V | A type that is a model of Bellman Ford Visitor. |
vis | An object of type V. |
G | A type that is a model of Graph. |
g | An object of type G. |
e | An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor. |
s,u | An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor. |
Name | Expression | Return Type | Description |
Examine Edge | vis.examine_edge(e, g) | void | This is invoked on every edge in the graph num_vertices(g) times. |
Edge Relaxed | vis.edge_relaxed(e, g) | void |
Upon examination, if the following condition holds then the edge
is relaxed (its distance is reduced), and this method is invoked. tie(u,v) = incident(e, g); D d_u = get(d, u), d_v = get(d, v); W w_e = get(w, e); assert(compare(combine(d_u, w_e), d_v)); |
Edge Not Relaxed | edge_not_relaxed(e, g) | void | Upon examination, if the edge is not relaxed (see above) then this method is invoked. |
Edge Minimized | vis.edge_minimized(e, g) | void | After the num_vertices(g) iterations through the edge set of the graph is complete, one last iteration is made to test whether each edge was minimized. If the edge is minimized then this function is invoked. |
Edge Not Minimized | edge_not_minimized(e, g) | void | If the edge is not minimized, this function is invoked. This happens when there is a negative cycle in the graph. |
class count_tree_edges_bellman_ford_visitor(bgl.Graph.BellmanFordVisitor): def __init__(self, name_map): bgl.Graph.BellmanFordVisitor.__init__(self) self.name_map = name_map def edge_relaxed(self, e, g): (u, v) = (g.source(e), g.target(e)) print "Relaxed edge ", print self.name_map[u], print " -> ", print self.name_map[v]
Copyright © 2000-2001 |
Jeremy Siek,
Indiana University (jsiek@osl.iu.edu) Lie-Quan Lee, Indiana University (llee@cs.indiana.edu) Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University (lums@osl.iu.edu) |