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Jul 3, 2011, 5:42:19 PM (14 years ago)

Cleaning up in SpaceShip and Engine. Fixed several bugs.
Kicked localLinearAcceleration, primaryThrust and auxiliaryThrust out of the SpaceShip, since it wasn't used anymore.
Moved the trail lights back a bit.
Added some documentation to SpaceShip and Engine.
SpeedPickup is working again, will need some further tuning.

2 edited


  • code/trunk/data/levels/templates/spaceshipAssff.oxt

    r8706 r8727  
    105105    </EffectContainer>
    106106    <EffectContainer condition="normal or boost">
    107       <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position=" 7.6, 0, 0" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
    108       <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position="-7.6, 0, 0" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
     107      <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position=" 7.6, 0, 6" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
     108      <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position="-7.6, 0, 6" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
    109109    </EffectContainer>
    110110    <EffectContainer condition="boost">
  • code/trunk/data/levels/templates/spaceshipAssff2.oxt

    r8706 r8727  
    105105    </EffectContainer>
    106106    <EffectContainer condition="normal or boost">
    107       <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position=" 7.6, 0, 0" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
    108       <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position="-7.6, 0, 0" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
     107      <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position=" 7.6, 0, 6" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
     108      <Backlight mainstate=activity active=false scale=0.4 name=bltest position="-7.6, 0, 6" colour="0.2, 0.65, 1.0, 1.0" width=15 length=1500 lifetime=2 elements=50 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" turnontime=1 turnofftime=1 material="Flares/ThrusterFlare1" />
    109109    </EffectContainer>
    110110    <EffectContainer condition="boost">
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.