9 years |
holzerj |
Activation sound effect for mine
9 years |
holzerj |
Added Mine Explosion Sound Effect
10 years |
meggiman |
Added missing Sound files GravityBombFlight.ogg, GravityField.ogg and …
11 years |
thiweber |
made sounds louder and add Explosion2.ogg
11 years |
landauf |
changed filename to lowercase
11 years |
landauf |
removed duplicate sound
12 years |
smerkli |
Added sounds for mjiang.
12 years |
mjiang |
added Laser Sound
12 years |
mjiang |
Changed Default Laser Sound. New Sounds added.
13 years |
dafrick |
Removing files that do not comply with our license.
13 years |
lukasmue |
added fight theme
13 years |
lukasmue |
Added Metal music theme
15 years |
dafrick |
Improved AUTHORS file (added models, lots of authors), names with a * …
15 years |
youngk |
Finally! I cleared all licensing uncertainties concerning the sound I …
15 years |
youngk |
Made the HsW01 sound a little more silent.
15 years |
youngk |
Converted all World sounds to mono, 16bit. Sounds in-game now help you …
15 years |
rgrieder |
Merged altaudio branch back to the data trunk.
15 years |
youngk |
Adjusted a couple of sounds for playability.
15 years |
youngk |
Filled up the Drum and Bass mood. NOTE: None of these songs (except …
15 years |
youngk |
Added Sounds with proper names.
15 years |
youngk |
Uploaded a nice little treat. In the settings menu, change theme to …
15 years |
youngk |
Forgot a sound. Basically just a cut down version of the …
15 years |
youngk |
Button Presses and also an Explosion sound for ships.
15 years |
youngk |
Finished new FX sounds for the Weapons and Rockets.
15 years |
youngk |
Converted mainmenu sound into OGG-Vorbis
15 years |
youngk |
Oops… Put the files in the wrong folder.
15 years |
youngk |
Converted existing songs and sounds to OGG-Vorbis. Added and deleted a few.
15 years |
rgrieder |
Re added audio files with known licence.
15 years |
youngk |
Added Engine sounds and Nebula sound (all 3d sounds)
15 years |
youngk |
Added Two moods (default and dnb) in addition to new music
15 years |
youngk |
Changed selection of ambient sounds. (Deleted files with unclear licensing)
15 years |
youngk |
Sound: Added my first Song (OmikronSystem.wav)
16 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed media folder to trunk.
copied from data/media/audio:
16 years |
erwin |
pong sounds