Started 7 yr 2 mo ago
Took 41 sec on docker-a18d8d5592d6

Failed Build #24 (Jan 3, 2018 1:47:29 AM)

Revision: 11692
  1. with the latest CMake there are a lot of warnings about the usage of CMP0026. therefore the naming and content of the module/plugin-files had to be changed:
    old: <library-filename>.module with content <target-name>
    new: <target-name>.module with content <library-filename>
    this seems to comply better with cmake and works equally well in c++ (with some small adjustments).
    reference: (detail/Trac)
    by Fabian Landau

Started by an SCM change

Docker Build Data

Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Original Container Id: a18d8d5592d68e11e56f6171af64fd2eecb01e157ea6111cd0bfe9bfdebf8437