14 years |
rgrieder |
Delete standard Tcl interpreter bundle when closing the application. …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Manage PawnManager by Scopes. Then the singleton should get deleted in …
14 years |
rgrieder |
New CEGUI (≥ v0.7) doesn't delete the Logger anymore.
14 years |
kmaurus |
several billboards that represent the boundary can be displayed now
14 years |
rgrieder |
Define minimum Windows version we build Orxonox for. That also defines …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed build for MSVC 10: disabling the C++0x features seems a bad idea …
14 years |
dafrick |
Pong CenterPoint should be PongCenterpoint.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Use our own platform macros
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added two missing includes not showing up when compiling with PCH.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Trying to operate a console while there is none is not exactly well …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed mistaken warning message for the case compilations are disabled.
14 years |
rgrieder |
What a surprise: Fixed msvc 8 build again, related to ENet… I wonder …
14 years |
dafrick |
Moving the things done with the eventTemplate into the PortalEndPoint …
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding possibility to have a string of temporaryControls.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Resource::DEFAULT_GROUP has been replaced and …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed build error arisen by the merging.
14 years |
rgrieder |
This stupid bug just seems to hunt me: Fixed ENet build on MSVC 8 for …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged revisions 8098 - 8277 from kicklib to kicklib2.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged revisions 7978 - 8096 from kicklib to kicklib2.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged revisions 7940-7974 from kicklib to kicklib2.
14 years |
rgrieder |
New kicklib branch to make final tests for Windows and Linux with all …
14 years |
kmaurus |
possibility to have several SpaceBoundaries instances in one level added
14 years |
smerkli |
ms-delserver command implemented to kick servers from the master …
14 years |
kmaurus |
Reflectin improved
14 years |
anbueche |
flares as billboard
14 years |
rgrieder |
That was a tricky one: for Orxonox, STL iterator checking was …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Do not merge resources.oxr files to avoid problems at intall time.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Added optional use of install_manifest.txt file (white space separated …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Load Ogre plugins and Orxonox modules with the same path composition. …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed PATH fiddling for module/plugin loading.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Add RPATH for installed libraries too
14 years |
rgrieder |
Honour install prefix
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed kicklib build.
14 years |
youngk |
Changing planets level
14 years |
youngk |
Made the crash reporter work. More or less…
14 years |
youngk |
Integrating automatic crash reporter. Does not work atm.
14 years |
sven |
First working dock example..
14 years |
ssgier |
No Comment
14 years |
dboehi |
Added possibibility to change the frequency of the shaking camera in …
14 years |
msalomon |
First version of the check points.
14 years |
msalomon |
Last changes to the SpaceRace game type.
14 years |
dafrick |
Re-adding tetris module.
14 years |
dafrick |
Something went wrong with the tetris module…
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing some all Pong files.
14 years |
dafrick |
A place to start for tetris.
14 years |
kmaurus |
Pawns that want to leave the area are reflected, one billboard is …
14 years |
anbueche |
portals work pretty good
14 years |
smerkli |
Implemented a list servers command for the masterserver, more commands …
14 years |
smerkli |
Generic witty commit comment
14 years |
smerkli |
fixed acceleration and boost back to normal
14 years |
jo |
I forgot to remove that line.
14 years |
jo |
Drone (almost) doesn't shoot at it's owner anymore.
14 years |
kmaurus |
some comments added
14 years |
dafrick |
Creating new environment branch.
14 years |
dafrick |
Deleting environment branch to create a new one with up-to-date …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Removed config files from individual targets for MSVC because search …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Attempt to fix Ogre plugins for Orxonox installations on Windows.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Zlib should now work again with MSVC < 10.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Resolved problems with different Boost filesystem versions.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Removed support for Boost versions less than 1.40.
14 years |
dafrick |
Streamlining boost.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed run scripts for Windows.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Changes that allow the Visual Studio 2010 dependencies to be used.
14 years |
dafrick |
Minor changes in documentation.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed indentation issues in PrepareDevBundle.cmake by removing the IF …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged revision 8135 to from mac_osx to kicklib branch.
(part 2) …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged revision 8135 to from mac_osx to kicklib branch.
(part 1)
14 years |
dafrick |
Undoing last change.
14 years |
dafrick |
Extending DistanceTrigger (both the normal and the MultiTrigger …
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing old dockingsystem branch.
14 years |
smerkli |
14 years |
smerkli |
yay, works
14 years |
smerkli |
done for today
14 years |
kmaurus |
healthDecreasing added, position of SpaceBoundaries added to the radar
14 years |
FelixSchulthess |
14 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moved portals to modules
14 years |
anbueche |
First steps to use of Triggers and Events
14 years |
dafrick |
Replacing getNick() with getName(). nick_ in HumanPlayer is only …
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging old dockingsystem branch into new one.
svn switch …
14 years |
dafrick |
New dockingsystem branch, to avoid problems when merging it into trunk.
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging trunk into dockingsystem branch to be able to use the recent …
14 years |
sven |
14 years |
dboehi |
Update version of the boost effect,
the camera is rotating up and down …
14 years |
jonas |
model texturiert und ingame eingefuegt
14 years |
sven |
Added getter for nick_ in HumanPlayer
14 years |
sven |
More verbose error handling in Dock
14 years |
simonmie |
Added initialShieldHealth and minor changes
14 years |
sven |
DockToShip and some fixes
14 years |
sven |
DockToShip and some fixes
14 years |
simonmie |
Added maxShieldHealth
14 years |
simonmie |
Added countdown time before shield reload starts
14 years |
dafrick |
Readding spacerace files.
14 years |
dafrick |
New space race branch.
14 years |
dafrick |
Deleiting branch, something is not working.
14 years |
anbueche |
added PortalEndPoint and PortalLink, billboard for endpoint implemented
14 years |
rgrieder |
Build fix for msvc 8.
14 years |
jo |
14 years |
jo |
different colouring to show streams.
14 years |
jo |
removed level file that was pnly supposed for the level creation part
14 years |
jo |
Level for gametype lastTeamStanding.