Started 7 yr 2 mo ago
Took 6 min 25 sec on docker-f4867f843a91

Unstable Build #16 (Jan 3, 2018 4:07:26 AM)

Revision: 11695
  1. removed useless file that was added in BigShip_HS16 (detail)
    by Fabian Landau
  2. CMP0026 is deprecated in recent versions of CMake -> moved it to the APPLE section because it seems to be used only there and therefore should be fixed there (detail)
    by Fabian Landau
  3. apparently we must create the directory for module/plugin-files manually to make it work with some (older?) versions of CMake (detail)
    by Fabian Landau
  4. with the latest CMake there are a lot of warnings about the usage of CMP0026. therefore the naming and content of the module/plugin-files had to be changed:
    old: <library-filename>.module with content <target-name>
    new: <target-name>.module with content <library-filename>
    this seems to comply better with cmake and works equally well in c++ (with some small adjustments).
    reference: (detail)
    by Fabian Landau
  5. bugfix: don't try to unload a DynLib if it doesn't exist (e.g. after loading the DynLib failed) (detail)
    by Fabian Landau

Started by an SCM change

LLVM/Clang Warnings: 32 warnings.

    Docker Build Data

    Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    Original Container Id: f4867f843a919a7050d235f517e88c0588b115d95a2b2b59d95f0659aff1ec55