#AM_CXXFLAGS="" AM_LDFLAGS= $(MWINDOWS) #"-O3 -pedantic -fPIC -ffast-math -I/usr/X11R6/include" bin_PROGRAMS=orxonox orxonox_SOURCES= orxonox.cc \ world.cc \ player.cc \ collision.cc \ data_tank.cc \ world_entity.cc \ vector.cc \ camera.cc \ command_node.cc \ ini_parser.cc \ keynames.cc \ track.cc \ base_entity.cc \ game_loader.cc \ campaign.cc \ story_entity.cc \ environment.cc \ importer/object.cc \ importer/array.cc \ importer/material.cc \ list.cc noinst_HEADERS = ability.h \ data_tank.h \ collision.h \ npc.h \ stdincl.h \ ai.h \ environment.h \ orxonox.h \ synchronisable.h \ base_entity.h \ error.h \ player.h \ track.h \ camera.h \ ini_parser.h \ power_up.h \ vector.h \ keynames.h \ proto_class.h \ world.h \ command_node.h \ list.h \ shoot_laser.h \ world_entity.h \ coordinates.h \ message_structures.h \ shoot_rocket.h \ list_template.h \ story_entity.h \ story_def.h \ game_loader.h \ campaign.h ## orxonox.conf will be used from home-dir instead. EXTRA_DIST = orxonox.conf ### GTK_RELATED if HAVE_GTK2 GTK_PROGS =console else GTK_PROGS = endif SUBDIRS = . \ importer \ heightmap \ gui \ $(GTK_PROGS) # uncomment the following if orxonox requires the math library #orxonox_LDADD=-lm #EXTRA_DIST=orxonox.lsm.in orxonox.spec.in orxonox.texinfo # if you write a self-test script named `chk', uncomment the # following and add `chk' to the EXTRA_DIST list #TESTS=chk # build and install the .info pages #info_TEXINFOS = orxonox.texinfo #orxonox_TEXINFOS = gpl.texinfo # install the man pages #man_MANS=orxonox.1