9 years |
landauf |
created new branch for cpp11
9 years |
gania |
added a little bit of firing functionality
9 years |
bhatiab |
Worked on lua.fog, fogFields is working now, but I'm having problemes …
9 years |
gania |
move functions were added, everyone stays in formations
9 years |
landauf |
disable LOD for MSVC and ogre version 1.8 because it leads to crashes
9 years |
landauf |
fixed warnings with MSVC14
9 years |
landauf |
fixed alignment warnings in MSVC14 (caused by SSE instructions in bullet)
9 years |
gania |
fixed pointers
9 years |
fvultier |
The weapon system HUD rescales properly if the window size changes.
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
gania |
created destructor functions and improved findNewLeader and …
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
gania |
All compiling, WingmanControllers actually find LeaderControllers and …
9 years |
gania |
9 years |
gania |
Wingmen and Leaders look for their leaders
9 years |
landauf |
let orxonox_main depend on plugins too. this means that every plugin …
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
landauf |
fixed build with MSVC14
9 years |
paulsc |
Fixed some errors, fixed teams. @bhatiab: Commenting out lua tags in …
9 years |
paulsc |
Started work on docking. Needs work tho.
9 years |
gania |
9 years |
meierman |
HoverWall introduced
9 years |
hzuellig |
Changing the thexture of the earth.
9 years |
holzerj |
New engine effect
9 years |
bhatiab |
Started Work on includes/fog.lua
9 years |
luhug |
Added Portals to flightTest.oxw
9 years |
bhatiab |
added asteroids
9 years |
luhug |
9 years |
luhug |
Updated flightTest.oxw
9 years |
meierman |
Hover level update
9 years |
bhatiab |
changed the waypoints for the transporter…
9 years |
hzuellig |
testing better earth SVN
9 years |
meierman |
First time with HoverShip
9 years |
bhatiab |
Changed position of Station c
9 years |
bhatiab |
changed health and position of stations
9 years |
bucyril |
Made the code compile
9 years |
landauf |
fixed undefined reference with msvc14 (only occurred in buildmode …
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
paulsc |
Replaced shuttle Waypoints with Billboards and started work on …
9 years |
paulsc |
Made further improvements to events and quests. Some things need …
9 years |
fvultier |
There is now a HUD that shows the status of the weapon system: all …
9 years |
fvultier |
new icons: PNG images
9 years |
fvultier |
new icons
9 years |
fvultier |
9 years |
paulsc |
Started work on narrative notifications
9 years |
paulsc |
Added Station C, started work on events.
9 years |
gania |
Set a layout for WingmanController and LeaderController
9 years |
gania |
refactoring in process
9 years |
bhatiab |
Fixed Coordinates
9 years |
gania |
Diagrams in root
9 years |
gania |
Didn't delete old structure, but intend to replace it with new: …
9 years |
fvultier |
Fixed minor issue in the WeaponsettingsASSF: The left and the right …
9 years |
paulsc |
Uniformized formatting, partially automatically.
The rules are now as …
9 years |
fvultier |
Delete merged branch.
9 years |
paulsc |
Added enemy WaypointPatrolController with Attacher waypoint
9 years |
gania |
added setDesiredPositionOfSlaves() to FormationController, Vector3* …
9 years |
luhug |
Added flightTest.oxw level
9 years |
holzerj |
New particleeffects
9 years |
gania |
hold position in formation with waypoints
9 years |
vaydin |
created new explosion class
9 years |
meierman |
update levelfile
9 years |
bhatiab |
Added Waypoints for Transporter - Coordinates for A, B and the …
9 years |
bhatiab |
Added General Level-structure.
9 years |
bucyril |
9 years |
meierman |
First (emptz) functioning version
9 years |
paulsc |
Added quest structure, spawn trigger and comment sections
9 years |
bucyril |
M src/modules/hover/HoverShip.h
9 years |
bucyril |
Removed custom code
M hover/HoverShip.cc
M hover/HoverShip.h
9 years |
meierman |
new level file
9 years |
bucyril |
M hover/Hover.cc
M hover/Hover.h
M hover/HoverShip.cc
A …
9 years |
meierman |
new basic files added to Hover
9 years |
bucyril |
Copied files from another module
A hover/HoverShip.cc
A …
9 years |
meierman |
new folder for minigame hover
9 years |
gania |
9 years |
gania |
changed AIController → collecting data about spaceships with each action()
9 years |
fvultier |
Fixed bug in the material of a weapon of SpaceshipASSFF2. There is no …
9 years |
gania |
deleted old behaviour of AIController (partly), forced ships to form a …
9 years |
gania |
Old AIController default behaviour is commented out
9 years |
fvultier |
There is now a spaceship that uses the gravity bomb. Minor …
9 years |
paulsc |
Added waypoint-transporter and music
9 years |
fvultier |
Removed EnergyDrink Weapon from SpaceshipASSFF. Improved documentation …
9 years |
hzuellig |
9 years |
hzuellig |
9 years |
bhatiab |
Added Transporter to level…
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS
9 years |
gstalder |
9 years |
paulsc |
First campaing level added
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS
9 years |
meierman |
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS
9 years |
gstalder |
9 years |
meierman |
9 years |
gstalder |
9 years |
maxima |
New branch for PPS.