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Class template month_formatter

boost::date_time::month_formatter — Formats a month as as string into an ostream.


template<typename month_type, typename format_type, typename charT = char> 
class month_formatter {

  // public static functions
  std::basic_ostream< charT > & 
  format_month(const month_type &, std::basic_ostream< charT > &) ;
  std::ostream & format_month(const month_type &, std::ostream &) ;


month_formatter public static functions

  1. std::basic_ostream< charT > & 
    format_month(const month_type & month, std::basic_ostream< charT > & os) ;

    This function demands that month_type provide functions for converting to short and long strings if that capability is used.

  2. std::ostream & format_month(const month_type & month, std::ostream & os) ;

    This function demands that month_type provide functions for converting to short and long strings if that capability is used.

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