Bug Summary

Location:line 261, column 22
Description:Value stored to 'size' during its initialization is never read

Annotated Source Code

2 * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist
3 * > www.orxonox.net <
4 *
5 *
6 * License notice:
7 *
8 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 *
22 * Author:
23 * Gion-Andri Cantieni
24 * Co-authors:
25 * Damian 'Mozork' Frick
26 *
27 */
30 @file SkyboxGenerator.cc
31 @brief Implementation of the SkyboxGenerator class.
34#include "SkyboxGenerator.h"
36#include <string>
37#include <OgreRenderWindow.h>
38#include <OgreCamera.h>
40#include "core/CoreIncludes.h"
41#include "core/config/ConfigValueIncludes.h"
42#include "core/GraphicsManager.h"
43#include "core/ConfigurablePaths.h"
44#include "core/Resource.h"
45#include "core/command/ConsoleCommandIncludes.h"
46#include "core/command/CommandExecutor.h"
47#include "core/singleton/ScopedSingletonIncludes.h"
49#include "controllers/HumanController.h"
50#include "graphics/Camera.h"
51#include "worldentities/ControllableEntity.h"
53#include "ScreenshotManager.h"
55// #include <X11/Xlib.h> TODO: Needed?
57namespace orxonox
60 SetConsoleCommand("SkyboxGenerator", "createSkybox", &SkyboxGenerator::createSkybox)static orxonox::ConsoleCommand& __consolecommand_60 = (new
orxonox::SI_CC(new orxonox::ConsoleCommand("SkyboxGenerator"
, "createSkybox", orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor
62 ManageScopedSingleton(SkyboxGenerator, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false)SkyboxGenerator* SkyboxGenerator::singletonPtr_s = nullptr; static
ScopedSingletonWrapper& SkyboxGeneratorScopedSingletonWrapper
= (new orxonox::SI_SSW(new ClassScopedSingletonWrapper<SkyboxGenerator
, false>("SkyboxGenerator"), ScopeID::GRAPHICS))->getWrapper
64 RegisterAbstractClass(SkyboxGenerator)orxonox::SI_I& _SkyboxGeneratorIdentifier = (*new orxonox
, static_cast<ClassFactory<SkyboxGenerator>*>(nullptr
), false)))
66 /**
67 @brief
68 Constructor. Registers and initializes the singleton.
69 */
70 SkyboxGenerator::SkyboxGenerator()
71 {
72 RegisterObject(SkyboxGenerator)if (ClassIdentifier<SkyboxGenerator>::getIdentifier()->
initializeObject(this)) return; else ((void)0)
74 this->setConfigValues();
76 this->bGenerateSkybox_ = false;
77 this->bCaptionsRemoved_ = false;
78 this->bSetup_ = true;
79 this->bWait_ = false;
80 this->bCreateFace_ = true;
81 this->bCleanup_ = true;
82 this->faceCounter_ = 0;
84 this->names_.emplace_back("fr");
85 this->names_.emplace_back("lf");
86 this->names_.emplace_back("bk");
87 this->names_.emplace_back("rt");
88 this->names_.emplace_back("up");
89 this->names_.emplace_back("dn");
91 this->rotations_.emplace_back(90, 0);
92 this->rotations_.emplace_back(90, 0);
93 this->rotations_.emplace_back(90, 0);
94 this->rotations_.emplace_back(90, 90);
95 this->rotations_.emplace_back(0, 180);
96 this->rotations_.emplace_back(0, 90);
97 }
99 /**
100 @brief
101 Destructor.
102 */
103 SkyboxGenerator::~SkyboxGenerator()
104 {
106 }
108 /**
109 @brief
110 Sets some config values.
111 */
112 void SkyboxGenerator::setConfigValues( )
113 {
114 SetConfigValue(skyboxPrefix_, "SkyboxFile_")orxonox::setConfigValueGeneric(this, &skyboxPrefix_, ConfigFileType
::Settings, this->getIdentifier()->getName(), "skyboxPrefix_"
, "SkyboxFile_")
115 SetConfigValue(imageExtension_, ".png")orxonox::setConfigValueGeneric(this, &imageExtension_, ConfigFileType
::Settings, this->getIdentifier()->getName(), "imageExtension_"
, ".png")
116 SetConfigValue(size_, 1024)orxonox::setConfigValueGeneric(this, &size_, ConfigFileType
::Settings, this->getIdentifier()->getName(), "size_", 1024
117 }
119 /**
120 @brief
121 Generate the 6 faces of a skybox.
122 */
123 void SkyboxGenerator::createSkybox()
124 {
125 // Pause
126 CommandExecutor::execute("pause");
127 // Start the skybox generation process.
128 SkyboxGenerator::getInstance().startSkyboxGeneration();
129 }
131 /**
132 @brief
133 This is where the skybox generation happens.
134 Generating a skybox takes several (up to 10) ticks.
135 */
136 void SkyboxGenerator::tick(float dt)
137 {
138 // Whether a skybox is currently being generated.
139 if(this->bGenerateSkybox_)
140 {
141 // Wait one tick.
142 if(this->bWait_)
143 {
144 this->bWait_ = false;
145 return;
146 }
148 ControllableEntity* entity = nullptr;
149 if(HumanController::getLocalControllerSingleton() != nullptr && HumanController::getLocalControllerSingleton()->getControllableEntity() != nullptr)
150 entity = HumanController::getLocalControllerSingleton()->getControllableEntity();
151 else
152 {
153 orxout(user_error) << "You must be in a level to generate a skybox." << endl;
154 this->bGenerateSkybox_ = false;
155 return;
156 }
157 Ogre::Camera* camera = entity->getCamera()->getOgreCamera();
158 Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow = GraphicsManager::getInstance().getRenderWindow();
160 // Setup the SkyboxGenerator to generate a skybox.
161 if(this->bSetup_)
162 {
163 // If there are captions being displayed, don't.
164 if(!this->bCaptionsRemoved_)
165 {
166 CommandExecutor::execute("GametypeStatus displayCaption false");
167 this->bCaptionsRemoved_ = true;
168 return;
169 }
171 // Store the settings for the camera.
172 this->fovy_ = camera->getFOVy();
173 this->aspectRatio_ = camera->getAspectRatio();
174 // Setup the render window.
175 this->setupRenderWindow(renderWindow);
176 // Add the log path to the standard resource group.
177 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(ConfigurablePaths::getLogPathString(), "FileSystem", Resource::getDefaultResourceGroup());
179 orxout(internal_status) << "Setting up SkyboxGenerator..." << endl;
181 this->bSetup_ = false;
182 this->bWait_ = true;
183 }
184 // Create one of the faces. (faceCounter_ decides which)
185 else if(this->bCreateFace_)
186 {
187 // Setup the camera.
188 this->setupCamera(camera);
189 // Take the picture using the ScreenshotManager and save it.
190 this->saveImage(ScreenshotManager::getInstance().getScreenshot(camera), this->skyboxPrefix_+this->names_[this->faceCounter_]+this->imageExtension_);
191 // Rotate the camera to be ready for taking the next picture.
192 std::pair<int, int> rotate = this->rotations_[this->faceCounter_];
193 if(rotate.first != 0)
194 entity->yaw(Degree((float)rotate.first));
195 if(rotate.second != 0)
196 entity->pitch(Degree((float)rotate.second));
198 orxout(internal_info) << "Created face number " << this->faceCounter_ << "." << endl;
199 // Check whether we've generated all 6 faces.
200 if(++this->faceCounter_ >= 6)
201 this->bCreateFace_ = false;
202 }
203 // Cleanup after the successful creation of a skybox.
204 else if(this->bCleanup_)
205 {
206 // Reset the camera parameters.
207 camera->setAspectRatio(this->aspectRatio_);
208 camera->setFOVy(this->fovy_);
209 // Restore the render window.
210 this->restoreRenderWindow(renderWindow);
211 // Remove the log path from the standard resource group.
212 Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().removeResourceLocation(ConfigurablePaths::getLogPathString(), Resource::getDefaultResourceGroup());
214 // Reset the flow parameters for the next skybox generation.
215 this->bGenerateSkybox_ = false;
216 this->bSetup_ = true;
217 this->bWait_ = false;
218 this->bCreateFace_ = true;
219 this->bCleanup_ = true;
220 this->faceCounter_ = 0;
222 // Display captions again.
223 CommandExecutor::execute("GametypeStatus displayCaption true");
224 this->bCaptionsRemoved_ = false;
226 // Unpause.
227 CommandExecutor::execute("pause");
229 orxout(user_info) << "Skybox with face size " << this->size_ << "x" << this->size_ << " pixels created. Storing in log/." << endl;
230 }
231 }
232 }
234 /**
235 @brief
236 Set up the input camera to be ready to generate a skybox face.
237 @param camera
238 The camera to be set up.
239 */
240 void SkyboxGenerator::setupCamera(Ogre::Camera* camera)
241 {
242 camera->setFOVy(Degree(90));
243 camera->setAspectRatio(1.0);
244 }
246 /**
247 @brief
248 Setup the input render window to be ready to generate the skybox.
249 @param renderWindow
250 The render window to be set up.
251 */
252 void SkyboxGenerator::setupRenderWindow(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow)
253 {
254 // Store current window properties.
255 this->windowWidth_ = renderWindow->getWidth();
256 this->windowHeight_ = renderWindow->getHeight();
257 this->windowFullScreen_ = renderWindow->isFullScreen();
258 // Store current ScreenshotManager grid size.
259 this->gridSize_ = ScreenshotManager::getInstance().getGridSize();
261 unsigned int size = this->size_;
Value stored to 'size' during its initialization is never read
263 // If the desired skybox face size is bigger than what the current render window can accommodate we find a size that is a multiple of 256, that fits into the current render window adjust the grid size of the ScreenshotManager such that the screenshots generated are at least as big as we need.
264 if(this->windowHeight_ < this->size_ || this->windowWidth_ < this->size_)
265 {
266 unsigned int min = std::min(this->windowHeight_, this->windowWidth_);
267 unsigned int step = 256;
268 assert(min >= step)((min >= step) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("min >= step", "/home/jenkins/workspace/orxonox_qc_trunk_checks/src/modules/designtools/SkyboxGenerator.cc"
, 268, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
269 size = step;
270 while(min >= size+step)
271 size += step;
273 unsigned int gridSize = 1;
274 while(gridSize*size < this->size_)
275 gridSize++;
277 renderWindow->setFullscreen(false, size, size);
278 ScreenshotManager::getInstance().setGridSize(gridSize);
279 }
280 else
281 ScreenshotManager::getInstance().setGridSize(1);
283 }
285 /**
286 @brief
287 Restore the render window.
288 Reset the window size, reset the grid size of the ScreenshotManager.
289 @param renderWindow
290 The render window to be restored.
291 */
292 void SkyboxGenerator::restoreRenderWindow(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow)
293 {
294 // Restore window size.
295 renderWindow->setFullscreen(this->windowFullScreen_, this->windowWidth_, this->windowHeight_);
296 // Restore grid size.
297 ScreenshotManager::getInstance().setGridSize(this->gridSize_);
298 }
300 /**
301 @brief
302 Resizes and saves the input image under the input name.
303 @param image
304 A pointer to the image to be saved. The image is deleted afterwards,
305 @param name
306 The desired filename of the image.
307 */
308 void SkyboxGenerator::saveImage(Ogre::Image* image, const std::string& name) const
309 {
310 image->save(ConfigurablePaths::getLogPathString()+name);
311 delete image;
312 // Loading the resizing, then saving again. This seems stupid, but resizing doesn't seem to work otherwise.
313 // If someone figures this out, feel free to adjust.
314 image = new Ogre::Image();
315 image->load(name, Resource::getDefaultResourceGroup());
316 image->resize(this->size_, this->size_);
317 image->save(ConfigurablePaths::getLogPathString()+name);
318 delete image;
319 ScreenshotManager::getInstance().cleanup(); // Free memory in ScreenshotManager.
320 }