Started 8 yr 0 mo ago
Took 1 min 20 sec on docker-4152eb174728

Success Build #95 (Mar 19, 2017 5:38:41 AM)

Revision: 11359
  1. story mode map merged (detail)
    by patricwi
  2. space race merged (detail)
    by patricwi
  3. big ship merged (detail)
    by patricwi
  4. merged space race with trunk (detail)
    by patricwi
  5. deleted comments (detail)
    by patricwi
  6. merged updated HUD branch to trunk (detail)
    by patricwi
  7. merged HUD branch to trunk (detail)
    by patricwi

Started by an SCM change

Docker Build Data

Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Original Container Id: 4152eb174728141c09e3ddec8bb9fb315acc58fcf22c0b5fb960b0b5d900115a