# copyright John Maddock 2003 subproject libs/regex/test ; # bring in the rules for testing import testing ; subinclude libs/regex/test/captures ; R_SOURCE = basic_tests.cpp main.cpp test_alt.cpp test_anchors.cpp test_asserts.cpp test_backrefs.cpp test_deprecated.cpp test_emacs.cpp test_escapes.cpp test_grep.cpp test_locale.cpp test_mfc.cpp test_non_greedy_repeats.cpp test_perl_ex.cpp test_replace.cpp test_sets.cpp test_simple_repeats.cpp test_tricky_cases.cpp test_icu.cpp test_unicode.cpp test_overloads.cpp test_operators.cpp ; # # test for MFC by looking inside VC++ include directories: # if ! $(gMFC_CHECK) { gMFC_CHECK = true ; if $(VS71COMNTOOLS) { VS71COMNTOOLS = $(VS71COMNTOOLS:J=" ") ; if [ GLOB $(VS71COMNTOOLS)..\\..\\VC7\\atlmfc\\include : cstringt.h ] { ECHO MFC/ATL regex wrappers will be tested when building with VC7.1 ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; } } if $(VSCOMNTOOLS) { VSCOMNTOOLS = $(VSCOMNTOOLS:J=" ") ; if [ GLOB $(VSCOMNTOOLS)\\..\\..\\VC7\\atlmfc\\include : cstringt.h ] { ECHO MFC/ATL regex wrappers will be tested when building with VC7 ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; } } if $(VS80COMNTOOLS) { VS80COMNTOOLS = $(VS80COMNTOOLS:J=" ") ; if [ GLOB $(VS80COMNTOOLS)..\\..\\VC8\\atlmfc\\include : cstringt.h ] { ECHO MFC/ATL regex wrappers will be tested when building with VC8 ; REGEX_MFC_OPTS += "<*>TEST_MFC=1" ; } } } # # this template defines the options common to # all regex tests: # template test :