364 */ 388 365 Core::~Core() … … 392 369 void Core::loadGraphics() 393 370 { 394 if (bGraphicsLoaded_) 395 return; 396 397 // Load OGRE including the render window 398 scoped_ptr<GraphicsManager> graphicsManager(new GraphicsManager()); 399 400 // The render window width and height are used to set up the mouse movement. 401 size_t windowHnd = 0; 402 graphicsManager->getRenderWindow()->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); 371 // Any exception should trigger this, even in upgradeToGraphics (see its remarks) 372 Loki::ScopeGuard unloader = Loki::MakeObjGuard(*this, &Core::unloadGraphics); 373 374 // Upgrade OGRE to receive a render window 375 graphicsManager_->upgradeToGraphics(); 403 376 404 377 // Calls the InputManager which sets up the input devices. 405 scoped_ptr<InputManager> inputManager(new InputManager(windowHnd));378 inputManager_.reset(new InputManager()); 406 379 407 380 // load the CEGUI interface 408 guiManager_.reset(new GUIManager(graphicsManager->getRenderWindow())); 409 410 // Dismiss scoped pointers 411 graphicsManager_.swap(graphicsManager); 412 inputManager_.swap(inputManager); 381 guiManager_.reset(new GUIManager(graphicsManager_->getRenderWindow(), 382 inputManager_->getMousePosition(), graphicsManager_->isFullScreen())); 383 384 unloader.Dismiss(); 413 385 414 386 bGraphicsLoaded_ = true; … … 417 389 void Core::unloadGraphics() 418 390 { 419 if (!bGraphicsLoaded_)420 return;421 422 391 this->guiManager_.reset();; 423 392 this->inputManager_.reset();; 424 393 this->graphicsManager_.reset(); 394 395 // Load Ogre::Root again, but without the render system 396 try 397 { this->graphicsManager_.reset(new GraphicsManager(false)); } 398 catch (...) 399 { 400 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred during 'new GraphicsManager' while " 401 << "another exception was being handled. This will lead to undefined behaviour!" << std::endl 402 << "Terminating the program." << std::endl; 403 abort(); 404 } 425 405 426 406 bGraphicsLoaded_ = false; … … 485 465 } 486 466 487 /*static*/ void Core::tsetMediaPath(const std::string& path) 488 { 489 getInstance().configuration_->tsetMediaPath(path); 490 } 491 492 /*static*/ const boost::filesystem::path& Core::getMediaPath() 493 { 494 return getInstance().configuration_->mediaPath_; 495 } 496 /*static*/ std::string Core::getMediaPathString() 497 { 498 return getInstance().configuration_->mediaPath_.string() + '/'; 467 /*static*/ void Core::tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path) 468 { 469 getInstance().configuration_->tsetExternalDataPath(path); 470 } 471 472 /*static*/ const boost::filesystem::path& Core::getDataPath() 473 { 474 return getInstance().configuration_->dataPath_; 475 } 476 /*static*/ std::string Core::getDataPathString() 477 { 478 return getInstance().configuration_->dataPath_.string() + '/'; 479 } 480 481 /*static*/ const boost::filesystem::path& Core::getExternalDataPath() 482 { 483 return getInstance().configuration_->externalDataPath_; 484 } 485 /*static*/ std::string Core::getExternalDataPathString() 486 { 487 return getInstance().configuration_->externalDataPath_.string() + '/'; 499 488 } 500 489 … … 638 627 COUT(1) << "Running from the build tree." << std::endl; 639 628 Core::bDevRun_ = true; 640 configuration_->modulePath_ = ORXONOX_MODULE_DEV_PATH;629 configuration_->modulePath_ = specialConfig::moduleDevDirectory; 641 630 } 642 631 else … … 646 635 647 636 // Also set the root path 648 boost::filesystem::path relativeExecutablePath( ORXONOX_RUNTIME_INSTALL_PATH);637 boost::filesystem::path relativeExecutablePath(specialConfig::defaultRuntimePath); 649 638 configuration_->rootPath_ = configuration_->executablePath_; 650 639 while (!boost::filesystem::equivalent(configuration_->rootPath_ / relativeExecutablePath, configuration_->executablePath_) … … 655 644 656 645 // Module path is fixed as well 657 configuration_->modulePath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / ORXONOX_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH;646 configuration_->modulePath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / specialConfig::defaultModulePath; 658 647 659 648 #else … … 661 650 // There is no root path, so don't set it at all 662 651 // Module path is fixed as well 663 configuration_->modulePath_ = ORXONOX_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH;652 configuration_->modulePath_ = specialConfig::moduleInstallDirectory; 664 653 665 654 #endif … … 677 666 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun()) 678 667 { 679 configuration_->mediaPath_ = ORXONOX_MEDIA_DEV_PATH; 680 configuration_->configPath_ = ORXONOX_CONFIG_DEV_PATH; 681 configuration_->logPath_ = ORXONOX_LOG_DEV_PATH; 668 configuration_->dataPath_ = specialConfig::dataDevDirectory; 669 configuration_->externalDataPath_ = specialConfig::externalDataDevDirectory; 670 configuration_->configPath_ = specialConfig::configDevDirectory; 671 configuration_->logPath_ = specialConfig::logDevDirectory; 682 672 } 683 673 else … … 687 677 688 678 // Using paths relative to the install prefix, complete them 689 configuration_-> mediaPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / ORXONOX_MEDIA_INSTALL_PATH;690 configuration_->configPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / ORXONOX_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH;691 configuration_->logPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / ORXONOX_LOG_INSTALL_PATH;679 configuration_->dataPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / specialConfig::defaultDataPath; 680 configuration_->configPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / specialConfig::defaultConfigPath; 681 configuration_->logPath_ = configuration_->rootPath_ / specialConfig::defaultLogPath; 692 682 693 683 #else 694 684 695 configuration_-> mediaPath_ = ORXONOX_MEDIA_INSTALL_PATH;685 configuration_->dataPath_ = specialConfig::dataInstallDirectory; 696 686 697 687 // Get user directory … … 706 696 userDataPath /= ".orxonox"; 707 697 708 configuration_->configPath_ = userDataPath / ORXONOX_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH;709 configuration_->logPath_ = userDataPath / ORXONOX_LOG_INSTALL_PATH;698 configuration_->configPath_ = userDataPath / specialConfig::defaultConfigPath; 699 configuration_->logPath_ = userDataPath / specialConfig::defaultLogPath; 710 700 711 701 #endif … … 741 731 } 742 732 743 bool Core::preUpdate(const Clock& time) throw() 744 { 745 std::string exceptionMessage; 746 try 747 { 748 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_) 749 { 750 // process input events 751 this->inputManager_->update(time); 752 // process gui events 753 this->guiManager_->update(time); 754 } 755 // process thread commands 756 this->tclThreadManager_->update(time); 757 } 758 catch (const std::exception& ex) 759 { exceptionMessage = ex.what(); } 760 catch (...) 761 { exceptionMessage = "Unknown exception"; } 762 if (!exceptionMessage.empty()) 763 { 764 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred in the Core preUpdate: " << exceptionMessage << std::endl; 765 COUT(0) << "This should really never happen! Closing the program." << std::endl; 766 return false; 767 } 768 return true; 769 } 770 771 bool Core::postUpdate(const Clock& time) throw() 772 { 773 std::string exceptionMessage; 774 try 775 { 776 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_) 777 { 778 // Render (doesn't throw) 779 this->graphicsManager_->update(time); 780 } 781 } 782 catch (const std::exception& ex) 783 { exceptionMessage = ex.what(); } 784 catch (...) 785 { exceptionMessage = "Unknown exception"; } 786 if (!exceptionMessage.empty()) 787 { 788 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred in the Core postUpdate: " << exceptionMessage << std::endl; 789 COUT(0) << "This should really never happen! Closing the program." << std::endl; 790 return false; 791 } 792 return true; 733 void Core::preUpdate(const Clock& time) 734 { 735 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_) 736 { 737 // process input events 738 this->inputManager_->update(time); 739 // process gui events 740 this->guiManager_->update(time); 741 } 742 // process thread commands 743 this->tclThreadManager_->update(time); 744 } 745 746 void Core::postUpdate(const Clock& time) 747 { 748 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_) 749 { 750 // Render (doesn't throw) 751 this->graphicsManager_->update(time); 752 } 793 753 } 794 754 } -
r5693 r5695 51 51 { 52 52 class CoreConfiguration; 53 using boost::scoped_ptr;54 53 55 54 /** … … 57 56 The Core class is a singleton used to configure the program basics. 58 57 @details 59 The class provides information about the media, config and log path.58 The class provides information about the data, config and log path. 60 59 It determines those by the use of platform specific functions. 61 60 @remark … … 66 65 typedef Loki::ScopeGuardImpl0<void (*)()> SimpleScopeGuard; 67 66 friend class Singleton<Core>; 67 friend class Game; 68 68 69 69 public: … … 80 80 void setConfigValues(); 81 81 82 bool preUpdate(const Clock& time) throw();83 bool postUpdate(const Clock& time) throw();84 85 void loadGraphics();86 void unloadGraphics();87 88 82 static int getSoftDebugLevel(OutputHandler::OutputDevice device = OutputHandler::LD_All); 89 83 static void setSoftDebugLevel(OutputHandler::OutputDevice device, int level); … … 91 85 static void resetLanguage(); 92 86 93 static void tsetMediaPath(const std::string& path); 94 //! Returns the path to the config files as boost::filesystem::path 95 static const boost::filesystem::path& getMediaPath(); 87 static void tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path); 88 //! Returns the path to the data files as boost::filesystem::path 89 static const boost::filesystem::path& getDataPath(); 90 //! Returns the path to the external data files as boost::filesystem::path 91 static const boost::filesystem::path& getExternalDataPath(); 96 92 //! Returns the path to the config files as boost::filesystem::path 97 93 static const boost::filesystem::path& getConfigPath(); … … 101 97 static const boost::filesystem::path& getRootPath(); 102 98 //! Returns the path to the data files as std::string 103 static std::string getMediaPathString(); 99 static std::string getDataPathString(); 100 //! Returns the path to the external data files as std::string 101 static std::string getExternalDataPathString(); 104 102 //! Returns the path to the config files as std::string 105 103 static std::string getConfigPathString(); … … 113 111 private: 114 112 Core(const Core&); //!< Don't use (undefined symbol) 113 114 void preUpdate(const Clock& time); 115 void postUpdate(const Clock& time); 116 117 void loadGraphics(); 118 void unloadGraphics(); 115 119 116 120 void setFixedPaths(); … … 126 130 scoped_ptr<Language> languageInstance_; 127 131 scoped_ptr<CoreConfiguration> configuration_; 128 scoped_ptr<LuaBind> luaBind_;129 132 scoped_ptr<TclBind> tclBind_; 130 133 scoped_ptr<TclThreadManager> tclThreadManager_; -
r5693 r5695 135 135 class LanguageEntry; 136 136 class Loader; 137 class LuaBind; 137 class LuaState; 138 class MemoryArchive; 139 class MemoryArchiveFactory; 138 140 class MetaObjectList; 139 141 class MetaObjectListElement; … … 150 152 class OgreWindowEventListener; 151 153 class OrxonoxClass; 154 struct ResourceInfo; 152 155 class Shell; 153 156 class ShellListener; … … 225 228 } 226 229 230 // Ogre 231 namespace Ogre 232 { 233 class DataStream; 234 template <class T> class SharedPtr; 235 typedef SharedPtr<DataStream> DataStreamPtr; 236 } 237 namespace orxonox 238 { 239 // Import the Ogre::DataStream 240 using Ogre::DataStream; 241 using Ogre::DataStreamPtr; 242 } 243 227 244 // CEGUI 228 245 namespace CEGUI -
r5693 r5695 34 34 35 35 #include "CorePrereqs.h" 36 37 #include <map> 38 #include <string> 36 39 #include "util/Singleton.h" 37 40 -
r3370 r5695 27 27 * 28 28 */ 29 30 /**31 @file32 @brief33 Implementation of the GUIManager class.34 */35 29 36 30 #include "GUIManager.h" … … 43 37 #include <CEGUIExceptions.h> 44 38 #include <CEGUIInputEvent.h> 39 #include <CEGUIMouseCursor.h> 45 40 #include <CEGUIResourceProvider.h> 46 41 #include <CEGUISystem.h> … … 59 54 #include "Core.h" 60 55 #include "Clock.h" 61 #include "LuaBind.h" 56 #include "LuaState.h" 57 #include "Resource.h" 62 58 63 59 namespace orxonox … … 101 97 @return true if success, otherwise false 102 98 */ 103 GUIManager::GUIManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow )99 GUIManager::GUIManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow, const std::pair<int, int>& mousePosition, bool bFullScreen) 104 100 : renderWindow_(renderWindow) 105 101 , resourceProvider_(0) … … 109 105 COUT(3) << "Initialising CEGUI." << std::endl; 110 106 111 try 112 { 113 // Note: No SceneManager specified yet 114 guiRenderer_.reset(new OgreCEGUIRenderer(renderWindow_, Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, false, 3000)); 115 resourceProvider_ = guiRenderer_->createResourceProvider(); 116 resourceProvider_->setDefaultResourceGroup("GUI"); 117 118 // setup scripting 119 scriptModule_.reset(new LuaScriptModule()); 120 luaState_ = scriptModule_->getLuaState(); 121 122 // Create our own logger to specify the filepath 123 std::auto_ptr<CEGUILogger> ceguiLogger(new CEGUILogger()); 124 ceguiLogger->setLogFilename(Core::getLogPathString() + "cegui.log"); 125 // set the log level according to ours (translate by subtracting 1) 126 ceguiLogger->setLoggingLevel( 127 static_cast<LoggingLevel>(Core::getSoftDebugLevel(OutputHandler::LD_Logfile) - 1)); 128 this->ceguiLogger_ = ceguiLogger.release(); 129 130 // create the CEGUI system singleton 131 guiSystem_.reset(new System(guiRenderer_.get(), resourceProvider_, 0, scriptModule_.get())); 132 133 // do this after 'new CEGUI::Sytem' because that creates the lua state in the first place 134 LuaBind::getInstance().openToluaInterfaces(this->luaState_); 135 136 // initialise the basic lua code 137 this->loadLuaCode(); 138 } 139 catch (CEGUI::Exception& ex) 140 { 141 #if CEGUI_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 && CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR < 6 142 throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str()); 143 #else 144 throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getLine(), 145 ex.getFileName().c_str(), ex.getName().c_str()); 146 #endif 147 } 148 } 149 150 /** 151 @brief 152 Destructor of the GUIManager 153 107 // Note: No SceneManager specified yet 108 guiRenderer_.reset(new OgreCEGUIRenderer(renderWindow_, Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, false, 3000)); 109 resourceProvider_ = guiRenderer_->createResourceProvider(); 110 resourceProvider_->setDefaultResourceGroup("GUI"); 111 112 // setup scripting 113 luaState_.reset(new LuaState()); 114 scriptModule_.reset(new LuaScriptModule(luaState_->getInternalLuaState())); 115 116 // Create our own logger to specify the filepath 117 std::auto_ptr<CEGUILogger> ceguiLogger(new CEGUILogger()); 118 ceguiLogger->setLogFilename(Core::getLogPathString() + "cegui.log"); 119 // set the log level according to ours (translate by subtracting 1) 120 ceguiLogger->setLoggingLevel( 121 static_cast<LoggingLevel>(Core::getSoftDebugLevel(OutputHandler::LD_Logfile) - 1)); 122 this->ceguiLogger_ = ceguiLogger.release(); 123 124 // create the CEGUI system singleton 125 guiSystem_.reset(new System(guiRenderer_.get(), resourceProvider_, 0, scriptModule_.get())); 126 127 // Initialise the basic lua code 128 rootFileInfo_ = Resource::getInfo("InitialiseGUI.lua", "GUI"); 129 this->luaState_->doFile("InitialiseGUI.lua", "GUI", false); 130 131 // Align CEGUI mouse with OIS mouse 132 guiSystem_->injectMousePosition(mousePosition.first, mousePosition.second); 133 134 // Hide the mouse cursor unless playing in fullscreen mode 135 if (!bFullScreen) 136 CEGUI::MouseCursor::getSingleton().hide(); 137 } 138 139 /** 140 @brief 154 141 Basically shuts down CEGUI (member smart pointers) but first unloads our Tolua modules. 155 142 */ 156 143 GUIManager::~GUIManager() 157 144 { 158 // destroy our own tolua interfaces159 LuaBind::getInstance().closeToluaInterfaces(this->luaState_);160 }161 162 /**163 @brief164 Calls main Lua script165 @todo166 This function calls the main Lua script for our GUI.167 168 Additionally we set the datapath variable in Lua. This is needed so Lua can access the data used for the GUI.169 */170 void GUIManager::loadLuaCode()171 {172 // set datapath for GUI data173 lua_pushfstring(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), Core::getMediaPathString().c_str());174 lua_setglobal(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), "datapath");175 // call main Lua script176 this->scriptModule_->executeScriptFile("loadGUI_3.lua", "GUI");177 145 } 178 146 … … 221 189 void GUIManager::executeCode(const std::string& str) 222 190 { 223 try 224 { 225 this->scriptModule_->executeString(str); 226 } 227 catch (const CEGUI::Exception& ex) 228 { 229 COUT(2) << "CEGUI Error: \"" << ex.getMessage() << "\" while executing code \"" << str << "\"" << std::endl; 230 } 231 catch (...) 232 { 233 COUT(2) << "Couldn't execute GUI related Lua code due to unknown reasons." << std::endl; 234 } 191 this->luaState_->doString(str, rootFileInfo_); 235 192 } 236 193 … … 246 203 void GUIManager::showGUI(const std::string& name) 247 204 { 248 this-> executeCode(std::string("showGUI(\"") + name + "\")");205 this->luaState_->doString("showGUI(\"" + name + "\")", rootFileInfo_); 249 206 } 250 207 … … 305 262 void GUIManager::mouseMoved(IntVector2 abs, IntVector2 rel, IntVector2 clippingSize) 306 263 { 307 guiSystem_->injectMouse Move(static_cast<float>(rel.x), static_cast<float>(rel.y));264 guiSystem_->injectMousePosition(static_cast<float>(abs.x), static_cast<float>(abs.y)); 308 265 } 309 266 void GUIManager::mouseScrolled(int abs, int rel) -
r5693 r5695 28 28 */ 29 29 30 /**31 @file32 @brief33 Declaration of the GUIManager class.34 */35 36 30 #ifndef _GUIManager_H__ 37 31 #define _GUIManager_H__ … … 43 37 #include <CEGUIForwardRefs.h> 44 38 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> 39 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 45 40 46 41 #include "util/OgreForwardRefs.h" … … 67 62 friend class Singleton<GUIManager>; 68 63 public: 69 GUIManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow );64 GUIManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow, const std::pair<int, int>& mousePosition, bool bFullScreen); 70 65 ~GUIManager(); 71 66 … … 87 82 GUIManager(const GUIManager& instance); //!< private and undefined copy c'tor (this is a singleton class) 88 83 89 void loadLuaCode();90 91 84 // keyHandler functions 92 85 void keyPressed (const KeyEvent& evt); … … 99 92 void mouseScrolled (int abs, int rel); 100 93 101 boost::scoped_ptr<CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer> guiRenderer_; //!< CEGUI's interface to the Ogre Engine 102 boost::scoped_ptr<CEGUI::LuaScriptModule> scriptModule_; //!< CEGUI's script module to use Lua 103 boost::scoped_ptr<CEGUI::System> guiSystem_; //!< CEGUI's main system 104 Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow_; //!< Ogre's render window to give CEGUI access to it 105 CEGUI::ResourceProvider* resourceProvider_; //!< CEGUI's resource provider 106 CEGUI::Logger* ceguiLogger_; //!< CEGUI's logger to be able to log CEGUI errors in our log 107 lua_State* luaState_; //!< Lua state, access point to the Lua engine 108 std::map<std::string, PlayerInfo*> players_; //!< Stores the player (owner) for each gui 94 scoped_ptr<CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer> guiRenderer_; //!< CEGUI's interface to the Ogre Engine 95 scoped_ptr<LuaState> luaState_; //!< LuaState, access point to the Lua engine 96 scoped_ptr<CEGUI::LuaScriptModule> scriptModule_; //!< CEGUI's script module to use Lua 97 scoped_ptr<CEGUI::System> guiSystem_; //!< CEGUI's main system 98 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> rootFileInfo_; //!< Resource information about the root script 99 Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow_; //!< Ogre's render window to give CEGUI access to it 100 CEGUI::ResourceProvider* resourceProvider_; //!< CEGUI's resource provider 101 CEGUI::Logger* ceguiLogger_; //!< CEGUI's logger to be able to log CEGUI errors in our log 102 std::map<std::string, PlayerInfo*> players_; //!< Stores the player (owner) for each gui 109 103 110 static GUIManager* singletonPtr_s;//!< Singleton reference to GUIManager104 static GUIManager* singletonPtr_s; //!< Singleton reference to GUIManager 111 105 112 106 }; -
r5693 r5695 37 37 #include <exception> 38 38 #include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp> 39 #include <CEGUIExceptions.h> 39 40 40 41 #include "util/Debug.h" … … 54 55 namespace orxonox 55 56 { 56 using boost::shared_ptr;57 using boost::weak_ptr;58 59 57 static void stop_game() 60 58 { Game::getInstance().stop(); } … … 202 200 203 201 // Core preUpdate (doesn't throw) 204 if (!this->core_->preUpdate(*this->gameClock_)) 205 { 202 try 203 { this->core_->preUpdate(*this->gameClock_); } 204 catch (...) 205 { 206 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred in the Core preUpdate: " << Game::getExceptionMessage() << std::endl; 207 COUT(0) << "This should really never happen! Closing the program." << std::endl; 206 208 this->stop(); 207 209 break; … … 212 214 213 215 // Core postUpdate (doesn't throw) 214 if (!this->core_->postUpdate(*this->gameClock_)) 215 { 216 try 217 { this->core_->postUpdate(*this->gameClock_); } 218 catch (...) 219 { 220 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred in the Core postUpdate: " << Game::getExceptionMessage() << std::endl; 221 COUT(0) << "This should really never happen! Closing the program." << std::endl; 216 222 this->stop(); 217 223 break; … … 246 252 this->loadState(requestedStateNode->name_); 247 253 } 248 catch ( const std::exception& ex)254 catch (...) 249 255 { 250 COUT(1) << "Error: Loading GameState '" << requestedStateNode->name_ << "' failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;256 COUT(1) << "Error: Loading GameState '" << requestedStateNode->name_ << "' failed: " << Game::getExceptionMessage() << std::endl; 251 257 // All scheduled operations have now been rendered inert --> flush them and issue a warning 252 258 if (this->requestedStateNodes_.size() > 1) 253 COUT( 1) << "All " << this->requestedStateNodes_.size() - 1 << " scheduled transitions have been ignored." << std::endl;259 COUT(4) << "All " << this->requestedStateNodes_.size() - 1 << " scheduled transitions have been ignored." << std::endl; 254 260 this->requestedStateNodes_.clear(); 255 261 break; … … 267 273 it != this->loadedStates_.end(); ++it) 268 274 { 269 std::string exceptionMessage;270 275 try 271 276 { 272 277 // Add tick time for most of the states 273 uint64_t timeBeforeTick ;278 uint64_t timeBeforeTick = 0; 274 279 if ((*it)->getInfo().bIgnoreTickTime) 275 280 timeBeforeTick = this->gameClock_->getRealMicroseconds(); … … 278 283 this->subtractTickTime(static_cast<int32_t>(this->gameClock_->getRealMicroseconds() - timeBeforeTick)); 279 284 } 280 catch (const std::exception& ex)281 { exceptionMessage = ex.what(); }282 285 catch (...) 283 { exceptionMessage = "Unknown exception"; } 284 if (!exceptionMessage.empty()) 285 { 286 COUT(1) << "An exception occurred while updating '" << (*it)->getName() << "': " << exceptionMessage << std::endl; 286 { 287 COUT(1) << "An exception occurred while updating '" << (*it)->getName() << "': " << Game::getExceptionMessage() << std::endl; 287 288 COUT(1) << "This should really never happen!" << std::endl; 288 289 COUT(1) << "Unloading all GameStates depending on the one that crashed." << std::endl; … … 590 591 state->deactivate(); 591 592 } 593 catch (...) 594 { 595 COUT(2) << "Warning: Unloading GameState '" << name << "' threw an exception: " << Game::getExceptionMessage() << std::endl; 596 COUT(2) << " There might be potential resource leaks involved! To avoid this, improve exception-safety." << std::endl; 597 } 598 // Check if graphics is still required 599 if (!bAbort_) 600 { 601 bool graphicsRequired = false; 602 for (unsigned i = 0; i < loadedStates_.size(); ++i) 603 graphicsRequired |= loadedStates_[i]->getInfo().bGraphicsMode; 604 if (!graphicsRequired) 605 this->unloadGraphics(); 606 } 607 this->bChangingState_ = false; 608 } 609 610 /*static*/ std::string Game::getExceptionMessage() 611 { 612 std::string exceptionMessage; 613 try 614 { 615 // rethrow 616 throw; 617 } 592 618 catch (const std::exception& ex) 593 619 { 594 COUT(2) << "Warning: Unloading GameState '" << name << "' threw an exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl; 595 COUT(2) << " There might be potential resource leaks involved! To avoid this, improve exception-safety." << std::endl; 596 } 597 // Check if graphics is still required 598 bool graphicsRequired = false; 599 for (unsigned i = 0; i < loadedStates_.size(); ++i) 600 graphicsRequired |= loadedStates_[i]->getInfo().bGraphicsMode; 601 if (!graphicsRequired) 602 this->unloadGraphics(); 603 this->bChangingState_ = false; 620 return ex.what(); 621 } 622 catch (const CEGUI::Exception& ex) 623 { 624 #if CEGUI_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 && CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR < 6 625 return GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str()).getDescription(); 626 #else 627 return GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getLine(), 628 ex.getFileName().c_str(), ex.getName().c_str()).getDescription(); 629 #endif 630 } 631 catch (...) 632 { 633 return "Unknown exception"; 634 } 604 635 } 605 636 -
r5693 r5695 62 62 { 63 63 class GameConfiguration; 64 using boost::scoped_ptr;65 using boost::shared_ptr;66 64 67 65 //! Helper object required before GameStates are being constructed … … 85 83 typedef std::vector<shared_ptr<GameState> > GameStateVector; 86 84 typedef std::map<std::string, shared_ptr<GameState> > GameStateMap; 87 typedef boost::shared_ptr<GameStateTreeNode> GameStateTreeNodePtr;85 typedef shared_ptr<GameStateTreeNode> GameStateTreeNodePtr; 88 86 89 87 public: … … 157 155 // ScopeGuard helper function 158 156 void resetChangingState() { this->bChangingState_ = false; } 157 /** 158 @brief 159 Retrieves information from an exception caught with "..." 160 @remarks 161 Never ever call this function without an exception in the stack! 162 */ 163 static std::string getExceptionMessage(); 159 164 160 165 scoped_ptr<Clock> gameClock_; -
r3370 r5695 28 28 */ 29 29 30 /**31 @file32 @brief33 Implementation of an partial interface to Ogre.34 */35 36 30 #include "GraphicsManager.h" 37 31 38 32 #include <fstream> 39 #include < memory>33 #include <sstream> 40 34 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 41 #include <boost/shared_ ptr.hpp>42 43 #include <Ogre CompositorManager.h>44 #include <Ogre ConfigFile.h>35 #include <boost/shared_array.hpp> 36 37 #include <OgreArchiveFactory.h> 38 #include <OgreArchiveManager.h> 45 39 #include <OgreFrameListener.h> 46 40 #include <OgreRoot.h> 47 41 #include <OgreLogManager.h> 48 #include <OgreException.h>49 42 #include <OgreRenderWindow.h> 50 43 #include <OgreRenderSystem.h> 44 #include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h> 51 45 #include <OgreTextureManager.h> 52 46 #include <OgreViewport.h> … … 64 58 #include "Game.h" 65 59 #include "GameMode.h" 60 #include "Loader.h" 61 #include "MemoryArchive.h" 66 62 #include "WindowEventListener.h" 63 #include "XMLFile.h" 67 64 68 65 namespace orxonox 69 66 { 70 using boost::shared_ptr;71 72 67 class OgreWindowEventListener : public Ogre::WindowEventListener 73 68 { … … 89 84 Non-initialising constructor. 90 85 */ 91 GraphicsManager::GraphicsManager() 92 : ogreRoot_(0) 93 , ogreLogger_(0) 86 GraphicsManager::GraphicsManager(bool bLoadRenderer) 87 : ogreWindowEventListener_(new OgreWindowEventListener()) 88 #if OGRE_VERSION < 0x010600 89 , memoryArchiveFactory_(new MemoryArchiveFactory()) 90 #endif 94 91 , renderWindow_(0) 95 92 , viewport_(0) 96 , ogreWindowEventListener_(new OgreWindowEventListener())97 93 { 98 94 RegisterObject(GraphicsManager); … … 100 96 this->setConfigValues(); 101 97 102 // Ogre setup procedure 103 setupOgre(); 104 105 try 106 { 107 // load all the required plugins for Ogre 108 loadOgrePlugins(); 109 // read resource declaration file 110 this->declareResources(); 111 // Reads ogre config and creates the render window 112 this->loadRenderer(); 113 114 // TODO: Spread this 115 this->initialiseResources(); 116 117 // add console commands 118 FunctorMember<GraphicsManager>* functor1 = createFunctor(&GraphicsManager::printScreen); 119 functor1->setObject(this); 120 ccPrintScreen_ = createConsoleCommand(functor1, "printScreen"); 121 CommandExecutor::addConsoleCommandShortcut(ccPrintScreen_); 122 } 123 catch (...) 124 { 125 // clean up 126 delete this->ogreRoot_; 127 delete this->ogreLogger_; 128 delete this->ogreWindowEventListener_; 129 throw; 98 // Ogre setup procedure (creating Ogre::Root) 99 this->loadOgreRoot(); 100 // load all the required plugins for Ogre 101 this->loadOgrePlugins(); 102 103 // At first, add the root paths of the data directories as resource locations 104 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(Core::getDataPathString(), "FileSystem", "dataRoot", false); 105 // Load resources 106 resources_.reset(new XMLFile("resources.oxr", "dataRoot")); 107 resources_->setLuaSupport(false); 108 Loader::open(resources_.get()); 109 110 // Only for development runs 111 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun()) 112 { 113 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(Core::getExternalDataPathString(), "FileSystem", "externalDataRoot", false); 114 extResources_.reset(new XMLFile("resources.oxr", "externalDataRoot")); 115 extResources_->setLuaSupport(false); 116 Loader::open(extResources_.get()); 117 } 118 119 if (bLoadRenderer) 120 { 121 // Reads the ogre config and creates the render window 122 this->upgradeToGraphics(); 130 123 } 131 124 } … … 133 126 /** 134 127 @brief 135 Destr oys all the Ogre related objects128 Destruction is done by the member scoped_ptrs. 136 129 */ 137 130 GraphicsManager::~GraphicsManager() 138 131 { 139 /* 140 delete this->ccPrintScreen_; 141 */ 142 143 // unload all compositors (this is only necessary because we don't yet destroy all resources!) 144 Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().removeAll(); 145 146 // Delete OGRE main control organ 147 delete this->ogreRoot_; 148 149 // delete the logManager (since we have created it in the first place). 150 delete this->ogreLogger_; 151 152 delete this->ogreWindowEventListener_; 132 Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::removeWindowEventListener(renderWindow_, ogreWindowEventListener_.get()); 133 // TODO: Destroy the console command 153 134 } 154 135 155 136 void GraphicsManager::setConfigValues() 156 137 { 157 SetConfigValue(resourceFile_, "resources.cfg")158 .description("Location of the resources file in the data path.");159 138 SetConfigValue(ogreConfigFile_, "ogre.cfg") 160 139 .description("Location of the Ogre config file"); 161 SetConfigValue(ogrePlugins Folder_, ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS_FOLDER)140 SetConfigValue(ogrePluginsDirectory_, specialConfig::ogrePluginsDirectory) 162 141 .description("Folder where the Ogre plugins are located."); 163 SetConfigValue(ogrePlugins_, ORXONOX_OGRE_PLUGINS)142 SetConfigValue(ogrePlugins_, specialConfig::ogrePlugins) 164 143 .description("Comma separated list of all plugins to load."); 165 144 SetConfigValue(ogreLogFile_, "ogre.log") … … 173 152 } 174 153 154 /** 155 @brief 156 Loads the renderer and creates the render window if not yet done so. 157 @remarks 158 This operation is irreversible without recreating the GraphicsManager! 159 So if it throws you HAVE to recreate the GraphicsManager!!! 160 It therefore offers almost no exception safety. 161 */ 162 void GraphicsManager::upgradeToGraphics() 163 { 164 if (renderWindow_ != NULL) 165 return; 166 167 this->loadRenderer(); 168 169 #if OGRE_VERSION < 0x010600 170 // WORKAROUND: There is an incompatibility for particle scripts when trying 171 // to support both Ogre 1.4 and 1.6. The hacky solution is to create 172 // scripts for the 1.6 version and then remove the inserted "particle_system" 173 // keyword. But we need to supply these new scripts as well, which is why 174 // there is an extra Ogre::Archive dealing with in the memory. 175 using namespace Ogre; 176 ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(memoryArchiveFactory_.get()); 177 const StringVector& groups = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups(); 178 // Travers all groups 179 for (StringVector::const_iterator itGroup = groups.begin(); itGroup != groups.end(); ++itGroup) 180 { 181 FileInfoListPtr files = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().findResourceFileInfo(*itGroup, "*.particle"); 182 for (FileInfoList::const_iterator itFile = files->begin(); itFile != files->end(); ++itFile) 183 { 184 // open file 185 Ogre::DataStreamPtr input = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(itFile->filename, *itGroup, false); 186 std::stringstream output; 187 // Parse file and replace "particle_system" with nothing 188 while (!input->eof()) 189 { 190 std::string line = input->getLine(); 191 size_t pos = line.find("particle_system"); 192 if (pos != std::string::npos) 193 { 194 // 15 is the length of "particle_system" 195 line.replace(pos, 15, ""); 196 } 197 output << line << std::endl; 198 } 199 // Add file to the memory archive 200 shared_array<char> data(new char[output.str().size()]); 201 // Debug optimisations 202 const std::string outputStr = output.str(); 203 char* rawData = data.get(); 204 for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputStr.size(); ++i) 205 rawData[i] = outputStr[i]; 206 MemoryArchive::addFile("particle_scripts_ogre_1.4_" + *itGroup, itFile->filename, data, output.str().size()); 207 } 208 if (!files->empty()) 209 { 210 // Declare the files, but using a new group 211 ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation("particle_scripts_ogre_1.4_" + *itGroup, 212 "Memory", "particle_scripts_ogre_1.4_" + *itGroup); 213 } 214 } 215 #endif 216 217 // Initialise all resources (do this AFTER the renderer has been loaded!) 218 // Note: You can only do this once! Ogre will check whether a resource group has 219 // already been initialised. If you need to load resources later, you will have to 220 // choose another resource group. 221 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); 222 } 223 224 /** 225 @brief 226 Creates the Ogre Root object and sets up the ogre log. 227 */ 228 void GraphicsManager::loadOgreRoot() 229 { 230 COUT(3) << "Setting up Ogre..." << std::endl; 231 232 if (ogreConfigFile_ == "") 233 { 234 COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre config file set to \"\". Defaulting to config.cfg" << std::endl; 235 ModifyConfigValue(ogreConfigFile_, tset, "config.cfg"); 236 } 237 if (ogreLogFile_ == "") 238 { 239 COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre log file set to \"\". Defaulting to ogre.log" << std::endl; 240 ModifyConfigValue(ogreLogFile_, tset, "ogre.log"); 241 } 242 243 boost::filesystem::path ogreConfigFilepath(Core::getConfigPath() / this->ogreConfigFile_); 244 boost::filesystem::path ogreLogFilepath(Core::getLogPath() / this->ogreLogFile_); 245 246 // create a new logManager 247 // Ogre::Root will detect that we've already created a Log 248 ogreLogger_.reset(new Ogre::LogManager()); 249 COUT(4) << "Ogre LogManager created" << std::endl; 250 251 // create our own log that we can listen to 252 Ogre::Log *myLog; 253 myLog = ogreLogger_->createLog(ogreLogFilepath.string(), true, false, false); 254 COUT(4) << "Ogre Log created" << std::endl; 255 256 myLog->setLogDetail(Ogre::LL_BOREME); 257 myLog->addListener(this); 258 259 COUT(4) << "Creating Ogre Root..." << std::endl; 260 261 // check for config file existence because Ogre displays (caught) exceptions if not 262 if (!boost::filesystem::exists(ogreConfigFilepath)) 263 { 264 // create a zero sized file 265 std::ofstream creator; 266; 267 creator.close(); 268 } 269 270 // Leave plugins file empty. We're going to do that part manually later 271 ogreRoot_.reset(new Ogre::Root("", ogreConfigFilepath.string(), ogreLogFilepath.string())); 272 273 COUT(3) << "Ogre set up done." << std::endl; 274 } 275 276 void GraphicsManager::loadOgrePlugins() 277 { 278 // just to make sure the next statement doesn't segfault 279 if (ogrePluginsDirectory_ == "") 280 ogrePluginsDirectory_ = "."; 281 282 boost::filesystem::path folder(ogrePluginsDirectory_); 283 // Do some SubString magic to get the comma separated list of plugins 284 SubString plugins(ogrePlugins_, ",", " ", false, '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0'); 285 // Use backslash paths on Windows! file_string() already does that though. 286 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); ++i) 287 ogreRoot_->loadPlugin((folder / plugins[i]).file_string()); 288 } 289 290 void GraphicsManager::loadRenderer() 291 { 292 CCOUT(4) << "Configuring Renderer" << std::endl; 293 294 if (!ogreRoot_->restoreConfig()) 295 if (!ogreRoot_->showConfigDialog()) 296 ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "OGRE graphics configuration dialogue failed."); 297 298 CCOUT(4) << "Creating render window" << std::endl; 299 300 this->renderWindow_ = ogreRoot_->initialise(true, "Orxonox"); 301 // Propagate the size of the new winodw 302 this->ogreWindowEventListener_->windowResized(renderWindow_); 303 304 Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::addWindowEventListener(this->renderWindow_, ogreWindowEventListener_.get()); 305 306 // create a full screen default viewport 307 // Note: This may throw when adding a viewport with an existing z-order! 308 // But in our case we only have one viewport for now anyway, therefore 309 // no ScopeGuards or anything to handle exceptions. 310 this->viewport_ = this->renderWindow_->addViewport(0, 0); 311 312 Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(0); 313 314 // add console commands 315 FunctorMember<GraphicsManager>* functor1 = createFunctor(&GraphicsManager::printScreen); 316 ccPrintScreen_ = createConsoleCommand(functor1->setObject(this), "printScreen"); 317 CommandExecutor::addConsoleCommandShortcut(ccPrintScreen_); 318 } 319 175 320 void GraphicsManager::update(const Clock& time) 176 321 { … … 207 352 { 208 353 this->viewport_->setCamera(camera); 209 }210 211 /**212 @brief213 Creates the Ogre Root object and sets up the ogre log.214 */215 void GraphicsManager::setupOgre()216 {217 COUT(3) << "Setting up Ogre..." << std::endl;218 219 if (ogreConfigFile_ == "")220 {221 COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre config file set to \"\". Defaulting to config.cfg" << std::endl;222 ModifyConfigValue(ogreConfigFile_, tset, "config.cfg");223 }224 if (ogreLogFile_ == "")225 {226 COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre log file set to \"\". Defaulting to ogre.log" << std::endl;227 ModifyConfigValue(ogreLogFile_, tset, "ogre.log");228 }229 230 boost::filesystem::path ogreConfigFilepath(Core::getConfigPath() / this->ogreConfigFile_);231 boost::filesystem::path ogreLogFilepath(Core::getLogPath() / this->ogreLogFile_);232 233 // create a new logManager234 // Ogre::Root will detect that we've already created a Log235 std::auto_ptr<Ogre::LogManager> logger(new Ogre::LogManager());236 COUT(4) << "Ogre LogManager created" << std::endl;237 238 // create our own log that we can listen to239 Ogre::Log *myLog;240 myLog = logger->createLog(ogreLogFilepath.string(), true, false, false);241 COUT(4) << "Ogre Log created" << std::endl;242 243 myLog->setLogDetail(Ogre::LL_BOREME);244 myLog->addListener(this);245 246 COUT(4) << "Creating Ogre Root..." << std::endl;247 248 // check for config file existence because Ogre displays (caught) exceptions if not249 if (!boost::filesystem::exists(ogreConfigFilepath))250 {251 // create a zero sized file252 std::ofstream creator;253;254 creator.close();255 }256 257 // Leave plugins file empty. We're going to do that part manually later258 ogreRoot_ = new Ogre::Root("", ogreConfigFilepath.string(), ogreLogFilepath.string());259 // In case that new Root failed the logger gets destroyed because of the std::auto_ptr260 ogreLogger_ = logger.release();261 262 COUT(3) << "Ogre set up done." << std::endl;263 }264 265 void GraphicsManager::loadOgrePlugins()266 {267 // just to make sure the next statement doesn't segfault268 if (ogrePluginsFolder_ == "")269 ogrePluginsFolder_ = ".";270 271 boost::filesystem::path folder(ogrePluginsFolder_);272 // Do some SubString magic to get the comma separated list of plugins273 SubString plugins(ogrePlugins_, ",", " ", false, '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0');274 // Use backslash paths on Windows! file_string() already does that though.275 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); ++i)276 ogreRoot_->loadPlugin((folder / plugins[i]).file_string());277 }278 279 void GraphicsManager::declareResources()280 {281 CCOUT(4) << "Declaring Resources" << std::endl;282 //TODO: Specify layout of data file and maybe use xml-loader283 //TODO: Work with ressource groups (should be generated by a special loader)284 285 if (resourceFile_ == "")286 {287 COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre resource file set to \"\". Defaulting to resources.cfg" << std::endl;288 ModifyConfigValue(resourceFile_, tset, "resources.cfg");289 }290 291 // Load resource paths from data file using configfile ressource type292 Ogre::ConfigFile cf;293 try294 {295 cf.load((Core::getMediaPath() / resourceFile_).string());296 }297 catch (...)298 {299 //COUT(1) << ex.getFullDescription() << std::endl;300 COUT(0) << "Have you forgotten to set the data path in orxnox.ini?" << std::endl;301 throw;302 }303 304 // Go through all sections & settings in the file305 Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator();306 307 std::string secName, typeName, archName;308 while (seci.hasMoreElements())309 {310 try311 {312 secName = seci.peekNextKey();313 Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext();314 Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;315 for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)316 {317 typeName = i->first; // for instance "FileSystem" or "Zip"318 archName = i->second; // name (and location) of archive319 320 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(321 (Core::getMediaPath() / archName).string(), typeName, secName);322 }323 }324 catch (Ogre::Exception& ex)325 {326 COUT(1) << ex.getFullDescription() << std::endl;327 }328 }329 }330 331 void GraphicsManager::loadRenderer()332 {333 CCOUT(4) << "Configuring Renderer" << std::endl;334 335 if (!ogreRoot_->restoreConfig())336 if (!ogreRoot_->showConfigDialog())337 ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "OGRE graphics configuration dialogue failed.");338 339 CCOUT(4) << "Creating render window" << std::endl;340 341 this->renderWindow_ = ogreRoot_->initialise(true, "Orxonox");342 this->ogreWindowEventListener_->windowResized(renderWindow_);343 344 Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::addWindowEventListener(this->renderWindow_, ogreWindowEventListener_);345 346 Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(0);347 348 // create a full screen default viewport349 this->viewport_ = this->renderWindow_->addViewport(0, 0);350 }351 352 void GraphicsManager::initialiseResources()353 {354 CCOUT(4) << "Initialising resources" << std::endl;355 //TODO: Do NOT load all the groups, why are we doing that? And do we really do that? initialise != load...356 //try357 //{358 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups();359 /*Ogre::StringVector str = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups();360 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)361 {362 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().loadResourceGroup(str[i]);363 }*/364 //}365 //catch (...)366 //{367 // CCOUT(2) << "Error: There was a serious error when initialising the resources." << std::endl;368 // throw;369 //}370 354 } 371 355 … … 406 390 } 407 391 392 size_t GraphicsManager::getRenderWindowHandle() 393 { 394 size_t windowHnd = 0; 395 renderWindow_->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); 396 return windowHnd; 397 } 398 399 bool GraphicsManager::isFullScreen() const 400 { 401 Ogre::ConfigOptionMap& options = ogreRoot_->getRenderSystem()->getConfigOptions(); 402 if (options.find("Full Screen") != options.end()) 403 { 404 if (options["Full Screen"].currentValue == "Yes") 405 return true; 406 else 407 return false; 408 } 409 else 410 { 411 COUT(0) << "Could not find 'Full Screen' render system option. Fix This!!!" << std::endl; 412 return false; 413 } 414 } 415 408 416 void GraphicsManager::printScreen() 409 417 { -
r3370 r5695 42 42 #include <string> 43 43 #include <OgreLog.h> 44 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> 45 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 46 44 47 #include "util/Singleton.h" 45 48 #include "OrxonoxClass.h" … … 55 58 friend class Singleton<GraphicsManager>; 56 59 public: 57 GraphicsManager( );60 GraphicsManager(bool bLoadRenderer = true); 58 61 ~GraphicsManager(); 59 62 … … 62 65 void update(const Clock& time); 63 66 64 inline Ogre::Viewport* getViewport() 65 { return this->viewport_; } 66 inline Ogre::RenderWindow* getRenderWindow() 67 { return this->renderWindow_; } 67 Ogre::Viewport* getViewport() { return this->viewport_; } 68 Ogre::RenderWindow* getRenderWindow() { return this->renderWindow_; } 69 size_t getRenderWindowHandle(); 70 bool isFullScreen() const; 71 72 void upgradeToGraphics(); 73 bool rendererLoaded() const { return renderWindow_ != NULL; } 68 74 69 75 void setCamera(Ogre::Camera* camera); … … 73 79 74 80 // OGRE initialisation 75 void setupOgre();81 void loadOgreRoot(); 76 82 void loadOgrePlugins(); 77 void declareResources();78 83 void loadRenderer(); 79 void initialiseResources();80 84 81 85 // event from Ogre::LogListener … … 86 90 void printScreen(); 87 91 88 private: 89 Ogre::Root* ogreRoot_; //!< Ogre's root 90 Ogre::LogManager* ogreLogger_; 92 scoped_ptr<OgreWindowEventListener> ogreWindowEventListener_; //!< Pimpl to hide OgreWindowUtilities.h 93 #if OGRE_VERSION < 0x010600 94 scoped_ptr<MemoryArchiveFactory> memoryArchiveFactory_; //!< Stores the modified particle scripts 95 #endif 96 scoped_ptr<Ogre::LogManager> ogreLogger_; 97 scoped_ptr<Ogre::Root> ogreRoot_; //!< Ogre's root 91 98 Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow_; //!< the one and only render window 92 99 Ogre::Viewport* viewport_; //!< default full size viewport 93 OgreWindowEventListener* ogreWindowEventListener_; //!< Pimpl to hide OgreWindowUtilities.h 100 101 // XML files for the resources 102 shared_ptr<XMLFile> resources_; //!< XML with resource locations 103 shared_ptr<XMLFile> extResources_; //!< XML with resource locations in the external path (only for dev runs) 94 104 95 105 // config values 96 std::string resourceFile_; //!< resources file name97 106 std::string ogreConfigFile_; //!< ogre config file name 98 std::string ogrePlugins Folder_; //!< Folderwhere the Ogre plugins are located107 std::string ogrePluginsDirectory_; //!< Directory where the Ogre plugins are located 99 108 std::string ogrePlugins_; //!< Comma separated list of all plugins to load 100 109 std::string ogreLogFile_; //!< log file name for Ogre log messages -
r3325 r5695 138 138 if (!this->bCreatedOneObject_ && Identifier::isCreatingHierarchy()) 139 139 { 140 // If no: We have to store the information sand initialize the Identifier140 // If no: We have to store the information and initialize the Identifier 141 141 COUT(4) << "*** ClassIdentifier: Register Class in " << this->getName() << "-Singleton -> Initialize Singleton." << std::endl; 142 142 if (bRootClass) -
r3370 r5695 31 31 @brief Definition of the Identifier, ClassIdentifier and SubclassIdentifier classes, implementation of the ClassIdentifier and SubclassIdentifier classes. 32 32 33 The Identifier contains all needed information sabout the class it belongs to:33 The Identifier contains all needed information about the class it belongs to: 34 34 - the name 35 35 - a list with all objects … … 73 73 // ### Identifier ### 74 74 // ############################### 75 //! The Identifier is used to identify the class of an object and to store information sabout the class.76 /** 77 The Identifier contains all needed information sabout the class it belongs to:75 //! The Identifier is used to identify the class of an object and to store information about the class. 76 /** 77 The Identifier contains all needed information about the class it belongs to: 78 78 - the name 79 79 - a list with all objects … … 335 335 /** 336 336 ClassIdentifier is a Singleton, which means that only one object of a given type T exists. 337 This makes it possible to store information sabout a class, sharing them with all337 This makes it possible to store information about a class, sharing them with all 338 338 objects of that class without defining static variables in every class. 339 339 -
r3370 r5695 29 29 #include "Loader.h" 30 30 31 #include <sstream> 31 32 #include <tinyxml/ticpp.h> 33 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> 32 34 33 35 #include "util/Debug.h" 34 36 #include "util/Exception.h" 37 #include "util/StringUtils.h" 35 38 #include "BaseObject.h" 36 39 #include "Iterator.h" 37 40 #include "ObjectList.h" 38 #include "Lua Bind.h"41 #include "LuaState.h" 39 42 #include "Namespace.h" 43 #include "Resource.h" 40 44 #include "XMLFile.h" 41 45 … … 118 122 Loader::currentMask_s = file->getMask() * mask; 119 123 120 // let Lua work this out: 121 LuaBind& lua = LuaBind::getInstance(); 122 lua.clearLuaOutput(); 123 lua.loadFile(file->getFilename(), true); 124; 124 std::string xmlInput; 125 if (file->getLuaSupport()) 126 { 127 // Use the LuaState to replace the XML tags (calls our function) 128 scoped_ptr<LuaState> luaState(new LuaState()); 129 luaState->setIncludeParser(&Loader::replaceLuaTags); 130 luaState->includeFile(file->getFilename(), file->getResourceGroup(), false); 131 xmlInput = luaState->getOutput().str(); 132 } 133 else 134 { 135 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> info = Resource::getInfo(file->getFilename(), file->getResourceGroup()); 136 if (info == NULL) 137 { 138 COUT(1) << "Error: Could not find XML file '" << file->getFilename() << "'." << std::endl; 139 return false; 140 } 141 xmlInput = Resource::open(file->getFilename(), file->getResourceGroup())->getAsString(); 142 } 125 143 126 144 try … … 129 147 COUT(3) << "Mask: " << Loader::currentMask_s << std::endl; 130 148 131 //ticpp::Document xmlfile(file->getFilename()); 132 //xmlfile.LoadFile(); 133 //ticpp::Element myelement(*Script::getFileString()); 134 ticpp::Document xmlfile; 135 //xmlfile.ToDocument(); 136 xmlfile.Parse(lua.getLuaOutput(), true); 149 ticpp::Document xmlfile(file->getFilename()); 150 xmlfile.Parse(xmlInput, true); 137 151 138 152 ticpp::Element rootElement; … … 208 222 return Loader::load(file, mask); 209 223 } 224 225 std::string Loader::replaceLuaTags(const std::string& text) 226 { 227 // chreate map with all Lua tags 228 std::map<size_t, bool> luaTags; 229 { 230 size_t pos = 0; 231 while ((pos = text.find("<?lua", pos)) != std::string::npos) 232 luaTags[pos++] = true; 233 } 234 { 235 size_t pos = 0; 236 while ((pos = text.find("?>", pos)) != std::string::npos) 237 luaTags[pos++] = false; 238 } 239 240 // erase all tags from the map that are between two quotes 241 { 242 std::map<size_t, bool>::iterator it = luaTags.begin(); 243 std::map<size_t, bool>::iterator it2 = it; 244 bool bBetweenQuotes = false; 245 size_t pos = 0; 246 while ((pos = getNextQuote(text, pos)) != std::string::npos) 247 { 248 while ((it != luaTags.end()) && (it->first < pos)) 249 { 250 if (bBetweenQuotes) 251 { 252 it2++; 253 if(it->second && !(it2->second) && it2->first < pos) 254 it = ++it2; 255 else 256 luaTags.erase(it++); 257 } 258 else 259 ++it; 260 } 261 bBetweenQuotes = !bBetweenQuotes; 262 pos++; 263 } 264 } 265 266 // check whether on every opening <?lua tag a closing ?> tag follows 267 { 268 bool expectedValue = true; 269 for (std::map<size_t, bool>::iterator it = luaTags.begin(); it != luaTags.end(); ++it) 270 { 271 if (it->second == expectedValue) 272 expectedValue = !expectedValue; 273 else 274 { 275 expectedValue = false; 276 break; 277 } 278 } 279 if (!expectedValue) 280 { 281 COUT(2) << "Warning: Error in level file" << std::endl; 282 // todo: errorhandling 283 return ""; 284 } 285 } 286 287 // Use a stringstream object to speed up the parsing 288 std::ostringstream output; 289 290 // cut the original string into pieces and put them together with print() instead of lua tags 291 { 292 std::map<size_t, bool>::iterator it = luaTags.begin(); 293 bool bInPrintFunction = true; 294 size_t start = 0; 295 size_t end = 0; 296 297 do 298 { 299 if (it != luaTags.end()) 300 end = (*(it++)).first; 301 else 302 end = std::string::npos; 303 304 unsigned int equalSignCounter = 0; 305 306 if (bInPrintFunction) 307 { 308 // count ['='[ and ]'='] and replace tags with print([[ and ]]) 309 std::string temp = text.substr(start, end - start); 310 { 311 size_t pos = 0; 312 while ((pos = temp.find('[', pos)) != std::string::npos) 313 { 314 unsigned int tempCounter = 1; 315 size_t tempPos = pos++; 316 while(temp[++tempPos] == '=') 317 { 318 tempCounter++; 319 } 320 if(temp[tempPos] != '[') 321 { 322 tempCounter = 0; 323 } 324 else if(tempCounter == 0) 325 { 326 tempCounter = 1; 327 } 328 if (tempCounter > equalSignCounter) 329 equalSignCounter = tempCounter; 330 } 331 } 332 { 333 size_t pos = 0; 334 while ((pos = temp.find(']', pos)) != std::string::npos) 335 { 336 unsigned int tempCounter = 1; 337 size_t tempPos = pos++; 338 while(temp[++tempPos] == '=') 339 { 340 tempCounter++; 341 } 342 if(temp[tempPos] != ']') 343 { 344 tempCounter = 0; 345 } 346 else if(tempCounter == 0) 347 { 348 tempCounter = 1; 349 } 350 if (tempCounter > equalSignCounter) 351 equalSignCounter = tempCounter; 352 } 353 } 354 std::string equalSigns = ""; 355 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < equalSignCounter; i++) 356 { 357 equalSigns += "="; 358 } 359 output << "print([" + equalSigns + "[" + temp + "]" + equalSigns +"])"; 360 start = end + 5; 361 } 362 else 363 { 364 output << text.substr(start, end - start); 365 start = end + 2; 366 } 367 368 bInPrintFunction = !bInPrintFunction; 369 } 370 while (end != std::string::npos); 371 } 372 373 return output.str(); 374 } 210 375 } -
r3370 r5695 55 55 static bool reload(const XMLFile* file, const ClassTreeMask& mask = ClassTreeMask()); 56 56 57 static std::string replaceLuaTags(const std::string& text); 58 57 59 static ClassTreeMask currentMask_s; 58 60 -
r3370 r5695 127 127 #ifdef DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_ENABLE 128 128 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun()) 129 return (std::string( ORXONOX_DEP_LIB_PATH) + "/tcl");129 return (std::string(specialConfig::dependencyLibraryDirectory) + "/tcl"); 130 130 else 131 131 return (Core::getRootPathString() + "lib/tcl"); -
r3370 r5695 57 57 58 58 /** 59 @brief A struct containing all information sabout a Tcl-interpreter59 @brief A struct containing all information about a Tcl-interpreter 60 60 */ 61 61 struct TclInterpreterBundle -
r3196 r5695 40 40 { 41 41 public: 42 XMLFile(const std::string& filename) : filename_(filename) {} 43 XMLFile(const std::string& filename, const ClassTreeMask& mask) : filename_(filename), mask_(mask) {}; 42 XMLFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup = "General") 43 : filename_(filename) 44 , group_(resourceGroup) 45 , bLuaSupport_(true) 46 { } 47 XMLFile(const ClassTreeMask& mask, const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup = "General") 48 : filename_(filename) 49 , group_(resourceGroup) 50 , mask_(mask) 51 , bLuaSupport_(true) 52 { } 53 54 void setLuaSupport(bool val) { bLuaSupport_ = val; } 44 55 45 56 const std::string& getFilename() const { return this->filename_; } 57 const std::string& getResourceGroup() const { return this->group_; } 46 58 const ClassTreeMask& getMask() const { return this->mask_; } 59 bool getLuaSupport() const { return this->bLuaSupport_; } 47 60 48 61 private: 49 62 std::string filename_; 63 std::string group_; 50 64 ClassTreeMask mask_; 65 bool bLuaSupport_; // Default is true 51 66 }; 52 67 } -
r3327 r5695 59 59 nCommands_[1]=0; 60 60 nCommands_[2]=0; 61 this->configContainer_ = 0;62 61 } 63 62 -
r3370 r5695 41 41 #include <boost/foreach.hpp> 42 42 43 #include "util/Convert.h" 43 44 #include "util/Exception.h" 44 45 #include "util/ScopeGuard.h" … … 49 50 #include "core/CommandLine.h" 50 51 #include "core/Functor.h" 52 #include "core/GraphicsManager.h" 51 53 52 54 #include "InputBuffer.h" … … 82 84 // ########## ########## 83 85 // ############################################################ 84 InputManager::InputManager( size_t windowHnd)86 InputManager::InputManager() 85 87 : internalState_(Bad) 86 88 , oisInputManager_(0) 87 89 , devices_(2) 88 , windowHnd_(0)90 , bExclusiveMouse_(false) 89 91 , emptyState_(0) 90 92 , keyDetector_(0) … … 97 99 this->setConfigValues(); 98 100 99 this->loadDevices( windowHnd);101 this->loadDevices(); 100 102 101 103 // Lowest priority empty InputState … … 147 149 Creates the OIS::InputMananger, the keyboard, the mouse and 148 150 the joys ticks. If either of the first two fail, this method throws an exception. 149 @param windowHnd150 The window handle of the render window151 151 @param windowWidth 152 152 The width of the render window … … 154 154 The height of the render window 155 155 */ 156 void InputManager::loadDevices( size_t windowHnd)157 { 158 CCOUT( 3) << "Loading input devices..." << std::endl;156 void InputManager::loadDevices() 157 { 158 CCOUT(4) << "Loading input devices..." << std::endl; 159 159 160 160 // When loading the devices they should not already be loaded … … 164 164 assert(devices_.size() == InputDeviceEnumerator::FirstJoyStick); 165 165 166 // store handle internally so we can reload OIS 167 windowHnd_ = windowHnd; 168 166 // Fill parameter list 169 167 OIS::ParamList paramList; 170 std::ostringstream windowHndStr; 171 172 // Fill parameter list 173 windowHndStr << static_cast<unsigned int>(windowHnd); 174 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), windowHndStr.str())); 168 size_t windowHnd = GraphicsManager::getInstance().getRenderWindowHandle(); 169 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("WINDOW", multi_cast<std::string>(windowHnd))); 175 170 #if defined(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) 176 //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_mouse"), std::string("DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE"))); 177 //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_mouse"), std::string("DISCL_FOREGROUND"))); 178 //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_keyboard"), std::string("DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE"))); 179 //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_keyboard"), std::string("DISCL_FOREGROUND"))); 171 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_keyboard", "DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE")); 172 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_keyboard", "DISCL_FOREGROUND")); 173 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_mouse", "DISCL_FOREGROUND")); 174 if (bExclusiveMouse_ || GraphicsManager::getInstance().isFullScreen()) 175 { 176 // Disable Windows key plus special keys (like play, stop, next, etc.) 177 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_keyboard", "DISCL_NOWINKEY")); 178 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_mouse", "DISCL_EXCLUSIVE")); 179 } 180 else 181 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("w32_mouse", "DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE")); 180 182 #elif defined(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_LINUX) 181 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("XAutoRepeatOn"), std::string("true"))); 182 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_grab"), "true")); 183 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_hide"), "true")); 184 bool kbNoGrab; 185 CommandLine::getValue("keyboard_no_grab", &kbNoGrab); 186 if (kbNoGrab) 187 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_keyboard_grab"), std::string("false"))); 183 // Enabling this is probably a bad idea, but whenever orxonox crashes, the setting stays on 184 // Trouble might be that the Pressed event occurs a bit too often... 185 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("XAutoRepeatOn", "true")); 186 187 if (bExclusiveMouse_ || GraphicsManager::getInstance().isFullScreen()) 188 { 189 if (CommandLine::getValue("keyboard_no_grab").getBool()) 190 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_keyboard_grab", "false")); 191 else 192 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_keyboard_grab", "true")); 193 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_mouse_grab", "true")); 194 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_mouse_hide", "true")); 195 } 188 196 else 189 paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_keyboard_grab"), std::string("true"))); 197 { 198 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_keyboard_grab", "false")); 199 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_mouse_grab", "false")); 200 paramList.insert(std::make_pair("x11_mouse_hide", "false")); 201 } 190 202 #endif 191 203 … … 212 224 } 213 225 214 // TODO: Remove the two parameters215 226 this->loadMouse(); 216 227 this->loadJoySticks(); … … 219 230 this->updateActiveStates(); 220 231 221 CCOUT( 3) << "Input devices loaded." << std::endl;232 CCOUT(4) << "Input devices loaded." << std::endl; 222 233 } 223 234 … … 275 286 InputManager::~InputManager() 276 287 { 277 CCOUT( 4) << "Destroying..." << std::endl;288 CCOUT(3) << "Destroying..." << std::endl; 278 289 279 290 // Destroy calibrator helper handler and state … … 293 304 this->destroyDevices(); 294 305 295 CCOUT( 4) << "Destruction complete." << std::endl;306 CCOUT(3) << "Destruction complete." << std::endl; 296 307 } 297 308 … … 304 315 void InputManager::destroyDevices() 305 316 { 306 CCOUT( 3) << "Destroying devices..." << std::endl;317 CCOUT(4) << "Destroying devices..." << std::endl; 307 318 308 319 BOOST_FOREACH(InputDevice*& device, devices_) … … 336 347 337 348 internalState_ |= Bad; 338 CCOUT( 3) << "Destroyed devices." << std::endl;349 CCOUT(4) << "Destroyed devices." << std::endl; 339 350 } 340 351 … … 365 376 366 377 this->destroyDevices(); 367 this->loadDevices( windowHnd_);378 this->loadDevices(); 368 379 369 380 internalState_ &= ~Bad; 370 381 internalState_ &= ~ReloadRequest; 371 CCOUT( 3) << "Reloading complete." << std::endl;382 CCOUT(4) << "Reloading complete." << std::endl; 372 383 } 373 384 … … 481 492 void InputManager::updateActiveStates() 482 493 { 494 assert((internalState_ & InputManager::Ticking) == 0); 483 495 // temporary resize 484 496 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devices_.size(); ++i) … … 512 524 for (std::set<InputState*>::const_iterator it = tempSet.begin();it != tempSet.end(); ++it) 513 525 activeStatesTicked_.push_back(*it); 526 527 // Check whether we have to change the mouse mode 528 std::vector<InputState*>& mouseStates = devices_[InputDeviceEnumerator::Mouse]->getStateListRef(); 529 if (mouseStates.empty() && bExclusiveMouse_ || 530 !mouseStates.empty() && mouseStates.front()->getIsExclusiveMouse() != bExclusiveMouse_) 531 { 532 bExclusiveMouse_ = !bExclusiveMouse_; 533 if (!GraphicsManager::getInstance().isFullScreen()) 534 this->reloadInternal(); 535 } 514 536 } 515 537 … … 556 578 } 557 579 558 // ############################################################ 559 // ##### Iput States ##### 580 std::pair<int, int> InputManager::getMousePosition() const 581 { 582 Mouse* mouse = static_cast<Mouse*>(devices_[InputDeviceEnumerator::Mouse]); 583 if (mouse != NULL) 584 { 585 const OIS::MouseState state = mouse->getOISDevice()->getMouseState(); 586 return std::make_pair(state.X.abs, state.Y.abs); 587 } 588 else 589 return std::make_pair(0, 0); 590 } 591 592 // ############################################################ 593 // ##### Input States ##### 560 594 // ########## ########## 561 595 // ############################################################ -
r3370 r5695 84 84 the constructor fails with an std::exception. 85 85 */ 86 InputManager( size_t windowHnd);86 InputManager(); 87 87 //! Destroys all devices AND all input states! 88 88 ~InputManager(); … … 167 167 { return devices_.size() - InputDeviceEnumerator::FirstJoyStick; } 168 168 //! Returns a pointer to the OIS InputManager. Only you if you know what you're doing! 169 OIS::InputManager* getOISInputManager() 170 { return this->oisInputManager_; }169 OIS::InputManager* getOISInputManager() { return this->oisInputManager_; } 170 std::pair<int, int> getMousePosition() const; 171 171 172 172 private: // functions … … 175 175 176 176 // Intenal methods 177 void loadDevices( size_t windowHnd);177 void loadDevices(); 178 178 void loadMouse(); 179 179 void loadJoySticks(); … … 193 193 OIS::InputManager* oisInputManager_; //!< OIS input manager 194 194 std::vector<InputDevice*> devices_; //!< List of all input devices (keyboard, mouse, joy sticks) 195 // TODO: Get this from the GraphicsManager during reload 196 size_t windowHnd_; //!< Render window handle (used to reload the InputManager) 195 bool bExclusiveMouse_; //!< Currently applied mouse mode 197 196 198 197 // some internally handled states and handlers -
r3327 r5695 37 37 , bAlwaysGetsInput_(bAlwaysGetsInput) 38 38 , bTransparent_(bTransparent) 39 , bExclusiveMouse_(true) 39 40 , bExpired_(true) 40 41 , handlers_(2) -
r3327 r5695 75 75 not influence ony other InputState at all. 76 76 77 Priorities 78 ********** 77 @par Priorities 79 78 Every InputState has a priority when on the stack, but mostly this 80 79 priority is dynamic (InputStatePriority::Dynamic) which means that a state … … 83 82 a high priority (InputStatePriority::HighPriority). These 'special' ones 84 83 are used for features like the KeyDetector or the console. Use with care! 84 85 @par Exclusive/Non-Exclusive mouse Mode 86 You can select a specific mouse mode that tells whether the application 87 should have exclusive accessto it or not. 88 When in non-exclusive mode, you can move the mouse out of the window 89 like with any other normal window (only for windowed mode!). 90 The setting is dictated by the topmost InputState that gets mouse events. 85 91 */ 86 92 class _CoreExport InputState : public JoyStickQuantityListener … … 114 120 void setHandler (InputHandler* handler); 115 121 122 void setIsExclusiveMouse(bool value) { bExclusiveMouse_ = value; this->bExpired_ = true; } 123 bool getIsExclusiveMouse() const { return bExclusiveMouse_; } 124 116 125 //! Returns the name of the state (which is unique!) 117 126 const std::string& getName() const { return name_; } … … 165 174 const bool bAlwaysGetsInput_; //!< See class declaration for explanation 166 175 const bool bTransparent_; //!< See class declaration for explanation 176 bool bExclusiveMouse_; //!< See class declaration for explanation 167 177 int priority_; //!< Current priority (might change) 168 178 bool bExpired_; //!< See hasExpired() -
r3327 r5695 55 55 mousePosition_[0] = 0; 56 56 mousePosition_[1] = 0; 57 58 joyStickButtons_.reserve(1000);59 joyStickAxes_.reserve(1000);60 57 61 58 RegisterRootObject(KeyBinder); … … 167 164 { 168 165 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickButtonCode::numberOfButtons; ++i) 169 joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].readConfigValue(this->configFile_);166 (*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].readConfigValue(this->configFile_); 170 167 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; ++i) 171 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].readConfigValue(this->configFile_);168 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].readConfigValue(this->configFile_); 172 169 } 173 170 } … … 179 176 void KeyBinder::initialiseJoyStickBindings() 180 177 { 178 while (joyStickAxes_.size() < joySticks_.size()) 179 joyStickAxes_.push_back(shared_ptr<JoyStickAxisVector>(new JoyStickAxisVector())); 180 while (joyStickButtons_.size() < joySticks_.size()) 181 joyStickButtons_.push_back(shared_ptr<JoyStickButtonVector>(new JoyStickButtonVector())); 182 // For the case the new size is smaller 181 183 this->joyStickAxes_.resize(joySticks_.size()); 182 184 this->joyStickButtons_.resize(joySticks_.size()); … … 189 191 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickButtonCode::numberOfButtons; i++) 190 192 { 191 joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].name_ = JoyStickButtonCode::ByString[i];192 joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].paramCommandBuffer_ = ¶mCommandBuffer_;193 joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].groupName_ = "JoyStickButtons_" + deviceName;193 (*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].name_ = JoyStickButtonCode::ByString[i]; 194 (*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].paramCommandBuffer_ = ¶mCommandBuffer_; 195 (*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].groupName_ = "JoyStickButtons_" + deviceName; 194 196 } 195 197 // joy stick axes 196 198 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; i++) 197 199 { 198 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].name_ = JoyStickAxisCode::ByString[i / 2];200 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].name_ = JoyStickAxisCode::ByString[i / 2]; 199 201 if (i & 1) 200 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].name_ += "Pos";202 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].name_ += "Pos"; 201 203 else 202 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].name_ += "Neg";203 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].paramCommandBuffer_ = ¶mCommandBuffer_;204 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].groupName_ = "JoyStickAxes_" + deviceName;204 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].name_ += "Neg"; 205 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].paramCommandBuffer_ = ¶mCommandBuffer_; 206 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].groupName_ = "JoyStickAxes_" + deviceName; 205 207 } 206 208 } … … 226 228 { 227 229 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickButtonCode::numberOfButtons; i++) 228 allButtons_[ joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].groupName_ + "." + joyStickButtons_[iDev][i].name_] = &(joyStickButtons_[iDev][i]);230 allButtons_[(*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].groupName_ + "." + (*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i].name_] = &((*joyStickButtons_[iDev])[i]); 229 231 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; i++) 230 232 { 231 allButtons_[ joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].groupName_ + "." + joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].name_] = &(joyStickAxes_[iDev][i]);232 allHalfAxes_.push_back(&( joyStickAxes_[iDev][i]));233 allButtons_[(*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].groupName_ + "." + (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].name_] = &((*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i]); 234 allHalfAxes_.push_back(&((*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i])); 233 235 } 234 236 } … … 303 305 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; i++) 304 306 { 305 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].absVal_ = 0.0f;306 joyStickAxes_[iDev][i].relVal_ = 0.0f;307 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].absVal_ = 0.0f; 308 (*joyStickAxes_[iDev])[i].relVal_ = 0.0f; 307 309 } 308 310 } … … 366 368 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; i++) 367 369 { 368 tickHalfAxis( joyStickAxes_[joyStick][i]);370 tickHalfAxis((*joyStickAxes_[joyStick])[i]); 369 371 } 370 372 } … … 481 483 { 482 484 int i = axisID * 2; 483 JoyStickAxisVector& axis = joyStickAxes_[device];485 JoyStickAxisVector& axis = *joyStickAxes_[device]; 484 486 if (value < 0) 485 487 { -
r3327 r5695 41 41 #include <string> 42 42 #include <vector> 43 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 43 44 44 45 #include "InputHandler.h" … … 115 116 }; 116 117 //! Actual key bindings for joy stick buttons 117 std::vector< JoyStickButtonVector> joyStickButtons_;118 std::vector<shared_ptr<JoyStickButtonVector> > joyStickButtons_; 118 119 //! Helper class to use something like std:vector<HalfAxis[48]> 119 120 struct JoyStickAxisVector … … 123 124 }; 124 125 //! Actual key bindings for joy stick axes (and sliders) 125 std::vector< JoyStickAxisVector> joyStickAxes_;126 std::vector<shared_ptr<JoyStickAxisVector> > joyStickAxes_; 126 127 127 128 //! Pointer map with all Buttons, including half axes … … 191 192 192 193 inline void KeyBinder::buttonPressed (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) 193 { joyStickButtons_[device][button].execute(KeybindMode::OnPress); }194 { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnPress); } 194 195 195 196 inline void KeyBinder::buttonReleased(unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) 196 { joyStickButtons_[device][button].execute(KeybindMode::OnRelease); }197 { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnRelease); } 197 198 198 199 inline void KeyBinder::buttonHeld (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) 199 { joyStickButtons_[device][button].execute(KeybindMode::OnHold); }200 { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnHold); } 200 201 201 202 inline void KeyBinder::allDevicesUpdated(float dt) -
r3327 r5695 70 70 { 71 71 KeyBinder::JoyStickQuantityChanged(joyStickList); 72 setCallbackCommand(callbackCommand_); 72 if (!callbackCommand_.empty()) 73 setCallbackCommand(callbackCommand_); 73 74 } 74 75 } -
r3304 r5695 35 35 36 36 ) 37 38 SET_SOURCE_FILES(NETWORK_HDR_FILES 39 ChatListener.h 40 Client.h 41 ClientConnection.h 42 ClientConnectionListener.h 43 ClientInformation.h 44 Connection.h 45 FunctionCallManager.h 46 GamestateClient.h 47 GamestateHandler.h 48 GamestateManager.h 49 Host.h 50 NetworkFunction.h 51 NetworkPrecompiledHeaders.h 52 NetworkPrereqs.h 53 Server.h 54 ServerConnection.h 55 TrafficControl.h 56 ) 57 37 58 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(packet) 38 59 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(synchronisable) 39 60 40 61 ORXONOX_ADD_LIBRARY(network 41 FIND_HEADER_FILES42 62 DEFINE_SYMBOL 43 63 "NETWORK_SHARED_BUILD" … … 51 71 core 52 72 SOURCE_FILES 53 ${NETWORK_SRC_FILES} 73 ${NETWORK_SRC_FILES} ${NETWORK_HDR_FILES} 54 74 ) -
r3304 r5695 49 49 50 50 /** 51 * This class implements a list for client information s51 * This class implements a list for client information 52 52 * @author Oliver Scheuss 53 53 */ -
- Property svn:mergeinfo deleted
r3084 r5695 1 1 ADD_SOURCE_FILES(NETWORK_SRC_FILES 2 Packet.cc3 2 4 3 … … 8 7 9 8 9 10 10 11 11 ) 12 13 ADD_SOURCE_FILES(NETWORK_HDR_FILES 14 Acknowledgement.h 15 16 Chat.h 17 ClassID.h 18 DeleteObjects.h 19 FunctionCalls.h 20 FunctionIDs.h 21 Gamestate.h 22 Packet.h 23 Welcome.h 24 ) -
r2710 r5695 5 5 6 6 ) 7 8 ADD_SOURCE_FILES(NETWORK_HDR_FILES 9 NetworkCallback.h 10 NetworkCallbackManager.h 11 Synchronisable.h 12 SynchronisableVariable.h 13 ) -
r1505 r5695 29 29 //Perhaps a case of a crazy extreme optimizer :/ (moved to header) 30 30 //const unsigned int Effect::OIS_INFINITE = 0xFFFFFFFF; 31 32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 33 static const char* pszEForceString[] = 34 { "UnknownForce", 35 "ConstantForce", 36 "RampForce", 37 "PeriodicForce", 38 "ConditionalForce", 39 "CustomForce" }; 40 41 const char* Effect::getForceTypeName(Effect::EForce eValue) 42 { 43 return (eValue >= 0 && eValue < _ForcesNumber) ? pszEForceString[eValue] : "<Bad force type>"; 44 } 45 46 static const char* pszETypeString[] = 47 { "Unknown", 48 "Constant", 49 "Ramp", 50 "Square", "Triangle", "Sine", "SawToothUp", "SawToothDown", 51 "Friction", "Damper", "Inertia", "Spring", 52 "Custom" }; 53 54 const char* Effect::getEffectTypeName(Effect::EType eValue) 55 { 56 return (eValue >= 0 && eValue < _TypesNumber) ? pszETypeString[eValue] : "<Bad effect type>"; 57 } 58 59 static const char* pszEDirectionString[] = 60 { "NorthWest", "North", "NorthEast", "East", "SouthEast", "South", "SouthWest", "West"}; 61 62 const char* Effect::getDirectionName(Effect::EDirection eValue) 63 { 64 return (eValue >= 0 && eValue < _DirectionsNumber) ? pszEDirectionString[eValue] : "<Bad direction>"; 65 } 31 66 32 67 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// -
r1505 r5695 60 60 PeriodicForce, 61 61 ConditionalForce, 62 CustomForce 62 CustomForce, 63 _ForcesNumber // Always keep in last position. 63 64 }; 65 66 static const char* getForceTypeName(EForce eValue); 64 67 65 68 //! Type of effect … … 79 82 Inertia, //ConditionalForce 80 83 Spring, //ConditionalForce 81 Custom //CustomForce 84 Custom, //CustomForce 85 _TypesNumber // Always keep in last position. 82 86 }; 87 88 static const char* getEffectTypeName(EType eValue); 83 89 84 90 //! Direction of the Force … … 92 98 South, 93 99 SouthWest, 94 West 100 West, 101 _DirectionsNumber // Always keep in last position. 95 102 }; 103 104 static const char* getDirectionName(EDirection eValue); 96 105 97 106 /** … … 168 177 An optional envelope to be applied to the start/end of an effect. If any of 169 178 these values are nonzero, then the envelope will be used in setting up the 170 effect. Not currently utilised.. But, will be soon.179 effect. 171 180 */ 172 181 class _OISExport Envelope : public ForceEffect … … 178 187 #pragma warning (disable : 4800) 179 188 #endif 180 bool isUsed() { return attackLength | attackLevel | fadeLength | fadeLevel; }189 bool isUsed() const { return attackLength | attackLevel | fadeLength | fadeLevel; } 181 190 #if defined(OIS_MSVC_COMPILER) 182 191 #pragma warning (pop) 183 192 #endif 184 193 185 unsigned short attackLength; 194 // Duration of the attack (microseconds) 195 unsigned int attackLength; 196 197 // Absolute level at the beginning of the attack (0 to 10K) 198 // (automatically signed when necessary by FF core according to effect level sign) 186 199 unsigned short attackLevel; 187 unsigned short fadeLength; 200 201 // Duration of fade (microseconds) 202 unsigned int fadeLength; 203 204 // Absolute level at the end of fade (0 to 10K) 205 // (automatically signed when necessary by FF core according to effect level sign) 188 206 unsigned short fadeLevel; 189 207 }; … … 211 229 RampEffect() : startLevel(0), endLevel(0) {} 212 230 213 class Envelope envelope; //Optional env olope231 class Envelope envelope; //Optional envelope 214 232 signed short startLevel; //-10K to +10k 215 233 signed short endLevel; //-10K to +10k -
r1505 r5695 27 27 28 28 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 29 void ForceFeedback::_addEffectTypes( Effect::EForce force, Effect::EType type)29 ForceFeedback::ForceFeedback() : mSetGainSupport(false), mSetAutoCenterSupport(false) 30 30 { 31 if( force == Effect::UnknownForce || type == Effect::Unknown )32 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Unknown Force||Type was added too effect list..." );33 34 mSupportedEffects[force] = type;35 31 } 36 32 37 33 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 38 const ForceFeedback::SupportedEffectList& 39 ForceFeedback::getSupportedEffects() const 34 void ForceFeedback::_addEffectTypes( Effect::EForce force, Effect::EType type ) 35 { 36 if( force <= Effect::UnknownForce || force >= Effect::_ForcesNumber 37 || type <= Effect::Unknown || type >= Effect::_TypesNumber ) 38 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Can't add unknown effect Force/Type to the supported list" ); 39 40 mSupportedEffects.insert(std::pair<Effect::EForce, Effect::EType>(force, type)); 41 } 42 43 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 44 void ForceFeedback::_setGainSupport( bool on ) 45 { 46 mSetGainSupport = on; 47 } 48 49 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 50 void ForceFeedback::_setAutoCenterSupport( bool on ) 51 { 52 mSetAutoCenterSupport = on; 53 } 54 55 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 56 const ForceFeedback::SupportedEffectList& ForceFeedback::getSupportedEffects() const 40 57 { 41 58 return mSupportedEffects; 42 59 } 60 61 //-------------------------------------------------------------// 62 bool ForceFeedback::supportsEffect(Effect::EForce force, Effect::EType type) const 63 { 64 const std::pair<SupportedEffectList::const_iterator, SupportedEffectList::const_iterator> 65 iterRange = mSupportedEffects.equal_range(force); 66 SupportedEffectList::const_iterator iter; 67 for (iter = iterRange.first; iter != iterRange.second; iter++) 68 { 69 if ((*iter).second == type) 70 return true; 71 } 72 73 return false; 74 } -
r1505 r5695 36 36 { 37 37 public: 38 ForceFeedback() {}38 ForceFeedback(); 39 39 virtual ~ForceFeedback() {} 40 40 … … 44 44 Individual effects have gain levels; however, this affects all 45 45 effects at once. 46 Note: If the device does not support master gain setting, nothing is done 46 47 @param level 47 48 A value between 0.0 and 1.0 represent the percentage of gain. 1.0 … … 56 57 the joystick back to center. DirectInput only has an on/off setting, 57 58 whereas linux has levels.. Though, we go with DI's on/off mode only 59 Note: If the device does not support auto-centering, nothing is done 58 60 @param auto_on 59 61 true to turn auto centering on, false to turn off. … … 87 89 virtual short getFFAxesNumber() = 0; 88 90 89 typedef std::map<Effect::EForce, Effect::EType> SupportedEffectList; 91 /** 92 @remarks 93 Get the current load (%, in [0, 100] of the FF device memory 94 */ 95 virtual unsigned short getFFMemoryLoad() = 0; 96 97 typedef std::multimap<Effect::EForce, Effect::EType> SupportedEffectList; 90 98 /** 91 99 @remarks … … 94 102 const SupportedEffectList& getSupportedEffects() const; 95 103 104 /** 105 @remarks 106 Tell if a given force / effect type pair is supported 107 */ 108 bool supportsEffect(Effect::EForce force, Effect::EType type) const; 109 96 110 void _addEffectTypes( Effect::EForce force, Effect::EType type ); 111 void _setGainSupport( bool on ); 112 void _setAutoCenterSupport( bool on ); 97 113 98 114 protected: 99 115 SupportedEffectList mSupportedEffects; 116 bool mSetGainSupport; 117 bool mSetAutoCenterSupport; 100 118 }; 101 119 } -
r1505 r5695 32 32 33 33 //! POV / HAT Joystick component 34 class _OISExport Pov : Component34 class _OISExport Pov : public Component 35 35 { 36 36 public: … … 51 51 52 52 //! A sliding axis - only used in Win32 Right Now 53 class _OISExport Slider : Component53 class _OISExport Slider : public Component 54 54 { 55 55 public: -
r1505 r5695 167 167 { 168 168 public: 169 Button() {}170 Button(bool bPushed) : Component(OIS_Button), pushed(bPushed) {} ;169 Button() : Component(OIS_Button), pushed(false) {} 170 Button(bool bPushed) : Component(OIS_Button), pushed(bPushed) {} 171 171 //! true if pushed, false otherwise 172 172 bool pushed; -
r2710 r5695 1 --- linux/EventHelpers.cpp (revision 5668) 2 +++ linux/EventHelpers.cpp (working copy) 3 @@ -35,6 +35,20 @@ 4 # include <iostream> 5 #endif 6 7 +// Fixes for missing macros in input.h 8 +#ifndef FF_EFFECT_MIN 9 +#define FF_EFFECT_MIN FF_RUMBLE 10 +#endif 11 +#ifndef FF_EFFECT_MAX 12 +#define FF_EFFECT_MAX FF_RAMP 13 +#endif 14 +#ifndef FF_WAVEFORM_MIN 15 +#define FF_WAVEFORM_MIN FF_SQUARE 16 +#endif 17 +#ifndef FF_WAVEFORM_MAX 18 +#define FF_WAVEFORM_MAX FF_CUSTOM 19 +#endif 20 + 21 using namespace std; 22 using namespace OIS; 23 24 -
r1505 r5695 34 34 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 35 35 # include <iostream> 36 using namespace std; 37 #endif 38 36 #endif 37 38 // Fixes for missing macros in input.h 39 #ifndef FF_EFFECT_MIN 40 #define FF_EFFECT_MIN FF_RUMBLE 41 #endif 42 #ifndef FF_EFFECT_MAX 43 #define FF_EFFECT_MAX FF_RAMP 44 #endif 45 #ifndef FF_WAVEFORM_MIN 46 #define FF_WAVEFORM_MIN FF_SQUARE 47 #endif 48 #ifndef FF_WAVEFORM_MAX 49 #define FF_WAVEFORM_MAX FF_CUSTOM 50 #endif 51 52 using namespace std; 39 53 using namespace OIS; 40 54 … … 42 56 { 43 57 public: 44 std::vector<int> buttons, relAxes, absAxes, hats;58 vector<int> buttons, relAxes, absAxes, hats; 45 59 }; 46 60 47 bool inline isBitSet(unsigned long bits[], unsigned int bit) 48 { 49 return (bits[bit/(sizeof(long)*8)] >> ((bit)%(sizeof(long)*8))) & 1; 50 } 61 bool inline isBitSet(unsigned char bits[], unsigned int bit) 62 { 63 return (bits[(bit)/(sizeof(unsigned char)*8)] >> ((bit)%(sizeof(unsigned char)*8))) & 1; 64 } 65 51 66 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 52 67 DeviceComponentInfo getComponentInfo( int deviceID ) 53 68 { 54 unsigned long info[2][((KEY_MAX-1)/(sizeof(long)*8)) +1]; 55 memset( info, 0, sizeof(info) ); 69 unsigned char ev_bits[1 + EV_MAX/8/sizeof(unsigned char)]; 70 memset( ev_bits, 0, sizeof(ev_bits) ); 71 72 //Read "all" (hence 0) components of the device 73 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 74 cout << "EventUtils::getComponentInfo(" << deviceID 75 << ") : Reading device events features" << endl; 76 #endif 77 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(ev_bits)), ev_bits) == -1) 78 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device events features"); 56 79 57 80 DeviceComponentInfo components; 58 59 //Read "all" (hence 0) components of the device - read into first entry60 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(0, EV_MAX), info[0]);61 81 62 82 for (int i = 0; i < EV_MAX; i++) 63 83 { 64 if( isBitSet( info[0], i) )84 if( isBitSet(ev_bits, i) ) 65 85 { 66 memset( info[1], 0, sizeof(info) / 2 ); 67 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(i, KEY_MAX), info[1]); 68 for (int j = 0; j < KEY_MAX; j++) 86 // Absolute axis. 87 if(i == EV_ABS) 69 88 { 70 if( isBitSet(info[1], j) ) 89 unsigned char abs_bits[1 + ABS_MAX/8/sizeof(unsigned char)]; 90 memset( abs_bits, 0, sizeof(abs_bits) ); 91 92 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 93 cout << "EventUtils::getComponentInfo(" << deviceID 94 << ") : Reading device absolute axis features" << endl; 95 #endif 96 97 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(i, sizeof(abs_bits)), abs_bits) == -1) 98 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device absolute axis features"); 99 100 for (int j = 0; j < ABS_MAX; j++) 71 101 { 72 if(i == EV_ABS)102 if( isBitSet(abs_bits, j) ) 73 103 { 74 104 //input_absinfo abInfo; … … 89 119 } 90 120 } 91 else if(i == EV_REL) 121 } 122 } 123 else if(i == EV_REL) 124 { 125 unsigned char rel_bits[1 + REL_MAX/8/sizeof(unsigned char)]; 126 memset( rel_bits, 0, sizeof(rel_bits) ); 127 128 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 129 cout << "EventUtils::getComponentInfo(" << deviceID 130 << ") : Reading device relative axis features" << endl; 131 #endif 132 133 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(i, sizeof(rel_bits)), rel_bits) == -1) 134 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device relative axis features"); 135 136 for (int j = 0; j < REL_MAX; j++) 137 { 138 if( isBitSet(rel_bits, j) ) 92 139 { 93 140 components.relAxes.push_back(j); 94 141 } 95 else if(i == EV_KEY) 142 } 143 } 144 else if(i == EV_KEY) 145 { 146 unsigned char key_bits[1 + KEY_MAX/8/sizeof(unsigned char)]; 147 memset( key_bits, 0, sizeof(key_bits) ); 148 149 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 150 cout << "EventUtils::getComponentInfo(" << deviceID 151 << ") : Reading device buttons features" << endl; 152 #endif 153 154 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(i, sizeof(key_bits)), key_bits) == -1) 155 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device buttons features"); 156 157 for (int j = 0; j < KEY_MAX; j++) 158 { 159 if( isBitSet(key_bits, j) ) 96 160 { 97 161 components.buttons.push_back(j); 98 162 } 99 163 } … … 108 172 bool EventUtils::isJoyStick( int deviceID, JoyStickInfo &js ) 109 173 { 110 if( deviceID == -1 ) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Error with File Descriptor" ); 174 if( deviceID == -1 ) 175 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Error with File Descriptor" ); 111 176 112 177 DeviceComponentInfo info = getComponentInfo( deviceID ); … … 117 182 118 183 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 119 cout << "\n\nDisplaying ButtonMapping Status:";184 cout << endl << "Displaying ButtonMapping Status:" << endl; 120 185 #endif 121 for( std::vector<int>::iterator i = info.buttons.begin(), e = info.buttons.end(); i != e; ++i )186 for(vector<int>::iterator i = info.buttons.begin(), e = info.buttons.end(); i != e; ++i ) 122 187 { 123 188 //Check to ensure we find at least one joy only button 124 if( (*i >= BTN_JOYSTICK && *i <= BTN_THUMBR) || (*i >= BTN_WHEEL && *i <= BTN_GEAR_UP ) ) 189 if( (*i >= BTN_JOYSTICK && *i < BTN_GAMEPAD) 190 || (*i >= BTN_GAMEPAD && *i < BTN_DIGI) 191 || (*i >= BTN_WHEEL && *i < KEY_OK) ) 125 192 joyButtonFound = true; 126 193 … … 128 195 129 196 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 130 cout << "\nButton Mapping ID (hex): " << hex << *i << " OIS Button Num: " << dec << (buttons-1); 197 cout << "Button Mapping ID (hex): " << hex << *i 198 << " OIS Button Num: " << dec << buttons-1 << endl; 131 199 #endif 132 200 } 201 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 202 cout << endl; 203 #endif 133 204 134 205 //Joy Buttons found, so it must be a joystick or pad … … 140 211 js.axes = info.relAxes.size() + info.absAxes.size(); 141 212 js.hats = info.hats.size(); 213 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 214 cout << endl << "Device name:" << js.vendor << endl; 215 cout << "Device unique Id:" << getUniqueId(deviceID) << endl; 216 cout << "Device physical location:" << getPhysicalLocation(deviceID) << endl; 217 #endif 142 218 143 219 //Map the Axes 144 220 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 145 cout << "\n\nDisplaying AxisMapping Status:";221 cout << endl << "Displaying AxisMapping Status:" << endl; 146 222 #endif 147 223 int axes = 0; 148 for( std::vector<int>::iterator i = info.absAxes.begin(), e = info.absAxes.end(); i != e; ++i )224 for(vector<int>::iterator i = info.absAxes.begin(), e = info.absAxes.end(); i != e; ++i ) 149 225 { 150 226 js.axis_map[*i] = axes; 151 227 228 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 229 cout << "EventUtils::isJoyStick(" << deviceID 230 << ") : Reading device absolute axis #" << *i << " features" << endl; 231 #endif 232 152 233 input_absinfo absinfo; 153 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGABS(*i), &absinfo); 234 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGABS(*i), &absinfo) == -1) 235 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device absolute axis features"); 154 236 js.axis_range[axes] = Range(absinfo.minimum, absinfo.maximum); 155 237 156 238 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 157 cout << "\nAxis Mapping ID (hex): " << hex << *i << " OIS Axis Num: " << dec << axes; 239 cout << "Axis Mapping ID (hex): " << hex << *i 240 << " OIS Axis Num: " << dec << axes << endl; 158 241 #endif 159 242 … … 166 249 167 250 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 168 std::string EventUtils::getName( int deviceID ) 169 { 251 string EventUtils::getName( int deviceID ) 252 { 253 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 254 cout << "EventUtils::getName(" << deviceID 255 << ") : Reading device name" << endl; 256 #endif 257 170 258 char name[OIS_DEVICE_NAME]; 171 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGNAME(OIS_DEVICE_NAME), name); 172 return std::string(name); 259 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGNAME(OIS_DEVICE_NAME), name) == -1) 260 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device name"); 261 return string(name); 262 } 263 264 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 265 string EventUtils::getUniqueId( int deviceID ) 266 { 267 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 268 cout << "EventUtils::getUniqueId(" << deviceID 269 << ") : Reading device unique Id" << endl; 270 #endif 271 272 #define OIS_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID 128 273 char uId[OIS_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID]; 274 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGUNIQ(OIS_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID), uId) == -1) 275 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device unique Id"); 276 return string(uId); 277 } 278 279 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 280 string EventUtils::getPhysicalLocation( int deviceID ) 281 { 282 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 283 cout << "EventUtils::getPhysicalLocation(" << deviceID 284 << ") : Reading device physical location" << endl; 285 #endif 286 287 #define OIS_DEVICE_PHYSICAL_LOCATION 128 288 char physLoc[OIS_DEVICE_PHYSICAL_LOCATION]; 289 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGPHYS(OIS_DEVICE_PHYSICAL_LOCATION), physLoc) == -1) 290 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device physical location"); 291 return string(physLoc); 173 292 } 174 293 … … 177 296 { 178 297 //Linux Event to OIS Event Mappings 179 std::map<int, Effect::EType> typeMap;298 map<int, Effect::EType> typeMap; 180 299 typeMap[FF_CONSTANT] = Effect::Constant; 181 300 typeMap[FF_RAMP] = Effect::Ramp; … … 191 310 typeMap[FF_CUSTOM] = Effect::Custom; 192 311 193 std::map<int, Effect::EForce> forceMap;312 map<int, Effect::EForce> forceMap; 194 313 forceMap[FF_CONSTANT] = Effect::ConstantForce; 195 forceMap[FF_RAMP] = Effect::RampForce; 196 forceMap[FF_PERIODIC] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 197 forceMap[FF_CUSTOM] = Effect::CustomForce; 314 forceMap[FF_RAMP] = Effect::RampForce; 315 forceMap[FF_SPRING] = Effect::ConditionalForce; 316 forceMap[FF_FRICTION] = Effect::ConditionalForce; 317 forceMap[FF_SQUARE] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 318 forceMap[FF_TRIANGLE] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 319 forceMap[FF_SINE] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 320 forceMap[FF_SAW_UP] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 321 forceMap[FF_SAW_DOWN] = Effect::PeriodicForce; 322 forceMap[FF_DAMPER] = Effect::ConditionalForce; 323 forceMap[FF_INERTIA] = Effect::ConditionalForce; 324 forceMap[FF_CUSTOM] = Effect::CustomForce; 198 325 199 326 //Remove any previously existing memory and create fresh 200 327 removeForceFeedback( ff ); 201 *ff = new LinuxForceFeedback(); 202 203 unsigned long info[4] = {0,0,0,0}; 204 unsigned long subinfo[4]= {0,0,0,0}; 205 206 //Read overall force feedback components of the device 207 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, sizeof(long)*4), info); 328 *ff = new LinuxForceFeedback(deviceID); 329 330 //Read overall force feedback features 331 unsigned char ff_bits[1 + FF_MAX/8/sizeof(unsigned char)]; 332 memset(ff_bits, 0, sizeof(ff_bits)); 333 334 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 335 cout << "EventUtils::enumerateForceFeedback(" << deviceID 336 << ") : Reading device force feedback features" << endl; 337 #endif 338 339 if (ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, sizeof(ff_bits)), ff_bits) == -1) 340 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Could not read device force feedback features"); 341 342 343 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 344 cout << "FF bits: " << hex; 345 for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ff_bits); i++) 346 cout << (int)ff_bits[i]; 347 cout << endl << dec; 348 #endif 208 349 209 350 //FF Axes 210 //if( isBitSet( info, ABS_X) ) //X Axis211 //if( isBitSet( info, ABS_Y) ) //Y Axis212 //if( isBitSet( info, ABS_WHEEL) ) //Wheel351 //if( isBitSet(ff_bits, ABS_X) ) //X Axis 352 //if( isBitSet(ff_bits, ABS_Y) ) //Y Axis 353 //if( isBitSet(ff_bits, ABS_WHEEL) ) //Wheel 213 354 214 355 //FF Effects 215 for( int effect = ABS_WHEEL+1; effect < FF_MAX; effect++ )356 for( int effect = FF_EFFECT_MIN; effect <= FF_WAVEFORM_MAX; effect++ ) 216 357 { 217 if(isBitSet(info, effect)) 358 // The RUMBLE force type is ignored, as periodic force one is more powerfull. 359 // The PERIODIC force type is processed later, for each associated periodic effect type. 360 if (effect == FF_RUMBLE || effect == FF_PERIODIC) 361 continue; 362 363 if(isBitSet(ff_bits, effect)) 218 364 { 219 //std::cout << "\tEffect Type: " << effect << std::endl; 220 memset(subinfo, 0, sizeof(subinfo)); 221 //Read any info about this supported effect 222 ioctl(deviceID, EVIOCGBIT(effect, sizeof(long)*4), subinfo); 223 for( int force = 0; force < FF_MAX; force++ ) 224 { 225 if(isBitSet(subinfo, force)) 226 (*ff)->_addEffectTypes( forceMap[force], typeMap[effect] ); 227 } 365 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 366 cout << " Effect Type: " << Effect::getEffectTypeName(typeMap[effect]) << endl; 367 #endif 368 369 (*ff)->_addEffectTypes( forceMap[effect], typeMap[effect] ); 228 370 } 229 371 } 372 373 //FF device properties 374 if (isBitSet(ff_bits, FF_GAIN)) 375 (*ff)->_setGainSupport(true); 376 377 if (isBitSet(ff_bits, FF_AUTOCENTER)) 378 (*ff)->_setAutoCenterSupport(true); 230 379 231 380 //Check to see if any effects were added, else destroy the pointer -
r1505 r5695 43 43 44 44 static std::string getName( int deviceID ); 45 static std::string getUniqueId( int deviceID ); 46 static std::string getPhysicalLocation( int deviceID ); 45 47 }; 46 48 } -
r1505 r5695 24 24 #include "OISException.h" 25 25 26 #include <cstdlib> 27 #include <errno.h> 28 #include <memory.h> 29 26 30 using namespace OIS; 27 31 28 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 29 LinuxForceFeedback::LinuxForceFeedback() 30 { 31 } 32 // 0 = No trace; 1 = Important traces; 2 = Debug traces 33 #define OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG 1 34 35 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG 36 # include <iostream> 37 using namespace std; 38 #endif 39 40 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 41 LinuxForceFeedback::LinuxForceFeedback(int deviceID) : 42 ForceFeedback(), mJoyStick(deviceID) 43 { 44 } 45 32 46 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 33 47 LinuxForceFeedback::~LinuxForceFeedback() 34 48 { 35 } 36 37 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 38 void LinuxForceFeedback::setMasterGain(float) 39 { 40 } 41 42 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 43 void LinuxForceFeedback::setAutoCenterMode(bool) 44 { 45 } 46 47 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 48 void LinuxForceFeedback::upload( const Effect* /*effect*/ ) 49 { 50 } 51 52 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 53 void LinuxForceFeedback::modify( const Effect* /*effect*/ ) 54 { 55 } 56 57 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 58 void LinuxForceFeedback::remove( const Effect* /*effect*/ ) 59 { 60 } 61 49 // Unload all effects. 50 for(EffectList::iterator i = mEffectList.begin(); i != mEffectList.end(); ++i ) 51 { 52 struct ff_effect *linEffect = i->second; 53 if( linEffect ) 54 _unload(linEffect->id); 55 } 56 57 mEffectList.clear(); 58 } 59 60 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 61 unsigned short LinuxForceFeedback::getFFMemoryLoad() 62 { 63 int nEffects = -1; 64 if (ioctl(mJoyStick, EVIOCGEFFECTS, &nEffects) == -1) 65 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error reading max number of uploaded effects."); 66 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 67 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick 68 << ") : Read device max number of uploaded effects : " << nEffects << endl; 69 #endif 70 71 return (unsigned short int)(nEffects > 0 ? 100.0*mEffectList.size()/nEffects : 100); 72 } 73 74 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 75 void LinuxForceFeedback::setMasterGain(float value) 76 { 77 if (!mSetGainSupport) 78 { 79 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 80 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Setting master gain " 81 << "is not supported by the device" << endl; 82 #endif 83 return; 84 } 85 86 struct input_event event; 87 88 memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); 89 event.type = EV_FF; 90 event.code = FF_GAIN; 91 if (value < 0.0) 92 value = 0.0; 93 else if (value > 1.0) 94 value = 1.0; 95 event.value = (__s32)(value * 0xFFFFUL); 96 97 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 98 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Setting master gain to " 99 << value << " => " << event.value << endl; 100 #endif 101 102 if (write(mJoyStick, &event, sizeof(event)) != sizeof(event)) { 103 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error changing master gain."); 104 } 105 } 106 107 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 108 void LinuxForceFeedback::setAutoCenterMode(bool enabled) 109 { 110 if (!mSetAutoCenterSupport) 111 { 112 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 113 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Setting auto-center mode " 114 << "is not supported by the device" << endl; 115 #endif 116 return; 117 } 118 119 struct input_event event; 120 121 memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); 122 event.type = EV_FF; 123 event.code = FF_AUTOCENTER; 124 event.value = (__s32)(enabled*0xFFFFFFFFUL); 125 126 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 127 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Toggling auto-center to " 128 << enabled << " => 0x" << hex << event.value << dec << endl; 129 #endif 130 131 if (write(mJoyStick, &event, sizeof(event)) != sizeof(event)) { 132 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error toggling auto-center."); 133 } 134 } 135 136 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 137 void LinuxForceFeedback::upload( const Effect* effect ) 138 { 139 switch( effect->force ) 140 { 141 case OIS::Effect::ConstantForce: 142 _updateConstantEffect(effect); 143 break; 144 case OIS::Effect::ConditionalForce: 145 _updateConditionalEffect(effect); 146 break; 147 case OIS::Effect::PeriodicForce: 148 _updatePeriodicEffect(effect); 149 break; 150 case OIS::Effect::RampForce: 151 _updateRampEffect(effect); 152 break; 153 case OIS::Effect::CustomForce: 154 //_updateCustomEffect(effect); 155 //break; 156 default: 157 OIS_EXCEPT(E_NotImplemented, "Requested force not implemented yet, sorry!"); 158 break; 159 } 160 } 161 162 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 163 void LinuxForceFeedback::modify( const Effect* effect ) 164 { 165 upload(effect); 166 } 167 168 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 169 void LinuxForceFeedback::remove( const Effect* effect ) 170 { 171 //Get the effect - if it exists 172 EffectList::iterator i = mEffectList.find(effect->_handle); 173 if( i != mEffectList.end() ) 174 { 175 struct ff_effect *linEffect = i->second; 176 if( linEffect ) 177 { 178 _stop(effect->_handle); 179 180 _unload(effect->_handle); 181 182 free(linEffect); 183 184 mEffectList.erase(i); 185 } 186 else 187 mEffectList.erase(i); 188 } 189 } 190 191 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 192 // To Signed16/Unsigned15 safe conversions 193 #define MaxUnsigned15Value 0x7FFF 194 #define toUnsigned15(value) \ 195 (__u16)((value) < 0 ? 0 : ((value) > MaxUnsigned15Value ? MaxUnsigned15Value : (value))) 196 197 #define MaxSigned16Value 0x7FFF 198 #define MinSigned16Value -0x7FFF 199 #define toSigned16(value) \ 200 (__s16)((value) < MinSigned16Value ? MinSigned16Value : ((value) > MaxSigned16Value ? MaxSigned16Value : (value))) 201 202 // OIS to Linux duration 203 #define LinuxInfiniteDuration 0xFFFF 204 #define OISDurationUnitMS 1000 // OIS duration unit (microseconds), expressed in milliseconds (theLinux duration unit) 205 206 // linux/input.h : All duration values are expressed in ms. Values above 32767 ms (0x7fff) 207 // should not be used and have unspecified results. 208 #define LinuxDuration(oisDuration) ((oisDuration) == Effect::OIS_INFINITE ? LinuxInfiniteDuration \ 209 : toUnsigned15((oisDuration)/OISDurationUnitMS)) 210 211 212 // OIS to Linux levels 213 #define OISMaxLevel 10000 214 #define LinuxMaxLevel 0x7FFF 215 216 // linux/input.h : Valid range for the attack and fade levels is 0x0000 - 0x7fff 217 #define LinuxPositiveLevel(oisLevel) toUnsigned15(LinuxMaxLevel*(long)(oisLevel)/OISMaxLevel) 218 219 #define LinuxSignedLevel(oisLevel) toSigned16(LinuxMaxLevel*(long)(oisLevel)/OISMaxLevel) 220 221 222 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 223 void LinuxForceFeedback::_setCommonProperties(struct ff_effect *event, 224 struct ff_envelope *ffenvelope, 225 const Effect* effect, const Envelope *envelope ) 226 { 227 memset(event, 0, sizeof(struct ff_effect)); 228 229 if (envelope && ffenvelope && envelope->isUsed()) { 230 ffenvelope->attack_length = LinuxDuration(envelope->attackLength); 231 ffenvelope->attack_level = LinuxPositiveLevel(envelope->attackLevel); 232 ffenvelope->fade_length = LinuxDuration(envelope->fadeLength); 233 ffenvelope->fade_level = LinuxPositiveLevel(envelope->fadeLevel); 234 } 235 236 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 237 cout << endl; 238 if (envelope && ffenvelope) 239 { 240 cout << " Enveloppe :" << endl 241 << " AttackLen : " << envelope->attackLength 242 << " => " << ffenvelope->attack_length << endl 243 << " AttackLvl : " << envelope->attackLevel 244 << " => " << ffenvelope->attack_level << endl 245 << " FadeLen : " << envelope->fadeLength 246 << " => " << ffenvelope->fade_length << endl 247 << " FadeLvl : " << envelope->fadeLevel 248 << " => " << ffenvelope->fade_level << endl; 249 } 250 #endif 251 252 event->direction = (__u16)(1 + (effect->direction*45.0+135.0)*0xFFFFUL/360.0); 253 254 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 255 cout << " Direction : " << Effect::getDirectionName(effect->direction) 256 << " => 0x" << hex << event->direction << dec << endl; 257 #endif 258 259 // TODO trigger_button 0 vs. -1 260 event->trigger.button = effect->trigger_button; // < 0 ? 0 : effect->trigger_button; 261 event->trigger.interval = LinuxDuration(effect->trigger_interval); 262 263 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 264 cout << " Trigger :" << endl 265 << " Button : " << effect->trigger_button 266 << " => " << event->trigger.button << endl 267 << " Interval : " << effect->trigger_interval 268 << " => " << event->trigger.interval << endl; 269 #endif 270 271 event->replay.length = LinuxDuration(effect->replay_length); 272 event->replay.delay = LinuxDuration(effect->replay_delay); 273 274 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 275 cout << " Replay :" << endl 276 << " Length : " << effect->replay_length 277 << " => " << event->replay.length << endl 278 << " Delay : " << effect->replay_delay 279 << " => " << event->replay.delay << endl; 280 #endif 281 } 282 283 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 284 void LinuxForceFeedback::_updateConstantEffect( const Effect* eff ) 285 { 286 struct ff_effect event; 287 288 ConstantEffect *effect = static_cast<ConstantEffect*>(eff->getForceEffect()); 289 290 _setCommonProperties(&event, &event.u.constant.envelope, eff, &effect->envelope); 291 292 event.type = FF_CONSTANT; 293 = -1; 294 295 event.u.constant.level = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->level); 296 297 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 298 cout << " Level : " << effect->level 299 << " => " << event.u.constant.level << endl; 300 #endif 301 302 _upload(&event, eff); 303 } 304 305 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 306 void LinuxForceFeedback::_updateRampEffect( const Effect* eff ) 307 { 308 struct ff_effect event; 309 310 RampEffect *effect = static_cast<RampEffect*>(eff->getForceEffect()); 311 312 _setCommonProperties(&event, &event.u.constant.envelope, eff, &effect->envelope); 313 314 event.type = FF_RAMP; 315 = -1; 316 317 event.u.ramp.start_level = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->startLevel); 318 event.u.ramp.end_level = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->endLevel); 319 320 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 321 cout << " StartLevel : " << effect->startLevel 322 << " => " << event.u.ramp.start_level << endl 323 << " EndLevel : " << effect->endLevel 324 << " => " << event.u.ramp.end_level << endl; 325 #endif 326 327 _upload(&event, eff); 328 } 329 330 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 331 void LinuxForceFeedback::_updatePeriodicEffect( const Effect* eff ) 332 { 333 struct ff_effect event; 334 335 PeriodicEffect *effect = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(eff->getForceEffect()); 336 337 _setCommonProperties(&event, &event.u.periodic.envelope, eff, &effect->envelope); 338 339 event.type = FF_PERIODIC; 340 = -1; 341 342 switch( eff->type ) 343 { 344 case OIS::Effect::Square: 345 event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_SQUARE; 346 break; 347 case OIS::Effect::Triangle: 348 event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_TRIANGLE; 349 break; 350 case OIS::Effect::Sine: 351 event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_SINE; 352 break; 353 case OIS::Effect::SawToothUp: 354 event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_SAW_UP; 355 break; 356 case OIS::Effect::SawToothDown: 357 event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_SAW_DOWN; 358 break; 359 // Note: No support for Custom periodic force effect for the moment 360 //case OIS::Effect::Custom: 361 //event.u.periodic.waveform = FF_CUSTOM; 362 //break; 363 default: 364 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "No such available effect for Periodic force!"); 365 break; 366 } 367 368 event.u.periodic.period = LinuxDuration(effect->period); 369 event.u.periodic.magnitude = LinuxPositiveLevel(effect->magnitude); 370 event.u.periodic.offset = LinuxPositiveLevel(effect->offset); 371 event.u.periodic.phase = (__u16)(effect->phase*event.u.periodic.period/36000.0); // ????? 372 373 // Note: No support for Custom periodic force effect for the moment 374 event.u.periodic.custom_len = 0; 375 event.u.periodic.custom_data = 0; 376 377 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 378 cout << " Magnitude : " << effect->magnitude 379 << " => " << event.u.periodic.magnitude << endl 380 << " Period : " << effect->period 381 << " => " << event.u.periodic.period << endl 382 << " Offset : " << effect->offset 383 << " => " << event.u.periodic.offset << endl 384 << " Phase : " << effect->phase 385 << " => " << event.u.periodic.phase << endl; 386 #endif 387 388 _upload(&event, eff); 389 } 390 391 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 392 void LinuxForceFeedback::_updateConditionalEffect( const Effect* eff ) 393 { 394 struct ff_effect event; 395 396 ConditionalEffect *effect = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(eff->getForceEffect()); 397 398 _setCommonProperties(&event, NULL, eff, NULL); 399 400 switch( eff->type ) 401 { 402 case OIS::Effect::Friction: 403 event.type = FF_FRICTION; 404 break; 405 case OIS::Effect::Damper: 406 event.type = FF_DAMPER; 407 break; 408 case OIS::Effect::Inertia: 409 event.type = FF_INERTIA; 410 break; 411 case OIS::Effect::Spring: 412 event.type = FF_SPRING; 413 break; 414 default: 415 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "No such available effect for Conditional force!"); 416 break; 417 } 418 419 = -1; 420 421 event.u.condition[0].right_saturation = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->rightSaturation); 422 event.u.condition[0].left_saturation = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->leftSaturation); 423 event.u.condition[0].right_coeff = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->rightCoeff); 424 event.u.condition[0].left_coeff = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->leftCoeff); 425 event.u.condition[0].deadband = LinuxPositiveLevel(effect->deadband);// Unit ?? 426 event.u.condition[0].center = LinuxSignedLevel(effect->center); // Unit ?? TODO ? 427 428 // TODO support for second condition 429 event.u.condition[1] = event.u.condition[0]; 430 431 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 432 cout << " Condition[0] : " << endl 433 << " RightSaturation : " << effect->rightSaturation 434 << " => " << event.u.condition[0].right_saturation << endl 435 << " LeftSaturation : " << effect->leftSaturation 436 << " => " << event.u.condition[0]. left_saturation << endl 437 << " RightCoefficient : " << effect->rightCoeff 438 << " => " << event.u.condition[0].right_coeff << endl 439 << " LeftCoefficient : " << effect->leftCoeff 440 << " => " << event.u.condition[0].left_coeff << endl 441 << " DeadBand : " << effect->deadband 442 << " => " << event.u.condition[0].deadband << endl 443 << " Center : " << effect->center 444 << " => " << event.u.condition[0].center << endl; 445 cout << " Condition[1] : Not implemented" << endl; 446 #endif 447 _upload(&event, eff); 448 } 449 450 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 451 void LinuxForceFeedback::_upload( struct ff_effect* ffeffect, const Effect* effect) 452 { 453 struct ff_effect *linEffect = 0; 454 455 //Get the effect - if it exists 456 EffectList::iterator i = mEffectList.find(effect->_handle); 457 //It has been created already 458 if( i != mEffectList.end() ) 459 linEffect = i->second; 460 461 if( linEffect == 0 ) 462 { 463 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 464 cout << endl << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Adding new effect : " 465 << Effect::getEffectTypeName(effect->type) << endl; 466 #endif 467 468 //This effect has not yet been created, so create it in the device 469 if (ioctl(mJoyStick, EVIOCSFF, ffeffect) == -1) { 470 // TODO device full check 471 // OIS_EXCEPT(E_DeviceFull, "Remove an effect before adding more!"); 472 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error creating effect (may be the device is full)->.."); 473 } 474 475 // Save returned effect handle 476 effect->_handle = ffeffect->id; 477 478 // Save a copy of the uploaded effect for later simple modifications 479 linEffect = (struct ff_effect *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct ff_effect)); 480 memcpy(linEffect, ffeffect, sizeof(struct ff_effect)); 481 482 mEffectList[effect->_handle] = linEffect; 483 484 // Start playing the effect. 485 _start(effect->_handle); 486 } 487 else 488 { 489 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 490 cout << endl << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Replacing effect : " 491 << Effect::getEffectTypeName(effect->type) << endl; 492 #endif 493 494 // Keep same id/handle, as this is just an update in the device. 495 ffeffect->id = effect->_handle; 496 497 // Update effect in the device. 498 if (ioctl(mJoyStick, EVIOCSFF, ffeffect) == -1) { 499 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error updating an effect->.."); 500 } 501 502 // Update local linEffect for next time. 503 memcpy(linEffect, ffeffect, sizeof(struct ff_effect)); 504 } 505 506 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 507 cout << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick 508 << ") : Effect handle : " << effect->_handle << endl; 509 #endif 510 } 511 512 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 513 void LinuxForceFeedback::_stop( int handle) { 514 struct input_event stop; 515 516 stop.type = EV_FF; 517 stop.code = handle; 518 stop.value = 0; 519 520 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 521 cout << endl << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick 522 << ") : Stopping effect with handle " << handle << endl; 523 #endif 524 525 if (write(mJoyStick, &stop, sizeof(stop)) != sizeof(stop)) { 526 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error stopping effect->.."); 527 } 528 } 529 530 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 531 void LinuxForceFeedback::_start( int handle) { 532 struct input_event play; 533 534 play.type = EV_FF; 535 play.code = handle; 536 play.value = 1; // Play once. 537 538 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 539 cout << endl << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick 540 << ") : Starting effect with handle " << handle << endl; 541 #endif 542 543 if (write(mJoyStick, &play, sizeof(play)) != sizeof(play)) { 544 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error playing effect->.."); 545 } 546 } 547 548 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 549 void LinuxForceFeedback::_unload( int handle) 550 { 551 #if (OIS_LINUX_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 552 cout << endl << "LinuxForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick 553 << ") : Removing effect with handle " << handle << endl; 554 #endif 555 556 if (ioctl(mJoyStick, EVIOCRMFF, handle) == -1) { 557 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error removing effect->.."); 558 } 559 } -
r1505 r5695 26 26 #include "linux/LinuxPrereqs.h" 27 27 #include "OISForceFeedback.h" 28 #include <linux/input.h> 28 29 29 30 namespace OIS … … 32 33 { 33 34 public: 34 LinuxForceFeedback( );35 LinuxForceFeedback(int deviceID); 35 36 ~LinuxForceFeedback(); 36 37 … … 50 51 void remove( const Effect* effect ); 51 52 52 /** FF is not yet implemented fully on Linux.. just retun 0 for now. todo, xxx */ 53 short int getFFAxesNumber() { return 0; } 53 /** FF is not yet implemented fully on Linux.. just return -1 for now. todo, xxx */ 54 short int getFFAxesNumber() { return -1; } 55 56 /** @copydoc ForceFeedback::getFFMemoryLoad */ 57 unsigned short getFFMemoryLoad(); 58 59 protected: 60 61 //Sets the common properties to all effects 62 void _setCommonProperties(struct ff_effect *event, struct ff_envelope *ffenvelope, 63 const Effect* effect, const Envelope *envelope ); 64 65 //Specific Effect Settings 66 void _updateConstantEffect( const Effect* effect ); 67 void _updateRampEffect( const Effect* effect ); 68 void _updatePeriodicEffect( const Effect* effect ); 69 void _updateConditionalEffect( const Effect* effect ); 70 //void _updateCustomEffect( const Effect* effect ); 71 72 void _upload( struct ff_effect* ffeffect, const Effect* effect); 73 void _stop( int handle); 74 void _start( int handle); 75 void _unload( int handle); 76 77 // Map of currently uploaded effects (handle => effect) 78 typedef std::map<int, struct ff_effect *> EffectList; 79 EffectList mEffectList; 80 81 // Joystick device (file) descriptor. 82 int mJoyStick; 54 83 }; 55 84 } -
r1505 r5695 37 37 38 38 #include <sstream> 39 # include <iostream> 40 using namespace std; 39 41 40 42 using namespace OIS; 41 43 42 44 //#define OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 43 44 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG45 # include <iostream>46 using namespace std;47 #endif48 45 49 46 //-------------------------------------------------------------------// … … 114 111 115 112 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 116 std::cout << "\nButton Code: " << js[i].code << ", OIS Value: " << button << std::endl;113 cout << "\nButton Code: " << js[i].code << ", OIS Value: " << button << endl; 117 114 #endif 118 115 … … 132 129 break; 133 130 } 134 case EV_ABS: //Absoulte Axis 131 132 case EV_ABS: //Absolute Axis 135 133 { 136 134 //A Stick (BrakeDefine is the highest possible Axis) … … 138 136 { 139 137 int axis = mAxisMap[js[i].code]; 140 assert( axis < 32 && "Too many axes , not supported. Report this to OIS forums!" );141 138 assert( axis < 32 && "Too many axes (Max supported is 32). Report this to OIS forums!" ); 139 142 140 axisMoved[axis] = true; 143 141 … … 190 188 break; 191 189 } 192 //Relative Axes (Do any joysticks actually have a relative axis?) 193 case EV_REL: 190 191 192 case EV_REL: //Relative Axes (Do any joystick actually have a relative axis?) 193 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 194 cout << "\nWarning: Relatives axes not supported yet" << endl; 195 #endif 196 break; 194 197 default: break; 195 198 } … … 243 246 for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) 244 247 { 245 st d::stringstream s;248 stringstream s; 246 249 s << "/dev/input/event" << i; 247 int fd = open( s.str().c_str(), O_RD ONLY|O_NONBLOCK );250 int fd = open( s.str().c_str(), O_RDWR |O_NONBLOCK ); 248 251 if(fd == -1) 249 252 continue; 250 253 251 254 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 252 std::cout << "\nOpening " << s.str() << "...";255 cout << "Opening " << s.str() << "..." << endl; 253 256 #endif 254 257 try … … 259 262 joys.push_back(js); 260 263 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 261 std::cout << "\n__Joystick added to list";264 cout << "=> Joystick added to list." << endl; 262 265 #endif 263 266 } … … 265 268 { 266 269 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 267 std::cout << "\n__Not a joystick!!";270 cout << "=> Not a joystick." << endl; 268 271 #endif 269 272 close(fd); … … 273 276 { 274 277 #ifdef OIS_LINUX_JOY_DEBUG 275 std::cout << "\nException caught!!";278 cout << "Exception caught!!" << endl; 276 279 #endif 277 280 close(fd); -
r1505 r5695 25 25 #include <Math.h> 26 26 27 #if defined (_DEBUG) 27 // 0 = No trace; 1 = Important traces; 2 = Debug traces 28 #define OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG 1 29 30 #if (defined (_DEBUG) || defined(OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG)) 31 #include <iostream> 28 32 #include <sstream> 33 using namespace std; 29 34 #endif 30 35 … … 32 37 33 38 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 34 Win32ForceFeedback::Win32ForceFeedback(IDirectInputDevice8* joy) : 35 mHandles(0), mJoyStick(joy) 36 { 39 Win32ForceFeedback::Win32ForceFeedback(IDirectInputDevice8* pDIJoy, const DIDEVCAPS* pDIJoyCaps) : 40 mHandles(0), mJoyStick(pDIJoy), mFFAxes(0), mpDIJoyCaps(pDIJoyCaps) 41 { 42 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 43 cout << "FFSamplePeriod : " << mpDIJoyCaps->dwFFSamplePeriod << " mu-s, " 44 << "FFMinTimeResolution : " << mpDIJoyCaps->dwFFMinTimeResolution << " mu-s," 45 << "" << endl; 46 #endif 37 47 } 38 48 … … 45 55 LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT dxEffect = i->second; 46 56 if( dxEffect ) 57 { 47 58 dxEffect->Unload(); 59 dxEffect->Release(); 60 } 48 61 } 49 62 50 63 mEffectList.clear(); 64 } 65 66 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 67 short Win32ForceFeedback::getFFAxesNumber() 68 { 69 return mFFAxes; 70 } 71 72 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 73 unsigned short Win32ForceFeedback::getFFMemoryLoad() 74 { 75 DIPROPDWORD dipdw; // DIPROPDWORD contains a DIPROPHEADER structure. 76 dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); 77 dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); 78 dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; // device property 79 dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; 80 dipdw.dwData = 0; // In case of any error. 81 82 const HRESULT hr = mJoyStick->GetProperty(DIPROP_FFLOAD, &dipdw.diph); 83 if(FAILED(hr)) 84 { 85 if (hr == DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED) 86 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Can't query FF memory load as device was not acquired in exclusive mode"); 87 else 88 OIS_EXCEPT(E_General, "Unknown error querying FF memory load ->.."); 89 } 90 91 return (unsigned short)dipdw.dwData; 51 92 } 52 93 … … 86 127 //have been unlaoded 87 128 if( SUCCEEDED(dxEffect->Unload()) ) 129 { 130 dxEffect->Release(); 88 131 mEffectList.erase(i); 132 } 89 133 } 90 134 else … … 111 155 DIPropGain.dwData = gain_level; 112 156 113 mJoyStick->SetProperty(DIPROP_FFGAIN, &DIPropGain.diph); 157 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 158 cout << "Win32ForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Setting master gain to " 159 << level << " => " << DIPropGain.dwData << endl; 160 #endif 161 162 const HRESULT hr = mJoyStick->SetProperty(DIPROP_FFGAIN, &DIPropGain.diph); 163 164 #if defined (_DEBUG) 165 if(FAILED(hr)) 166 cout << "Failed to change master gain" << endl; 167 #endif 114 168 } 115 169 … … 117 171 void Win32ForceFeedback::setAutoCenterMode( bool auto_on ) 118 172 { 119 //DI Property DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF = 0, 1 is on120 173 DIPROPDWORD DIPropAutoCenter; 121 174 DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPropAutoCenter); … … 123 176 DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwObj = 0; 124 177 DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; 125 DIPropAutoCenter.dwData = auto_on; 126 127 //hr = 128 mJoyStick->SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &DIPropAutoCenter.diph); 178 DIPropAutoCenter.dwData = (auto_on ? DIPROPAUTOCENTER_ON : DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF); 179 180 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 181 cout << "Win32ForceFeedback("<< mJoyStick << ") : Setting auto-center mode to " 182 << auto_on << " => " << DIPropAutoCenter.dwData << endl; 183 #endif 184 185 const HRESULT hr = mJoyStick->SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &DIPropAutoCenter.diph); 186 187 #if defined (_DEBUG) 188 if(FAILED(hr)) 189 cout << "Failed to change auto-center mode" << endl; 190 #endif 129 191 } 130 192 … … 132 194 void Win32ForceFeedback::_updateConstantEffect( const Effect* effect ) 133 195 { 196 ConstantEffect *eff = static_cast<ConstantEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect()); 197 134 198 DWORD rgdwAxes[2] = { DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y }; 135 199 LONG rglDirection[2] = { 0, 0 }; 200 DIENVELOPE diEnvelope; 136 201 DICONSTANTFORCE cf; 137 202 DIEFFECT diEffect; … … 139 204 //Currently only support 1 axis 140 205 //if( effect->getNumAxes() == 1 ) 141 cf.lMagnitude = static_cast<ConstantEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->level; 142 143 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE), &cf, effect); 206 cf.lMagnitude = eff->level; 207 208 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 209 cout << " Level : " << eff->level 210 << " => " << cf.lMagnitude << endl; 211 #endif 212 213 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, &diEnvelope, sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE), &cf, effect, &eff->envelope); 144 214 _upload(GUID_ConstantForce, &diEffect, effect); 145 215 } … … 148 218 void Win32ForceFeedback::_updateRampEffect( const Effect* effect ) 149 219 { 220 RampEffect *eff = static_cast<RampEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect()); 221 150 222 DWORD rgdwAxes[2] = { DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y }; 151 223 LONG rglDirection[2] = { 0, 0 }; 224 DIENVELOPE diEnvelope; 152 225 DIRAMPFORCE rf; 153 226 DIEFFECT diEffect; 154 227 155 228 //Currently only support 1 axis 156 rf.lStart = static_cast<RampEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->startLevel;157 rf.lEnd = static_cast<RampEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->endLevel;158 159 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, sizeof(DIRAMPFORCE), &rf, effect);229 rf.lStart = eff->startLevel; 230 rf.lEnd = eff->endLevel; 231 232 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, &diEnvelope, sizeof(DIRAMPFORCE), &rf, effect, &eff->envelope ); 160 233 _upload(GUID_RampForce, &diEffect, effect); 161 234 } … … 164 237 void Win32ForceFeedback::_updatePeriodicEffect( const Effect* effect ) 165 238 { 239 PeriodicEffect *eff = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect()); 240 166 241 DWORD rgdwAxes[2] = { DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y }; 167 242 LONG rglDirection[2] = { 0, 0 }; 243 DIENVELOPE diEnvelope; 168 244 DIPERIODIC pf; 169 245 DIEFFECT diEffect; 170 246 171 247 //Currently only support 1 axis 172 pf.dwMagnitude = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->magnitude;173 pf.lOffset = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->offset;174 pf.dwPhase = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->phase;175 pf.dwPeriod = static_cast<PeriodicEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->period;176 177 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, sizeof(DIPERIODIC), &pf, effect);248 pf.dwMagnitude = eff->magnitude; 249 pf.lOffset = eff->offset; 250 pf.dwPhase = eff->phase; 251 pf.dwPeriod = eff->period; 252 253 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, &diEnvelope, sizeof(DIPERIODIC), &pf, effect, &eff->envelope ); 178 254 179 255 switch( effect->type ) … … 191 267 void Win32ForceFeedback::_updateConditionalEffect( const Effect* effect ) 192 268 { 269 ConditionalEffect *eff = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect()); 270 193 271 DWORD rgdwAxes[2] = { DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y }; 194 272 LONG rglDirection[2] = { 0, 0 }; 273 DIENVELOPE diEnvelope; 195 274 DICONDITION cf; 196 275 DIEFFECT diEffect; 197 276 198 cf.lOffset = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->deadband;199 cf.lPositiveCoefficient = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->rightCoeff;200 cf.lNegativeCoefficient = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->leftCoeff;201 cf.dwPositiveSaturation = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->rightSaturation;202 cf.dwNegativeSaturation = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->leftSaturation;203 cf.lDeadBand = static_cast<ConditionalEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect())->deadband;204 205 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, sizeof(DICONDITION), &cf, effect);277 cf.lOffset = eff->deadband; 278 cf.lPositiveCoefficient = eff->rightCoeff; 279 cf.lNegativeCoefficient = eff->leftCoeff; 280 cf.dwPositiveSaturation = eff->rightSaturation; 281 cf.dwNegativeSaturation = eff->leftSaturation; 282 cf.lDeadBand = eff->deadband; 283 284 _setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, &diEnvelope, sizeof(DICONDITION), &cf, effect, 0 ); 206 285 207 286 switch( effect->type ) … … 218 297 void Win32ForceFeedback::_updateCustomEffect( const Effect* /*effect*/ ) 219 298 { 299 //CustomEffect *eff = static_cast<CustomEffect*>(effect->getForceEffect()); 300 // 220 301 //DWORD rgdwAxes[2] = { DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y }; 221 302 //LONG rglDirection[2] = { 0, 0 }; 303 //DIENVELOPE diEnvelope; 222 304 //DICUSTOMFORCE cf; 223 305 //DIEFFECT diEffect; … … 226 308 //cf.cSamples = 0; 227 309 //cf.rglForceData = 0; 228 //_setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, sizeof(DICUSTOMFORCE), &cf, effect);310 //_setCommonProperties(&diEffect, rgdwAxes, rglDirection, &diEnvelope, sizeof(DICUSTOMFORCE), &cf, effect, &eff->envelope); 229 311 //_upload(GUID_CustomForce, &diEffect, effect); 230 312 } … … 233 315 void Win32ForceFeedback::_setCommonProperties( 234 316 DIEFFECT* diEffect, DWORD* rgdwAxes, 235 LONG* rglDirection, D WORD struct_size,236 LPVOID struct_type, const Effect* effect )317 LONG* rglDirection, DIENVELOPE* diEnvelope, DWORD struct_size, 318 LPVOID struct_type, const Effect* effect, const Envelope* envelope ) 237 319 { 238 320 ZeroMemory(diEffect, sizeof(DIEFFECT)); … … 240 322 diEffect->dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); 241 323 diEffect->dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; 324 diEffect->dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; 325 326 diEffect->dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; // effect->trigger_button; // TODO: Conversion 327 diEffect->dwTriggerRepeatInterval = effect->trigger_interval; 328 329 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 330 cout << " Trigger :" << endl 331 << " Button : " << effect->trigger_button 332 << " => " << diEffect->dwTriggerButton << endl 333 << " Interval : " << effect->trigger_interval 334 << " => " << diEffect->dwTriggerRepeatInterval << endl; 335 #endif 336 337 diEffect->cAxes = 1; // effect->getNumAxes(); 338 diEffect->rgdwAxes = rgdwAxes; 339 340 diEffect->rglDirection = rglDirection; // TODO: conversion from effect->direction 341 342 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 343 cout << " Direction : " << Effect::getDirectionName(effect->direction) 344 << " => {"; 345 for (int iDir=0; iDir < (int)diEffect->cAxes; iDir++) 346 cout << " " << diEffect->rglDirection[iDir]; 347 cout << "}" << endl; 348 #endif 349 350 if (diEnvelope && envelope && envelope->isUsed()) 351 { 352 diEnvelope->dwSize = sizeof(DIENVELOPE); 353 diEnvelope->dwAttackLevel = envelope->attackLevel; 354 diEnvelope->dwAttackTime = envelope->attackLength; 355 diEnvelope->dwFadeLevel = envelope->fadeLevel; 356 diEnvelope->dwFadeTime = envelope->fadeLength; 357 diEffect->lpEnvelope = diEnvelope; 358 } 359 else 360 diEffect->lpEnvelope = 0; 361 362 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 363 if (diEnvelope && envelope && envelope->isUsed()) 364 { 365 cout << " Enveloppe :" << endl 366 << " AttackLen : " << envelope->attackLength 367 << " => " << diEnvelope->dwAttackTime << endl 368 << " AttackLvl : " << envelope->attackLevel 369 << " => " << diEnvelope->dwAttackLevel << endl 370 << " FadeLen : " << envelope->fadeLength 371 << " => " << diEnvelope->dwFadeTime << endl 372 << " FadeLvl : " << envelope->fadeLevel 373 << " => " << diEnvelope->dwFadeLevel << endl; 374 } 375 #endif 376 377 diEffect->dwSamplePeriod = 0; 242 378 diEffect->dwDuration = effect->replay_length; 243 diEffect->dwSamplePeriod = 0; 244 diEffect->dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; 245 diEffect->dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; 246 diEffect->dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0; 247 diEffect->cAxes = effect->getNumAxes(); 248 diEffect->rgdwAxes = rgdwAxes; 249 diEffect->rglDirection = rglDirection; 250 diEffect->lpEnvelope = 0; 379 diEffect->dwStartDelay = effect->replay_delay; 380 381 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 1) 382 cout << " Replay :" << endl 383 << " Length : " << effect->replay_length 384 << " => " << diEffect->dwDuration << endl 385 << " Delay : " << effect->replay_delay 386 << " => " << diEffect->dwStartDelay << endl; 387 #endif 388 251 389 diEffect->cbTypeSpecificParams = struct_size; 252 390 diEffect->lpvTypeSpecificParams = struct_type; 253 diEffect->dwStartDelay = effect->replay_delay;254 391 } 255 392 … … 295 432 void Win32ForceFeedback::_addEffectSupport( LPCDIEFFECTINFO pdei ) 296 433 { 297 //Determine what the effect is and how it corresponds to our OIS's Enums 298 //We could save the GUIDs too, however, we will just use the predefined 299 //ones later 434 #if (OIS_WIN32_JOYFF_DEBUG > 0) 435 // Dump some usefull information about the effect type. 436 cout << "Adding support for '" << pdei->tszName << "' effect type" << endl; 437 cout << " Supported static params: "; 438 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_AXES) cout << " Axes"; 439 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_DIRECTION) cout << " Direction"; 440 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_DURATION) cout << " Duration"; 441 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_ENVELOPE) cout << " Envelope"; 442 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_GAIN) cout << " Gain"; 443 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD) cout << " SamplePeriod"; 444 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_STARTDELAY) cout << " StartDelay"; 445 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON) cout << " TriggerButton"; 446 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL) cout << " TriggerRepeatInterval"; 447 if (pdei->dwStaticParams & DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS) cout << " TypeSpecificParams"; 448 cout << endl; 449 cout << " Supported dynamic params: "; 450 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_AXES) cout << " Axes"; 451 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_DIRECTION) cout << " Direction"; 452 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_DURATION) cout << " Duration"; 453 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_ENVELOPE) cout << " Envelope"; 454 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_GAIN) cout << " Gain"; 455 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_SAMPLEPERIOD) cout << " SamplePeriod"; 456 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_STARTDELAY) cout << " StartDelay"; 457 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_TRIGGERBUTTON) cout << " TriggerButton"; 458 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL) cout << " TriggerRepeatInterval"; 459 if (pdei->dwDynamicParams & DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS) cout << " TypeSpecificParams"; 460 cout << endl; 461 cout << " More details about supported parameters support: "; 462 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_STARTDELAY) cout << " StartDelay"; 463 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_FFATTACK) cout << " Attack"; 464 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_FFFADE) cout << " Fade"; 465 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_DEADBAND) cout << " DeadBand"; 466 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_SATURATION) cout << " Saturation"; 467 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_POSNEGSATURATION) cout << " PosNegaturation"; 468 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_POSNEGCOEFFICIENTS) cout << " PosNegCoefficients"; 469 if (pdei->dwEffType & DIEFT_HARDWARE) cout << " HardwareSpecific"; 470 cout << endl; 471 #endif 472 473 Effect::EForce eForce; 474 switch (DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType)) 475 { 476 case DIEFT_CONSTANTFORCE: 477 eForce = Effect::ConstantForce; 478 break; 479 case DIEFT_RAMPFORCE: 480 eForce = Effect::RampForce; 481 break; 482 case DIEFT_PERIODIC: 483 eForce = Effect::PeriodicForce; 484 break; 485 case DIEFT_CONDITION: 486 eForce = Effect::ConditionalForce; 487 break; 488 case DIEFT_CUSTOMFORCE: 489 eForce = Effect::CustomForce; 490 break; 491 default: 492 eForce = Effect::UnknownForce; 493 #if defined (_DEBUG) 494 cout << "Win32ForceFeedback: DirectInput8 Effect type support not implemented: " 495 << "DIEFT_GETTYPE="<< (int)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType) << endl; 496 #endif 497 return; 498 } 499 500 //Determine what the effect type is and how it corresponds to our OIS's Enums 501 //We could save the GUIDs too, however, we will just use the predefined ones later 300 502 if( pdei->guid == GUID_ConstantForce ) 301 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Constant );503 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Constant ); 302 504 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Triangle ) 303 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Triangle );505 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Triangle ); 304 506 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Spring ) 305 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Spring );507 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Spring ); 306 508 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Friction ) 307 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Friction );509 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Friction ); 308 510 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Square ) 309 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Square );511 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Square ); 310 512 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Sine ) 311 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Sine );513 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Sine ); 312 514 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_SawtoothUp ) 313 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::SawToothUp );515 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::SawToothUp ); 314 516 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_SawtoothDown ) 315 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::SawToothDown );517 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::SawToothDown ); 316 518 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Damper ) 317 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Damper );519 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Damper ); 318 520 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_Inertia ) 319 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Inertia );521 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Inertia ); 320 522 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_CustomForce ) 321 _addEffectTypes( (Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Custom );523 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Custom ); 322 524 else if( pdei->guid == GUID_RampForce ) 323 _addEffectTypes((Effect::EForce)DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType), Effect::Ramp ); 525 _addEffectTypes(eForce, Effect::Ramp ); 526 324 527 #if defined (_DEBUG) 325 528 //Only care about this for Debugging Purposes … … 333 536 #endif 334 537 } 538 539 //--------------------------------------------------------------// 540 void Win32ForceFeedback::_addFFAxis() 541 { 542 mFFAxes++; 543 } -
r1505 r5695 34 34 Win32ForceFeedback() {} 35 35 public: 36 Win32ForceFeedback(IDirectInputDevice8* joy);36 Win32ForceFeedback(IDirectInputDevice8* pDIJoy, const DIDEVCAPS* pDIJoyCaps); 37 37 ~Win32ForceFeedback(); 38 38 … … 52 52 void setAutoCenterMode( bool auto_on ); 53 53 54 /** @copydoc ForceFeedback::getFFAxesNumber 55 xxx todo - Actually return correct number 56 */ 57 short getFFAxesNumber() {return 1;} 54 /** @copydoc ForceFeedback::getFFAxesNumber */ 55 short getFFAxesNumber(); 56 57 /** @copydoc ForceFeedback::getFFMemoryLoad */ 58 unsigned short getFFMemoryLoad(); 58 59 59 60 /** … … 64 65 void _addEffectSupport( LPCDIEFFECTINFO pdei ); 65 66 67 /** 68 @remarks 69 Internal use.. Used during axis enumeration to get number of FF axes 70 support effects. 71 */ 72 void _addFFAxis(); 73 66 74 protected: 75 67 76 //Specific Effect Settings 68 77 void _updateConstantEffect( const Effect* effect ); … … 71 80 void _updateConditionalEffect( const Effect* effect ); 72 81 void _updateCustomEffect( const Effect* effect ); 82 73 83 //Sets the common properties to all effects 74 84 void _setCommonProperties( DIEFFECT* diEffect, DWORD* rgdwAxes, 75 LONG* rglDirection, D WORD struct_size,76 LPVOID struct_type, const Effect* effect );85 LONG* rglDirection, DIENVELOPE* diEnvelope, DWORD struct_size, 86 LPVOID struct_type, const Effect* effect, const Envelope* envelope ); 77 87 //Actually do the upload 78 88 void _upload( GUID, DIEFFECT*, const Effect* ); 79 89 90 // Map of currently uploaded effects (handle => effect) 80 91 typedef std::map<int,LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT> EffectList; 81 92 EffectList mEffectList; 82 //Simple unique handle creation - allows for upto 2+ million effects 93 94 //Simple unique handle creation - allows for upto 2+ billion effects 83 95 //during the lifetime of application. Hopefully, that is enough. 84 96 int mHandles; 85 97 98 // Joystick device descriptor. 86 99 IDirectInputDevice8* mJoyStick; 100 101 // Joystick capabilities. 102 const DIDEVCAPS* mpDIJoyCaps; 103 104 // Number of axis supporting FF. 105 short mFFAxes; 87 106 }; 88 107 } -
r1505 r5695 75 75 hInst = GetModuleHandle(0); 76 76 77 //Create the device77 //Create the input system 78 78 hr = DirectInput8Create( hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (VOID**)&mDirectInput, NULL ); 79 79 if (FAILED(hr)) … … 82 82 //Ok, now we have DirectInput, parse whatever extra settings were sent to us 83 83 _parseConfigSettings( paramList ); 84 85 // Enumerate devices ... 84 86 _enumerateDevices(); 85 87 } … … 116 118 { 117 119 //Enumerate all attached devices 118 mDirectInput->EnumDevices(NULL , _DIEnumKbdCallback, this, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY);119 } 120 121 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 122 BOOL CALLBACK Win32InputManager::_DIEnum KbdCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef)120 mDirectInput->EnumDevices(NULL , _DIEnumDevCallback, this, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); 121 } 122 123 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 124 BOOL CALLBACK Win32InputManager::_DIEnumDevCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef) 123 125 { 124 126 Win32InputManager *_this_ = static_cast<Win32InputManager*>(pvRef); 127 128 // Register only game devices (keyboard and mouse are managed differently). 125 129 if( GET_DIDEVICE_TYPE(lpddi->dwDevType) == DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK || 126 130 GET_DIDEVICE_TYPE(lpddi->dwDevType) == DI8DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD || -
r1505 r5695 81 81 82 82 //! Used during device enumeration 83 static BOOL CALLBACK _DIEnum KbdCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef);83 static BOOL CALLBACK _DIEnumDevCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef); 84 84 85 85 //! Keep a list of all joysticks enumerated, but not in use -
r1505 r5695 82 82 mState.mAxes.clear(); 83 83 84 delete ff_device; 85 ff_device = 0; 86 84 if (ff_device) 85 { 86 delete ff_device; 87 ff_device = 0; 88 } 89 90 // Create direct input joystick device. 91 if(FAILED(mDirectInput->CreateDevice(deviceGuid, &mJoyStick, NULL))) 92 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> Could not initialize joy device!"); 93 94 // Set DIJoystick2 data format. 95 if(FAILED(mJoyStick->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2))) 96 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> data format error!"); 97 98 // Set cooperative level as specified when creating input manager. 99 HWND hwin = ((Win32InputManager*)mCreator)->getWindowHandle(); 100 if(FAILED(mJoyStick->SetCooperativeLevel( hwin, coopSetting))) 101 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> failed to set cooperation level!"); 102 103 // Set buffer size. 87 104 DIPROPDWORD dipdw; 88 89 105 dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); 90 106 dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); … … 93 109 dipdw.dwData = JOYSTICK_DX_BUFFERSIZE; 94 110 95 if(FAILED(mDirectInput->CreateDevice(deviceGuid, &mJoyStick, NULL)))96 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> Could not initialize joy device!");97 98 if(FAILED(mJoyStick->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2)))99 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> data format error!");100 101 HWND hwin = ((Win32InputManager*)mCreator)->getWindowHandle();102 103 if(FAILED(mJoyStick->SetCooperativeLevel( hwin, coopSetting)))104 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize() >> failed to set cooperation level!");105 106 111 if( FAILED(mJoyStick->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph)) ) 107 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32 Mouse::Win32Mouse >> Failed to set buffer size property" );108 109 // Enumerate all axes/buttons/sliders/etc before aquiring112 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_initialize >> Failed to set buffer size property" ); 113 114 // Enumerate all axes/buttons/sliders/force feedback/etc before aquiring 110 115 _enumerate(); 111 116 … … 118 123 void Win32JoyStick::_enumerate() 119 124 { 120 //We can check force feedback here too 121 DIDEVCAPS DIJoyCaps; 122 DIJoyCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS); 123 mJoyStick->GetCapabilities(&DIJoyCaps); 124 125 mPOVs = (short)DIJoyCaps.dwPOVs; 126 127 mState.mButtons.resize(DIJoyCaps.dwButtons); 128 mState.mAxes.resize(DIJoyCaps.dwAxes); 125 // Get joystick capabilities. 126 mDIJoyCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS); 127 if( FAILED(mJoyStick->GetCapabilities(&mDIJoyCaps)) ) 128 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_enumerate >> Failed to get capabilities" ); 129 130 // => Number of POVs 131 mPOVs = (short)mDIJoyCaps.dwPOVs; 132 133 // => Number of buttons and axes. 134 mState.mButtons.resize(mDIJoyCaps.dwButtons); 135 mState.mAxes.resize(mDIJoyCaps.dwAxes); 136 137 // Enumerate all Force Feedback effects (if any) 138 mJoyStick->EnumEffects(DIEnumEffectsCallback, this, DIEFT_ALL); 129 139 130 140 //Reset the axis mapping enumeration value 131 141 _AxisNumber = 0; 132 142 133 //Enumerate Force Feedback (if any) 134 mJoyStick->EnumEffects(DIEnumEffectsCallback, this, DIEFT_ALL); 135 136 //Enumerate and set axis constraints (and check FF Axes) 143 // Enumerate and set axis constraints (and check FF Axes) 137 144 mJoyStick->EnumObjects(DIEnumDeviceObjectsCallback, this, DIDFT_AXIS); 138 145 } … … 181 188 OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32JoyStick::_DIEnumDeviceObjectsCallback >> Failed to set min/max range property" ); 182 189 183 //Check if FF Axes 190 //Check if FF Axes, and if so, increment counter 184 191 if((lpddoi->dwFlags & DIDOI_FFACTUATOR) != 0 ) 185 192 { 186 193 if( _this->ff_device ) 187 194 { 188 //todo - increment force feedback axis count195 _this->ff_device->_addFFAxis(); 189 196 } 190 197 } 191 198 199 //Force the flags for gain and auto-center support to true, 200 //as DInput has no API to query the device for these capabilities 201 //(the only way to know is to try them ...) 202 if( _this->ff_device ) 203 { 204 _this->ff_device->_setGainSupport(true); 205 _this->ff_device->_setAutoCenterSupport(true); 206 } 207 192 208 return DIENUM_CONTINUE; 193 209 } … … 198 214 Win32JoyStick* _this = (Win32JoyStick*)pvRef; 199 215 200 //Create the FF classafter we know there is at least one effect type216 //Create the FF instance only after we know there is at least one effect type 201 217 if( _this->ff_device == 0 ) 202 _this->ff_device = new Win32ForceFeedback(_this->mJoyStick);218 _this->ff_device = new Win32ForceFeedback(_this->mJoyStick, &_this->mDIJoyCaps); 203 219 204 220 _this->ff_device->_addEffectSupport( pdei ); -
r1505 r5695 60 60 IDirectInput8* mDirectInput; 61 61 IDirectInputDevice8* mJoyStick; 62 DIDEVCAPS mDIJoyCaps; 63 62 64 DWORD coopSetting; 63 65 GUID deviceGuid; -
r1505 r5695 238 238 return 0; 239 239 240 unsigned char buff[3] = {0,0,0}; 241 int ascii = ToAsciiEx(vk, kc, keyState, (LPWORD) buff, 0, layout); 242 //WCHAR wide[3]; 243 //int ascii = ToUnicodeEx(vk, kc, keyState, wide, 3, 0, layout); 240 WCHAR buff[3] = {0}; 241 int ascii = ToUnicodeEx(vk, kc, keyState, buff, 3, 0, layout); 242 244 243 if(ascii == 1 && deadKey != '\0' ) 245 244 { -
r3370 r5695 30 30 31 31 #include <map> 32 #include < boost/filesystem.hpp>32 #include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h> 33 33 34 34 #include "core/CommandLine.h" … … 135 135 availableLevels_.clear(); 136 136 137 boost::filesystem::directory_iterator file(Core::getMediaPathString() + "levels");138 boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;137 availableLevels_ = *Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().findResourceNames( 138 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, "*.oxw"); 139 139 140 while (file != end) 141 { 142 if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(*file) && file->string()[file->string().length()-1] != '~') 140 for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = availableLevels_.begin(); it != availableLevels_.end();) 141 if (it->find("old/") == 0) 142 it = availableLevels_.erase(it); 143 else 143 144 { 144 s td::string filename = file->path().leaf();145 if (filename.length() > 4)146 availableLevels_.push_back(filename.substr(0,filename.length()-4));145 size_t pos = it->find(".oxw"); 146 *it = it->substr(0, pos); 147 ++it; 147 148 } 148 ++file;149 }150 149 } 151 150 } -
r5693 r5695 40 40 #include "core/CommandLine.h" 41 41 #include "core/Game.h" 42 #include "core/LuaState.h" 43 #include "ToluaBindOrxonox.h" 42 44 #include "Main.h" 43 45 … … 48 50 SetCommandLineSwitch(dedicated).information("Start in dedicated server mode"); 49 51 SetCommandLineSwitch(standalone).information("Start in standalone mode"); 52 53 DeclareToluaInterface(Orxonox); 50 54 51 55 namespace orxonox -
r3370 r5695 28 28 29 29 #include "GSDedicated.h" 30 31 #include <iomanip> 32 #include <iostream> 33 #include <boost/bind.hpp> 30 34 31 35 #include "util/Debug.h" … … 37 41 #include "core/GameMode.h" 38 42 #include "network/Server.h" 39 40 #include <iostream>41 #include <iomanip>42 #include <boost/bind.hpp>43 43 44 44 #ifdef ORXONOX_PLATFORM_UNIX -
r5693 r5695 96 96 // load debug overlay 97 97 COUT(3) << "Loading Debug Overlay..." << std::endl; 98 this->debugOverlay_ = new XMLFile( Core::getMediaPathString() + "overlay/debug.oxo");98 this->debugOverlay_ = new XMLFile("debug.oxo"); 99 99 Loader::open(debugOverlay_); 100 100 -
r5693 r5695 29 29 30 30 #include "GSLevel.h" 31 32 #include <OgreCompositorManager.h> 31 33 32 34 #include "core/input/InputManager.h" … … 166 168 */ 167 169 170 if (GameMode::showsGraphics()) 171 { 172 // unload all compositors (this is only necessary because we don't yet destroy all resources!) 173 Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().removeAll(); 174 } 168 175 169 176 // this call will delete every BaseObject! … … 229 236 // call the loader 230 237 COUT(0) << "Loading level..." << std::endl; 231 startFile_s = new XMLFile( Core::getMediaPathString() + "levels" + '/' +LevelManager::getInstance().getDefaultLevel());238 startFile_s = new XMLFile(LevelManager::getInstance().getDefaultLevel()); 232 239 Loader::open(startFile_s); 233 240 } -
r3370 r5695 52 52 inputState_->setHandler(GUIManager::getInstancePtr()); 53 53 inputState_->setJoyStickHandler(&InputHandler::EMPTY); 54 inputState_->setIsExclusiveMouse(false); 54 55 55 56 // create an empty Scene … … 70 71 { 71 72 // show main menu 72 GUIManager::getInstance().showGUI(" mainmenu_4");73 GUIManager::getInstance().showGUI("MainMenu"); 73 74 GUIManager::getInstance().setCamera(this->camera_); 74 75 GraphicsManager::getInstance().setCamera(this->camera_); -
r5693 r5695 33 33 #include "core/Game.h" 34 34 #include "core/GameMode.h" 35 #include "core/LuaBind.h"36 35 #include "network/NetworkFunction.h" 37 #include "ToluaBindCore.h"38 #include "ToluaBindOrxonox.h"39 36 #include "tools/Timer.h" 40 37 #include "tools/interfaces/TimeFactorListener.h" … … 54 51 this->ccSetTimeFactor_ = 0; 55 52 this->ccPause_ = 0; 56 57 // Tell LuaBind about all tolua interfaces58 LuaBind::getInstance().addToluaInterface(&tolua_Core_open, "Core");59 LuaBind::getInstance().addToluaInterface(&tolua_Orxonox_open, "Orxonox");60 53 } 61 54 … … 86 79 } 87 80 88 // create the globalLevelManager81 // create the LevelManager 89 82 this->levelManager_ = new LevelManager(); 90 83 } -
r3325 r5695 53 53 this->registerVariables(); 54 54 this->xmlfilename_ = this->getFilename(); 55 56 if (this->xmlfilename_.length() >= Core::getMediaPathString().length())57 this->xmlfilename_ = this->xmlfilename_.substr(Core::getMediaPathString().length());58 55 } 59 56 … … 101 98 mask.include(Class(OverlayGroup)); // HACK to include the ChatOverlay 102 99 103 this->xmlfile_ = new XMLFile( Core::getMediaPathString() + this->xmlfilename_, mask);100 this->xmlfile_ = new XMLFile(mask, this->xmlfilename_); 104 101 105 102 Loader::open(this->xmlfile_); -
r3196 r5695 29 29 #include "Script.h" 30 30 31 #include <tinyxml/ticpp.h>32 31 #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" 33 #include "core/LuaBind.h" 32 #include "core/LuaState.h" 33 #include "core/XMLPort.h" 34 34 35 35 namespace orxonox 36 36 { 37 CreateFactory(Script);37 CreateFactory(Script); 38 38 39 Script::Script(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator)40 {41 RegisterObject(Script);39 Script::Script(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator) 40 { 41 RegisterObject(Script); 42 42 43 code_ = ""; 44 } 43 // Get a new LuaState 44 luaState_ = new LuaState(); 45 } 45 46 46 Script::~Script() 47 { 48 } 47 Script::~Script() 48 { 49 if (this->isInitialized()) 50 delete luaState_; 51 } 49 52 50 /** 51 @brief XML loading and saving. 52 @param xmlelement The XML-element 53 @param loading Loading (true) or saving (false) 54 */ 55 void Script::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) 56 { 57 BaseObject::XMLPort(xmlelement, mode); 53 void Script::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) 54 { 55 BaseObject::XMLPort(xmlelement, mode); 58 56 59 code_ = xmlelement.GetText(false);60 }57 XMLPortParam(Script, "code", setCode, getCode, xmlelement, mode); 58 } 61 59 62 void Script::execute() 63 { 64 LuaBind& lua = LuaBind::getInstance(); 65 lua.loadString(this->code_); 66; 67 } 60 void Script::execute() 61 { 62 luaState_->doString(code_); 63 } 68 64 } -
r3196 r5695 37 37 namespace orxonox 38 38 { 39 class _OrxonoxExport Script : public BaseObject40 {39 class _OrxonoxExport Script : public BaseObject 40 { 41 41 public: 42 Script(BaseObject* creator); 43 ~Script(); 44 void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode); 45 void execute(); 42 Script(BaseObject* creator); 43 ~Script(); 44 void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode); 45 void execute(); 46 47 void setCode(const std::string& code) { code_ = code; } 48 const std::string& getCode() const { return code_; } 46 49 47 50 private: 48 std::string code_; 49 }; 51 std::string code_; 52 LuaState* luaState_; 53 }; 50 54 } 51 55 -
r5693 r5695 11 11 <DebugSettings 12 12 WorkingDirectory="${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/$(OutDir)" 13 Environment="Path=${ ORXONOX_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}"13 Environment="Path=${RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}" 14 14 EnvironmentMerge="true" 15 15 /> … … 20 20 <DebugSettings 21 21 WorkingDirectory="${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/$(OutDir)" 22 Environment="Path=${ ORXONOX_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}"22 Environment="Path=${RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}" 23 23 EnvironmentMerge="true" 24 24 /> … … 29 29 <DebugSettings 30 30 WorkingDirectory="${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/$(OutDir)" 31 Environment="Path=${ ORXONOX_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}"31 Environment="Path=${RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}" 32 32 EnvironmentMerge="true" 33 33 /> … … 38 38 <DebugSettings 39 39 WorkingDirectory="${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/$(OutDir)" 40 Environment="Path=${ ORXONOX_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}"40 Environment="Path=${RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}" 41 41 EnvironmentMerge="true" 42 42 /> -
r3370 r5695 36 36 #include "util/Math.h" 37 37 #include "core/Core.h" 38 #include "core/Resource.h" 38 39 #include "orxonox/objects/worldentities/WorldEntity.h" 39 40 #include "SoundManager.h" … … 134 135 } 135 136 136 bool SoundBase::loadFile(std::string filename) { 137 filename = Core::getMediaPathString() + "/audio/" + filename; 138 137 bool SoundBase::loadFile(const std::string& filename) { 139 138 if(!SoundManager::getInstance().isSoundAvailable()) 140 139 { … … 144 143 145 144 COUT(3) << "Sound: OpenAL ALUT: loading file " << filename << std::endl; 146 this->buffer_ = alutCreateBufferFromFile(filename.c_str()); 145 // Get DataStream from the resources 146 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> fileInfo = Resource::getInfo(filename); 147 if (fileInfo == NULL) { 148 COUT(2) << "Warning: Sound file '" << filename << "' not found" << std::endl; 149 return false; 150 } 151 DataStreamPtr stream = Resource::open(filename); 152 // Read everything into a temporary buffer 153 char* buffer = new char[fileInfo->size]; 154 stream->read(buffer, fileInfo->size); 155 156 this->buffer_ = alutCreateBufferFromFileImage(buffer, fileInfo->size); 157 delete[] buffer; 158 147 159 if(this->buffer_ == AL_NONE) { 148 160 COUT(2) << "Sound: OpenAL ALUT: " << alutGetErrorString(alutGetError()) << std::endl; -
r5693 r5695 55 55 bool isStopped(); 56 56 57 bool loadFile( std::stringfilename);57 bool loadFile(const std::string& filename); 58 58 59 59 private: -
r5693 r5695 5 5 6 6 7 8 7 9 8 10 -
r3280 r5695 71 71 this->entity_->setCastShadows(this->bCastShadows_); 72 72 73 #if OGRE_VERSION < 0x010600 73 74 this->entity_->setNormaliseNormals(true); 74 75 /* … … 79 80 I don't know exactly what this means, but I put this here if there will be problems with shaders. 80 81 */ 82 #endif 81 83 } 82 84 catch (...) -
r5694 r5695 30 30 #define _ResourceCollection_H__ 31 31 32 #include " OrxonoxPrereqs.h"32 #include "tools/ToolsPrereqs.h" 33 33 34 34 #include <string> … … 40 40 class ResourceLocation; 41 41 42 class _ OrxonoxExport ResourceCollection : public BaseObject42 class _ToolsExport ResourceCollection : public BaseObject 43 43 { 44 44 public: -
r5694 r5695 30 30 #define _ResourceLocation_H__ 31 31 32 #include " OrxonoxPrereqs.h"32 #include "tools/ToolsPrereqs.h" 33 33 34 34 #include <string> … … 37 37 namespace orxonox 38 38 { 39 class _ OrxonoxExport ResourceLocation : public BaseObject39 class _ToolsExport ResourceLocation : public BaseObject 40 40 { 41 41 // for load/unload -
r5693 r5695 34 34 ) 35 35 36 SET_SOURCE_FILES(UTIL_HDR_FILES 37 CRC32.h 38 Clipboard.h 39 Convert.h 40 Debug.h 41 Exception.h 42 ExprParser.h 43 Math.h 44 MathConvert.h 45 mbool.h 46 MultiType.h 47 MultiTypeValue.h 48 OgreForwardRefs.h 49 OrxAssert.h 50 OrxEnum.h 51 OutputBuffer.h 52 OutputHandler.h 53 RefToValue.h 54 ScopeGuard.h 55 Serialise.h 56 SignalHandler.h 57 Singleton.h 58 Sleep.h 59 StringUtils.h 60 SubString.h 61 TemplateUtils.h 62 TypeTraits.h 63 UTFStringConversions.h 64 UtilPrereqs.h 65 ) 66 36 67 IF(GCC_NO_SYSTEM_HEADER_SUPPORT) 37 68 # Get around displaying a few hundred lines of warning code … … 40 71 41 72 ORXONOX_ADD_LIBRARY(util 42 FIND_HEADER_FILES43 73 DEFINE_SYMBOL 44 74 "UTIL_SHARED_BUILD" … … 46 76 ${OGRE_LIBRARY} 47 77 SOURCE_FILES 48 ${UTIL_SRC_FILES} 78 ${UTIL_SRC_FILES} ${UTIL_HDR_FILES} 49 79 ) -
r3196 r5695 29 29 /** 30 30 @file 31 @brief Handles different output-levels of errors, warnings, infos and debug information s.31 @brief Handles different output-levels of errors, warnings, infos and debug information. 32 32 33 33 The COUT(level) macro acts like std::cout, but the output is only performed if the given … … 45 45 1: Errors 46 46 2: Warnings 47 3: Information s47 3: Information 48 48 4: Debug information 49 49 5: More debug information 50 6: Crazy debug information s50 6: Crazy debug information 51 51 52 52 @example
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.