This is the offical README file for the game project -------------------------------------------------------- orxOnox -------------------------------------------------------- 1.Preface: ---------- Orxonox is a open-source vertical scroller game programed in c++ and OpenGL. If we manage to be sober enough, this game shall definitly become _the_ open-source vertical scrolle ever. 2.Manifesto: ------------ 1) Alien is a great film 2) Guiness is the most delicious beer to be continoued... 3.Overview: --------- 1.Preface 2.Manifesto 3.Overview 3.Contributing To The Project 4.Howto C++ Programming 5.Howto SVN 4.Contributing To The project: ------------------------------ People who want to help us working on orxonox are always welcome:) Feel free to chip in anything you like. Wine, beer, coffee... If you like to help us programming orxonox, you: - join the developer community mailing lists - read this README file then you have multiple ways to get started. a) Read the hole source code and choose a topic you like b) check the TODO file to get a knowledge of what we need c) ask us for more information To get more informations about programming and project specs read the programming sections below. To start programming on orxonox you first have to download the newest svn tree of orxonox. You can do this by enterning following lines in the linux console (ensure svn to be installed with ssl support enabled): svn co orxonox If you haven't got ssl support in you svn tool, recompile it ./configure --with-ssl make make install 5.Howto C++ Programming: ------------------------ If you are new to c/c++ programming, this project is probably not the best starting place to learn it. For you and the rest who need "refreshment" check out these guides: 6.Howto SVN: ------------ For a more complete guide about this topic read the documentation avaiable at SVN (=subversion) is a version control program similar to CVS but newer. This program enables us to work all at the same program at the same time - tricky. subversion checkout orxonox same as: subversion co https://open.datacore.... this makes a directory orxonox at your current place in and gets the hole brand new source code from the server. now you can work. Remember to use 'svn copy instead of 'cp', 'svn mv' instead of 'mv', 'svn rm' instead of 'rm'... - you got it I think. After you have made your changes to the files enter svn status or with more details: svn status -vv which will show you the changes you did locally on your computer. svn diff is similar but shows you all the changes in detail. svn diff > patchfile the patchfile you can use later in conjunction with the patch program. You could, for example, email this patchfile to another developer for review or testing prior to commit. To add a new file type svn add and to publish all your changes type svn commit --message "Corrected number of chees slices." svn commit will send all of your changs to the repository. When you commit a change, you need to supply a log message, describing your change. The message can also be read from a file: svn commit --file logmsg If you accidently make a change you like to revert, you just can do this by typing: svn revert To keep track about the work that is running on the project use the command: svn log. This will show you a bref summary of all changes. Most of the programmer will do their work on a branch. A Branch is a line of development that exists independently of another line, yet still shares a common history. A branch always begins life as a copy of something, and moves on trom there, generating its own history. Later the two versions will merge. If you are working on orxonox you will have your own branch in which you will program, some sort of sand-box. If you finish your work on your topic, it will be revised by us and merged with the trunk #EOF