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Changeset 7487 for code/trunk

Sep 23, 2010, 11:57:08 PM (14 years ago)

Forgot to actually commit largest doc part…

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  • TabularUnified code/trunk/doc/api/Groups.dox

    r7484 r7487  
    120120    @ingroup Modules
     122    @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" are short messages, that can be sent from anywhere in Orxonox and then are displayed on the screen to inform the user about some occurence he has to know about. Such an occurence could be, that he just shot and killed his Archnemesis Overlord3, that he just got a new Pickup or that he received a Quest and needs to have a look at the Quest-Menu.
     124    @section NotificationsUsage Usage
     125    Let's very briefly talk about what you have to do to either send @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" from some part of Orxonox or display Notifications on your screen.
     127    @subsection NotifictionsSending Sending notifications
     128    Sending a new @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification" from (almost) anywhere in Orxonox is fairly easy.
     129    You first have to decide on a message, it shouldn't be too long but be long enough to get your point accross.
     130    Then you have to decide on a sender. The sender is a string by which the different @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues" (the entities that display the @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications") can decide whether they should display the @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification" or not. So the sender is some string that identifies a group of @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" that have something in common or some entity that is sending them. For example: All @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" sent by any part of the Questsystem have "questsystem" as sender and thus we could create a @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueue" that only displays @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" from the Questsystem, but more to that later.
     131    And lastly you have to decide to whom you want to send this @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification". You have to get the clientId of the intended recipient (e.g. trought a @ref orxonox::PlayerInfo "PlayerInfo") or you only send the @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification" locally, either by setting the clientId to Host::getPlayerID() or by setting the variable 'isLocal' to true, and setting clientId to what ever you want, since it will be ignored.
     132    Once you have decided all that you can send the Notification by calling:
     133    @code
     134    NotificationManager::sendNotification(message, clientId, sender, isLocal); // isLocal = false can be ommitted since that is the default value.
     135    @endcode
     137    @subsection NotificationsDisplay Displaying notifications
     138    Displaying @ref oroxnox::Notification "Notifications" is even easier, all you need to do is to load the NotificationLayer in the level, where you want @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" displayed. You can either do this manually by executing the following command in the console:
     139    @code
     140    showGUI NotificationLayer false true
     141    @endcode
     142    Or automatically, by adding a @ref orxonox::Script "Script" to the levelfile that does it for you:
     143    @code
     144    <Script code="showGUI NotificationLayer false true" needsGraphics="true" />
     145    @endcode
     147    If you want to change the way the @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" are displayed, you can enter the (at this point rather rudimentary) edit mode and add new @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues" or change position and properties of the existing ones, by executing the following command in the console:
     148    @code
     149    enterEditMode
     150    @endcode
     152    @section NotificationsTechincalDetails Technical details
     153    The Notifications module has three major parts that interact with each other. First there is the @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueue", this is the entity that (logically, not effectively) displays @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" according to some rules, then there is the NotificationLayer, which is the GUI which (actually) displays @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications" by visualizing the @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues" and as a result also the @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications", that are displayed by the respective @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues" and lastly there is the @ref orxonox::NotificationManager "NotificationManager", which connects these two.
     155    @subsection NotificationLayer NotificationLayer
     156    The NotificationLayer is a GUI sheet, that displays all the @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues" and their @ref orxonox::Notification "Notifications". In its normal mode of operation it is transparent to input, meaning that it only functions as a means of displaying, however if switched to edit mode the NotificationLayer no longer is transparent to input and allows for the adding, removal and modification of @ref orxonox::NotificationQueue "NotificationQueues".
     158    @subsection NotificationQueue NotificationQueue
     159    ...
     161    @subsection NotificationManager NotificationManager
     162    ...
     164    @subsection Notification Notification
     165    The @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification" class is more or less a data structure that groups the notification message and the sender, and possibly other future parameters together to form a comprehensive structure that we call Notification.
     167    Additionally there is another important class of objects belonging to the Notifications module. The @ref orxonox::NotificationDispatcher "NotificationDispatchers".
     169    @subsection NotificationDispatcher NotificationDispatcher
     170    @ref orxonox::NotificationDispatcher "NotificationDispatchers" are entities that are instantiated in a level file (through XML) and that dispatch (or send) a specific @ref orxonox::Notification "Notification" upon having received a triggering event.
    122172    @defgroup NotificationDispatchers Dispatchers
    123173    @ingroup Notifications
    153203    The Questsystem is a module that enhances Orxonox with @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests". @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" are objects that challenge the player that receives such an object to fulfill some specific task (e.g. Rescue a princess, fetch some rare metal alloy, destroy the evil pirates den, ...). Upon having fulfilled that task the player can be rewarded with some kind of reward. Quests can be hierarchically structured, meaning that to fulfill some @ref orxonox::Quest "Quest" you first have to fulfill all (or some, depending on the quest) sub-quests.
    155     @section TechnicalDetails Technical details
     205    @section QuestsystemTechnicalDetails Technical details
    156206    The Questsystem essentially consists of the @ref orxonox::Quest "Quest" entity which is the quest itself (and sub- or helper-entities, such as @ref orxonox::QuestHint "QuestHint" (hints for quests) or @ref orxonox::QuestDescription "QuestDescription" (descriptions for quests and hints, to separate content from function)), the @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffect" and @ref orxonox::QuestListener "QuestListener" entities which are the only tools for quests to have any influence on the game world. By enabling quests to have @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects" they are able to (for example) fail or complete other quests, activate hints, give rewards or even add a quest to a player. @ref orxonox::QuestListener "QuestListeners" on the other hand can be used by any object to react to a status change of a quest. The @ref orxonox::QuestEffectBeacon "QuestEffectBeacon" is the physical entity which finally makes quests available for the player in the game, by being able to invoke a @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffect" on a player (under some conditions).
    157207    @image html questsystem.png
    227277    @endcode
    229     As you may see that another difference between a @ref orxonox::GlobalQuest "GlobalQuest" and a @ref orxonox::LocalQuest "LocalQuest" is, that with a \ref orxonox::GlobalQuest "GlobalQuest" having @ref orxonox::AddReward "RewardEffects", the RewardEffects are only executed on the player completing the quest. Additionally \ref orxonox::CompleteQuest "CompleteEffects" are executed on all players having obtained the quest before it was completed, when it is completed., while with a @ref orxonox::LocalQuest "LocalQuest" each player that completes a quest, completes it for himself alone, but also gets the reward, regardless whether another player completed the quest before him.
     279    As you may see that another difference between a @ref orxonox::GlobalQuest "GlobalQuest" and a @ref orxonox::LocalQuest "LocalQuest" is, that with a @ref orxonox::GlobalQuest "GlobalQuest" having @ref orxonox::AddReward "RewardEffects", the RewardEffects are only executed on the player completing the quest. Additionally @ref orxonox::CompleteQuest "CompleteEffects" are executed on all players having obtained the quest before it was completed, when it is completed., while with a @ref orxonox::LocalQuest "LocalQuest" each player that completes a quest, completes it for himself alone, but also gets the reward, regardless whether another player completed the quest before him.
    231281    @subsubsection QuestHint QuestHint
    252302    @subsubsection QuestEffect QuestEffect
    253     A @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffect" is the first (and probably most important) device for @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" to have side effects. There are two entities that can have @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects": @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" and \ref orxonox::QuestEffectBeacon "QuestEffectBeacons" (which will be explained later on). @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects", for example, can start a @ref orxonox::Quest "Quest" for a player, complete/fail @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" for a player, add a @ref orxonox::QuestHint "QuestHint" or a @ref orxonox::Rewardable "Reward" to a player, and potentially much, much more.
     303    A @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffect" is the first (and probably most important) device for @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" to have side effects. There are two entities that can have @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects": @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" and @ref orxonox::QuestEffectBeacon "QuestEffectBeacons" (which will be explained later on). @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects", for example, can start a @ref orxonox::Quest "Quest" for a player, complete/fail @ref orxonox::Quest "Quests" for a player, add a @ref orxonox::QuestHint "QuestHint" or a @ref orxonox::Rewardable "Reward" to a player, and potentially much, much more.
    255305    These @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects" are implemented so far, but feel free to <a href="">contact me</a> if you have suggestions for new @ref orxonox::QuestEffect "QuestEffects" or if you need help implementing a new one yourself.
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