Started 6 yr 8 mo ago
Took 13 min on docker-82094c584d65

Success Build #43 (Jan 7, 2018 8:07:29 PM)

Revision: 11714
  1. [Highscore_HS16] reverted changes in LevelInfo - they don't seem to be needed (everything is done by the Highscore class) (detail/Trac)
    by Fabian Landau

Started by an SCM change

GNU Make + GNU C Compiler Warnings: 0 warnings.
  • No warnings since build 3.
  • New zero warnings highscore: no warnings for 652 days!
Test Result (no failures)
    Packages: 100%   Files: 83%   Classes: 83%   Lines: 36%   Conditionals: 55%  

    Docker Build Data

    Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    Original Container Id: 82094c584d65350489bd72af655b470a02102ac87f4f2f2aac8e60769b488578