14 years |
dafrick |
Minor changes.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding menu navigation do DockingDialog.
14 years |
dafrick |
Creating new presentation branch.
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing some tags because the cause warnings for now, might be …
14 years |
marwegma |
Godrays: Implementing in progress.
14 years |
youngk |
Adjusted atmosphere size and added collision damage to planets.
14 years |
msalomon |
The model of the check point
14 years |
msalomon |
RaceCheckPoint type and test level for the spaceRace gametype.
14 years |
sven |
Added docking animations, skeletton for DockingController..
14 years |
simonmie |
New Shield effect added (from tibork), first working BasicProjectile …
14 years |
marwegma |
Safety Commit
14 years |
dboehi |
Updated version of the camera shake effect, now based on sin.
14 years |
ssgier |
finished code for shrinking and growing
14 years |
youngk |
Created a skeleton for the position validation of a stone.
14 years |
sven |
14 years |
dafrick |
14 years |
dafrick |
Now it should work in all cases.
14 years |
dafrick |
Turns out my pervious fix actually induced a bug, this fix should take …
14 years |
anbueche |
improved portals documentation
14 years |
dafrick |
Fixing minor bug. When the InGameConsole was closed you would need to …
14 years |
dafrick |
Resolving bug #380 also for tag.
14 years |
dafrick |
Fixing bug #380.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Don't omit important files when installing the media files.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added forgotten detail in revision 8423 (trunk).
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added automatic data repository checkout for the this tag.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Corresponding 0.0.5 tag for the data repository.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Made a new sub-release, aka tag. We can refer to this as a more or …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Changed current version to 0.0.5 (I think I messed that up last time …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Corrected library version requirements.
14 years |
youngk |
Added portals to earth level. I could not activate the way back (from …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed possible bug (avoid using 'this' in the initialiser list unless …
14 years |
rgrieder |
A classic fix
Orxonox crashed on startup.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed trunk.
14 years |
kmaurus |
several small improvements
14 years |
rgrieder |
Bugfix for log file paths containing non ASCII characters.
Only works …
14 years |
anbueche |
comments added
14 years |
smerkli |
worked on the presentation level
14 years |
dafrick |
Some more changes…
14 years |
dafrick |
Adjusting some debug output with the added bonus of no more Segfaults …
14 years |
smerkli |
added presentation level
14 years |
smerkli |
a little less verbosity, a little more action please
14 years |
smerkli |
14 years |
smerkli |
14 years |
smerkli |
merged spaceboundaries
14 years |
FelixSchulthess |
merged portals branch into trunk
14 years |
anbueche |
portal materials and pictures added
14 years |
anbueche |
comments added
14 years |
anbueche |
comments added
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging tutoriallevel2 branch into tutoriallevel3 branch.
14 years |
dafrick |
New tutoriallevel branch to start testing network in, since in the …
14 years |
dafrick |
Modifying the currently active notification queues.
14 years |
dafrick |
Replacing GametypeStatus overlay with notifications.
14 years |
dafrick |
Moving the Notification class int NotificationManager, since it is …
14 years |
dafrick |
Extending NotificationQueueCEGUI.
14 years |
dafrick |
Resolving some doxygen warnings.
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing editMode stuff, since that doesn't work anymore and that …
14 years |
dafrick |
NotificationListener is new an entity which is informed of new …
14 years |
dafrick |
Fixing typo.
14 years |
youngk |
Adding more textures. Hope this time that the commit will succeed.
14 years |
youngk |
More cleanup
14 years |
youngk |
Cleaning up texture resources. Adding new textures.
14 years |
rgrieder |
New branch to work on so called 'Unity Builds', known in Orxonox as …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed overlay drawing issue with CEGUI 0.7 (thx Crazy Eddie!).
You …
14 years |
youngk |
Update to planet levels to support new meshes.
14 years |
youngk |
Adding stellarobjects textures to resources
14 years |
scheusso |
fixing uninitialised values
14 years |
marwegma |
GlobalGodrayShader added, but not yet finished.
14 years |
sven |
Added simple GUI for docking..
14 years |
ssgier |
working on continuous shrinking
14 years |
decapitb |
added kevins awesome planet meshes
14 years |
mastalde |
added lift_ and stallSpeed_ for better flight behavior without errors…
14 years |
mastalde |
added lift_ and stallSpeed_ for better flight behavior
14 years |
jonas |
model attached, flare stimmt, effect noch nicht…
14 years |
msalomon |
Space Race gamtype with a clock and a set to save the time of the player.
14 years |
dboehi |
Shake effect now depends on the velocity of the space ship
14 years |
decryphe |
- Moved handling of blur effect from Engine.cc to SpaceShip.cc.
- …
14 years |
youngk |
Deleted all non-functioning models and organized the remaining. Added …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Build fix for Ogre 1.6 on Windows.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added and incorporated new class DestructionHelper: instead of doing …
14 years |
dafrick |
Documenting collision shapes in an effort to understand them and …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Hide the PCH_ENABLE_TARGET variables in the CMake GUI (almost never …
14 years |
rgrieder |
MSVC: use the user's vld.ini file for the Visual Leak Detector.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed a bug. But that doesn't really change anything ;(
CEGUI still …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added preprocessor macro UNIQUE_NUMBER which will return a new …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Correction in CMake variable description: MinGW can link always link …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Default link mode for external dependencies should be STATIC for …
14 years |
dafrick |
AnD so should the comment say.
14 years |
dafrick |
ScreenshotManager with gridSize = 1 works again.
14 years |
dafrick |
This should make the ScreenshotManager a lot more memory efficient.
14 years |
rgrieder |
MSVC specific:
Sorted out Visual Leak Detector handling (it's now …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Properly initialise all members in CEGUI. Avoid segfaults when an …
14 years |
rgrieder |
CEGUI seems to throw C strings. We need to catch them as well.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Found a better solution to make the Visual Leak Detector (MSVC …
14 years |
scheusso |
fix for inactive servers/clients
14 years |
scheusso |
fixing a (quite huge) network memory leak
14 years |
dafrick |
Quick fix for ScreenshotManager, such that it only needs memory when …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added MSVC option to install the *.pdb debug symbols files as well.
14 years |
kmaurus |
some adaptations and improvements
14 years |
scheusso |
fixing possible bug with packet ordering
14 years |
scheusso |
fix for Notification Script (bug is in network)