reverse_graph<BidirectionalGraph, GraphReference>The reverse_graph adaptor flips the in-edges and out-edges of a BidirectionalGraph, effectively transposing the graph. The construction of the reverse_graph is constant time, providing a highly efficient way to obtain a transposed-view of a graph.
int main() { typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, > Graph; Graph G(5); boost::add_edge(0, 2, G); boost::add_edge(1, 1, G); boost::add_edge(1, 3, G); boost::add_edge(1, 4, G); boost::add_edge(2, 1, G); boost::add_edge(2, 3, G); boost::add_edge(2, 4, G); boost::add_edge(3, 1, G); boost::add_edge(3, 4, G); boost::add_edge(4, 0, G); boost::add_edge(4, 1, G); std::cout << "original graph:" << std::endl; boost::print_graph(G, boost::get(boost::vertex_index, G)); std::cout << std::endl << "reversed graph:" << std::endl; boost::print_graph(boost::make_reverse_graph(G), boost::get(boost::vertex_index, G)); return 0; }The output is:
original graph: 0 --> 2 1 --> 1 3 4 2 --> 1 3 4 3 --> 1 4 4 --> 0 1 reversed graph: 0 --> 4 1 --> 1 2 3 4 2 --> 0 3 --> 1 2 4 --> 1 2 3
Parameter | Description | Default |
BidirectionalGraph | The graph type to be adapted. | |
GraphReference | This type should be const BidirectionalGraph& if you want to create a const reverse graph, or BidirectionalGraph& if you want to create a non-const reverse graph. | const BidirectionalGraph& |
BidirectionalGraph and optionally VertexListGraph and PropertyGraph
reverse_graph(BidirectionalGraph& g)Constructor. Create a reversed (transposed) view of the graph g.
template <class BidirectionalGraph> reverse_graph<BidirectionalGraph, BidirectionalGraph&> make_reverse_graph(BidirectionalGraph& g); template <class BidirectionalGraph> reverse_graph<BidirectionalGraph, const BidirectionalGraph&> make_reverse_graph(const BidirectionalGraph& g)Helper function for creating a reverse_graph.
std::pair<vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator> vertices(const reverse_graph& g)Returns an iterator-range providing access to the vertex set of graph g.
std::pair<out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator> out_edges(vertex_descriptor v, const reverse_graph& g)Returns an iterator-range providing access to the out-edges of vertex v in graph g. These out-edges correspond to the in-edges of the adapted graph.
std::pair<in_edge_iterator, in_edge_iterator> in_edges(vertex_descriptor v, const reverse_graph& g)Returns an iterator-range providing access to the in-edges of vertex v in graph g. These in-edges correspond to the out edges of the adapted graph.
std::pair<adjacency_iterator, adjacency__iterator> adjacent_vertices(vertex_descriptor v, const reverse_graph& g)Returns an iterator-range providing access to the adjacent vertices of vertex v in graph g.
vertex_descriptor source(edge_descriptor e, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the source vertex of edge e.
vertex_descriptor target(edge_descriptor e, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the target vertex of edge e.
degree_size_type out_degree(vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the number of edges leaving vertex u.
degree_size_type in_degree(vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the number of edges entering vertex u. This operation is only available if bidirectionalS was specified for the Directed template parameter.
vertices_size_type num_vertices(const reverse_graph& g)Returns the number of vertices in the graph g.
vertex_descriptor vertex(vertices_size_type n, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the nth vertex in the graph's vertex list.
std::pair<edge_descriptor, bool> edge(vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the edge connecting vertex u to vertex v in graph g.
template <class PropertyTag> property_map<reverse_graph, PropertyTag>::type get(PropertyTag, reverse_graph& g) template <class PropertyTag> property_map<reverse_graph, Tag>::const_type get(PropertyTag, const reverse_graph& g)Returns the property map object for the vertex property specified by PropertyTag. The PropertyTag must match one of the properties specified in the graph's VertexProperty template argument.
template <class PropertyTag, class X> typename property_traits<property_map<reverse_graph, PropertyTag>::const_type>::value_type get(PropertyTag, const reverse_graph& g, X x)This returns the property value for x, which is either a vertex or edge descriptor.
template <class PropertyTag, class X, class Value> void put(PropertyTag, const reverse_graph& g, X x, const Value& value)This sets the property value for x to value. x is either a vertex or edge descriptor. Value must be convertible to typename property_traits<property_map<reverse_graph, PropertyTag>::type>::value_type
template <class GraphProperties, class GraphPropertyTag> typename property_value<GraphProperties, GraphPropertyTag>::type& get_property(reverse_graph& g, GraphPropertyTag);Return the property specified by GraphPropertyTag that is attached to the graph object g. The property_value traits class is defined in boost/pending/property.hpp.
template <class GraphProperties, class GraphPropertyTag> const typename property_value<GraphProperties, GraphPropertyTag>::type& get_property(const reverse_graph& g, GraphPropertyTag);Return the property specified by GraphPropertyTag that is attached to the graph object g. The property_value traits class is defined in boost/pending/property.hpp.
Copyright © 2000-2001 |
Dave Abrahams
( Jeremy Siek, Indiana University ( |