Changeset 5782 for sandbox/src/libraries/core
- Timestamp:
- Sep 24, 2009, 11:32:39 AM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- sandbox/src/libraries/core
- Files:
- 53 deleted
- 17 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5738 r5782 33 33 34 34 #include "BaseObject.h" 35 36 #include <tinyxml/tinyxml.h>37 38 #include "util/StringUtils.h"39 35 #include "CoreIncludes.h" 40 #include "Event.h"41 #include "EventIncludes.h"42 #include "Functor.h"43 #include "Iterator.h"44 #include "Template.h"45 #include "XMLFile.h"46 #include "XMLNameListener.h"47 #include "XMLPort.h"48 36 49 37 namespace orxonox … … 59 47 60 48 this->bInitialized_ = true; 61 62 this->bActive_ = true;63 this->bVisible_ = true;64 this->oldGametype_ = 0;65 66 this->lastLoadedXMLElement_ = 0;67 68 this->functorSetMainState_ = 0;69 this->functorGetMainState_ = 0;70 71 this->setCreator(creator);72 if (this->creator_)73 {74 this->setFile(this->creator_->getFile());75 this->setNamespace(this->creator_->getNamespace());76 this->setScene(this->creator_->getScene());77 this->setGametype(this->creator_->getGametype());78 }79 else80 {81 this->file_ = 0;82 this->namespace_ = 0;83 this->scene_ = 0;84 this->gametype_ = 0;85 }86 49 } 87 50 … … 93 56 if (this->isInitialized()) 94 57 { 95 for (std::list<BaseObject*>::const_iterator it = this->events_.begin(); it != this->events_.end(); ++it)96 (*it)->unregisterEventListener(this);97 98 for (std::map<BaseObject*, std::string>::const_iterator it = this->eventListeners_.begin(); it != this->eventListeners_.end(); ++it)99 it->first->removeEvent(this);100 101 if (this->functorSetMainState_)102 delete this->functorSetMainState_;103 if (this->functorGetMainState_)104 delete this->functorGetMainState_;105 58 } 106 59 } 107 108 /**109 @brief XML loading and saving.110 @param xmlelement The XML-element111 @param loading Loading (true) or saving (false)112 @return The XML-element113 */114 void BaseObject::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode)115 {116 XMLPortParam(BaseObject, "name", setXMLName, getName, xmlelement, mode);117 XMLPortParam(BaseObject, "visible", setVisible, isVisible, xmlelement, mode);118 XMLPortParam(BaseObject, "active", setActive, isActive, xmlelement, mode);119 XMLPortParam(BaseObject, "mainstate", setMainStateName, getMainStateName, xmlelement, mode);120 121 XMLPortObjectTemplate(BaseObject, Template, "templates", addTemplate, getTemplate, xmlelement, mode, Template*);122 123 Element* events = xmlelement.FirstChildElement("events", false);124 125 if (events)126 {127 std::list<std::string> eventnames;128 129 if (mode == XMLPort::LoadObject || mode == XMLPort::ExpandObject)130 {131 for (ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> child = events->FirstChildElement(false); child != child.end(); child++)132 eventnames.push_back(child->Value());133 }134 else if (mode == XMLPort::SaveObject)135 {136 for (std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->getIdentifier()->getXMLPortEventMapBegin(); it != this->getIdentifier()->getXMLPortEventMapEnd(); ++it)137 eventnames.push_back(it->first);138 }139 140 for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = eventnames.begin(); it != eventnames.end(); ++it)141 {142 std::string sectionname = (*it);143 ExecutorMember<BaseObject>* loadexecutor = createExecutor(createFunctor(&BaseObject::addEvent), std::string( "BaseObject" ) + "::" + "addEvent");144 ExecutorMember<BaseObject>* saveexecutor = createExecutor(createFunctor(&BaseObject::getEvent), std::string( "BaseObject" ) + "::" + "getEvent");145 loadexecutor->setDefaultValue(1, sectionname);146 147 XMLPortClassObjectContainer<BaseObject, BaseObject>* container = 0;148 container = (XMLPortClassObjectContainer<BaseObject, BaseObject>*)(this->getIdentifier()->getXMLPortEventContainer(sectionname));149 if (!container)150 {151 container = new XMLPortClassObjectContainer<BaseObject, BaseObject>(sectionname, this->getIdentifier(), loadexecutor, saveexecutor, false, true);152 this->getIdentifier()->addXMLPortEventContainer(sectionname, container);153 }154 container->port(this, *events, mode);155 }156 }157 }158 159 /**160 @brief Loads the name of the object through XML and calls all XMLNameListener.161 @param name The name of the object162 */163 void BaseObject::setXMLName(const std::string& name)164 {165 this->setName(name);166 167 for (ObjectList<XMLNameListener>::iterator it = ObjectList<XMLNameListener>::begin(); it != ObjectList<XMLNameListener>::end(); ++it)168 it->loadedNewXMLName(this);169 }170 171 /**172 @brief Returns the levelfile that loaded this object.173 @return The levelfile174 */175 const std::string& BaseObject::getFilename() const176 {177 if (this->file_)178 return this->file_->getFilename();179 else180 return BLANKSTRING;181 }182 183 /**184 @brief Adds a Template to the object.185 @param name The name of the Template186 */187 void BaseObject::addTemplate(const std::string& name)188 {189 Template* temp = Template::getTemplate(name);190 if (temp)191 this->addTemplate(temp);192 else193 COUT(1) << "Error: \"" << name << "\" is not a valid Template name (in class: " << this->getIdentifier()->getName() << ", name: " << this->getName() << ")." << std::endl;194 }195 196 /**197 @brief Adds a Template to the object.198 @param temp The Template199 */200 void BaseObject::addTemplate(Template* temp)201 {202 this->templates_.insert(temp);203 temp->applyOn(this);204 }205 206 /**207 @brief Returns the Template with the given index.208 @param index The index209 */210 Template* BaseObject::getTemplate(unsigned int index) const211 {212 unsigned int i = 0;213 for (std::set<Template*>::const_iterator it = this->templates_.begin(); it != this->templates_.end(); ++it)214 {215 if (i == index)216 return (*it);217 i++;218 }219 return 0;220 }221 222 void BaseObject::addEvent(BaseObject* event, const std::string& sectionname)223 {224 event->registerEventListener(this, sectionname);225 this->events_.push_back(event);226 }227 228 void BaseObject::removeEvent(BaseObject* event)229 {230 this->events_.remove(event);231 }232 233 BaseObject* BaseObject::getEvent(unsigned int index) const234 {235 unsigned int i = 0;236 for (std::list<BaseObject*>::const_iterator it = this->events_.begin(); it != this->events_.end(); ++it)237 {238 if (i == index)239 return (*it);240 ++i;241 }242 return 0;243 }244 245 void BaseObject::addEventContainer(const std::string& sectionname, EventContainer* container)246 {247 std::map<std::string, EventContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->eventContainers_.find(sectionname);248 if (it != this->eventContainers_.end())249 {250 COUT(2) << "Warning: Overwriting EventContainer in class " << this->getIdentifier()->getName() << "." << std::endl;251 delete (it->second);252 }253 254 this->eventContainers_[sectionname] = container;255 }256 257 EventContainer* BaseObject::getEventContainer(const std::string& sectionname) const258 {259 std::map<std::string, EventContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->eventContainers_.find(sectionname);260 if (it != this->eventContainers_.end())261 return ((*it).second);262 else263 return 0;264 }265 266 void BaseObject::fireEvent()267 {268 this->fireEvent(true);269 this->fireEvent(false);270 }271 272 void BaseObject::fireEvent(bool activate)273 {274 this->fireEvent(activate, this);275 }276 277 void BaseObject::fireEvent(bool activate, BaseObject* originator)278 {279 Event event(activate, originator);280 281 for (std::map<BaseObject*, std::string>::iterator it = this->eventListeners_.begin(); it != this->eventListeners_.end(); ++it)282 {283 event.sectionname_ = it->second;284 it->first->processEvent(event);285 }286 }287 288 void BaseObject::fireEvent(Event& event)289 {290 for (std::map<BaseObject*, std::string>::iterator it = this->eventListeners_.begin(); it != this->eventListeners_.end(); ++it)291 it->first->processEvent(event);292 }293 294 void BaseObject::processEvent(Event& event)295 {296 ORXONOX_SET_EVENT(BaseObject, "activity", setActive, event);297 ORXONOX_SET_EVENT(BaseObject, "visibility", setVisible, event);298 }299 300 void BaseObject::setMainStateName(const std::string& name)301 {302 if (this->mainStateName_ != name)303 {304 this->mainStateName_ = name;305 if (this->functorSetMainState_)306 delete this->functorSetMainState_;307 if (this->functorGetMainState_)308 delete this->functorGetMainState_;309 this->changedMainState();310 if (!this->functorSetMainState_)311 COUT(2) << "Warning: \"" << name << "\" is not a valid MainState." << std::endl;312 }313 }314 315 void BaseObject::setMainState(bool state)316 {317 if (this->functorSetMainState_)318 (*this->functorSetMainState_)(state);319 else320 COUT(2) << "Warning: No MainState defined in object \"" << this->getName() << "\" (" << this->getIdentifier()->getName() << ")" << std::endl;321 }322 323 bool BaseObject::getMainState() const324 {325 if (this->functorGetMainState_)326 {327 (*this->functorGetMainState_)();328 return this->functorGetMainState_->getReturnvalue();329 }330 else331 {332 COUT(2) << "Warning: No MainState defined in object \"" << this->getName() << "\" (" << this->getIdentifier()->getName() << ")" << std::endl;333 return false;334 }335 }336 337 void BaseObject::changedMainState()338 {339 SetMainState(BaseObject, "activity", setActive, isActive);340 SetMainState(BaseObject, "visibility", setVisible, isVisible);341 }342 60 } -
r5738 r5782 37 37 #define _BaseObject_H__ 38 38 39 #define SetMainState(classname, statename, setfunction, getfunction) \40 if (this->getMainStateName() == statename) \41 { \42 this->functorSetMainState_ = createFunctor(&classname::setfunction)->setObject(this); \43 this->functorGetMainState_ = createFunctor(&classname::getfunction)->setObject(this); \44 }45 46 47 39 #include "CorePrereqs.h" 48 49 #include <map>50 #include <list>51 52 #include "util/mbool.h"53 40 #include "OrxonoxClass.h" 54 #include "Super.h"55 41 56 42 namespace orxonox 57 43 { 58 class Scene;59 class Gametype;60 61 44 //! The BaseObject is the parent of all classes representing an instance in the game. 62 45 class _CoreExport BaseObject : virtual public OrxonoxClass 63 46 { 64 template <class T> friend class XMLPortClassParamContainer;65 66 47 public: 67 48 BaseObject(BaseObject* creator); 68 49 virtual ~BaseObject(); 69 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode);70 50 71 51 /** @brief Returns if the object was initialized (passed the object registration). @return True was the object is initialized */ 72 52 inline bool isInitialized() const { return this->bInitialized_; } 73 53 74 /** @brief Sets the name of the object. @param name The name */75 inline void setName(const std::string& name) { this->oldName_ = this->name_; this->name_ = name; this->changedName(); }76 /** @brief Returns the name of the object. */77 inline const std::string& getName() const { return this->name_; }78 /** @brief Returns the old name of the object. */79 inline const std::string& getOldName() const { return this->oldName_; }80 /** @brief This function gets called if the name of the object changes. */81 virtual void changedName() {}82 83 /** @brief Sets the state of the objects activity. @param bActive True = active */84 inline void setActive(bool bActive)85 {86 if (this->bActive_ != bActive)87 {88 this->bActive_ = bActive;89 this->changedActivity();90 }91 }92 /** @brief Returns the state of the objects activity. @return The state of the activity */93 inline const mbool& isActive() const { return this->bActive_; }94 /** @brief This function gets called if the activity of the object changes. */95 virtual void changedActivity() {}96 97 /** @brief Sets the state of the objects visibility. @param bVisible True = visible */98 inline void setVisible(bool bVisible)99 {100 if (this->bVisible_ != bVisible)101 {102 this->bVisible_ = bVisible;103 this->changedVisibility();104 }105 }106 /** @brief Returns the state of the objects visibility. @return The state of the visibility */107 inline const mbool& isVisible() const { return this->bVisible_; }108 /** @brief This function gets called if the visibility of the object changes. */109 virtual void changedVisibility() {}110 111 void setMainState(bool state);112 bool getMainState() const;113 114 void setMainStateName(const std::string& name);115 inline const std::string& getMainStateName() const { return this->mainStateName_; }116 virtual void changedMainState();117 118 /** @brief Sets a pointer to the xml file that loaded this object. @param file The pointer to the XMLFile */119 inline void setFile(const XMLFile* file) { this->file_ = file; }120 /** @brief Returns a pointer to the XMLFile that loaded this object. @return The XMLFile */121 inline const XMLFile* getFile() const { return this->file_; }122 const std::string& getFilename() const;123 124 void addTemplate(const std::string& name);125 void addTemplate(Template* temp);126 /** @brief Returns the set of all aplied templates. */127 inline const std::set<Template*>& getTemplates() const128 { return this->templates_; }129 130 virtual inline void setNamespace(Namespace* ns) { this->namespace_ = ns; }131 inline Namespace* getNamespace() const { return this->namespace_; }132 133 54 inline void setCreator(BaseObject* creator) { this->creator_ = creator; } 134 55 inline BaseObject* getCreator() const { return this->creator_; } 135 56 136 inline void setScene(Scene* scene) { this->scene_ = scene; }137 inline Scene* getScene() const { return this->scene_; }138 139 inline void setGametype(Gametype* gametype)140 {141 if (gametype != this->gametype_)142 {143 this->oldGametype_ = this->gametype_;144 this->gametype_ = gametype;145 this->changedGametype();146 }147 }148 inline Gametype* getGametype() const { return this->gametype_; }149 inline Gametype* getOldGametype() const { return this->oldGametype_; }150 virtual void changedGametype() {}151 152 void fireEvent();153 void fireEvent(bool activate);154 void fireEvent(bool activate, BaseObject* originator);155 void fireEvent(Event& event);156 157 virtual void processEvent(Event& event);158 159 inline void registerEventListener(BaseObject* object, const std::string& sectionname)160 { this->eventListeners_[object] = sectionname; }161 inline void unregisterEventListener(BaseObject* object)162 { this->eventListeners_.erase(object); }163 164 void addEvent(BaseObject* event, const std::string& sectionname);165 void removeEvent(BaseObject* event);166 BaseObject* getEvent(unsigned int index) const;167 168 void addEventContainer(const std::string& sectionname, EventContainer* container);169 EventContainer* getEventContainer(const std::string& sectionname) const;170 171 /** @brief Sets the indentation of the debug output in the Loader. @param indentation The indentation */172 inline void setLoaderIndentation(const std::string& indentation) { this->loaderIndentation_ = indentation; }173 /** @brief Returns the indentation of the debug output in the Loader. @return The indentation */174 inline const std::string& getLoaderIndentation() const { return this->loaderIndentation_; }175 176 protected:177 std::string name_; //!< The name of the object178 std::string oldName_; //!< The old name of the object179 mbool bActive_; //!< True = the object is active180 mbool bVisible_; //!< True = the object is visible181 std::string mainStateName_;182 Functor* functorSetMainState_;183 Functor* functorGetMainState_;184 185 57 private: 186 void setXMLName(const std::string& name);187 Template* getTemplate(unsigned int index) const;188 189 58 bool bInitialized_; //!< True if the object was initialized (passed the object registration) 190 const XMLFile* file_; //!< The XMLFile that loaded this object191 Element* lastLoadedXMLElement_; //!< Non 0 if the TinyXML attributes have already been copied to our own lowercase map192 std::map<std::string, std::string> xmlAttributes_; //!< Lowercase XML attributes193 std::string loaderIndentation_; //!< Indentation of the debug output in the Loader194 Namespace* namespace_;195 59 BaseObject* creator_; 196 Scene* scene_;197 Gametype* gametype_;198 Gametype* oldGametype_;199 std::set<Template*> templates_;200 std::map<BaseObject*, std::string> eventListeners_;201 std::list<BaseObject*> events_;202 std::map<std::string, EventContainer*> eventContainers_;203 60 }; 204 205 SUPER_FUNCTION(0, BaseObject, XMLPort, false);206 SUPER_FUNCTION(2, BaseObject, changedActivity, false);207 SUPER_FUNCTION(3, BaseObject, changedVisibility, false);208 SUPER_FUNCTION(4, BaseObject, processEvent, false);209 SUPER_FUNCTION(6, BaseObject, changedMainState, false);210 SUPER_FUNCTION(9, BaseObject, changedName, false);211 SUPER_FUNCTION(10, BaseObject, changedGametype, false);212 61 } 213 62 -
r5738 r5782 25 25 26 26 27 Event.cc28 27 29 GameMode.cc30 28 31 GraphicsManager.cc32 GUIManager.cc33 29 34 30 35 MemoryArchive.cc36 31 37 32 38 Resource.cc39 WindowEventListener.cc40 33 41 34 # command 42 ArgumentCompletionFunctions.cc43 CommandEvaluation.cc44 CommandExecutor.cc45 35 46 ConsoleCommand.cc47 ConsoleCommandCompilation.cc48 36 49 37 … … 55 43 # level 56 44 57 ClassTreeMask.cc58 Loader.cc59 Namespace.cc60 NamespaceNode.cc61 Template.cc62 XMLPort.cc63 XMLNameListener.cc64 45 65 # shell66 IRC.cc67 Shell.cc68 TclBind.cc69 TclThreadManager.cc70 71 46 # multithreading 72 47 73 48 74 49 ) 75 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(input)76 50 77 51 ORXONOX_ADD_LIBRARY(core 78 52 FIND_HEADER_FILES 79 53 TOLUA_FILES 80 CommandExecutor.h81 Loader.h82 54 LuaState.h 83 55 DEFINE_SYMBOL … … 91 63 ${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY} 92 64 ${Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY} # Thread dependency 93 ${CEGUI_LIBRARY}94 ${CEGUILUA_LIBRARY}95 65 ${LUA_LIBRARIES} 96 cpptcl_orxonox97 ogreceguirenderer_orxonox98 ois_orxonox99 tinyxml++_orxonox100 66 tolua++_orxonox 101 67 util -
r5738 r5782 55 55 { 56 56 public: 57 static bool create(const std::string& name , bool bLoadable = true);57 static bool create(const std::string& name); 58 58 BaseObject* fabricate(BaseObject* creator); 59 59 … … 73 73 */ 74 74 template <class T> 75 bool ClassFactory<T>::create(const std::string& name , bool bLoadable)75 bool ClassFactory<T>::create(const std::string& name) 76 76 { 77 77 COUT(4) << "*** ClassFactory: Create entry for " << name << " in Factory." << std::endl; 78 78 ClassIdentifier<T>::getIdentifier(name)->addFactory(new ClassFactory<T>); 79 ClassIdentifier<T>::getIdentifier()->setLoadable(bLoadable);80 79 Factory::add(name, ClassIdentifier<T>::getIdentifier()); 81 80 -
r5738 r5782 31 31 32 32 #include "CorePrereqs.h" 33 #include "util/OgreForwardRefs.h" 33 34 namespace Ogre { class Timer; } 34 35 35 36 namespace orxonox -
r5738 r5782 34 34 #include "util/Math.h" 35 35 #include "util/StringUtils.h" 36 #include "ConsoleCommand.h"37 36 #include "ConfigValueContainer.h" 38 37 #include "Core.h" … … 40 39 namespace orxonox 41 40 { 42 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(config).argumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).argumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).argumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue());43 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(tconfig).argumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::configvalueclasses()).argumentCompleter(1, autocompletion::configvalues()).argumentCompleter(2, autocompletion::configvalue());44 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(reloadConfig);45 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(cleanConfig);46 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExtern(loadSettings).argumentCompleter(0, autocompletion::files());47 48 41 bool config(const std::string& classname, const std::string& varname, const std::string& value) 49 42 { -
r5759 r5782 63 63 #include "util/SignalHandler.h" 64 64 #include "Clock.h" 65 #include "CommandExecutor.h"66 65 #include "CommandLine.h" 67 66 #include "ConfigFileManager.h" … … 70 69 #include "DynLibManager.h" 71 70 #include "Factory.h" 72 #include "GameMode.h"73 #include "GraphicsManager.h"74 #include "GUIManager.h"75 71 #include "Identifier.h" 76 72 #include "Language.h" 77 73 #include "LuaState.h" 78 #include "Shell.h"79 #include "TclBind.h"80 #include "TclThreadManager.h"81 #include "input/InputManager.h"82 74 83 75 // Boost 1.36 has some issues with deprecated functions that have been omitted … … 117 109 RegisterRootObject(CoreConfiguration); 118 110 this->setConfigValues(); 119 120 // External data directory only exists for dev runs121 if (Core::isDevelopmentRun())122 {123 // Possible data path override by the command line124 if (!CommandLine::getArgument("externalDataPath")->hasDefaultValue())125 tsetExternalDataPath(CommandLine::getValue("externalDataPath"));126 }127 111 } 128 112 … … 194 178 } 195 179 196 /**197 @brief198 Temporary sets the external data path199 @param path200 The new data path201 */202 void tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path)203 {204 externalDataPath_ = boost::filesystem::path(path);205 }206 207 180 void initializeRandomNumberGenerator() 208 181 { … … 228 201 boost::filesystem::path modulePath_; //!< Path to the modules 229 202 boost::filesystem::path dataPath_; //!< Path to the data file folder 230 boost::filesystem::path externalDataPath_; //!< Path to the external data file folder231 203 boost::filesystem::path configPath_; //!< Path to the config file folder 232 204 boost::filesystem::path logPath_; //!< Path to the log file folder … … 237 209 // Cleanup guard for identifier destruction (incl. XMLPort, configValues, consoleCommands) 238 210 : identifierDestroyer_(Identifier::destroyAllIdentifiers) 239 // Cleanup guard for external console commands that don't belong to an Identifier240 , consoleCommandDestroyer_(CommandExecutor::destroyExternalCommands)241 211 , configuration_(new CoreConfiguration()) // Don't yet create config values! 242 212 , bDevRun_(false) 243 , bGraphicsLoaded_(false)244 213 { 245 214 // Set the hard coded fixed paths … … 339 308 // possibility to configure everything below here 340 309 this->configuration_->initialise(); 341 342 // Load OGRE excluding the renderer and the render window343 this->graphicsManager_.reset(new GraphicsManager(false));344 345 // initialise Tcl346 this->tclBind_.reset(new TclBind(Core::getDataPathString()));347 this->tclThreadManager_.reset(new TclThreadManager(tclBind_->getTclInterpreter()));348 349 // create a shell350 this->shell_.reset(new Shell());351 310 } 352 311 … … 357 316 Core::~Core() 358 317 { 359 }360 361 void Core::loadGraphics()362 {363 // Any exception should trigger this, even in upgradeToGraphics (see its remarks)364 Loki::ScopeGuard unloader = Loki::MakeObjGuard(*this, &Core::unloadGraphics);365 366 // Upgrade OGRE to receive a render window367 graphicsManager_->upgradeToGraphics();368 369 // Calls the InputManager which sets up the input devices.370 inputManager_.reset(new InputManager());371 372 // load the CEGUI interface373 guiManager_.reset(new GUIManager(graphicsManager_->getRenderWindow(),374 inputManager_->getMousePosition(), graphicsManager_->isFullScreen()));375 376 unloader.Dismiss();377 378 bGraphicsLoaded_ = true;379 }380 381 void Core::unloadGraphics()382 {383 this->guiManager_.reset();;384 this->inputManager_.reset();;385 this->graphicsManager_.reset();386 387 // Load Ogre::Root again, but without the render system388 try389 { this->graphicsManager_.reset(new GraphicsManager(false)); }390 catch (...)391 {392 COUT(0) << "An exception occurred during 'unloadGraphics':" << Exception::handleMessage() << std::endl393 << "Another exception might be being handled which may lead to undefined behaviour!" << std::endl394 << "Terminating the program." << std::endl;395 abort();396 }397 398 bGraphicsLoaded_ = false;399 318 } 400 319 … … 457 376 } 458 377 459 /*static*/ void Core::tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path)460 {461 getInstance().configuration_->tsetExternalDataPath(path);462 }463 464 378 /*static*/ const boost::filesystem::path& Core::getDataPath() 465 379 { … … 469 383 { 470 384 return getInstance().configuration_->dataPath_.string() + '/'; 471 }472 473 /*static*/ const boost::filesystem::path& Core::getExternalDataPath()474 {475 return getInstance().configuration_->externalDataPath_;476 }477 /*static*/ std::string Core::getExternalDataPathString()478 {479 return getInstance().configuration_->externalDataPath_.string() + '/';480 385 } 481 386 … … 659 564 { 660 565 configuration_->dataPath_ = specialConfig::dataDevDirectory; 661 configuration_->externalDataPath_ = specialConfig::externalDataDevDirectory;662 566 configuration_->configPath_ = specialConfig::configDevDirectory; 663 567 configuration_->logPath_ = specialConfig::logDevDirectory; … … 725 629 void Core::preUpdate(const Clock& time) 726 630 { 727 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_)728 {729 // process input events730 this->inputManager_->update(time);731 // process gui events732 this->guiManager_->update(time);733 }734 // process thread commands735 this->tclThreadManager_->update(time);736 631 } 737 632 738 633 void Core::postUpdate(const Clock& time) 739 634 { 740 if (this->bGraphicsLoaded_)741 {742 // Render (doesn't throw)743 this->graphicsManager_->update(time);744 }745 635 } 746 636 } -
r5738 r5782 85 85 static void resetLanguage(); 86 86 87 static void tsetExternalDataPath(const std::string& path);88 87 //! Returns the path to the data files as boost::filesystem::path 89 88 static const boost::filesystem::path& getDataPath(); 90 //! Returns the path to the external data files as boost::filesystem::path91 static const boost::filesystem::path& getExternalDataPath();92 89 //! Returns the path to the config files as boost::filesystem::path 93 90 static const boost::filesystem::path& getConfigPath(); … … 98 95 //! Returns the path to the data files as std::string 99 96 static std::string getDataPathString(); 100 //! Returns the path to the external data files as std::string101 static std::string getExternalDataPathString();102 97 //! Returns the path to the config files as std::string 103 98 static std::string getConfigPathString(); … … 115 110 void postUpdate(const Clock& time); 116 111 117 void loadGraphics();118 void unloadGraphics();119 120 112 void setFixedPaths(); 121 113 void setConfigurablePaths(); … … 126 118 scoped_ptr<SignalHandler> signalHandler_; 127 119 SimpleScopeGuard identifierDestroyer_; 128 SimpleScopeGuard consoleCommandDestroyer_;129 120 scoped_ptr<ConfigFileManager> configFileManager_; 130 121 scoped_ptr<Language> languageInstance_; 131 122 scoped_ptr<CoreConfiguration> configuration_; 132 scoped_ptr<TclBind> tclBind_;133 scoped_ptr<TclThreadManager> tclThreadManager_;134 scoped_ptr<Shell> shell_;135 // graphical136 scoped_ptr<GraphicsManager> graphicsManager_; //!< Interface to OGRE137 scoped_ptr<InputManager> inputManager_; //!< Interface to OIS138 scoped_ptr<GUIManager> guiManager_; //!< Interface to GUI139 123 140 124 bool bDevRun_; //!< True for runs in the build directory (not installed) 141 bool bGraphicsLoaded_;142 125 143 126 static Core* singletonPtr_s; -
r5738 r5782 80 80 */ 81 81 #define CreateFactory(ClassName) \ 82 bool bCreated##ClassName##Factory = orxonox::ClassFactory<ClassName>::create(#ClassName, true) 83 84 /** 85 @brief Creates the entry in the Factory for classes which should not be loaded through XML. 86 @param ClassName The name of the class 87 */ 88 #define CreateUnloadableFactory(ClassName) \ 89 bool bCreated##ClassName##Factory = orxonox::ClassFactory<ClassName>::create(#ClassName, false) 82 bool bCreated##ClassName##Factory = orxonox::ClassFactory<ClassName>::create(#ClassName) 90 83 91 84 /** -
r5749 r5782 70 70 #ifdef ORXONOX_COMPILER_MSVC 71 71 72 #include <ois/OISKeyboard.h> // 1573 #include <ois/OISMouse.h> // 1574 #include <ois/OISJoyStick.h> // 1575 76 72 #include "util/SubString.h" // 14 77 73 -
r5738 r5782 55 55 56 56 /** 57 @brief Returns the Identifier with a given network ID.58 @param id The network ID of the wanted Identifier59 @return The Identifier60 */61 Identifier* Factory::getIdentifier(const uint32_t id)62 {63 std::map<uint32_t, Identifier*>::const_iterator it = getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_.find(id);64 if (it != getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_.end())65 return it->second;66 else67 return 0;68 }69 70 /**71 57 @brief Adds a new Identifier to both maps. 72 58 @param name The name of the identifier … … 76 62 { 77 63 getFactoryPointer()->identifierStringMap_[name] = identifier; 78 getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_[identifier->getNetworkID()] = identifier;79 }80 81 /**82 @brief Removes the entry with the old network ID and adds a new one.83 @param identifier The identifier to change84 @param oldID The old networkID85 @param newID The new networkID86 */87 void Factory::changeNetworkID(Identifier* identifier, const uint32_t oldID, const uint32_t newID)88 {89 // getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_.erase(oldID);90 getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_[newID] = identifier;91 }92 93 /**94 @brief Cleans the NetworkID map (needed on clients for correct initialization)95 */96 void Factory::cleanNetworkIDs()97 {98 getFactoryPointer()->identifierNetworkIDMap_.clear();99 64 } 100 65 -
r5738 r5782 62 62 static Identifier* getIdentifier(const uint32_t id); 63 63 static void add(const std::string& name, Identifier* identifier); 64 static void changeNetworkID(Identifier* identifier, const uint32_t oldID, const uint32_t newID);65 static void cleanNetworkIDs();66 64 static void createClassHierarchy(); 67 65 … … 84 82 85 83 std::map<std::string, Identifier*> identifierStringMap_; //!< The map, mapping the name with the Identifier 86 std::map<uint32_t, Identifier*> identifierNetworkIDMap_; //!< The map, mapping the network ID with the Identifier87 84 }; 88 85 -
r5747 r5782 45 45 #include "Clock.h" 46 46 #include "CommandLine.h" 47 #include "ConsoleCommand.h"48 47 #include "Core.h" 49 48 #include "CoreIncludes.h" 50 49 #include "ConfigValueIncludes.h" 51 #include "GameMode.h"52 50 #include "GameState.h" 53 51 54 52 namespace orxonox 55 53 { 56 static void stop_game()57 { Game::getInstance().stop(); }58 SetConsoleCommandShortcutExternAlias(stop_game, "exit");59 60 54 std::map<std::string, GameStateInfo> Game::gameStateDeclarations_s; 61 55 Game* Game::singletonPtr_s = 0; … … 506 500 void Game::loadGraphics() 507 501 { 508 if (!GameMode::bShowsGraphics_s)509 {510 core_->loadGraphics();511 Loki::ScopeGuard graphicsUnloader = Loki::MakeObjGuard(*this, &Game::unloadGraphics);512 GameMode::bShowsGraphics_s = true;513 514 // Construct all the GameStates that require graphics515 for (std::map<std::string, GameStateInfo>::const_iterator it = gameStateDeclarations_s.begin();516 it != gameStateDeclarations_s.end(); ++it)517 {518 if (it->second.bGraphicsMode)519 {520 // Game state loading failure is serious --> don't catch521 shared_ptr<GameState> gameState = GameStateFactory::fabricate(it->second);522 if (!constructedStates_.insert(std::make_pair(523 it->second.stateName, gameState)).second)524 assert(false); // GameState was already created!525 }526 }527 graphicsUnloader.Dismiss();528 }529 502 } 530 503 531 504 void Game::unloadGraphics() 532 505 { 533 if (GameMode::bShowsGraphics_s)534 {535 // Destroy all the GameStates that require graphics536 for (GameStateMap::iterator it = constructedStates_.begin(); it != constructedStates_.end();)537 {538 if (it->second->getInfo().bGraphicsMode)539 constructedStates_.erase(it++);540 else541 ++it;542 }543 544 core_->unloadGraphics();545 GameMode::bShowsGraphics_s = false;546 }547 506 } 548 507 … … 563 522 // If state requires graphics, load it 564 523 Loki::ScopeGuard graphicsUnloader = Loki::MakeObjGuard(*this, &Game::unloadGraphics); 565 if (gameStateDeclarations_s[name].bGraphicsMode && !GameMode::showsGraphics())524 if (gameStateDeclarations_s[name].bGraphicsMode) 566 525 this->loadGraphics(); 567 526 else -
r5738 r5782 38 38 #include "util/StringUtils.h" 39 39 #include "ConfigValueContainer.h" 40 #include "ConsoleCommand.h"41 40 #include "Factory.h" 42 #include "XMLPort.h"43 41 44 42 namespace orxonox … … 61 59 this->bSetName_ = false; 62 60 this->factory_ = 0; 63 this->bLoadable_ = true;64 61 65 62 this->bHasConfigValues_ = false; 66 this->bHasConsoleCommands_ = false;67 63 68 64 this->children_ = new std::set<const Identifier*>(); 69 65 this->directChildren_ = new std::set<const Identifier*>(); 70 71 // Default network ID is the class ID72 this->networkID_ = this->classID_;73 66 } 74 67 … … 85 78 delete this->factory_; 86 79 87 for (std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::iterator it = this->consoleCommands_.begin(); it != this->consoleCommands_.end(); ++it)88 delete (it->second);89 80 for (std::map<std::string, ConfigValueContainer*>::iterator it = this->configValues_.begin(); it != this->configValues_.end(); ++it) 90 delete (it->second);91 for (std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>::iterator it = this->xmlportParamContainers_.begin(); it != this->xmlportParamContainers_.end(); ++it)92 delete (it->second);93 for (std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::iterator it = this->xmlportObjectContainers_.begin(); it != this->xmlportObjectContainers_.end(); ++it)94 81 delete (it->second); 95 82 } … … 188 175 // Tell the parent we're one of it's direct children 189 176 (*it)->getDirectChildrenIntern().insert((*it)->getDirectChildrenIntern().end(), this); 190 191 // Create the super-function dependencies192 (*it)->createSuperFunctionCaller();193 177 } 194 178 } … … 240 224 241 225 /** 242 @brief Sets the network ID to a new value and changes the entry in the Factory.243 @param id The new network ID244 */245 void Identifier::setNetworkID(uint32_t id)246 {247 Factory::changeNetworkID(this, this->networkID_, id);248 this->networkID_ = id;249 }250 251 /**252 226 @brief Returns true, if the Identifier is at least of the given type. 253 227 @param identifier The identifier to compare with … … 371 345 372 346 /** 373 @brief Adds a new console command of this class.374 @param executor The executor of the command375 @param bCreateShortcut If this is true a shortcut gets created so you don't have to add the classname to access this command376 @return The executor of the command377 */378 ConsoleCommand& Identifier::addConsoleCommand(ConsoleCommand* command, bool bCreateShortcut)379 {380 std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator it = this->consoleCommands_.find(command->getName());381 if (it != this->consoleCommands_.end())382 {383 COUT(2) << "Warning: Overwriting console-command with name " << command->getName() << " in class " << this->getName() << "." << std::endl;384 delete (it->second);385 }386 387 this->bHasConsoleCommands_ = true;388 this->consoleCommands_[command->getName()] = command;389 this->consoleCommands_LC_[getLowercase(command->getName())] = command;390 391 if (bCreateShortcut)392 CommandExecutor::addConsoleCommandShortcut(command);393 394 return (*command);395 }396 397 /**398 @brief Returns the executor of a console command with given name.399 @brief name The name of the requested console command400 @return The executor of the requested console command401 */402 ConsoleCommand* Identifier::getConsoleCommand(const std::string& name) const403 {404 std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator it = this->consoleCommands_.find(name);405 if (it != this->consoleCommands_.end())406 return (*it).second;407 else408 return 0;409 }410 411 /**412 @brief Returns the executor of a console command with given name in lowercase.413 @brief name The name of the requested console command in lowercae414 @return The executor of the requested console command415 */416 ConsoleCommand* Identifier::getLowercaseConsoleCommand(const std::string& name) const417 {418 std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator it = this->consoleCommands_LC_.find(name);419 if (it != this->consoleCommands_LC_.end())420 return (*it).second;421 else422 return 0;423 }424 425 /**426 @brief Returns a XMLPortParamContainer that loads a parameter of this class.427 @param paramname The name of the parameter428 @return The container429 */430 XMLPortParamContainer* Identifier::getXMLPortParamContainer(const std::string& paramname)431 {432 std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportParamContainers_.find(paramname);433 if (it != this->xmlportParamContainers_.end())434 return ((*it).second);435 else436 return 0;437 }438 439 /**440 @brief Adds a new XMLPortParamContainer that loads a parameter of this class.441 @param paramname The name of the parameter442 @param container The container443 */444 void Identifier::addXMLPortParamContainer(const std::string& paramname, XMLPortParamContainer* container)445 {446 std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportParamContainers_.find(paramname);447 if (it != this->xmlportParamContainers_.end())448 {449 COUT(2) << "Warning: Overwriting XMLPortParamContainer in class " << this->getName() << "." << std::endl;450 delete (it->second);451 }452 453 this->xmlportParamContainers_[paramname] = container;454 }455 456 /**457 @brief Returns a XMLPortObjectContainer that attaches an object to this class.458 @param sectionname The name of the section that contains the attachable objects459 @return The container460 */461 XMLPortObjectContainer* Identifier::getXMLPortObjectContainer(const std::string& sectionname)462 {463 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportObjectContainers_.find(sectionname);464 if (it != this->xmlportObjectContainers_.end())465 return ((*it).second);466 else467 return 0;468 }469 470 /**471 @brief Adds a new XMLPortObjectContainer that attaches an object to this class.472 @param sectionname The name of the section that contains the attachable objects473 @param container The container474 */475 void Identifier::addXMLPortObjectContainer(const std::string& sectionname, XMLPortObjectContainer* container)476 {477 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportObjectContainers_.find(sectionname);478 if (it != this->xmlportObjectContainers_.end())479 {480 COUT(2) << "Warning: Overwriting XMLPortObjectContainer in class " << this->getName() << "." << std::endl;481 delete (it->second);482 }483 484 this->xmlportObjectContainers_[sectionname] = container;485 }486 487 /**488 @brief Returns a XMLPortEventContainer that attaches an event to this class.489 @param sectionname The name of the section that contains the event490 @return The container491 */492 XMLPortObjectContainer* Identifier::getXMLPortEventContainer(const std::string& eventname)493 {494 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportEventContainers_.find(eventname);495 if (it != this->xmlportEventContainers_.end())496 return ((*it).second);497 else498 return 0;499 }500 501 /**502 @brief Adds a new XMLPortEventContainer that attaches an event to this class.503 @param sectionname The name of the section that contains the event504 @param container The container505 */506 void Identifier::addXMLPortEventContainer(const std::string& eventname, XMLPortObjectContainer* container)507 {508 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator it = this->xmlportEventContainers_.find(eventname);509 if (it != this->xmlportEventContainers_.end())510 {511 COUT(2) << "Warning: Overwriting XMLPortEventContainer in class " << this->getName() << "." << std::endl;512 delete (it->second);513 }514 515 this->xmlportEventContainers_[eventname] = container;516 }517 518 /**519 347 @brief Lists the names of all Identifiers in a std::set<const Identifier*>. 520 348 @param out The outstream -
r5738 r5782 66 66 #include "ObjectList.h" 67 67 #include "ObjectListBase.h" 68 #include "Super.h"69 68 70 69 namespace orxonox … … 107 106 bool isDirectParentOf(const Identifier* identifier) const; 108 107 109 /** @brief Returns true if the class can be loaded through XML. */110 inline bool isLoadable() const { return this->bLoadable_; }111 /** @brief Set the class to be loadable through XML or not. */112 inline void setLoadable(bool bLoadable) { this->bLoadable_ = bLoadable; }113 114 108 /** @brief Returns the list of all existing objects of this class. @return The list */ 115 109 inline ObjectListBase* getObjects() const … … 181 175 182 176 183 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all console commands. @return The const_iterator */184 inline const std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>& getConsoleCommandMap() const { return this->consoleCommands_; }185 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the map that stores all console commands. @return The const_iterator */186 inline std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator getConsoleCommandMapBegin() const { return this->consoleCommands_.begin(); }187 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the end of the map that stores all console commands. @return The const_iterator */188 inline std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator getConsoleCommandMapEnd() const { return this->consoleCommands_.end(); }189 190 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all console commands with their names in lowercase. @return The const_iterator */191 inline const std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>& getLowercaseConsoleCommandMap() const { return this->consoleCommands_LC_; }192 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the map that stores all console commands with their names in lowercase. @return The const_iterator */193 inline std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator getLowercaseConsoleCommandMapBegin() const { return this->consoleCommands_LC_.begin(); }194 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the end of the map that stores all console commands with their names in lowercase. @return The const_iterator */195 inline std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*>::const_iterator getLowercaseConsoleCommandMapEnd() const { return this->consoleCommands_LC_.end(); }196 197 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all XMLPort params. @return The const_iterator */198 inline const std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>& getXMLPortParamMap() const { return this->xmlportParamContainers_; }199 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the map that stores all XMLPort params. @return The const_iterator */200 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortParamMapBegin() const { return this->xmlportParamContainers_.begin(); }201 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the end of the map that stores all XMLPort params. @return The const_iterator */202 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortParamMapEnd() const { return this->xmlportParamContainers_.end(); }203 204 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all XMLPort objects. @return The const_iterator */205 inline const std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>& getXMLPortObjectMap() const { return this->xmlportObjectContainers_; }206 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the map that stores all XMLPort objects. @return The const_iterator */207 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortObjectMapBegin() const { return this->xmlportObjectContainers_.begin(); }208 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the end of the map that stores all XMLPort objects. @return The const_iterator */209 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortObjectMapEnd() const { return this->xmlportObjectContainers_.end(); }210 211 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all XMLPort events. @return The const_iterator */212 inline const std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>& getXMLPortEventMap() const { return this->xmlportEventContainers_; }213 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the map that stores all XMLPort events. @return The const_iterator */214 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortEventMapBegin() const { return this->xmlportEventContainers_.begin(); }215 /** @brief Returns a const_iterator to the end of the map that stores all XMLPort events. @return The const_iterator */216 inline std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*>::const_iterator getXMLPortEventMapEnd() const { return this->xmlportEventContainers_.end(); }217 218 177 /** @brief Returns true if this class has at least one config value. @return True if this class has at least one config value */ 219 178 inline bool hasConfigValues() const { return this->bHasConfigValues_; } 220 /** @brief Returns true if this class has at least one console command. @return True if this class has at least one console command */221 inline bool hasConsoleCommands() const { return this->bHasConsoleCommands_; }222 179 223 180 /** @brief Returns true, if a branch of the class-hierarchy is being created, causing all new objects to store their parents. @return The status of the class-hierarchy creation */ 224 181 inline static bool isCreatingHierarchy() { return (hierarchyCreatingCounter_s > 0); } 225 226 /** @brief Returns the network ID to identify a class through the network. @return the network ID */227 inline const uint32_t getNetworkID() const { return this->networkID_; }228 229 /** @brief Sets the network ID to a new value. @param id The new value */230 void setNetworkID(uint32_t id);231 182 232 183 /** @brief Returns the unique ID of the class */ … … 236 187 ConfigValueContainer* getConfigValueContainer(const std::string& varname); 237 188 ConfigValueContainer* getLowercaseConfigValueContainer(const std::string& varname); 238 239 void addXMLPortParamContainer(const std::string& paramname, XMLPortParamContainer* container);240 XMLPortParamContainer* getXMLPortParamContainer(const std::string& paramname);241 242 void addXMLPortObjectContainer(const std::string& sectionname, XMLPortObjectContainer* container);243 XMLPortObjectContainer* getXMLPortObjectContainer(const std::string& sectionname);244 245 void addXMLPortEventContainer(const std::string& eventname, XMLPortObjectContainer* container);246 XMLPortObjectContainer* getXMLPortEventContainer(const std::string& eventname);247 248 ConsoleCommand& addConsoleCommand(ConsoleCommand* command, bool bCreateShortcut);249 ConsoleCommand* getConsoleCommand(const std::string& name) const;250 ConsoleCommand* getLowercaseConsoleCommand(const std::string& name) const;251 189 252 190 void initializeClassHierarchy(std::set<const Identifier*>* parents, bool bRootClass); … … 260 198 261 199 static Identifier* getIdentifierSingleton(const std::string& name, Identifier* proposal); 262 virtual void createSuperFunctionCaller() const = 0;263 200 264 201 /** @brief Returns the map that stores all Identifiers. @return The map */ … … 305 242 bool bCreatedOneObject_; //!< True if at least one object of the given type was created (used to determine the need of storing the parents) 306 243 bool bSetName_; //!< True if the name is set 307 bool bLoadable_; //!< False = it's not permitted to load the object through XML308 244 std::string name_; //!< The name of the class the Identifier belongs to 309 245 BaseFactory* factory_; //!< The Factory, able to create new objects of the given class (if available) 310 246 static int hierarchyCreatingCounter_s; //!< Bigger than zero if at least one Identifier stores its parents (its an int instead of a bool to avoid conflicts with multithreading) 311 uint32_t networkID_; //!< The network ID to identify a class through the network312 247 const unsigned int classID_; //!< Uniquely identifies a class (might not be the same as the networkID_) 313 248 static unsigned int classIDCounter_s; //!< Static counter for the unique classIDs … … 316 251 std::map<std::string, ConfigValueContainer*> configValues_; //!< A map to link the string of configurable variables with their ConfigValueContainer 317 252 std::map<std::string, ConfigValueContainer*> configValues_LC_; //!< A map to link the string of configurable variables with their ConfigValueContainer 318 319 bool bHasConsoleCommands_; //!< True if this class has at least one assigned console command320 std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*> consoleCommands_; //!< All console commands of this class321 std::map<std::string, ConsoleCommand*> consoleCommands_LC_; //!< All console commands of this class with their names in lowercase322 323 std::map<std::string, XMLPortParamContainer*> xmlportParamContainers_; //!< All loadable parameters324 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*> xmlportObjectContainers_; //!< All attachable objects325 std::map<std::string, XMLPortObjectContainer*> xmlportEventContainers_; //!< All events326 253 }; 327 254 … … 344 271 class ClassIdentifier : public Identifier 345 272 { 346 #define SUPER_INTRUSIVE_DECLARATION_INCLUDE347 #include "Super.h"348 349 273 public: 350 274 static ClassIdentifier<T> *getIdentifier(); … … 360 284 ClassIdentifier() 361 285 { 362 SuperFunctionInitialization<0, T>::initialize(this);363 286 } 364 287 ~ClassIdentifier() 365 288 { 366 SuperFunctionDestruction<0, T>::destroy(this);367 289 } 368 290 … … 630 552 { return this->identifier_; } 631 553 632 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is at least of the given type. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */633 // inline bool isA(const Identifier* identifier) const634 // { return this->identifier_->isA(identifier); }635 //636 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is exactly of the given type. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */637 // inline bool isExactlyA(const Identifier* identifier) const638 // { return this->identifier_->isExactlyA(identifier); }639 //640 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is a child of the given identifier. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */641 // inline bool isChildOf(const Identifier* identifier) const642 // { return this->identifier_->isChildOf(identifier); }643 //644 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is a direct child of the given identifier. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */645 // inline bool isDirectChildOf(const Identifier* identifier) const646 // { return this->identifier_->isDirectChildOf(identifier); }647 //648 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is a parent of the given identifier. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */649 // inline bool isParentOf(const Identifier* identifier) const650 // { return this->identifier_->isParentOf(identifier); }651 //652 // /** @brief Returns true, if the assigned identifier is a direct parent of the given identifier. @param identifier The identifier to compare with */653 // inline bool isDirectParentOf(const Identifier* identifier) const654 // { return this->identifier_->isDirectParentOf(identifier); }655 656 554 private: 657 555 Identifier* identifier_; //!< The assigned identifier -
r5759 r5782 30 30 #include "LuaState.h" 31 31 32 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> 32 33 #include <tolua/tolua++.h> 33 34 extern "C" { … … 38 39 #include "util/Debug.h" 39 40 #include "Core.h" 40 #include "Resource.h"41 41 #include "ToluaBindCore.h" 42 42 … … 71 71 // Create dummy file info 72 72 sourceFileInfo_.reset(new ResourceInfo()); 73 sourceFileInfo_->group = "General";74 sourceFileInfo_->size = 0;75 73 76 74 // Push 'this' pointer … … 87 85 } 88 86 89 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> LuaState::getFileInfo(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup,bool bSearchOtherPaths)87 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> LuaState::getFileInfo(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths) 90 88 { 91 89 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceInfo; 92 if (resourceGroup != "NoResourceGroupProvided") 93 sourceInfo = Resource::getInfo(filename, resourceGroup); 90 sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename); 94 91 95 92 // Continue search if not explicitely forbidden … … 97 94 { 98 95 // Call might be relative to the file currently being processed 99 sourceInfo = Resource::getInfo(sourceFileInfo_->path + filename, sourceFileInfo_->group);96 sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(sourceFileInfo_->path + filename); 100 97 if (sourceInfo == NULL) 101 98 { 102 99 // Maybe find something in the same group but in the root path 103 sourceInfo = Resource::getInfo(filename, sourceFileInfo_->group);100 sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename); 104 101 } 105 102 } … … 107 104 } 108 105 109 void LuaState::includeFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup, bool bSearchOtherPaths) 110 { 111 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename, resourceGroup, bSearchOtherPaths); 106 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> LuaState::getFileInfo(const std::string& filename) 107 { 108 boost::filesystem::path filepath = Core::getDataPath() / "lua" / filename; 109 if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath)) 110 { 111 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> info(new ResourceInfo()); 112 info->filename = filepath.string(); 113 info->path = filepath.branch_path().string(); 114 info->basename = filepath.leaf(); 115 return info; 116 } 117 else 118 return shared_ptr<ResourceInfo>(); 119 } 120 121 std::string LuaState::loadFile(const std::string& filename) 122 { 123 std::ifstream file(filename.c_str()); 124 std::ostringstream oss; 125 oss << file.rdbuf(); 126 return oss.str(); 127 } 128 129 void LuaState::includeFile(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths) 130 { 131 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename, bSearchOtherPaths); 112 132 if (sourceInfo != NULL) 113 this->includeString(Resource::open(sourceInfo->filename, sourceInfo->group)->getAsString(), sourceInfo); 114 else 115 COUT(2) << "LuaState: Cannot include file '" << filename << "' in resource group '" 116 << (resourceGroup == "NoResourceGroupProvided" ? sourceFileInfo_->group : resourceGroup) << "': group not found." << std::endl; 133 this->includeString(this->loadFile(sourceInfo->filename), sourceInfo); 134 else 135 COUT(2) << "LuaState: Cannot include file '" << filename << std::endl; 117 136 } 118 137 … … 129 148 } 130 149 131 void LuaState::doFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup,bool bSearchOtherPaths)132 { 133 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename, resourceGroup,bSearchOtherPaths);150 void LuaState::doFile(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths) 151 { 152 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceInfo = this->getFileInfo(filename, bSearchOtherPaths); 134 153 if (sourceInfo != NULL) 135 this->doString(Resource::open(sourceInfo->filename, sourceInfo->group)->getAsString(), sourceInfo); 136 else 137 COUT(2) << "LuaState: Cannot do file '" << filename << "' in resource group '" 138 << (resourceGroup == "NoResourceGroupProvided" ? sourceFileInfo_->group : resourceGroup) << "': group not found." << std::endl; 154 this->doString(this->loadFile(sourceInfo->filename), sourceInfo); 155 else 156 COUT(2) << "LuaState: Cannot do file '" << filename << std::endl; 139 157 } 140 158 … … 186 204 } 187 205 188 bool LuaState::fileExists(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup,bool bSearchOtherPaths)189 { 190 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> info = this->getFileInfo(filename, resourceGroup,bSearchOtherPaths);206 bool LuaState::fileExists(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths) 207 { 208 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> info = this->getFileInfo(filename, bSearchOtherPaths); 191 209 if (info == NULL) 192 210 return false; -
r5738 r5782 45 45 namespace orxonox 46 46 { 47 //! Stores basic information about a File 48 struct ResourceInfo 49 { 50 //! The file's fully qualified name 51 std::string filename; 52 //! Path name; separated by '/' and ending with '/' 53 std::string path; 54 //! Base filename 55 std::string basename; 56 }; 57 47 58 /** 48 59 @brief … … 56 67 ~LuaState(); 57 68 58 void doFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup = "General",bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export69 void doFile(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export 59 70 void doString(const std::string& code, shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceFileInfo = shared_ptr<ResourceInfo>()); 60 71 61 void includeFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup = "General",bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export72 void includeFile(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export 62 73 void includeString(const std::string& code, shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> sourceFileInfo = shared_ptr<ResourceInfo>()); 63 74 64 75 void luaPrint(const std::string& str); // tolua_export 65 76 void luaLog(unsigned int level, const std::string& message); // tolua_export 66 bool fileExists(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup = "General",bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export77 bool fileExists(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths = true); // tolua_export 67 78 68 79 const std::stringstream& getOutput() const { return output_; } … … 78 89 79 90 private: 80 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> getFileInfo(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourceGroup, bool bSearchOtherPaths); 91 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> getFileInfo(const std::string& filename, bool bSearchOtherPaths); 92 shared_ptr<ResourceInfo> getFileInfo(const std::string& filename); 93 std::string loadFile(const std::string& filename); 81 94 82 95 #if LUA_VERSION_NUM != 501
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.