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Feb 14, 2011, 11:02:58 PM (14 years ago)

Some extension of NotificationQueue, font size and color can now be specified.

1 edited


  • code/branches/tutoriallevel/data/gui/scripts/NotificationLayer.lua

    r7413 r7894  
    2121    root:addChildWindow(queue)
    23     queue:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, 0)))
    24     queue:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.queueHeightHelper(queue, size))))
    2623    local queueTuple =
    2724    {
    28         ["window"]  = queue,
    29         ["name"]    = name,
    30         ["edit"]    = nil,
    31         ["visible"] = false
     25        ["window"]    = queue,
     26        ["name"]      = name,
     27        ["edit"]      = nil,
     28        ["visible"]   = false,
     29        ["fontSize"]  = 12,
     30        ["fontColor"] = CEGUI.colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    3231    }
     33    queue:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, 0)))
     34    queue:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.queueHeightHelper(queueTuple, size))))
    3436    P.queueList[name] = queueTuple -- name access
    5355    end
    5456    item = CEGUI.createListboxTextItem(notification)
     57    P.setItemFontHelper(item, queue, true)
    5558    local listbox = CEGUI.toListbox(queue.window)
    5659    -- Add the item to the top of the listbox.
    119122    queue.window:setVisible(visible)
    120123    queue.visible = visible
     126-- Change the position of the queue.
     127-- The parameters are (in order) 'name of the queue', 'relative x-position', 'absolute x-position in pixel', 'relative y-position', 'absolute y-position in pixel'.
     128function P.moveQueue(queueName, relativeXPos, absoluteXPos, relativeYpos, absoluteYPos)
     129    local queueWindow = P.queueList[queueName].window
     130    queueWindow:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(relativeXPos, absoluteXPos), CEGUI.UDim(relativeYpos, absoluteYPos)))
     133-- Change the size of the queue.
     134-- The parameters are (in order) 'name of the queue', 'relative width', 'absolute width in pixel', 'relative height', 'absolute heigth in pixel'.
     135-- Additionally the last parameter can be ommitted and relativeHeight can be set to the size (i.e. the maximal number of notifications displayed) of the queue, which leads to the height being set such that all notifications can be displayed.
     136function P.resizeQueue(queueName, relativeWidth, absoluteWidth, relativeHeight, absoluteHeigth)
     137    local queueWindow = P.queueList[queueName].window
     138    if queueWindow == nil then
     139        return
     140    end
     141    if absoluteHeigth == nil then
     142        absoluteHeigth = P.queueHeightHelper(P.queueList[queueName], relativeHeight)
     143        relativeHeight = 0
     144    end
     145    queueWindow:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(relativeWidth, absoluteWidth), CEGUI.UDim(relativeHeight, absoluteHeigth)))
     148-- Change the font size and font color of all notifications in a queueHeightHelper
     149-- The parameters are (in order) 'name of the queue', 'font size', 'RGBA of the font color, with values from 0 to 1 each'.
     150function P.changeQueueFont(queueName, size, colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue, colorAlpha)
     151    local queue = P.queueList[queueName]
     152    local queueWindow = queue.window
     153    if queueWindow == nil then
     154        return
     155    end
     156    if colorAlpha == nil then
     157        colorAlpha = 1.0
     158    end
     160    local list = CEGUI.toListbox(queueWindow)
     161    local num = list:getItemCount()
     162    queue.fontSize = size
     163    local changeColor = false
     164    if colorRed ~= nil and colorGreen ~= nil and colorBlue ~= nil then
     165        queue.fontColor:set(colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue, colorAlpha)
     166        changeColor = true
     167    end
     168    for i=0,num-1 do
     169        P.setItemFontHelper(item, queue, changeColor)
     170    end
     173-- Helper function to set the font size and color of a item of a queue.
     174-- The parameters are (in order) 'the ListboxItem', 'the queue table', 'whether color should be changed as well'
     175function P.setItemFontHelper(item, queue, changeColor)
     176    local item = tolua.cast(item, "CEGUI::ListboxTextItem")
     177    local fontMgr = CEGUI.FontManager:getSingleton()
     178    if fontMgr:isFontPresent("BlueHighway-" .. queue.fontSize) then
     179        item:setFont("BlueHighway-" .. queue.fontSize)
     180    else
     181        orxonox.GUIManager:addFontHelper("BlueHighway-" .. queue.fontSize, queue.fontSize, "bluehigh.ttf")
     182        item:setFont("BlueHighway-" .. queue.fontSize)
     183    end
     184    if changeColor then
     185        item:setTextColours(queue.fontColor)
     186    end
    343409-- If the button to save the targets of a queue has been clicked.
    344 function P. saveTargets_clicked(e)
     410function P.saveTargets_clicked(e)
    345411    local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e)
    346412    local name = we.window:getName()
    370436-- If the button to save the size if a queue has been clicked.
    371 function P. saveSize_clicked(e)
     437function P.saveSize_clicked(e)
    372438    local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e)
    373439    local name = we.window:getName()
    397463-- If the button to save the display time if a queue has been clicked.
    398 function P. saveDisplayTime_clicked(e)
     464function P.saveDisplayTime_clicked(e)
    399465    local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e)
    400466    local name = we.window:getName()
    478544-- Helper function. Returns height a queue needs to have to display 'size' items.
    479545function P.queueHeightHelper(queue, size)
    480     local listbox = CEGUI.toListbox(queue)
     546    local listbox = CEGUI.toListbox(queue.window)
    481547    local item = CEGUI.createListboxTextItem("Text")
     548    P.setItemFontHelper(item, queue, false)
    482549    listbox:addItem(item)
    483550    local singleItemHeight = listbox:getTotalItemsHeight()
    484     local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(queue:getLookNFeel())
    485     local formattedArea = lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("ItemRenderingArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(queue)
    486     local frameHeight = queue:getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() - formattedArea:getHeight()
     551    local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(queue.window:getLookNFeel())
     552    local formattedArea = lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("ItemRenderingArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(queue.window)
     553    local frameHeight = queue.window:getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() - formattedArea:getHeight()
    487554    listbox:removeItem(item)
    488555    return frameHeight + singleItemHeight*size
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.