Hi, ------------------- 10) Specify difference between assignment from an input_iterator (basic exception safety guarantee) and any other iterator (strong exception safety guarantee). Provide a iterator wrapper which implement the input_iterator concept to achieve that particular performance characteristic: vector.assign( fast_copy_iterator( other.begin() ), other.end() ); 20) Add two sources and a discussion on defaults: http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/054.htm, http://www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/vector_vs_deque.asp 45) update all functions with correct exception specs 46) add description to erase() which returns end in some circumstances 47) Consider if list implemetation of multi-insert can benefit from strong exception-safety. 74) consider simple static assert by nesting a typedef a la T::boost_indirect_container 74.5) a new function in map: auto_type replace( key&, T* );? 75) toturial: ptr_map: add default constructor map[ "foo" ].set_data( "Bla bla", 6 ); boost.assign -support: ptr_insert( ptr_map )( "foo", "bla bla", 3 ) ( "bar", "foo", 3 ); 76) use boost::get_pointer() to retrieve the pointer withint dereferenceing.