# ChangeLog for code/branches/steering/cmake/CompilerConfigMSVC.cmake
# Generated by Trac 1.0.9
# Dec 30, 2024, 8:54:35 AM

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:19:26 GMT dafrick [8139]
	* code/branches/steering (copied)

	New branch to work on steering and spaceship behavior improvements.

Sun, 26 Dec 2010 20:07:43 GMT rgrieder [7818]
	* code/trunk/cmake/CompilerConfigMSVC.cmake (modified)
	* code/trunk/cmake/PackageConfigMSVC.cmake (modified)
	* code/trunk/cmake/tools/SourceFileUtilities.cmake (modified)
	* code/trunk/cmake/tools/TargetUtilities.cmake (modified)
	* code/trunk/doc/api/doxy.config.in (modified)
	* code/trunk/src/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* code/trunk/src/OrxonoxConfig.cmake (modified)
	* code/trunk/src/OrxonoxConfig.h.in (modified)
	* code/trunk/src/SpecialConfig.h.in (modified)

	Merged changes related to Visual Leak Detector and source file ...