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Sep 11, 2010, 12:34:00 AM (15 years ago)

merged doc branch back to trunk

4 edited


  • code/trunk

  • code/trunk/src/libraries/network/

    r6417 r7401  
    230230  * This function should only be applied to the head of the list
    231231  * @param clientID id to look for
     232  * @param look_backwards FIXME - add doc? parameter unused?
    232233  * @return pointer to the last element in the list or 0 if the search was unsuccessfull
    233234  */
    244245  * This function goes forward through the list and looks for an element with clientID
    245246  * This function should only be applied to the head of the list
    246   * @param peer peer to look for
     247  * @param address peer to look for
     248  * @param look_backwards FIXME - add doc? parameter unused?
    247249  * @return pointer to the element in the list
    248250  */
  • code/trunk/src/libraries/network/

    r7163 r7401  
    105105  * @return iterator pointing to the next object in the list
    106106  */
    107   void GamestateClient::removeObject(ObjectList<Synchronisable>::iterator &it) {
    108     ObjectList<Synchronisable>::iterator temp=it;
     107  void GamestateClient::removeObject(ObjectListIterator<Synchronisable> &it) {
     108    ObjectListIterator<Synchronisable> temp=it;
    109109    ++it;
    110110    temp->destroy(); // or delete?
  • code/trunk/src/libraries/network/synchronisable/

    r7183 r7401  
    217217   * length of varx: size saved int syncvarlist
    218218   * @param mem pointer to allocated memory with enough size
     219   * @param sizes FIXME - add doc!
    219220   * @param id gamestateid of the gamestate to be saved (important for priorities)
    220221   * @param mode defines the direction in which the data will be send/received
    288289   * @param mem pointer to the bytestream
    289290   * @param mode same as in getData
     291   * @param forceCallback FIXME - add doc!
    290292   * @return true/false
    291293   */
    364366   * This function determines, wheter the object should be saved to the bytestream (according to its syncmode/direction)
    365367   * @param id gamestate id
     368   * @param mode FIXME - add doc!
    366369   * @return true/false
    367370   */
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