Changeset 8916 in orxonox.OLD for branches/mountain_lake/src
- Timestamp:
- Jun 29, 2006, 6:13:47 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/mountain_lake/src/world_entities/environments
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8906 r8916 181 181 182 182 /** 183 * @brief initialization of the shaders183 * @brief calculates the 4 verts of the water quad 184 184 */ 185 185 void MappedWater::calcVerts() … … 211 211 this->shader->deactivateShader(); 212 212 } 213 214 void MappedWater::resetWaterColorR(float r)215 {216 this->resetWaterColor(r, this->waterColor.y, this->waterColor.z);217 }218 219 220 void MappedWater::resetWaterColorG(float g)221 {222 this->resetWaterColor(this->waterColor.x, g, this->waterColor.z);223 }224 225 226 void MappedWater::resetWaterColorB(float b)227 {228 this->resetWaterColor(this->waterColor.x, this->waterColor.y, b);229 }230 231 232 213 233 214 /** … … 330 311 } 331 312 332 313 /** 314 * @brief starts the slider gui that lets you edit all water parameters 315 */ 333 316 void MappedWater::openGui() 334 317 { … … 337 320 this->box = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Vertical); 338 321 { 339 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* colorBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal);322 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* waterColorBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 340 323 { 341 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* ColorText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine();342 ColorText->setText("Color");343 colorBox->pack(ColorText);324 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* waterColorText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 325 waterColorText->setText("Color"); 326 waterColorBox->pack(waterColorText); 344 327 345 328 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* waterColorR = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 346 waterColorR->setRange(0, 1.0 );329 waterColorR->setRange(0, 1.0f); 347 330 waterColorR->setValue(this->waterColor.x); 331 waterColorR->setStep(0.1f); 348 332 waterColorR->connect(SIGNAL(waterColorR, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetWaterColorR)); 349 colorBox->pack(waterColorR);333 waterColorBox->pack(waterColorR); 350 334 351 335 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* waterColorG = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 352 waterColorG->setRange(0, 1.0); 336 waterColorG->setRange(0, 1.0f); 337 waterColorR->setStep(0.1f); 353 338 waterColorG->setValue(this->waterColor.y); 354 339 waterColorG->connect(SIGNAL(waterColorG, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetWaterColorG)); 355 colorBox->pack(waterColorG);340 waterColorBox->pack(waterColorG); 356 341 357 342 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* waterColorB = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 358 waterColorB->setRange(0, 1.0); 343 waterColorB->setRange(0, 1.0f); 344 waterColorR->setStep(0.1f); 359 345 waterColorB->setValue(this->waterColor.z); 360 346 waterColorB->connect(SIGNAL(waterColorB, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetWaterColorB)); 361 colorBox->pack(waterColorB);347 waterColorBox->pack(waterColorB); 362 348 363 349 } 364 this->box->pack(colorBox); 350 this->box->pack(waterColorBox); 351 352 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* waterUVBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 353 { 354 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* waterUVText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 355 waterUVText->setText("WaterUV"); 356 waterUVBox->pack(waterUVText); 357 358 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* waterUV = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 359 waterUV->setRange(1, 20); 360 waterUV->setValue(this->waterUV); 361 waterUV->setStep(1); 362 waterUV->connect(SIGNAL(waterUV, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, setWaterUV)); 363 waterUVBox->pack(waterUV); 364 } 365 this->box->pack(waterUVBox); 366 367 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* waterFlowBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 368 { 369 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* waterFlowText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 370 waterFlowText->setText("WaterFlow"); 371 waterFlowBox->pack(waterFlowText); 372 373 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* waterFlow = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 374 waterFlow->setRange(0.01f, 2); 375 waterFlow->setValue(this->waterFlow); 376 waterFlow->setStep(0.02f); 377 waterFlow->connect(SIGNAL(waterFlow, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, setWaterFlow)); 378 waterFlowBox->pack(waterFlow); 379 } 380 this->box->pack(waterFlowBox); 381 382 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* shineSizeBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 383 { 384 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* shineSizeText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 385 shineSizeText->setText("ShineSize"); 386 shineSizeBox->pack(shineSizeText); 387 388 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* shineSize = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 389 shineSize->setRange(1, 128); 390 shineSize->setValue(this->shineSize); 391 shineSize->setStep(1); 392 shineSize->connect(SIGNAL(shineSize, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetShineSize)); 393 shineSizeBox->pack(shineSize); 394 } 395 this->box->pack(shineSizeBox); 396 397 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* shineStrengthBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 398 { 399 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* shineStrengthText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 400 shineStrengthText->setText("ShineStrength"); 401 shineStrengthBox->pack(shineStrengthText); 402 403 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* shineStrength = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 404 shineStrength->setRange(0, 1); 405 shineStrength->setValue(this->shineStrength); 406 shineStrength->setStep(0.1f); 407 shineStrength->connect(SIGNAL(shineStrength, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetShineStrength)); 408 shineStrengthBox->pack(shineStrength); 409 } 410 this->box->pack(shineStrengthBox); 411 412 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* reflStrengthBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 413 { 414 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* reflStrengthText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 415 reflStrengthText->setText("ReflStrength"); 416 reflStrengthBox->pack(reflStrengthText); 417 418 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* reflStrength = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 419 reflStrength->setRange(0, 1); 420 reflStrength->setValue(this->reflStrength); 421 reflStrength->setStep(0.1f); 422 reflStrength->connect(SIGNAL(reflStrength, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetReflStrength)); 423 reflStrengthBox->pack(reflStrength); 424 } 425 this->box->pack(reflStrengthBox); 426 427 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* refractionBox = new OrxGui::GLGuiBox(OrxGui::Horizontal); 428 { 429 OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine* refractionText = new OrxGui::GLGuiInputLine(); 430 refractionText->setText("Refraction"); 431 refractionBox->pack(refractionText); 432 433 OrxGui::GLGuiSlider* refraction = new OrxGui::GLGuiSlider(); 434 refraction->setRange(0.001f, 0.1f); 435 refraction->setValue(this->refraction); 436 refraction->setStep(0.004f); 437 refraction->connect(SIGNAL(refraction, valueChanged), this, SLOT(MappedWater, resetRefraction)); 438 refractionBox->pack(refraction); 439 } 440 this->box->pack(refractionBox); 365 441 366 442 } … … 374 450 } 375 451 376 452 /** 453 * @brief closes the water gui 454 */ 377 455 void MappedWater::closeGui() 378 456 { 379 457 delete this->box; 380 458 this->box = NULL; 381 382 } 383 459 } 384 460 385 461 /** … … 450 526 451 527 // fading 452 if(this->shineSize != this->newShineSize) 453 { 454 if(bFadeShineSize) 455 { 456 this->shineSizeFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::resetShineSize); 457 this->shineSizeFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 458 459 this->shineSizeFader->addKeyFrame(this->shineSize, this->shineSizeFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 460 this->shineSizeFader->addKeyFrame(this->newShineSize, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 461 462 bFadeShineSize = false; 463 this->shineSizeFader->replay(); 464 } 465 } 466 467 if(this->tempcounter == 100) 468 { 469 PRINTF(0)("\n\n\n\n\n\n///////////////////////test waterchangecolor/////////////////////\n\n\n\n\n\n"); 470 this->fadeShineSize(1, 10); 471 } 528 if(bFadeWaterUV) 529 { 530 this->waterUVFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::setWaterUV); 531 this->waterUVFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 532 533 this->waterUVFader->addKeyFrame(this->waterUV, this->waterUVFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 534 this->waterUVFader->addKeyFrame(this->newWaterUV, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 535 536 bFadeWaterUV = false; 537 this->waterUVFader->replay(); 538 } 539 540 if(bFadeWaterFlow) 541 { 542 this->waterFlowFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::setWaterFlow); 543 this->waterFlowFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 544 545 this->waterFlowFader->addKeyFrame(this->waterFlow, this->waterFlowFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 546 this->waterFlowFader->addKeyFrame(this->newWaterFlow, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 547 548 bFadeWaterFlow = false; 549 this->waterFlowFader->replay(); 550 } 551 552 if(bFadeShineSize) 553 { 554 this->shineSizeFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::resetShineSize); 555 this->shineSizeFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 556 557 this->shineSizeFader->addKeyFrame(this->shineSize, this->shineSizeFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 558 this->shineSizeFader->addKeyFrame(this->newShineSize, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 559 560 bFadeShineSize = false; 561 this->shineSizeFader->replay(); 562 } 563 564 if(bFadeShineStrength) 565 { 566 this->shineStrengthFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::resetShineStrength); 567 this->shineStrengthFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 568 569 this->shineStrengthFader->addKeyFrame(this->shineStrength, this->shineStrengthFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 570 this->shineStrengthFader->addKeyFrame(this->newShineStrength, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 571 572 bFadeShineStrength = false; 573 this->shineStrengthFader->replay(); 574 } 575 576 if(bFadeReflStrength) 577 { 578 this->reflStrengthFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::resetReflStrength); 579 this->reflStrengthFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 580 581 this->reflStrengthFader->addKeyFrame(this->reflStrength, this->reflStrengthFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 582 this->reflStrengthFader->addKeyFrame(this->newReflStrength, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 583 584 bFadeReflStrength = false; 585 this->reflStrengthFader->replay(); 586 } 587 588 if(bFadeRefraction) 589 { 590 this->refractionFader = new tAnimation<MappedWater>(this, &MappedWater::resetRefraction); 591 this->refractionFader->setInfinity(ANIM_INF_CONSTANT); 592 593 this->refractionFader->addKeyFrame(this->refraction, this->refractionFadeTime, ANIM_LINEAR); 594 this->refractionFader->addKeyFrame(this->newRefraction, 0, ANIM_LINEAR); 595 596 bFadeRefraction = false; 597 this->refractionFader->replay(); 598 } 599 600 601 // if(this->tempcounter == 300) 602 // { 603 // PRINTF(0)("\n\n\n\n\n\n///////////////////////test waterchangecolor/////////////////////\n\n\n\n\n\n"); 604 // this->fadeWaterUV(1, 10); 605 // } 606 // if(this->tempcounter == 100) 607 // { 608 // PRINTF(0)("\n\n\n\n\n\n///////////////////////test waterchangecolor/////////////////////\n\n\n\n\n\n"); 609 // this->fadeWaterFlow(1, 10); 610 // } 472 611 //PRINTF(0)("counter %i/n", tempcounter); 473 612 tempcounter++; -
r8906 r8916 1 /*!1 /*! 2 2 * @file mapped_water.h 3 3 * worldentity for flat, cool looking, mapped water … … 62 62 void setWaterAngle(float angle) { this->waterAngle = angle; } 63 63 void setWaterColor(float r, float g, float b) { this->waterColor = Vector(r,g,b); } 64 void setWaterUV(float uv) { this->waterUV = uv; }65 void setWaterFlow(float flow) { this->waterFlow = flow; };64 void setWaterUV(float uv) { this->waterUV = uv; this->bFadeWaterUV = false; } 65 void setWaterFlow(float flow) { this->waterFlow = flow; this->bFadeWaterFlow = false; } 66 66 void setNormalMapScale(float scale) { this->kNormalMapScale = scale; } 67 void setShineSize(float shine) { this->shineSize = shine; this-> newShineSize = shine; }68 void setShineStrength(float strength) { this->shineStrength = strength; }69 void setReflStrength(float strength) { this->reflStrength = strength; }70 void setRefraction(float refraction) { this->refraction = refraction; }67 void setShineSize(float shine) { this->shineSize = shine; this->bFadeShineSize = false; } 68 void setShineStrength(float strength) { this->shineStrength = strength; this->bFadeShineStrength = false; } 69 void setReflStrength(float strength) { this->reflStrength = strength; this->bFadeReflStrength = false; } 70 void setRefraction(float refraction) { this->refraction = refraction; this->bFadeRefraction = false;} 71 71 72 72 // functions to change water parameters during runtime … … 78 78 void resetWaterAngle(float angle) { this->setWaterAngle(angle); this->calcVerts(); } 79 79 void resetWaterColor(float r, float g, float b); 80 void resetWaterColorR(float r) ;81 void resetWaterColorG(float g) ;82 void resetWaterColorB(float b) ;80 void resetWaterColorR(float r) { this->resetWaterColor(r, this->waterColor.y, this->waterColor.z); } 81 void resetWaterColorG(float g) { this->resetWaterColor(this->waterColor.x, g, this->waterColor.z); } 82 void resetWaterColorB(float b) { this->resetWaterColor(this->waterColor.x, this->waterColor.y, b); } 83 83 void resetShineSize(float shine); 84 84 void resetShineStrength(float strength); … … 86 86 void resetRefraction(float refraction); 87 87 88 // fade functions, hacky HACK 89 void fadeWaterColor(float r, float g, float b, float time) { } 90 void fadeShineSize(float shine, float time) {this->newShineSize = shine; this->shineSizeFadeTime = time; } 91 void fadeLightPos(float x, float y, float z, float time); 88 // fading functions 89 void fadeWaterUV(float uv, float time) { this->newWaterUV = uv; this->waterUVFadeTime = time; this->bFadeWaterUV = true; } 90 void fadeWaterFlow(float flow, float time) { this->newWaterFlow = flow; this->waterFlowFadeTime = time; this->bFadeWaterFlow = true; } 91 void fadeShineSize(float shine, float time) { this->newShineSize = shine; this->shineSizeFadeTime = time; this->bFadeShineSize = true; } 92 void fadeShineStrength(float strength, float time) { this->newShineStrength = strength; this->shineStrengthFadeTime = time; this->bFadeShineStrength = true; } 93 void fadeReflStrength(float strength, float time) { this->newReflStrength = strength; this->reflStrengthFadeTime = time; this->bFadeReflStrength = true; } 94 void fadeRefraction(float refraction, float time) { this->newRefraction = refraction; this->refractionFadeTime = time; this->bFadeRefraction = true; } 92 95 93 96 private: … … 134 137 135 138 // fading 139 tAnimation<MappedWater>* waterUVFader; 140 float newWaterUV; 141 float waterUVFadeTime; 142 bool bFadeWaterUV ; 143 tAnimation<MappedWater>* waterFlowFader; 144 float newWaterFlow; 145 float waterFlowFadeTime; 146 bool bFadeWaterFlow; 136 147 tAnimation<MappedWater>* shineSizeFader; 137 148 float newShineSize; 138 149 float shineSizeFadeTime; 139 150 bool bFadeShineSize; 151 tAnimation<MappedWater>* shineStrengthFader; 152 float newShineStrength; 153 float shineStrengthFadeTime; 154 bool bFadeShineStrength; 155 tAnimation<MappedWater>* reflStrengthFader; 156 float newReflStrength; 157 float reflStrengthFadeTime; 158 bool bFadeReflStrength; 159 tAnimation<MappedWater>* refractionFader; 160 float newRefraction; 161 float refractionFadeTime; 162 bool bFadeRefraction; 140 163 141 164 OrxGui::GLGuiBox* box;
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