20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ability to set a Slots Direction
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: some fixeds in the quadtree framework. No debug draw anymore
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: multiple sounds on the turret
this does not really …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: music now plays back, as one would expect, and the …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: orxonox runs again (the TrackManager produces speed)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: extemely stupid aiming, but it works. Had to fix quite …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: moved the fast_factory to a file of its own.
This is …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: FastFactory: gets flushed now → devMail is withdrawn …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: the way, where the fighter flights though is now drawn …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: CDEngine knows player and gets the array offsets
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: the CDEngine now knows the terrain
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: some very little cleanup in the World - make it a …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: remake of the Projectile and TestBullet
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged the weaponSystem back to the trunk, because it …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: debug-information for EventSystem
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: fixed major bug in PNode deletion cycle.
The Node did …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Text is now too a Element2D, and it does not need the …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: the crosshair now renders as element2d
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Element2D added → will be moved to lib/graphics …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: derivation of superclasses is more clear now. lets see, …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: renamed all the \param → @param and so on in Doxygen …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: crosshair in WeaponManager (instead of World) and …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: fight against the mighty segfault
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: loadParams and timing
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: hiding the mouse through the graphicsEngine
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: implemented aim
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: shoots are visible again
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: state is no more singleton, but static class.
This is …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: moved the weaponManager out of Weapon
we have files …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better algorithm to get the position of the crosshair
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Singleton-Classes are now refered to as such in World …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: crosshair in world
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: addChild and setParentMode via XML-loading
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: EngineParticles are now Loaded
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: classList now counts the count of classes
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: cleaned up LightManager, this was quite messy….
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: lights loadable
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: loading fields
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: more loading (especially for physics)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: more loading procedures
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: more loading procedures, fixed small bugs in loadparam
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: some very small change: model runs now
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: some md2 models jumping around the vulcano
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: resized the stoned stones
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: sparkling vulkano: you have to shoot, to make the …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: vulcan spy some Splinters
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: vulcano get some smoke
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: added a ParticleSystem to the vulcano…. one does not …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: nicer font, and now i should reimplement font
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better check for SDL (on linux)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ParticleSystem now able to render Models
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: speeded up the QuickAnimation-getValue-function.
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: SkyBox now loads property size
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: the Sky is farther now
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: 1. timestep different, now the game runs smoother on my …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: some minor stuff
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: loading Terrain via XML
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better output
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: setClassID implemented in all files
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: one can now also tell Singleton-classes
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: derivations work.
now the only thing to do is specify …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: PNode debug info much better now (recursive)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: no more HelperParent. this was one useless peace of sh
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: now PNodes can be rendered in Debug-Mode
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: building the importer-stuff as a lib
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: PhysicsEngine looks better (it speeds up things… but …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: small diffs
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: smoe small optimizations. now font is in front of particles
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: implemented a better backloop-check in the track-system …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged the SoundEngine into the Trunk.
merged file by …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: fixed the bug with the setSavePointS()-function
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: loading of track works just fine now. little problems …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: cycling read-in of parameters should work now… this …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: track: doxy-tags, redesign, and minor speed-update
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: started cleaning up the list classes
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: setMode → setParentMode
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: command node removed from source files
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: pilot node correction in control speed
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: PerParticle-animations work as expected
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: particles: color is animatable too
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: mass and radius are animateable
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: space craft can be controled via keys, nothing new yet
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: work on pilot node continued
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: faster and easier unsubscribe function implemented
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: unsubscribtion from events, after object deatch
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: further work on debug level
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: now shooting and weapon change work again
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: prepeared to implement all system wide commands
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: space ship control works again, now working on system …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: event management now runs with new event-handler: no …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: event_handler subscribe functionality improved
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ok… forces now apply to the right objects, but i …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: now Objects should be affected by the PhysicsEngine too
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: BaseObject virtual public in PNode and Player(for …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ParticleEngine now has a draw-function, that makes sense
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: added the ParticleEngine fix into the trunk
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged branches/physics back to the trunk
merged with …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: working on an alternativ flight mode and a new event …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: added a debug level at the end to be able to experiment …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/trunk: now string name of a class works parallel to the int id …