Changeset 9473 for code/branches/testing
- Timestamp:
- Nov 29, 2012, 5:49:02 PM (12 years ago)
- Location:
- code/branches/testing
- Files:
- 2 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8729 r9473 28 28 INCLUDE(TargetUtilities) 29 29 30 INCLUDE(SourceConfig.cmake) 31 30 32 # Configure the two headers and set some options 31 33 INCLUDE(OrxonoxConfig.cmake) 32 33 ####### Library Behaviour (dependencies) ########34 35 # Disable auto linking completely for Boost and POCO36 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB")37 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DPOCO_NO_AUTOMATIC_LIBS")38 39 IF(WIN32)40 # If no defines are specified, these libs get linked statically41 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK" LINK_BOOST_DYNAMIC)42 #ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DENET_DLL" LINK_ENET_DYNAMIC)43 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL" LINK_LUA5.1_DYNAMIC)44 # If no defines are specified, these libs get linked dynamically45 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DCEGUI_STATIC -DTOLUA_STATIC" NOT LINK_CEGUI_DYNAMIC)46 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOGRE_STATIC_LIB" NOT LINK_OGRE_DYNAMIC)47 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DSTATIC_BUILD" NOT LINK_TCL_DYNAMIC)48 49 # Target Windows XP as minimum Windows version50 # And try to catch all the different macro defines for that...51 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501")52 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0501")53 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DWINVER=0x0501")54 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05010000")55 ENDIF(WIN32)56 57 # Visual Leak Dectector configuration58 IF(MSVC AND VLD_FOUND)59 OPTION(VISUAL_LEAK_DETECTOR_ENABLE "Memory leak detector" OFF)60 IF(VISUAL_LEAK_DETECTOR_ENABLE)61 # Force library linking by forcing the inclusion of a symbol62 ADD_LINKER_FLAGS("-INCLUDE:__imp_?vld@@3VVisualLeakDetector@@A" Debug)63 IF(MSVC90)64 # VS 2008 incremental linker crashes with /INCLUDE most of the time65 REMOVE_LINKER_FLAGS("-INCREMENTAL:YES" Debug)66 ADD_LINKER_FLAGS ("-INCREMENTAL:NO" Debug)67 ENDIF()68 ENDIF()69 ENDIF()70 71 ######### Library Behaviour (external) ##########72 73 # Use TinyXML++74 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DTIXML_USE_TICPP")75 76 # Default linking for externals77 IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "(Debug|RelForDevs)")78 SET(_default_link_mode "SHARED")79 ELSE()80 SET(_default_link_mode "STATIC")81 ENDIF()82 SET(_message "Link mode for external libraries that we build ourselves.83 MSVC Note: certain libraries will not be linked shared.")84 SET(ORXONOX_EXTERNAL_LINK_MODE "${_default_link_mode}" CACHE STRING "${_message}")85 86 IF(ORXONOX_EXTERNAL_LINK_MODE STREQUAL "SHARED")87 SET(_external_shared_link TRUE)88 ELSE()89 SET(_external_shared_link FALSE)90 ENDIF()91 # If no defines are specified, these libs get linked dynamically92 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DENET_DLL" WIN32 _external_shared_link)93 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOGRE_GUIRENDERER_STATIC_LIB" WIN32 NOT _external_shared_link)94 ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-DOIS_STATIC_LIB" WIN32 NOT _external_shared_link)95 96 ############## Include Directories ##############97 98 # Set the search paths for include files99 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(100 # OrxonoxConfig.h101 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}102 103 # All includes in "externals" should be prefixed with the path104 # relative to "external" to avoid conflicts105 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external106 # Include directories needed even if only included by Orxonox107 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/bullet108 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/ois109 110 # External111 ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR}112 ${CEGUI_INCLUDE_DIR}113 ${CEGUI_TOLUA_INCLUDE_DIR}114 #${ENET_INCLUDE_DIR}115 ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}116 ${POCO_INCLUDE_DIR}117 ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}118 ${ALUT_INCLUDE_DIR}119 ${VORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR}120 ${OGG_INCLUDE_DIR}121 ${LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR}122 ${TCL_INCLUDE_PATH}123 ${DIRECTX_INCLUDE_DIR}124 ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}125 )126 127 IF(CEGUI_OLD_VERSION)128 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CEGUILUA_INCLUDE_DIR})129 ENDIF()130 131 IF (DBGHELP_FOUND)132 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${DBGHELP_INCLUDE_DIR})133 ENDIF()134 135 IF(VISUAL_LEAK_DETECTOR_ENABLE)136 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${VLD_INCLUDE_DIR})137 ENDIF()138 139 ############## CEGUI OGRE Renderer ##############140 141 IF(CEGUI_OGRE_RENDERER_BUILD_REQUIRED)142 SET(CEGUI_OGRE_RENDERER_LIBRARY ogreceguirenderer_orxonox)143 ENDIF()144 145 ################### Tolua Bind ##################146 147 # Add hook script to the lua code that generates the bindings148 SET(TOLUA_PARSER_HOOK_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries/core/ToluaInterfaceHook.lua)149 SET(TOLUA_PARSER_DEPENDENCIES ${TOLUA_PARSER_DEPENDENCIES} ${TOLUA_PARSER_HOOK_SCRIPT})150 34 151 35 ################ Sub Directories ################ -
r9470 r9473 26 26 # Required macros and functions 27 27 INCLUDE(FlagUtilities) 28 INCLUDE(TargetUtilities)29 30 # Configure the two headers and set some options31 INCLUDE(OrxonoxConfig.cmake)32 28 33 29 ####### Library Behaviour (dependencies) ######## … … 148 144 SET(TOLUA_PARSER_HOOK_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries/core/ToluaInterfaceHook.lua) 149 145 SET(TOLUA_PARSER_DEPENDENCIES ${TOLUA_PARSER_DEPENDENCIES} ${TOLUA_PARSER_HOOK_SCRIPT}) 150 151 ################ Sub Directories ################152 153 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(external)154 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(libraries)155 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(orxonox)156 SET(ORXONOX_MODULES CACHE INTERNAL "")157 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(modules)158 159 ################## Executable ###################160 161 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(162 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries163 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/orxonox164 )165 166 # Translate argument167 IF(ORXONOX_USE_WINMAIN)168 SET(ORXONOX_WIN32 WIN32)169 ENDIF()170 171 SET(ORXONOX_MAIN_FILES 173 # Add special source file for OS X174 IF(APPLE)175 LIST(APPEND ORXONOX_MAIN_FILES ENDIF()177 178 ORXONOX_ADD_EXECUTABLE(orxonox-main179 # When defined as WIN32 this removes the console window on Windows180 ${ORXONOX_WIN32}181 LINK_LIBRARIES182 orxonox183 SOURCE_FILES184 ${ORXONOX_MAIN_FILES}185 OUTPUT_NAME orxonox186 )187 # Main executable should depend on all modules188 ADD_DEPENDENCIES(orxonox-main ${ORXONOX_MODULES})189 190 # Get name to configure the run scripts191 GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_exec_loc orxonox-main LOCATION)192 GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_exec_name ${_exec_loc} NAME)193 SET(ORXONOX_EXECUTABLE_NAME ${_exec_name} CACHE INTERNAL "")194 195 196 # When using Visual Studio we want to use the output directory as working197 # directory and we also want to specify where the external dlls198 # (lua, ogre, etc.) are. The problem hereby is that these information cannot199 # be specified in CMake because they are not stored in the actual project file.200 # This workaround will create a configured *.vcproj.user file that holds the201 # right values. When starting the solution for the first time,202 # these get written to the *vcproj.yourPCname.yourname.user203 IF(MSVC)204 IF(CMAKE_CL_64)205 SET(MSVC_PLATFORM "x64")206 ELSE()207 SET(MSVC_PLATFORM "Win32")208 ENDIF()209 IF(MSVC10)210 CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/orxonox-main.vcxproj.user")211 ELSE()212 STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^Visual Studio ([0-9][0-9]?).*$" "\\1"213 VISUAL_STUDIO_VERSION_SIMPLE "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}")214 CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/orxonox-main.vcproj.user")215 ENDIF()216 ENDIF(MSVC)217 218 # Apple Mac OS X specific build settings219 IF(APPLE)220 # On Apple we need to link to AppKit and Foundation frameworks221 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(orxonox-main222 "-framework AppKit"223 "-framework Foundation"224 )225 226 # Post-build step for the creation of the Dev-App bundle227 INCLUDE(PrepareDevBundle)228 ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(229 TARGET orxonox-main230 POST_BUILD231 # Copy the executable into the Orxonox.app232 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${ORXONOX_EXECUTABLE_NAME}" "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS"233 # Copy the dev-build marker file to Orxonox.app234 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/orxonox_dev_build.keep_me" "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS"235 # Create a shortcut of the application to the root of the build tree236 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app"237 )238 ENDIF(APPLE)239 240 #################### Doxygen ####################241 242 # Prepare include paths for Doxygen. This is necessary to display243 # the correct path to use when including a file, e.g.244 # core/XMLPort.h instead of src/core/XMLPort.h245 246 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/modules)247 GET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY(_temp INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)248 # Replace ';' by spaces249 STRING(REPLACE ";" " " _temp "${_temp}")250 SET(DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${_temp}" PARENT_SCOPE) -
r9115 r9473 1 # 2 # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist 3 # > < 4 # 5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 6 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 7 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 8 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 9 # 10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 12 # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 13 # GNU General Public License for more details. 14 # 15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 16 # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 17 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. 18 # 19 # 20 # Author: 21 # Fabian 'x3n' Landau 22 # Description: 23 # Configures the compilers and sets build options. 24 # 25 26 # Required macros and functions 27 INCLUDE(FlagUtilities) 28 INCLUDE(TargetUtilities) 29 30 INCLUDE(../src/SourceConfig.cmake) 31 32 ################ Testing Configuration ################ 33 1 34 ENABLE_TESTING() 2 35 … … 4 37 5 38 CONFIGURE_FILE("CTestCustom.cmake" "CTestCustom.cmake" @ONLY) 39 40 ############## Include Directories ############## 6 41 7 42 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( … … 13 48 ../src/external/gmock/include 14 49 ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src 15 ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}16 ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR}17 ${POCO_INCLUDE_DIR}18 50 ) 19 51 52 ################ Sub Directories ################ 53 20 54 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(util)
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