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Aug 1, 2011, 7:09:29 PM (14 years ago)

Replaced COUT() with orxout() in all modules. phew.

7 edited


  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r7548 r8811  
    179179        if(pawn == NULL)
    180180        {
    181             COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in DronePickup." << std::endl;
     181            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in DronePickup." << endl;
    182182        }
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r7548 r8811  
    169169                    break;
    170170                default:
    171                     COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     171                    orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << endl;
    172172            }
    218218                        break;
    219219                    default:
    220                         COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     220                        orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << endl;
    221221                }
    234234                if(pawn == NULL)
    235235                {
    236                     COUT(1) << "Something went horribly wrong in Health Pickup. PickupCarrier is no Pawn." << std::endl;
     236                    orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Something went horribly wrong in Health Pickup. PickupCarrier is no Pawn." << endl;
    237237                    this->Pickupable::destroy();
    238238                    return;
    268268        if(pawn == NULL)
    269269        {
    270             COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     270            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in HealthPickup." << endl;
    271271        }
    312312                return HealthPickup::healthTypePermanent_s;
    313313            default:
    314                 COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     314                orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << endl;
    315315                return BLANKSTRING;
    316316        }
    331331        else
    332332        {
    333             COUT(1) << "Invalid health in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     333            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid health in HealthPickup." << endl;
    334334            this->health_ = 0.0;
    335335        }
    350350        else
    351351        {
    352             COUT(1) << "Invalid healthSpeed in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     352            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid healthSpeed in HealthPickup." << endl;
    353353        }
    354354    }
    376376        else
    377377        {
    378             COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl;
     378            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << endl;
    379379        }
    380380    }
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r8220 r8811  
    206206        if(pawn == NULL)
    207207        {
    208             COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in InvisiblePickup." << std::endl;
     208            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in InvisiblePickup." << endl;
    209209        }
    210210        return pawn;
    225225        else
    226226        {
    227             COUT(1) << "Invalid duration in InvisiblePickup." << std::endl;
     227            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid duration in InvisiblePickup." << endl;
    228228            this->duration_ = 0.0f;
    229229        }
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r7548 r8811  
    232232        }
    233233        else
    234             COUT(2) << "Invalid metaType '" << type << "' in MetaPickup." << std::endl;
     234            orxout(internal_warning, context::pickups) << "Invalid metaType '" << type << "' in MetaPickup." << endl;
    235235    }
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r7548 r8811  
    181181        if(pawn == NULL)
    182182        {
    183             COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in ShieldPickup." << std::endl;
     183            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in ShieldPickup." << endl;
    184184        }
    185185        return pawn;
    220220        else
    221221        {
    222             COUT(1) << "Invalid duration in ShieldPickup." << std::endl;
     222            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid duration in ShieldPickup." << endl;
    223223            this->duration_ = 0.0f;
    224224        }
    239239        else
    240240        {
    241             COUT(1) << "Invalid Shieldhealth in ShieldPickup." << std::endl;
     241            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid Shieldhealth in ShieldPickup." << endl;
    242242            this->shieldHealth_=0;
    243243        }
    258258        else
    259259        {
    260             COUT(1) << "Invalid Absorption in ShieldPickup." << std::endl;
     260            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid Absorption in ShieldPickup." << endl;
    261261            this->shieldAbsorption_=0;
    262262        }
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/ShrinkPickup.h

    r8713 r8811  
    9393            */
    9494            inline void setShrinkFactor(float factor)
    95                 { if(factor <= 1.0f) { COUT(2) << "Invalid shrinking factor in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->shrinkFactor_ = factor; }
     95                { if(factor <= 1.0f) { orxout(internal_warning, context::pickups) << "Invalid shrinking factor in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->shrinkFactor_ = factor; }
    9696            /**
    9797            @brief Get the duration for which the ship remains shrunken.
    105105            */
    106106            inline void setDuration(float duration)
    107                 { if(duration < 0.0f) { COUT(2) << "Invalid duration in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->duration_ = duration; }
     107                { if(duration < 0.0f) { orxout(internal_warning, context::pickups) << "Invalid duration in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->duration_ = duration; }
    108108            /**
    109109            @brief Get the shrink speed.
    117117            */
    118118            inline void setShrinkDuration(float speed)
    119                 { if(speed <= 0.0f) { COUT(2) << "Invalid shrink duration in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->shrinkDuration_ = speed; }
     119                { if(speed <= 0.0f) { orxout(internal_warning, context::pickups) << "Invalid shrink duration in ShrinkPickup. Ignoring.." << endl; return; } this->shrinkDuration_ = speed; }
    121121        protected:
  • code/branches/output/src/modules/pickup/items/

    r8727 r8811  
    180180        if(ship == NULL)
    181181        {
    182             COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in SpeedPickup." << std::endl;
     182            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in SpeedPickup." << endl;
    183183        }
    221221        else
    222222        {
    223             COUT(1) << "Invalid duration in SpeedPickup." << std::endl;
     223            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid duration in SpeedPickup." << endl;
    224224            this->duration_ = 0.0f;
    225225        }
    240240        else
    241241        {
    242             COUT(1) << "Invalid speedAdd in SpeedPickup." << std::endl;
     242            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid speedAdd in SpeedPickup." << endl;
    243243            this->speedAdd_ = 0.0f;
    244244        }
    259259        else
    260260        {
    261             COUT(1) << "Invalid speedMultiply in SpeedPickup." << std::endl;
     261            orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid speedMultiply in SpeedPickup." << endl;
    262262            this->speedMultiply_ = 1.0f;
    263263        }
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