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Aug 31, 2010, 1:00:20 AM (15 years ago)

until now we could group words and values in console commands and XML values using parentheses (…). now we have to use braces {…}, because that works better in connection with Tcl. in practice however this feature was never used before, so this change shouldn't affect anything.

9 edited


  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/CommandLineParser.h

    r6021 r7276  
    6464        Note the difference between "-" and "--"!
    6565        Also, there is no restriction to the number of strings you add after --name.
    66         So "--startVector (2, 4, 5)" is perfectly legal.
     66        So "--startVector {2, 4, 5}" is perfectly legal.
    6868        Retrieving an argument is possible with the getCommandLineArgument function of the
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/

    r6536 r7276  
    302302    bool ConfigValueContainer::callFunctionWithIndex(bool (ConfigValueContainer::* function) (unsigned int, const MultiType&), const std::string& input)
    303303    {
    304         SubString token(input, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, true, '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0');
     304        SubString token(input, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, true, '\\', false, '"', false, '\0', '\0', false, '\0');
    305305        int index = -1;
    306306        bool success = false;
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/

    r7236 r7276  
    293293        boost::filesystem::path folder(ogrePluginsDirectory_);
    294294        // Do some SubString magic to get the comma separated list of plugins
    295         SubString plugins(ogrePlugins_, ",", " ", false, '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0');
     295        SubString plugins(ogrePlugins_, ",", " ", false, '\\', false, '"', false, '{', '}', false, '\0');
    296296        // Use backslash paths on Windows! file_string() already does that though.
    297297        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); ++i)
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/command/

    r7236 r7276  
    147147        ARGUMENT_COMPLETION_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATION_MULTI(hiddencommand)(const std::string& fragment)
    148148        {
    149             SubString tokens(fragment, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '(', ')', true, '\0');
     149            SubString tokens(fragment, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '{', '}', true, '\0');
    151151            if (tokens.size() == 0)
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/command/

    r7238 r7276  
    5353        this->numberOfEvaluatedParams_ = 0;
    55         this->tokens_.split(command, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '(', ')', true, '\0');
     55        this->tokens_.split(command, " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '{', '}', true, '\0');
    5656    }
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/command/

    r7274 r7276  
    5959    MultiType Executor::parse(const std::string& arguments, int* error, const std::string& delimiter, bool bPrintError) const
    6060    {
    61         return this->parse(SubString(arguments, delimiter, SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '(', ')', true, '\0'), error, delimiter, bPrintError);
     61        return this->parse(SubString(arguments, delimiter, SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '{', '}', true, '\0'), error, delimiter, bPrintError);
    6262    }
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/core/input/

    r7230 r7276  
    117117        // separate the commands
    118118        SubString commandStrings(bindingString_, "|", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false,
    119             '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0');
     119            '\\', false, '"', false, '{', '}', false, '\0');
    121121        for (unsigned int iCommand = 0; iCommand < commandStrings.size(); iCommand++)
    124124            {
    125125                SubString tokens(commandStrings[iCommand], " ", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false,
    126                     '\\', false, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0');
     126                    '\\', false, '"', false, '{', '}', false, '\0');
    128128                KeybindMode::Value mode = KeybindMode::None;
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/util/

    r6417 r7276  
    234234    bool ConverterFallback<std::string, orxonox::Vector2>::convert(orxonox::Vector2* output, const std::string& input)
    235235    {
    236         size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find(')');
    237         if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('(')) == std::string::npos)
     236        size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find('}');
     237        if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('{')) == std::string::npos)
    238238            opening_parenthesis = 0;
    239239        else
    257257    bool ConverterFallback<std::string, orxonox::Vector3>::convert(orxonox::Vector3* output, const std::string& input)
    258258    {
    259         size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find(')');
    260         if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('(')) == std::string::npos)
     259        size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find('}');
     260        if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('{')) == std::string::npos)
    261261            opening_parenthesis = 0;
    262262        else
    282282    bool ConverterFallback<std::string, orxonox::Vector4>::convert(orxonox::Vector4* output, const std::string& input)
    283283    {
    284         size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find(')');
    285         if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('(')) == std::string::npos)
     284        size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find('}');
     285        if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('{')) == std::string::npos)
    286286            opening_parenthesis = 0;
    287287        else
    309309    bool ConverterFallback<std::string, orxonox::Quaternion>::convert(orxonox::Quaternion* output, const std::string& input)
    310310    {
    311         size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find(')');
    312         if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('(')) == std::string::npos) { opening_parenthesis = 0; } else { opening_parenthesis++; }
     311        size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find('}');
     312        if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('{')) == std::string::npos)
     313            opening_parenthesis = 0;
     314        else
     315            opening_parenthesis++;
    314317        SubString tokens(input.substr(opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis - opening_parenthesis), ",", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '\0', '\0', true, '\0');
    332335    bool ConverterFallback<std::string, orxonox::ColourValue>::convert(orxonox::ColourValue* output, const std::string& input)
    333336    {
    334         size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find(')');
    335         if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('(')) == std::string::npos) { opening_parenthesis = 0; } else { opening_parenthesis++; }
     337        size_t opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis = input.find('}');
     338        if ((opening_parenthesis = input.find('{')) == std::string::npos)
     339            opening_parenthesis = 0;
     340        else
     341            opening_parenthesis++;
    337343        SubString tokens(input.substr(opening_parenthesis, closing_parenthesis - opening_parenthesis), ",", SubString::WhiteSpaces, false, '\\', true, '"', true, '\0', '\0', true, '\0');
  • code/branches/consolecommands3/src/libraries/util/SubString.h

    r5738 r7276  
    8181            SL_SAFEESCAPE,        //!< In safe mode with the internal escape character, that escapes even the savemode character.
    8282            SL_COMMENT,           //!< In Comment mode.
    83             SL_PARENTHESES,       //!< Between parentheses (usually '(' and ')')
     83            SL_PARENTHESES,       //!< Between parentheses (usually '{' and '}')
    8484            SL_PARENTHESESESCAPE, //!< Between parentheses with the internal escape character, that escapes even the closing paranthesis character.
    8585        } SPLIT_LINE_STATE;
    9292                  const std::string& delimiters, const std::string& delimiterNeighbours = "", bool emptyEntries=false,
    9393                  char escapeChar ='\\', bool removeEscapeChar = true, char safemode_char = '"', bool removeSafemodeChar = true,
    94                   char openparenthesis_char = '(', char closeparenthesis_char = ')',  bool removeParenthesisChars = true, char comment_char = '\0');
     94                  char openparenthesis_char = '{', char closeparenthesis_char = '}',  bool removeParenthesisChars = true, char comment_char = '\0');
    9595        SubString(unsigned int argc, const char** argv);
    9696        /** @brief create a Substring as a copy of another one. @param subString the SubString to copy. */
    116116                           const std::string& delimiters, const std::string& delimiterNeighbours = "", bool emptyEntries = false,
    117117                           char escapeChar ='\\', bool removeExcapeChar = true, char safemode_char = '"', bool removeSafemodeChar = true,
    118                            char openparenthesis_char = '(', char closeparenthesis_char = ')',  bool removeParenthesisChars = true, char comment_char = '\0');
     118                           char openparenthesis_char = '{', char closeparenthesis_char = '}',  bool removeParenthesisChars = true, char comment_char = '\0');
    119119        std::string join(const std::string& delimiter = " ") const;
    120120        ////////////////////////////////////////
    155155                                          char safemode_char = '"',
    156156                                          bool removeSafemodeChar = true,
    157                                           char openparenthesis_char = '(',
    158                                           char closeparenthesis_char = ')',
     157                                          char openparenthesis_char = '{',
     158                                          char closeparenthesis_char = '}',
    159159                                          bool removeParenthesisChars = true,
    160160                                          char comment_char = '\0',
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