Changeset 9801 in orxonox.OLD for branches/new_class_id/src/lib/util/loading
- Timestamp:
- Sep 24, 2006, 12:26:38 PM (18 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9800 r9801 16 16 namespace Resources 17 17 { 18 //! The KeepLevel handles the unloading of Resources. 19 /** 20 * Allocating a Resource also appends a KeepLevel to the Resource. 21 * When the Resource is not used anymore it is decided on the grounds of the KeepLevel, 22 * if the Resource should be deleted. (e.g. at the end of a Level, Campaign, or something like this). 23 */ 18 24 class KeepLevel 19 25 { 20 26 public: 27 /** @param keepLevel the level to set. */ 21 28 KeepLevel(unsigned int keepLevel) { _keepLevel = keepLevel; }; 22 29 KeepLevel(const std::string& keepLevelName); 23 30 31 /** @returns the KeepLevel */ 24 32 unsigned int keepLevel() const { return _keepLevel; }; 25 33 const std::string& name() const; 26 34 private: 27 unsigned int _keepLevel;35 unsigned int _keepLevel; //!< The KeepLevel a Resource is in. 28 36 }; 29 37 38 //! Stores a Resource-Pointer, the LoadString and it's keepLevel. 30 39 class StorePointer 31 40 { 32 41 public: 33 42 StorePointer(const std::string& loadString, const Resources::KeepLevel& keeplevel); 43 /** @returns the LoadString this resource was loaded with */ 34 44 const std::string& loadString() const { return _loadString; }; 45 /** @returns the KeepLevel of this resource */ 35 46 const Resources::KeepLevel& keepLevel() const { return _keepLevel; }; 36 47 … … 40 51 }; 41 52 53 //! A Type of Resources. 54 /** 55 * The Type is used to store the Pointers to already loaded Resources, 56 * and also to store type-specific properties. 57 * These are the Loading Paths, the subpaths and so on. 58 */ 42 59 class Type 43 60 { … … 45 62 Type(const std::string& typeName); 46 63 ~Type(); 64 /** @returns true if the names match @param resourceName the Name to compare. @brief compare the Type with a Name */ 47 65 bool operator==(const std::string& resourceName) const { return this->_typeName == resourceName; }; 48 66 … … 53 71 54 72 /// Retrieve Functions 73 /** @returns the name of the stored Class this Type loads Resources for */ 55 74 const std::string& storedClassName() const { return _typeName; }; 75 /** @returns the ID of the Type != ClassID */ 56 76 int id() const { return _id; }; 77 /** @returns the type-specific paths this Resource searches in. */ 57 78 const std::vector<Directory>& resourcePaths() const { return _resourcePaths; }; 79 /** @returns the Type specific SubPaths this Resource Searches in @see std::vector<std::string> _resourceSubPaths */ 58 80 const std::vector<Directory>& resourceSubPaths() const { return _resourceSubPaths; }; 81 /** @returns the Pointers to the Stored resources. @note do not use this, for more than some lookup */ 59 82 const std::vector<Resources::StorePointer*>& storedResources() const { return _storedResources; }; 60 83 … … 65 88 66 89 private: 67 int _id;68 const std::string _typeName;69 std::vector<Directory> _resourcePaths;70 std::vector<Directory> _resourceSubPaths;71 std::vector<std::string> _fileExtensions;90 int _id; //!< ID of the Type in over all of the Types. 91 const std::string _typeName; //!< Name of the Type. (Name of the Resource this loads.) 92 std::vector<Directory> _resourcePaths; //!< The Paths to search for files in this type 93 std::vector<Directory> _resourceSubPaths; //!< The subpaths that will be searched under all the _resourcePaths. 94 std::vector<std::string> _fileExtensions; //!< File Extensions, this Resource supports. 72 95 73 std::vector<Resources::StorePointer*> _storedResources; 96 std::vector<Resources::StorePointer*> _storedResources; //!< An array of all the stored Resources. 74 97 }; 75 98 … … 77 100 //! A NewResource is an Object, that can be loaded from Disk 78 101 /** 79 * 102 * The NewResource Hanldes the location and stores pointers to data that can be retrieved. 80 103 */ 81 104 class NewResource : virtual public BaseObject … … 87 110 virtual ~NewResource(); 88 111 112 /** @brief reloads the underlying resource */ 89 113 virtual bool reload() { return false; }; 114 /** @brief unloads the underlying Resource */ 90 115 virtual bool unload() { return false; }; 91 116 92 117 std::string locateFile(const std::string& fileName) const; 93 118 94 95 public:96 119 protected: 97 120 Resources::StorePointer* acquireResource(const std::string& loadString);
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