18 years |
stefalie |
18 years |
wenners |
texture and gui fixes
18 years |
snellen |
debug draw of scripttrigger in cutscene removed
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
bknecht |
cool verticalscroller update
18 years |
snellen |
cutscene finished
18 years |
wenners |
quest guy moved
18 years |
snellen |
the questguis are now started by script
18 years |
bknecht |
Let's cutscene That freakin' stuff works finally. Just have a look
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
patrick |
activating ai
18 years |
bknecht |
hope this one can be used better for testing
18 years |
patrick |
added quest
18 years |
bknecht |
minor changes on the vertical scroller levels
18 years |
stefalie |
mountpoints for zhara added
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
wenners |
new music track
18 years |
bknecht |
bit more vertical_scroller… but KI doesn't work, camera doesn't work …
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
landauf |
die tor-sounds sind erst provisorisch, müssen noch ersetzt werden
18 years |
wenners |
menu placeholders
18 years |
bknecht |
vertical scroller stuff
18 years |
wenners |
18 years |
patrick |
scripts and txt
18 years |
patrick |
scripts and txt
18 years |
wenners |
more light
18 years |
wenners |
second door
18 years |
snellen |
sctipted switch to vertical scroller
18 years |
snellen |
cutscene continued
18 years |
wenners |
second door
18 years |
wenners |
sound changed
18 years |
snellen |
adapted cutscene to new trackspeed
18 years |
wenners |
spaceships added
18 years |
wenners |
different textures
18 years |
wenners |
some NPCs and the quest guy
18 years |
wenners |
door and gun update
18 years |
snellen |
cutscene continued
18 years |
patrick |
track visible also in vertical scroller
18 years |
patrick |
debug draw track in xml
18 years |
wenners |
minor changes
18 years |
snellen |
cutscene continued
18 years |
wenners |
new player model
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
patrick |
weapons for npcs
18 years |
snellen |
continued cutscene
18 years |
snellen |
18 years |
patrick |
no halo
18 years |
snellen |
updated cutscene
18 years |
patrick |
some world and script changes
18 years |
snellen |
18 years |
wenners |
music cleanup
18 years |
snellen |
18 years |
wenners |
quest sign added
18 years |
snellen |
18 years |
wenners |
SS textures moved
18 years |
wenners |
all ships up and fixed
18 years |
snellen |
fading activated
18 years |
snellen |
added track to camera
18 years |
wenners |
all ships fixed, except the first and the last one
18 years |
snellen |
last checkin
18 years |
snellen |
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
bknecht |
finished track in the level. now put enemies along the way and script …
18 years |
snellen |
cuscene.lua added
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
bknecht |
again a bit more of the level
18 years |
snellen |
added CameraMan tag in cut scene
18 years |
bknecht |
18 years |
patrick |
models and stuff
18 years |
bknecht |
some weapons and change of spaceship textures
18 years |
patrick |
added the cutscene level. empty
18 years |
snellen |
levelswitch in spacestation works now in both directions
18 years |
patrick |
planet model
18 years |
snellen |
added switchtotower.lua
18 years |
snellen |
added scripts in sp_level_spacestation1.oxw
18 years |
wenners |
backups removed
18 years |
wenners |
some fixes
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
patrick |
dos2unix conversion
18 years |
patrick |
uncommented the person level
18 years |
patrick |
moving release to new trunk
copied from data/release/levels:
18 years |
wenners |
space station interior added