20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: splitted obj-loader out of the model-class: this will …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: added property that merges the Data-Repository into the …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk/ added sfont library to draw some letters on the screen.
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged branches/parenting back to the.
merged with …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: unstable - minor changes everywhere
20 years |
bensch |
player fixed
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: world fixed (still unstable)
20 years |
patrick |
/orxonox/trunk: cleaning up code, removing uncommenting code
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: resolving segfault on map-change and game-end - yea - …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk/src: state-freeze - redefinig destroy functions, some …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk/src: model changed to low-poly-version 'reaplow.obj/.mtl'
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk/importer: nicer configure.ac
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk/src: new list implemented
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged the ObjectImporter to trunk: merged with
svn …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: implemented a glList for player:
this is for testing …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk/src - BUGFIX: input node now redirected to the right …
20 years |
patrick |
- Added a GameLoader to the game. This enables orxonox to load a …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: minor changes - enhanced sc controll, fixed …
21 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged and copied all files from branches/chris into …
21 years |
patrick |
orxonxo/trunk/src: extended framework: class inheritance, right …
21 years |
bensch |
orxonox/truk: now the rockets are frame-rate-driven
21 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: now the Trunk should be merged with the new Makefile. …
copied from orxonox/branches/automake/src/player.cc:
21 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/autoconf: changed core to src