17 years |
landauf |
TclThreadManager should now work with old and new versions of boost. …
17 years |
landauf |
- added colored output in the InGameConsole, depending on the output …
17 years |
landauf |
sync with notebook
17 years |
landauf |
fixed crash when displaying debug-level 4 and 5 in the InGameConsole. …
17 years |
landauf |
removed bug in ConfigValueContainer with default-vector with size zero …
17 years |
landauf |
Added a command-history to the console. you can scroll through all …
17 years |
landauf |
The InGameConsole is now using the new Shell. There's a clear …
17 years |
landauf |
changed ConfigValueContainer to use MultiTypeMath::assimilate and …
17 years |
landauf |
changed some parts of InGameConsole to make it work with Shell, but I …
17 years |
landauf |
- implemented Shell, but not yet linked with the graphical console
- …
17 years |
landauf |
changed InputBuffer, added OutputBuffer and made a first sketch of Shell.
17 years |
landauf |
added TclThreadManager to CorePrereqs.h
17 years |
landauf |
someone likes to chat? well, I do. here's a new IRC client. it …
17 years |
landauf |
added some control commands to TclThreadManager (status, dump, flush) …
17 years |
landauf |
telnet remote control works
type "source remote.tcl" into the ingame …
17 years |
landauf |
even better. i start to like it
17 years |
landauf |
fixed some bugs
17 years |
landauf |
- after a total rewrite of the TclThreadManager, there are some new …
17 years |
landauf |
several changes in TclThreadManager but couldn't yet fix the bug
17 years |
landauf |
added a tcl-thread, but there are still some bugs and problems
17 years |
landauf |
removed a small mistake
17 years |
landauf |
CommandExecutor uses Tcl
17 years |
landauf |
tcl can now initialize itself by loading the *.tcl files from media/tcl
17 years |
landauf |
removed some debug output
17 years |
landauf |
removed some bugs
tcl knows now orxonox
17 years |
landauf |
some changes in commandexecutor and tclbind, but there's still a bug …
17 years |
landauf |
added cpptcl and some first tests
17 years |
landauf |
removed multi-command parsing (~pipe) in CommandExecutor
17 years |
landauf |
no dynamic_cast
17 years |
landauf |
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
created InGameConsole
17 years |
rgrieder |
trunk —> console
17 years |
landauf |
created console branch
copied from code/trunk/src/core:
17 years |
landauf |
removed a warning in ConfigFileManager.h