Started 8 yr 0 mo ago
Took 12 min on docker-bbc8637f14d2

Success Build #11 (Mar 19, 2017 11:57:23 PM)

Revision: 11359
  1. story mode map merged (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  2. space race merged (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  3. big ship merged (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  4. merged space race with trunk (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  5. deleted comments (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  6. merged updated HUD branch to trunk (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi
  7. merged HUD branch to trunk (detail/Trac)
    by patricwi

Started by an SCM change

GNU Make + GNU C Compiler Warnings: 0 warnings.
  • No warnings since build 3.
  • New zero warnings highscore: no warnings for 359 days!
Test Result (no failures)
    Packages: 100%   Files: 83%   Classes: 83%   Lines: 36%   Conditionals: 55%  

    Docker Build Data

    Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    Original Container Id: bbc8637f14d23341d3b5c0feb0b4653eaef9429ee961574a7b04663cad6a1376