version 1.0.3 ============= - Multiple selection add support. - Animation ranges are now pr default the range in max - Materials are now exported into seperate files (combats material conflicts) - Pose support added - Pose animation support added - Vertex Colors: * White vertex colors are now exported when no colors are present in max. * Material shaders requires vertex colors. - Bug Fixes: * 16/32 bit index buffer allocation is now allocated correctly. * Reindexing is now taking the bone weights into account. * Bug in reindexing of bone assignments are now fixed. * Max bone count (4) pr vertex is correctly enforced. * Settings are now being saved when everything has been removed. * Add selected could violated the object type check - FIXED! * Major Memory leak removed. (resulted in +70M at each export for a large mesh) - FIXED! * Skeleton reference in .mesh file should be relative. - FIXED! * Visible seam bug on animated skinned mesh - FIXED! * Installer now doesn´t assume a C drive version 1.0.2 ============= - Completly new UI design.(single window approach) - Static Mesh export type added * Collapse geometry - Skinned Mesh export type added * Add bone animations - Bone Animation export type added - Progress window added - New log window - Resizable windows - FileBrowser buttons when out filename is needed - Bug Fixes: * Forum Reported Bug: Wrong orientation of single exported root bone - FIXED! * Wrong bone structure when not all bones were assigned to modifier - FIXED! version 1.0.1 ============= - Support for multiple animations - new Mesh Properties UI. - Collapse hierarchy option removed (belongs in type StaticMesh) - Ogre3d wiki page created version 1.0.0 ============= - Single mesh export (Vertex Colors, Normals, Multiple UV sets) - Reindexing optimization - Simple shader based materials (only one at a time) : * Blinn colors * Diffuse map * Specular Color map * Specular Level map * Self-Illumination map - Collapse static mesh (submesh materials) - Bone animation (.skeleton) * Only one animation so far. * Multiple root bones * Linked bones